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Everything posted by CharlieH

  1. Was it assault, yes ! Was it warranted Yes ! I dont care who you are or what the occasion, you run your mouth and insult someones wife, there will be consequences. Add to that rhe difficult relationship issues they have had recently its no wonder he jumped to her defence so publicly.
  2. Surprising the amount of people who eat because its a certain time of day, rather than because they are hungry.
  3. All discussed at length in the BANKING forum. MOVED.
  4. Assuming you can get in front of one and not trying to do it online or from another location. ????
  5. Sizes; Pretty meahingless using letters, they vary way too much by country and even more by who made it. Best used as an "indication" of approximate size, nothing more. Production. Mass produced by the thousands naturally will drive the price down.An individual custom made shirt is not going to be a cheap item.There is alot of work involved. If you already have a shirt that fits comfortably, take the measurements directly off that and have it reproduced, you'll know its gonna fit. Material. Thailand is awash with fabric, there are areas, particularly in Bangkok are designated purely to fabric.You can get nice material and a wide choice, browsing in that area. Design. Browse the internet for images of what you actually want to achieve. You get what you pay for ! No one is going to produce a Custom shirt for under 800 baht thats any good.(generally). Sometimes its better and more cost effective to buy something you like in a larger size and have it altered to fit you. There are many skilled machinists here who can produce good work, the trick is finding them .????
  6. Could posters resist the impulse to make personal/sarcastic remarks please.
  7. Please take care when posting. Oversized font posts will be removed.
  8. These mysterious calls seem to be doing the rounds at the moment, both me and the wife have had them. Recorded message and then requiring a menu selection. We ignore them and hang up!
  9. Totally agree, but love it and restrict myself to oncs a week. Mangoes on the other hand are a regular this time of year and I eat a couple per week.Great chilled sliced n diced or liquidised as a refreshing drink too.
  10. Kerry Flash Express Best Ninjavan Seem to be the most prevelant (via Lazada anyway) as usual I dare say regions will vary. Everytime I go to the Post Office (in the past month or so) its like a ghost ship !
  11. Leave it alone ! You should be tied to a post and publicly FLOGGED !
  12. Had similar, went swampy to Mochit.Meter was going at a stupid speed.When stopped at Mochit I told him I wasnf psying and he should call the nearby Policeman. He refused and asked what I would pay, I told him same I always pay X he said ok. ????
  13. Puerly for information, expired or no licence fine is generally 200 baht .????
  14. Didnt suggest otherwise. I meely gave my opinion on what should be done with people who admit it.
  15. Cant knock someone for using established assets to promote the business. Good for her ! Other companies etc hire "pretties" so whats the big deal.
  16. Apart from the creepy sillouette guy wandering around late at night, I would say its frogs/toads usually louder after a recent thunderstorm /downpour. ????
  17. I dont think the amount is the issue, its the principal of being charged double !
  18. Report a Bangkok Taxi to the Land Transport Department Hotline on ph # 1584. .
  19. Those cars look like there from the 80's ! There are no morals where money or much else is concerned.
  20. If he admitted it, there is no doubt, therefore he should be executed immediately. Take a life, you lose your own ! Simple. No further cost or inconvenience to anyone ever again.
  21. Reported post and responses removed.

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