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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. 8 players released by Arsenal - all from the unknown junior ranks, apart from Almunia who never got a look in during 2011/12. Fabianski is thereby presumably confirmed as Czesny's stand in and there must be a youngster in the wings for number 3. Surprise of the season for me was that Csezny did not lose us any games with his ocassional flashes of over-confidence/stupidity. Has been generally an ok PL goalkeeper (the 8-1 drubbing excepted) and could become a great stopper with age, justifying Bob Wilson's faith in him. I got that one wrong in calling for Czesny's replacement during most of last season.

    [Yes Carmine - I too wish Czesny would keep his gob and his Facebook page shut!]

    Slightly surprised Chamakh has not been put on the list - perhaps Arsene will look for a loan deal to see whether some other PL club down in the nether regions can find his lost spark. Otherwise I guess he can be kept and tried out some more in the dogend cup.

    I'm not sure but I heard a rumor that there's some bad blood between RVP and Chamakh. Would explain a lot if true. I for one cannot believe that a player all of sudden loses all his abilities upon the return of another.


  2. According to a Belgian newspaper Levy from Spurs is in Amsterdam to finalize Vertonghen's signing.

    Another target slips from Arsenal's wish list. Would have been a good partner for Vermaelen in Arsenal's leaky defense.

    However Vertonghen has a habit of dropping the silverware, there's no danger of that at Spurs tongue.png that's maybe the reason why he may sign for them.


    Yet we won silverware far more recently than Arsenal haven't we. smile.png

    I heard a rumour their captain will be off in the summer too carms. That won't do their hopes of silverware much good now will it? whistling.gif

    Aah yes the beercup, forgot abt that one.

    Didn't do KK much good either.

    The captain may go, may not go. If he goes we'll just appoint a new one. Easy peasy. thumbsup.gif

    What abt Harry ? How's his dog ?


  3. A higher standard of living can be achieved for the same cost… I spend a similar amount but have much more enjoyable time doing so.

    So, are things cheaper ? Most are, but it depends how and where you spread your costs with regards to luxuries vs essentials…

    Cars here – ouch !!! but running costs are generally cheaper

    Eating out – Generally cheaper

    Supermarket shopping – Generally cheaper unless going for Luxury imported foods

    Clothes Shopping – Possibly more expensive

    Electronics – Generally Cheaper here (except phones)

    Transport – Generally Cheaper here

    Accommodation – Generally Cheaper here

    Beer – Similar to the UK (Countryside, not London!)

    Nights out – Significantly cheaper here (Whiskey on the table !)

    TV – Similar to the UK for a poorer service

    Phone – Cheaper than the UK for a poorer service

    Education – More expensive (but International school vs UK comprehensive is not an even playing field)

    Beach Holidays – Much cheaper !!

    Skiing holidays – A lot more expensive !

    Good list but don't agree about the clothes buying.

    I need a lot less clothes (one season instead of 4) here than in my home country.

    And I guess that it all depends what your home country is and your personal preferences.

    One thing for sure, I lead a very different life compared to the live I would have in my home country.tongue.png


  4. According to a Belgian newspaper Levy from Spurs is in Amsterdam to finalize Vertonghen's signing.

    Another target slips from Arsenal's wish list. Would have been a good partner for Vermaelen in Arsenal's leaky defense.

    However Vertonghen has a habit of dropping the silverware, there's no danger of that at Spurs tongue.png that's maybe the reason why he may sign for them.


  5. Oman sounds like a decent option and I'd like to give them a try. But.... Their website .................

    Yes their website is like an octopus, it sucks.crying.gif

    I've flown them twice now, once to Frankfurt and once to Paris and both times I booked through their local agents here in Pattaya. One at 82,000 Baht and one at 85,000 Baht

    BTW 2 trips in business class is gold status.

    Don't know abt limousine services because never use them since I always rent a car in Europe at the airport I'm flying to, and in Thailand they all give only 50 or 60 Km's from the airport.



  6. In all my years (20+) in Thailand, I have had so many disappointments staying in smaller hotels, that I now stick to reputable hotels where I'm sure I'll get less bad surprises. It does happen once in a while but the percentage of wonderful experiences has gone up dramatically since.

    I did have some good stays in smaller hotels but these were few and far between, and usually depended on the company.tongue.png


    I should clarify yermanee I don't mean the backpack places more like resorts but with out the high rise building. And these places have all the amenities

    It has also taken many years to find the good ones for sure. And a vehicle is required because they are of the beaten path

    20 to 25 years ago all the smaller hotels (resorts) outside of the big cities (tourist resorts) would be considered backpacker places nowadays.

    But I know what you mean. Can be idyllic and romantic and if that's what you like then go for it.

    Me, I prefer a soft bed in a spacious well appointed room nowadays.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  7. Emirates have priced themselves out of my Budget, they are always more than B125,000 to the UK.

    When I flew Qatar Airlines a few years ago I was disappointed with their seat - although it was flat it was not horizontal, I found that uncomfortable. I have also found some of their lay overs to be rather excessive. Does Qatar now have flat beds that are 100% horizontal ?

    I have been flying Etihad for the past 6 years or so as they have appeared to offer the best prices: B78,500 to B102,500, reasonable connections in Abu Dhabi (i.e. usually around 2 hrs), they offer a car (usually an S Class Merc on the UK side for anywhere within 100miles of the airport), they also have 100% horizontal flat beds, which aren't the best, but they'll do when I'm paying for two tickets.

    Mid June my travel agent is quoting B93,400 to Manchester while Emirates to Birmingham is B140,000 !

    What are the rates have people been getting on Qatar flights to the UK ?

    Qatar are in the same price bracket as Etihad and usually a couple thousand baht cheaper.

    Etihad does indeed have the full flat beds but they are very narrow. Great privacy however.

    Abu Dhabi is easier to transfer because at Doha it is still bus transfers.

    Bangkok to Doha is on the B777 with full flatbeds, A330's have the angled lie flat seats which are indeed a bit less comfortable.

    The difference is in minor details but the overall experience with Qatar is just a little bit better in my personal opinion, one feels just that little bit more exclusive.

    However if the connections with Oman Air are more favorable than Qatar's, I do prefer their business product but mainly because of the seating comfort which is in 1 - 2 - 1 configuration with the best seats I have experienced, but just a tad pricier than Etihad and Qatar.

    It's all a matter of priorities and personal preferences.

    Watch the airlines latest offers in the pinned section of the travel forum, or visit the airlines websites regularly.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  8. In all my years (20+) in Thailand, I have had so many disappointments staying in smaller hotels, that I now stick to reputable hotels where I'm sure I'll get less bad surprises. It does happen once in a while but the percentage of wonderful experiences has gone up dramatically since.

    I did have some good stays in smaller hotels but these were few and far between, and usually depended on the company.tongue.png


  9. after flying with qatar business class 5 times now i feel i have experienced them to the full

    i agree that the 777 is a good business class with the flat beds but the older aircraft and beds are dated and not so comfortable

    the lounge in doha is ok nothing amazing and emirates longe is much better in dubai

    i have had much problems with qatar .. last year they damaged my suitcase and lost property but refused to admit fault and i lost 8000 pounds worth of clothes and watches

    there customer service is dreadful but then which airline had a good customer relationship unless your offering to spend more money

    .. in this time i have never been offered any upgrade or anything even with my miles

    Well it's all a matter of personal preferences I believe.

    I didn't like the Emirates lounge in Dubai, and can tell you horror stories of their security staff.

    Dubai and Emirates never again. I did however enjoy their lounge in Bangkok.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  10. I got prices from Glasgow to BKK with Emirates for around 37500baht, but long stopovers

    Outbound Fri, Jul 20 02:15 PM GLA BKK 12:25 PM 1 stop via DXB (16:10)

    ek.gif Emirates

    Return Sun, Aug 5 09:20 PM BKK GLA 12:35 PM 1 stop via DXB (21:15)

    ek.gif Emirates

    Price on the website is 696.24GBP

    Thanks beano. Yeah that is one of the options I am considering. Glasgow takes longer to get to and more inconvenient than London though!

    I looked at the AMS-BKK flight on ba.com and it routes via London for £760. The flight LHR-BKK is £1200. Crazy!

    On the return flight you could get off at LHR, saves you the trip LHR/AMS.


  11. From experience, they earlier you book the cheaper the flights are. It's simple supply and demand. As the supply of seats dwindles, so prices rise.

    It is not to said you cannot find bargains, but personally I think it is a gamble.

    Are you quite particular on your airline/departure airport/direct vs indirect?

    £900 seems steep.

    I'm flexible on dates departures and happy to take indirect flights as long as there is no Indian stopover.

    Really I would wait for now as the prices even at Xmas don't rise much from £900. That is crazy for July.

    Just curious to know if anyone experienced a late drop due to inability of the airlines to sell a few seats....or more than a few at those inflated prices.

    Thanks again for your reply. wai.gif

    Egypt Air seems to be the cheapest followed by KLM.

    Why not depart from AMS or BRU (Brussels has Qatar and Etihad) ?

    Yermanee wai.gif

  12. Just returned from a short trip to Europe (Brussels) in Qatar Airways business class.

    Overall impression is that it’s still a very good airline, especially when flying their B777 with complete flatbeds.

    However the quality is slipping just a little bit, evident in small details like the amenity kit for example and the A330’s starting to show their age.

    Their new program for frequents flyer’s that enables one to exchange miles for duty free products works a treat. However the monetary value for your miles is quite poor compared to Etihad’s program. Furthermore Etihad gives you the possibility to order online for shipment to your home which is an added advantage over having to personally be at Doha Airport.

    Premium terminal at Doha remains a treat though but the bus transfer can be painfully long.

    That’s it.


  13. Apologies for replying this way, for some reason the Quote and Multiquote buttons don't work for me, possibly because I'm using Firefox ??

    @ yermanee (nice pic by the way ), if QPR were to press charges against one of their own players, I'd imagine that they would have great difficulty getting new signings in the future, which I assume is what you meant. Better for them, from a business and moral point of view, to either suspend him, and give him a massive fine, and a final warning as to his future conduct, or be really brave, and just sack him outright.

    @ StevieH, I don't believe Barton's claim either, but I still think the FA need to carry out a full investigation, and put in new rules to prevent a possible re-occurence in the future, footballers in general aren't bright, but they are street wise.

    @ cardholder, I think that mitigating circumstances (Cantona had been racially abused by the Palace fan), led to a reduction in the sentence.

    Barton is a serial lunatic. I seem to remember him attacking a young Thai boy, when he was on tour here with Everton, and he also put a cigarette out on someone's face as well, if my memory is correct. Being a footballer ( and a very average one at that), should not exclude him from the law, I hope that the FA throws the book at him, and if his club try to defend him, at them also.

    Thanks for your reply and for the compliment re my avatar.

    What I meant was that Barton's behavior and violent temperament are well known in the football world.

    Why oh why contract him in the first place unless you want him to influence your opponents with his violence and fear thereof. (remember Gervinho ?)

    The people that employ such a disgraceful person knowingly are as much to blame as him in my book.

    But that's just me.


  14. I dont know of a single arrest of similar cases in England... (Ferguson was in Scotland when arrested)

    First of all in order for the police to make an arrest, they would need a complainant, (in this case Aguero would need to make a statement and make a formal complaint), Footballers cant be bothered, and then the case goes to court etc etc.

    I remember a few years ago Barton absolutely battered one of his team mates on the training ground (Ousman Dabo)... left him with serious facial injuries.

    He was arrested for that as Dabo did make a formal statement. That was the reason City got rid of him... but at the end of the day he only received a suspended jail sentence... the guy is a complete nutter!!

    What about those that employ him ?bah.gif


  15. I'm pleased to see you lot hate Chelsea as well. You can check our posts from the start of the season...we have hated 'em longer than you though. tongue.png

    has nothing to do with hating Chelsea or not

    but I aint saying no more whistling.gif

    Just back from a short trip to Europe, was in Belgium last sunday so have not seen any of the games but was able to follow on ESPNSTAR.com with their live commentary. Imagine the tension w00t.gif

    We lot here in Thailand don't know how lucky we are with Thai TV (Truevisions).

    BTW smokie Qatar is still very good but slipping just a little bit.

    Anyway back to the EPL, the only thing that I hate about ManC winning is that Clichy and the chinless prima donna bah.gif Nasri now do have silverware. So it wasn't for the money sick.gif after all.

    So to conclude congratulations to the top three oops sorry make that four.tongue.png


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