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Harry Palmer

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Posts posted by Harry Palmer

  1. i looked into this quite a bit when i found out my child would be a boy. according to everything i've read and been told by the medical community, there is no medical benefit to circumcision. it is purely a cultural ritual - call it "Male Genital Mutilation" in the same spirit of african female genital mutilation. the only possible reason i could think of to have it done was to make sure he 'looked like' all the other teen boys in the grammar-school changing room. so madame palmer and i decided not to have him circumcised...

    note that there is an estimated 40% loss of sexual pleasure caused by circumcision. i'm sure he'll thank me when he gets older :o

  2. Please end your life.

    i just checked out the stats. for that link & it would seem that someone whose ip address is registered to one 'fatter than harry'... spent two minutes browsing boy image number 14... what could fatso been doing for a whole two minutes? isn't he one of the 30 seconders??? :o

  3. Sigh.

    Palmer. It says many, many things. 

    Mostly it says:



    only trying to liven up what i thought might be a dull thread... it worked :D

    didn't do too well on the test :o

    <img src="http://images.quizilla.com/1033483255_dersotired.jpg" border="0" alt=""><br>Don't you have something better to do than take<br>this test, mister popular?

    Go read a book and flunk a test. I hate you. Don't<br>forget what large numbers of

    stupid people can do. Large numbers of stupid<br>things.

    <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/dirtyground/quizzes/The%20Lonely%20Lonely%20Sad%20Bastard%20Test/"> <font size="-1">The Lonely Lonely Sad Bastard Test</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>

  4. most thai people (and especially women) will dote on babies and small children (especially if they are farang looking) wherever you go, making for a sort of informal nanny service. also, most kids will have little trouble finding thai playmates...

    fresh or powdered milk is widely available and familiar brands of baby food can be found in any supermarket. when ordering thai food for children, be sure to specify “mai sai prik” (don’t put in chilies)...

    be sure the kid keeps her hands clean – microbes thrive in the tropics. you may want to carry soap with you since many public toilets don’t provide any. rabies is fairly common, so playing with the dogs or cats on the street should be strictly forbidden. be sure to apply insect repellant at all times of the year, but especially in the rainy season, since children are particularly susceptible to dengue fever, which is carried by mosquitoes...

    unlike the padded world of the west, thailand has a number of hazards such as open manholes, and unfenced swimming pools, so keep a close eye on the sprog...

    baby seats are not required by law in cars, so there are very few around. if you consider this essential equipment, you’ll have to consdier bringing a decent one with you...

    Harry Palmer - Teacher/ Doctor & general Expert on all matters in the LoS :o

  5. you are like a little itch that you just want to scratch- but can't quite reach.

    sorry you have an itch but it's no good blaming me... it's probably the result of you consorting with women or perhaps men of extremely low-repute...

    causes of an itch in men include:


    Pubic lice


    Herpes simplex virus: more often painful but may be itchy

    suggest you pay a visit to the doctor, but wait until after dark in case you're recognised... :o

  6. Have any of you long termers tried to get a potential GF to go to the Dr to be chwecked for STD's? Any Luck? I know it maybe stupid with a lot of butterflies around but at least it could be a safe starting point.

    if you are suspicious enough of her to want to get her checked over then ask yourself whether she is really the sort of girl you should be dating?

    anyway just to be on the safe side it's best to get them tested every month cos they have can quite quickly fall back into bad habits :o .. but by then it'll probably be too late cos you'l have got it already...

  7. they say we are what's in our pockets... once in a play in grammar school, my character was supposed to pull a frog from his pocket... now i took a dare to haul out a roll of toilet paper - it got rave reviews :o well i've changed some but my pockets haven't... in mine i carry a wallet, red rag, 3 rings of keys (even though i hate to lock stuff), 2 pens and a pencil, assorted cards and recipies, smokes & lighter, some change, a leatherman & a stanley knife, assorted nails & screws, 3 combination wrenches (7/16", 1/2" & 9/16") 10-ft steel pipe & a tire-lever... does that say anything?

  8. I'm currently in the process of making the necessary arrangements for my thai gf to apply for her fiancee visa to move to the UK with me. Shes got all the paperwork now, money in her account, evidence or our relationship etc, just has to get time to get to Bangkok and lodge the application now.

    We've been planning to set up in London and one thing has been bugging me, however, and what health cover exisits for her in the UK if shes there on a finacee visa? We're not planning on getting married until at least 6 months in the UK (extent of the visa) so for that time she'll be living with me as my finacee. What is the situation in the UK with regards to health care for someone in her situation? Do we need to arrange some insurance or private cover? If so, is that better done for her in Thailand or once we're in the UK?

    I've been out of the UK for 5 years now but know that I'm obviously able to see a GP and get medical attention on the NHS if I'm ill or in an accident. I'm worried that if anything happens to my gf in the UK we'll have a problem. Any comments appreciated.

    can't give you a definitive answer but i wouldn't worry too much...

    just take her down to the GP's surgery & register both of you at the same time... i don't think they will make a fuss as long as she has a valid fiance visa in her passport... i don't ever reckon they will ask to see it... as long as you have an address within their catchment area then no worries...

    if in doublt clarify the matter with the brit. embassy when you make the visa app.

  9. ...thai women are often described as 'slim, sun-burnt and sweet ... masters of the art of making love by nature.' ... exotic and docile... there's the perceived mystique of the Asian woman - beautiful, obedient, available... just how does a young thai woman, normally very shy, dance naked in front of strangers or sleep with them?

    ...such qualities appeal to foreigners; a "sexile" or a "sexpatriot," many are reduced to buying a bit of affection, some excitement, illusions of comfort and consolation. maybe some have a contempt for britain, where, they say, everyone has gone soft, men are no longer men and women have got too assertive...

    A United Nations study of a thousand Thai prostitutes revealed that a quarter were regular users of speed, barbiturates, and heroin.

    whether foreign or local, men are willing to use the women to satisfy their sexual needs at an incredible rate. often without regard to disease or any common moral restraints, including age...

    food for thought perhaps...

  10. Maybe harry could tell us how many languages he speaks and writes fluently ???

    as a matter of fact my degree is in 'linguistics'... i speak several languages fluently... i guess i just have natural talent....

    for me a good italian novel is preferable to visiting those nasty vice dens in the phat phong road... adrian.gif

  11. i can recommend the services provided http://www.gogoflorist.com/photoback.htm

    they also provide a 'PhotoBack service' which is a more personal way to have flowers and gifts delivered anywhere in thailand and at any time, day or night.

    when they deliver the flowers or gift they can take a digital picture of the recipient and take a written feedback message from them. the picture and message can then be emailed back to you...

    perhaps a photo of your gf bouncing up & down on a fat germans 'plumbing', whilst orally pleasing his grandfather at the same time... & an apropriate message... 'thinking of you' .... :o

  12. i though prostitution was illegal in thailand, but when you hear about what goes on in places like pat pong.. and the gov't is doing nothing about it cos it brings in a lot of money for them, one wonders? it's ruining the countries reputation abroad... we get too many people coming here for the wrong reasons... :o

  13. i think you'll find that turkey is out of season in bkk at this time of year...

    according to my contact in the thai secret service :o

    turkey season is sept. 30 2004 - jan. 15, 2005

    sales hours are one-half hour before sunrise to sunset in foodland...

    restrictions apply though...

    gobblers and turkeys with visible beards ONLY may be purchased...


  14. i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


    I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

    or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

    You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

    PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

    I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

    i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

    It Shows, you should stick to the "Jokes Make my day" section where you were posting every ten minutes when you first became a memeber :D

    And to answer your question, I would Marrry Anyone I was in LOVE with.

    Tell me if I had been (not to say I was not) a "Male escort" in Farangland would that have seriously limited my chances of marriage?

    but if it was a prostitute.. how do you know she loves you? doesn't it matter that she may have been having her furrow ploughed by all & sundry for months or years in many cases? good on you if that's what you want... but don't get stressed when i suggest it's not for all...

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