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Harry Palmer

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Posts posted by Harry Palmer

  1. now i had a problem as a kid & had to have several of me teeth out.. so now i have big gaps.. and it really annoys me cos those little toothpicks in the rahn-ahans, are just too small... what should i do?

  2. Another problem with the "all-private" way is that although the money is good, it's hard to explain on a resume and doesn't come with a good paper trail, assuming you ever do want another job. I find it best both for legality and career to have a "real" job with privates only supplementing it.


    but TiT... just fill in the resume gaps with such things as a vacation.. or perhaps teaching sudanese refugees english in the sudan... they are hardly going to check now, are they?

    anway the thread is supposed to contain info. to aid those wishing to do part/ full time private work... although points made about it's legality or otherwise are relevant...

  3. Sun effects hair growth, wear a hat. Harry how old are you now.

    This also effects your situation.

    I am 50 and I guess lucky. I still have mine getting a little thinner but overall still there.

    Asked my father once will I go bald and his remark was you have very little hair on your chest you will still have it on your head when you are old God rest the man he was right to some extent.

    i'm about 250 in dog years :o

  4. most of us work a country blighted by sex-torists, ppl. with red cars & litter louts... lets put our heads together & think of interesting & imagineable ways of reducing the output of household waste... i will award a TV quote of the day for the best idea... :o

    if you are the thrifty, crafty, type why not follow these simple instructions and create a bra for a loved one from a tesco lotus plastic bag?



    in the above example a male 'friend' modelled the fully made garment...

  5. i always shy away from ordering any of the monkey dishes... just how does one eat a monkey? should they be accompanied with spoicy or sweet sauce?


    ps... thats a pic. of dave & his family sitting down to dinner last night... yeah dave likes to wear girls jewelry :o

  6. i reckon bulldog deserved it :o

    more importantly.. i own alcohol, & I want to know what happens if you get banned from the alcohol forum? if you get banned, as an owner of alcohol does that mean no more tech support? no more lifetime updates?

  7. would that be the trans-sexual Ning working in the katoey bar downstairs at the Nana? great knockers..  :D

    go there often do you...? Must be a regular if you know their names... :o

    no toastie old man... it's that bkk barney poster, he was tellin me all about the going on in there.. i think he's selling picture postcrads of tranny ning, if any one is interested :D

  8. The guy in his shorts and T shirt trying to get a tourist visa for his 3 week old GF who only work bar 3 days?

    'his 3 week old gf'... really... isn't that sort of thing against the law... shame on that applicant... just another example of expoitation that the 'Harry Palmer Foundation' will be contacting amnesty international about...

    bar grils should'nt be allowed entry visas to other coutries.. but that's another thread :o

  9. harry u are not allowed to give them to urself, an admin has to give u them u ginger haired obese freak. :o

    yes but who better to judge a decent post than moi, really!

    where do you get the idea that i am a ginger fatty? justy because one enjoys ladies lingerie doesn't make one a freak...

  10. i feel we have gone off topic here somewhat... we need some more input from the beavers & the otters... not to mention the butt contingent... :o

    i am genuinly shocked by the great number of western men with their young thai women. isn’t this flagrant economic exploitation? western men visiting thailand for sex holidays certainly take advantage of the thais’ abasement and hankering for western wealth and lifestyle – a blind yearning that turns many thai women into active participants in their own exploitation...

    fyi, mai pen rai is often interpreted in the wrong context. the term actually reflects the surplus society of the past, not a lackadaisical attitude...

  11. In my travels in various countries, I've come across the notion that there are two main types of foreigner leading this semi-permanent exile life that many of us do.

    1.  THE SELF-EXILE:  This type has voluntarily left a position in his home country, often but not necessarily a position of some advantage, to live abroad in a nation which is not his own- in which the language, the culture, and the physical environment are unusual to him and cause endless trouble as he adapts- but where he finds any or all of the following:

    a.  interesting new kinds of people and things

    b.  freedoms (and restrictions) unlike those in his own country

    c.  the psychic freedom to escape an identity entangled with the citizens of his home country

    d.  an absence of the noxious elements of the home country

    2.  THE EXILED:  This type has run away or escaped from his home country, usually either to escape a bad situation or after repeated failures of various sorts, sometimes resulting from psychological or sociopathic problems.  It's usually not perceived as being his own fault- "all these Brits have it in for me"- but acknowledged that the change of scene will lead to personal advantage.  The good points for this type are:

    a.  Nobody knows exactly how screwed up they were back home

    b.  It's very hard for foreign nationals to tell how screwed up they are when speaking a second language

    c.  The opportunity to disguise sociopathy as "foreign difference"

    d.  There's always another country to run to when [country name] doesn't work out.

    The ironic result of this is that most long-term expats avoid meeting unfamiliar faces, because they're afraid of meeting the opposite type.  The Exiles don't want to run into the chronically sociopathic Exiled, who don't want to meet the Exiles in turn (whom they secretly know expose them for the screwed up types they are- even if the Exiles are too polite to say anything, the feeling of exposure seems bad enough for some of the Exiled).

    Some of my best and most interesting friends have been among the former group.  And some of the worst and most troubled, nightmarish souls I've encountered were among the latter.


    The Exiles:

    1.  My friend A., a talented teacher, painter, and martial arts student I met in Japan.  He's one of the most socially attuned people I've ever known; he can read people in seconds and is almost always right.  He's funny and articulate, and one of the most loyal and dependable people I know.

    2.  My friend R., a musician and composer of some note, who has spent most of the last decade or so running around in various parts of Asia.  He's devastatingly witty and bright and British in that old style that's getting hard to find (so I hear) even in England- and a warm, wise fellow.

    The Exiled:

    1.  I once met a fellow, D., in my apartment building in Japan.  He was the first full-blown schizophrenic I think I've ever met (excepting the homeless in the big cities in the U.S.).  When he knew other people were around, he seemed more or less normal- when no one was in sight the conversations with (others?) started.  Sometimes he would be walking along shouting to no one in particular.  We would hide around the corner in the lobby of the building and listen to him sitting talking one side of a conversation- scary stuff.  The Japanese in the building became so frightened of him he was evicted (a very unusual event).  The sad thing is that he was still seriously applying for jobs (he'd just arrived) and had a resume set up as a former journalist-  I can imagine the chain of events.  He becomes unstable at work in the U.S. and they're forced to fire him, but no one's close enough or rude enough to tell him the truth about his problems.  At subsequent interviews, the interviewer can see he's unsuitable and probably ill- so he eventually decides it's the COUNTRY that's the problem, and heads off to Japan!

    2.  A whole crowd of the people I've met abroad are completely socially dysfunctional in various ways- abusive, withdrawn, unable to maintain friendships, keep jobs, manage their money, keep a relationship going- in a chronic fashion, month after month, their whole life seems more about damage control (and damaging others) rather than living.  I've been forced to work and live with a few of them, and it's not pretty.  How about another D., whom I worked with in a Japanese school for 2 years, and at the end of that time none of the Japanese nor I were speaking to him unless it was absolutely necessary?  He didn't understand the words "cooperation" or "negotiation," and in meetings if he didn't get all his way he would throw a shockingly childish temper tantrum.  I met his wife and she seemed to know there was a problem- I felt sorry for her.  I don't think he had any friends after all his time there (though he didn't seem particularly eager to go back home either).  Or what about Lars, a German intern who would fart and belch loudly in public (and comment on it) and blow his nose on the lobby dustcloths when he felt like it?  Guess what his internship was for- DIPLOMATIC TRAINING!  [he once commented- one of the few things I liked him for- that his country and Japan "went way back together."]  Or the American ex-marine who shouted at his new Japanese boss on the phone for "not being able to speak ###### English?"

    Sorry for being so long winded.  Do you guys agree that the people who stay abroad for long periods of time tend to divvy up into these two groups, or is my generalisation too simple?  Examples, comments?



    have one of these ijwt, ginger aint got one, i shall read the rest of ur post over the next week or two :o

    wrong again bkk barney.. check the link :D:D:D


    i have submitted ijwt's post to the guiness book of world records... they are considering it under the category of most boring ever :D only teasing ijwt...

  12. My overall impression of your post is that you hang-out with too many Englishmen -like Harry Palmer...


    sir, i stopped hangin out with englishmen ages ago... i new concentrate on saving katoeys... :o but competition has been 'stiff' lately what with bkk barmy buying his little red car... i am looking at buying a tandem, are there any good outlets in BK?

  13. this is not a womans car, its a car that makes women hot,hot,hot,and really hot.


    well maybe you should spend an extra few quid & get it fitted with air-con....

    i heard that the only ones you were interested in getting excited were the katoeys :o

  14. i've been thinking of only teaching private students after my current contract is up...

    i have a few other making money ideas that i'm going to be testing out as possibilities in the months leading up to this... (both myself & madame palmer make clothes and i've seen stores in silom etc. selling similar creations at prices much higher than i would charge, so i'm thinking of selling online or to the stores directly)...

    but i'd also like to get into the private student ELT market in BKK as well. i realize that it's going to take time to build up a client base, and i figure that it shouldn't be too hard to find a 'real job' if things don't pan out the way that i'm hoping...

    what experiences both good & bad have you guys had with going the private route?

    where to start with advertising, where to teach - home or rent space, how much to charge etc.

  15. i would never get liposuction done. it's not simply a question of inserting a syringe and sucking out the fat. it is indeed dangerous, people have even died after having even small volume liposuction done! i want to be thinner, but not at the cost of my life!

  16. Harry, the plain truth of the matter is you cannot buy 'Sex Aids" in Thailand. Annne Summers would make a fortune if they could open a shop in BKK.

    touchable.com sell a very wide range of sexy undies via e-mail and will post abroad, as for sex aids, well you just have to go back home to get them :o

    well TP... i didn't exactly mean 'big black schlongs' when talking about sex aids... i was realy looking for a retail outlet that could supply tubes of 'emotion lotion' :D

    i don't like to but my lingerie via the e-mail... it's important that i have a chance to feel & smell the garments before i buy... you can see the sense in that.. can't you? :D

  17. Just arranged for a visitor Boss Tower, mentioned above.

    They offer 32 sqm Baht 8900(11400), 41 sqm Baht 13000(15500), Suite 78 sqm B 20K(23000) per month. In brackets with services, 3 times cleaning and 1 time bed linen changing per week. excl. VAT, Electr. Water and phone.

    rent over 6 months, 5% discount

    with all that semen that amorous farangs & their concubines like to spread around the sheets, you'd think they would want to change them more than once per week :o

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