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Harry Palmer

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Posts posted by Harry Palmer

  1. usually i would read a post like this & assume you were trolling... but i have decided to give you the benefit of the doubt as you've seemed like a good bloke in the past...

    without knowing her medical history or in what way she was operated on, i wouldn't hold out much hope of useful advice from the shower on this board... i mean if she had had an hysterectomy, then you've got no chance of having kids with her... once part or all of the womb has gone, that's it...

    get to the hospital & seek proper medical advice.... :o

  2. i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


    I suppose your missus is as pure as the driven snow Harry,?90% of us Farangs living here have either strong relationships or good marriages with ex "prostitutes" as you so kindly call them. I know your missus is Thai, so I guess we must get down and worship at the feet of Mr Palmer as you are the one of the one-in-ten

    or are you in denial and just dont want to admit the truth,? I reckon that's it-eats you up does it not? Can't bring yourself to face up to facts eh Harry? Seems to me you have a big ego Harry, and you like "mugs" like us to feed it.

    You dont sound like a one in ten to me. :o

    PS I used to respest your posts, I will skip over them in future if you would be so kind to allow an imbicile like me who married an ex-bar girl to do so

    I have edited this post so I do not get banned. But if I had one of your "bloody spears" guess where I would be sticking it?

    TP - you're playing games with me... i didn't condem you or your like for using a prostitue for anything other than a evening of pleasure... i merely stated that in my opinion the chances of it lasting were low... you mean i can't state an opinion that might upset folks... c'mon....

    madame palmer was as pure as the driven before we got together (not actually married yet though).. sure i indulged in a little pleasure with the odd prostitute before i met her but i never really considered anything other than a respectable girl to settle down with...

    tell me... would you seriously consider a relationship let alone marriage to a prostitute in your own country? so why here then?

    i'm only here for a laugh and a joke... a pint & a smoke...

    ouch that spear hurts... :D

  3. uhmmmm... there are quite a few challenges associated with selecting a bike for small people (usually women, since women are generally smaller than men). they boil down to the fact the the bike needs to allow the rider to stand over the bike easily & have handlebars that are high enough and close enough that you don't have to stretch for them...

    fortunately madame palmer's height of 5'8" enables us to go for bike rides around issan on our family tandem...

  4. Many Thai ladys ( not working girls), refuse to wear g-strings.......im wondering why this is ?? Where i come from in farang land, alot of girls wear them....is this a Thai thing ????......its no good....coz unlike farang girls, of whom the most are over-weight......Thai girls are so dam sexy and have the body ........

    wonderful nik...

    are you seriously wondering why so many thai ladies refuse to wear a g-string?

    they are not all they're cracked up to be & i should know... :o as an experiment i wore madame palmer's g-string panties to school one day... and at the end of a hard days teaching, i came to the conclusion that wearing crotchless g-string panties for an extended period of time is a bad idea. it's not that my special parts were lacerated, but they were invaded by things with the potential to lacerate... those elastic bands seemed to have some difficulty deciding where they wanted to be...

    crotchless g-string panties are perhaps best suited for a brief rendezvous in a dark alley...


  5. a suggestion :D

    there are a few members who keeps making posts with low level content, incomplete sentence, misspelled words, ...

    to those members, if you don't improve your quality, do not expect your posting privilege will be last long.

    this is a message board, not instant messaging. you have plenty of time to check your typing. In other words, type too fast is not an excuse.

    Posts full of misspelled words, grammatical errors, or incomplete meanings, (etc) simply indicate your lack of respect to the readers and to this system. If you can't make a better effort to improve your posts, you will soon be out.


  6. This thread has notting to do with BG.

    but you didn't specifically exclude them, did you?

    since a significant proportion of farangs end up marrying bg's (and bitterly regretting it afterwards) then they are bound to become part of the topic of conversation within this thread... :o

  7. Any statistics on how long Falong Thai marriage lasts.

    i haven't come across any as such, but i know the british embassy in thailand don't keep a register of divorces.. only marriages... that must tell us something...

    i was checking out the overall divorce rates for thailand, just to see how they compared to the ROW... (see below) .. as you can see thailands divorce rate is less than that muslim dominated state, syria...

    i imagine that if i were going to marry a thai... then i would seek to get divorced in the LoS... potentially easier & quicker... so others probably think as i do.. in which case they would show up in the general divoce rate stats.

    Country Description Amount

    1. United States 4.95per 1000 people

    2. Puerto Rico 4.47per 1000 people

    3. Russia 3.36per 1000 people

    4. United Kingdom 3.08per 1000 people

    5. Denmark 2.81per 1000 people

    6. New Zealand 2.63per 1000 people

    7. Australia 2.52per 1000 people

    8. Canada 2.46per 1000 people

    9. Finland 1.85per 1000 people

    10. Barbados 1.21per 1000 people

    11. Guadeloupe 1.18per 1000 people

    12. Qatar 0.97per 1000 people

    13. 0.88per 1000 people

    14. Portugal 0.88per 1000 people

    15. Albania 0.83per 1000 people

    16. Tunisia 0.82per 1000 people

    17. Singapore 0.8per 1000 people

    18. China 0.79per 1000 people

    19. Greece 0.76per 1000 people

    20. Brunei 0.72per 1000 people

    21. Panama 0.68per 1000 people

    22. Syria 0.65per 1000 people

    23. Thailand 0.58per 1000 people

    i personally can't see much prospect of having a long-term relationship with a prostitute... but some manage it...


  8. What we don't hear much about are English teachers marrying decent Thai women and raising a family.

    what can i tell you... i'm a qualified english teacher & madame palmer is a decent Thai woman (well, she was afore she met me :D ) ... baby palmer is doing ok & can already count to 5...

    of course i haven't always been a teacher, cos i didn't see it as a way of providing a firm financial base that a decent standard of living would provide me with... no it's more like a hobby or an outside interest :o

    money & a decent piece of ass is everything i ever wanted... yipee! :D

  9. The US Army has developed a new way to enable soldiers to carry less water. They have created rehydratable food rations that come in a wrapping that is actually a sophisticated semi-permeable membrane. So to rehydrate the food, soldiers can simply pee on it, or even pour dirty water on it if that's all that is around. The membrane filters out 99% of the bad stuff so that only clean water gets into the food. Sounds appetizing.

  10. My wife and I are trying for another baby...

    I have just had a chat with my wife, she tells me that women are most fertile 7 days after their period, I thought they were most fertile immediately after...

    Do any of you guys know when it is most likely a woman will conceive? (not that we do not try daily, but it was juts a conversation we just had)


    Dr Harry Palmer - MD...

    have a good sniff of the T-shirt she wears in bed... bizarre? body odours change with the different phases of menstrual cycle... it becomes sexier/ more appealing to the male when she is most up for it :o ...

    when a woman is most fertile, her vaginal mucus is stretchy, clear, thin, and slippery. when the mucus can be stretched between the thumb and index finger into a thin strand 2 to 3 inches long, ovulation is about to occur and the woman is entering her most fertile period...


  11. quote: what i'm looking for is an equivalent to an anne summers store, a well know lingerie chain operation in engerland. :o  :D


      During your training on the CELTA or was it DELTA course in England, did they not inform you that you should always use a capital I when writing about ones self?

    I am sure even the Khaosarn road brigade were taught that one at primary school.


    A tip from the Khaosarn road brigade, always proof read and stop trying to sound like a well educated person,you just dont cut it!!! :D

    i see my colleagues have given you a little spanking, richly deserved in my opinion :D

    anyway, i welcome you to the teachers forum, hope your stay will be long & beneficial... it's always nice to receive a tip from a genuine Khaosarn road hippie...

    i will try & post a bit on methodologies tomorrow... bit busy at the moment working on a lecture i'm giving at the end of the month...

  12. Maybe I'm being a killjoy here, but Viagra is a potent drug that you should not consider taking without a prior check-up with your doc. It can have some adverse side-affects (one being rapid death from heart failure), for those with an undiagnosed heart problem.

    And why are so many young guys taking Viagra? I simply don't believe that it is because they all have problems getting a stiffy....

    i want to be able to get my moneys worth out of the lucky whore who i choose to spend the night with...

    looking forward to hearing bkk barmys field report... :o

  13. you really do have an attitude problem  or are you just gay?

    You could explain your last comment with charts and graphs and your mouth firmly planted on my cock and you'd still be wrong, you mildly retarded spaz, don't worry, cock is not on my list.

    I would have something to add about you, but I know nothing about you, ######monkey. Keep humping my leg, tarka.

    hey fatso... i really did make a mistake in posting my photo didn't i... it must have turned you on cos you keep stalking me wanting to have me perform homosexual acts with you... i am not interested in your cock, please go & bother someone else with it, sickoo... i hope the moderators are lively to your type of forum chat...

  14. 49 hours of teaching does seem rether excessive... doesn't it? when are you gonna have time to do lesson planning & get laid?

    there is a teachers forum here so i suggest you re-post there or ask someone to move this thread...

    i don't personally have any experience teaching in the situation you described...

    Ajarn Harry :o

  15. well, i'll come clean the... my main problem is buying ladies undergarments that fit me.. you see i need a size 15(UK) & they only do small sizes here.. i guess cos most girls here have small bums... can anyone bring some back for me when they next go the london? :o

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