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Posts posted by yermanee

  1. WBA 2 - Arsenal 3

    St.Totteringsham's day is here at last.



    May i commend you on being so gracious in victory!

    Incidentally why is Wenger such a clown. Screaming and yelling at the 4th official when its an obvious foul, i'm surprised even some of his own players don't tell him to button it.

    Arsenal players did play well under a fair bit of pressure and it serves Redknapp right not to have gone for the three points at Villa.

    So anyway, who will Van Persie be playing for next season because he wants to win silverware doesn't he?

    Thank You !!!

    Now tell me that you wouldn't have gloated if it had been the other way around.

    Regarding Wenger, I bet you would switch Harry with him in the blink of an eye.

    But anyway here's to Chelsea losing to Bayern thumbsup.gif


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  2. On the other hand Rice expressed his discomfort at running the team in periods when Wenger was banished from the touchline. Damaging if you have an ever-exploding manager who seems to want to pick a fight with European football authporities at every turn.

    I think that it's the other way around. Michel Platini is a vindictive kind of guy that can't stand criticism.

    There are managers out there that are alot more explosive than Wenger and never get punished.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  3. My profile is probably the least inspiring of them all.

    However that doesn't mean anything else than that I value my privacy more than anything else.

    I noticed that you draw conclusions from peoples profile. May I ask why ?

    Yermanee wai.gif

    We can never really know our fellow man but we garner what we can from what is available. Without the normal visual and auditory cues of everyday life, online we are limited to what people write and how they write it. The profile is part of that.

    We are social creatures by design so perhaps that has something to do with why I draw conclusions. I’m not sure conclusion is the right word though, as it implies finality and something definitive. Online the best we can do is make an educated guess which then might help to guide our actions until proven wrong.

    An educated guess might be correct for some of them but my guess is that you're completely wrong for most.

    No offence intended.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  4. My profile is probably the least inspiring of them all.

    However that doesn't mean anything else than that I value my privacy more than anything else.

    I noticed that you draw conclusions from peoples profile. May I ask why ?

    Yermanee wai.gif

    i love your profile picture. i look at your avatar a hell of lot longer than others. shes pretty. tongue.png

    Yeah, isn't she ?

    And when you finish the beer she looks even prettier thumbsup.gif


  5. The Thai starch comes in hand pump spray bottles and is just as good as the European aerosols. It is available everywhere. The one I use is called fineline and comes in a pink spray bottle.

    Thanks !

    Have used Fineline before I discovered the double starch spraycans, and I can asure you that the difference is enormous not only in the crispy feel of the cotton but also in the ease of ironing.

    If I cannot find the spraycans then Fineline it will be.

    Thanks again.


    I know there are different colours of fineline I am not sure if they are different strengths or just different scents?

    I believe scent only !


  6. The Thai starch comes in hand pump spray bottles and is just as good as the European aerosols. It is available everywhere. The one I use is called fineline and comes in a pink spray bottle.

    Thanks !

    Have used Fineline before I discovered the double starch spraycans, and I can asure you that the difference is enormous not only in the crispy feel of the cotton but also in the ease of ironing.

    If I cannot find the spraycans then Fineline it will be.

    Thanks again.


  7. Hi Guys,

    I like my shirts starched, and until recently always bought the spraycans at Carrefour.

    Now BigC-Extra doesn't have them anymore.

    Have looked in Lotus to no avail.

    Any idea where I can find ?

    Thanks beforehand.thumbsup.gif

    Yermanee wai.gif

  8. Wow 10 O.R for a puff, now that's what I call desperate

    First of all, it's my money, and secondly I don't drink except the occasional glass of wine.

    Nothing desperate about it. My comfort zone includes all my vices

    Yermanee wai.gif

  9. Thanks very much OP, very interesting and informative.

    I have an account with Bangkok Bank however I like spreading he risk of loss through theft so I normally travel with 5 or 6 cards, plus my BKK account, plus cash. I like the idea of firing 30.000 baht cash onto this card on arrival, especially if there are discounts to be had.

    Thanks for that info.


    Very interesting indeed.


  10. Just a note, Etihad use Phuket on their website, there are currently deals that can be booked until 4th May.

    Not sure if they use a codeshare from HKT, or go direct to Abu Dhabi.

    Just answered my own question they use Air Berlin

    Friends of mine were booked with air berlin direct to duesseldorf for this month.

    have been re-booked BKK/AUH with Etihad and connecting with Air Berlin to Duesseldorf. 3 hrs in AUH.

    Basically AB do not fly BKK anymore.



  11. No smoking room is a major minus. Cheers for that! tongue.png

    Yes, very annoying that one has to dig deep to find any info at all on smoking on Airport's websites.bah.gif

    As if 30 percent of the world's population do not count in the grand scheme of things.sad.png



  12. Yermanee

    is that Plaza Premium lounge available to all upon payment?

    Yes, 3 Hrs = 10 OR (flexible, last time stayed longer no problem)

    5 Hrs = 15 OR

    Credit cards accepted so no need to change currency

    Snacks, alcoholic beverages etc. included. Quite pleasant atmosphere.

    Yermanee wai.gif

  13. it is QATAR, no U.

    Yes they are good, I always look on www.airlinequality.com to see the latest reviews about Airlines and also Airports.


    I have a FF account with them and have enjoyed all of my flights with Qatar. I am hoping someday to fly business class, as apparently they're lounge in Doha is superb.

    They're also very competitive price-wise on the BKK - European routes.

    In Doha a long stop over in their biz lounge is a breeze. I particularly enjoyed the rack of lamb on my last visit! smile.png

    Vastly superior to anything else out there. Including Emirates biz. Oman sounds interesting though...I may have to give 'em a try!

    Oman air business class :

    BTW business lounge in Muscat NO smoking room. The Plaza Premium lounge next door has a smoking room and costs only 10 Omani R.



    • Like 1
  14. papers from the court to say that the marriage is now closed (they are legally divorced)

    The woman has to pay the 50euro fee.

    If not in agreement then they have one month to write to the court in German to explain the reasons why

    Correct !


  15. Oman Air seem to be an upcoming airline, and sometimes quite cheap. I would choose between the two of them if I could, but last time had to choose the dreaded BA.

    Have flown them both in business class. In the air Oman wins. Each row has only 4 seats. Food is comparable, although Oman does not give the at any time option. Airport in Muscat is smallish so the bus trip to the terminal takes only 2 - 3 minutes whereas in Doha can be painfully long. Premium terminal in Doha wins over Muscat. Qatar use Thai lounge in BKK whereas Oman have their own (really nice) lounge.

    Lounges in Europe depend on which destination you fly to.

    The price of Oman Air is usually higher than Qatar, but not by much and the difference in comfort level inflight is worth it for me, unless Qatar comes with a very interesting promotion fare.


  16. You can spout all the vitriol you want guy's, fact is that St. Totheringham's day is not far off.

    Oh and how many years has it been now, 51 and counting I believe.giggle.gifclap2.gif

    Yermanee wai.gif

  17. You have to actually give your credit card details BEFORE the final price is given, and that in my book is at the very least misleading.

    That statement is misleading. The final daily price appears to the left of a TOTALLY BLANK form where you supply your charge card information. The fact that it is in a smaller, lighter colored font isn't bait and switch or deceptive trading.

    After you have IGNORED that, filled in the charge card details and hit 'Next' there's a LAST CHANCE page where the entire booking details and charges are displayed.

    When you have IGNORED that and hit the 'Go' button, then and ONLY then can you complain about the fact that YOU IGNORED the pricing checks clearly presented at each stage of making the booking.

    Are we clear now?

    Let me remind you that in the movie "A few good men" Jack Nicholson lost on the basis of that sentence.

    Probably we have different views over qualities I value very dearly in companies I deal with : Openness and honesty.

    So be it.

    My conscience is CLEAR,


  18. ^^ So we are agreed that attention was not paid to details and judgement on a good price was based on the 'sticker price' displayed on the opening page. Furthermore, we are agreed that the website's clear statement of actual daily prices was missed somehow but please, please don't say that agoda ripped you off because you didn't pay attention to how the prices were displayed. There is no bait and switch and there never, ever have been hidden fees, markup or tacked-on fees by agoda. There is no way that the 'sticker price' increases by a factor of 3 unless you are too dim to see that the 'sticker price' on the initial selection page clearly says, and I quote, "from THB xxxx per night". Note is says "from" and "per night" so how anyone can construe that price as the actual total and final price that will be paid is beyond me.

    You have manned up and admitted that you missed the price notices and 'overpaid', just don't say that agoda intentionally misled you into paying more than you expected to pay.

    I understand that you don't think Agoda's pricing is misleading, because you are savvy enough to not be fooled by it.

    What I don't understand is that you don't give a thought about other people that are not as computer savvy as you are.

    You have to actually give your credit card details BEFORE the final price is given, and that in my book is at the very least misleading.

    Then ask yourself why their other booking engine ( same company) Booking.com manages to give an all-in price as from the first page.


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