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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. It reminds me similar case 2 years ago, never forget as police friendly hug the suspect (about 0:17 in video), it was like "hey bro it is just another farang ha ha ha..."

    Indeed this video clip its again sickening...

    A drunk 19 year old Thai thug bumps into a 72 year old farang.

    The Thai drunk then decides to stab the 72 year old in his neck,resulting him to almost die on the spot.

    At the police station we can see the police officer cheering up the attacker and embracing him...<deleted> !

    Helloo how about you focus your care only on the family members of the Farang victim who are clearly still in shock and even brought the blooded shirt of her husband)

    Why this rat needs to be pampered at the police station?

    How long was his jail sentence ? or was it again the 500 BHT fine?

    I know enough now...

    It could be a case of how the video clip is interpreted.

    Seems to me that the police officer is keeping the thug under restraint, stopping him making a dash for it while the interview is taking place and message is; we have you now, you`re pwned.

    The obvious is not always the fact.

  2. Should be included in the survival guides, that anyone who intends trekking around the wilderness, should take a lactating woman with them as part of their survival kit.

    It is actually a recommendation in the NZ Tramping and Bush Walking Handbook to do just this when going bush. In fact, two females (lactating or otherwise) are recommended if the trip is longer than three days.

    The Handbook (ISBN 58008-618) also advises Kiwi males how to eat, root, shoot, and leave(s) while in the bush with said lactating women. coffee1.gif

    If I was lost in the bush with two big breasted lactating women, I would not want to leave or be rescued.. Even if none of them survived I guarantee the males in the group, if found, would have smiles on their faces.

  3. 'Nostradamus' warns of earthquake doom for Thailand

    By Coconuts Bangkok


    Photo: Thairath TV

    BANGKOK: -- Another self-proclaimed Thai Nostradamus warns the nation will be split into pieces by the most devastating earthquake ever despite science and officials urging him to just please shut up.

    The earth experts of the Department of Mineral Resources asked the public to ignore a wave of fear-mongering that recent quakes in the south of Thailand are only the beginning of a cataclysm for Thailand.

    While moderate temblors in the 2-to-4.6 magnitude range were felt last week in Krabi, Phang Nga and Phuket provinces, the department’s Director-General Supot Jermsawatdipong encouraged everyone to chill out – and tune out – on the proclamations of doom from all two-bit oracles.

    Meanwhile, Sorajja Nualyoo, or “Nostradamus” as he prefers to be called, said the three “stars” of Saturn, Rahu and Uranus have aligned in a really shitty way for the country. He said the whole country is going to shake, starting in the north, some time between Saturday and July 12, when the biggest earthquake in history will hit the kingdom.

    “The previous big earthquake was centered outside the country, but this time the epicenter will be inside our home,” Sorajja said. “I have seen this coming since the beginning of this year. The government must educate citizens because we have never handled this kind of catastrophe before.”

    Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2015/05/11/nostradamus-warns-earthquake-doom-thailand


    -- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-05-11

    The real Nostradamus predicted Thailand will experience a catastrophic earthquake after he was thrown out of the country having been 13 days on overstay.

    The difference between astronomy and astrology:

    Astronomy is a study of the heavens, astrology: in Latin means; there is one born every minute.

  4. Regardless of what some of these websites state, a Visa is obtained from an external Embassy or Consulate of the Country you with to enter.

    The proof of the pudding is under your nose in your passport.

    You have an original document obtained from another Country which will clearly state: Type of Visa.

    That Visa has an expiry date, thereafter it is USED (Finished, of no further use).

    When you apply for an extension at Thailand's Immigration they will stamp or write USED across your Visa.

    You are not applying to extend the Visa. You are applying to 'extend the permission to stay in Thailand' that the now USED Visa originally gave you.

    Look at your extension stamp. It is a 'permit', not a Visa.

    Quote: *********** Immigration Office extension of stay permitted up to............

    Further down:

    -To keep your stay permit, re-entry permit must be made before leaving Thailand.

    - Notification of Residence must be made every 90 days.

    Fair enough. I am on a non Immigrant visa based on retirement that I acquire in Thailand, not from abroad, and you are on a permit. Good luck to all who sail in her.

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I have read that we can leave Thailand and get a 30 day tourist (visa) or 60 day tourist visa from Laos. Surely this would compromise our non-immigrant 'O' visa already in passports?

    According to his post, OP is living in Thailand for (min) 10 years on retirement extensions, so his Non-Imm O is long expired.

    I also think that leaving Thailand before the actual retirement extension expires (thus not being bothered with overstays and possible fines and stamps), getting a new Visa abroad and then re-apply for the retirement extension with the new Visa might be a solution?

    That is what everybody would have to do if they leave Thailand with or without re-entry permit and their extension expires while they are abroad. But not sure if that option (travel out to get a new Visa) is suitable for the OP

    Have no idea what you are on about? An annual visa extension based on retirement is a category Non Immigrant O visa as is an annual visa for married to a Thai spouse.

    Realy ?

    Best you produce the evidence for stating that garbage !

    I have been here in Thailand for many years and I have an extension of my permission to stay

    My very old "visa " is now as dead and useless as a deceased parrot !

    Why can I find no reference to a "Category Non Immigrant O visa" associated with my most recent "extension of stay" in my passport ?







  6. I have read that we can leave Thailand and get a 30 day tourist (visa) or 60 day tourist visa from Laos. Surely this would compromise our non-immigrant 'O' visa already in passports?

    According to his post, OP is living in Thailand for (min) 10 years on retirement extensions, so his Non-Imm O is long expired.

    I also think that leaving Thailand before the actual retirement extension expires (thus not being bothered with overstays and possible fines and stamps), getting a new Visa abroad and then re-apply for the retirement extension with the new Visa might be a solution?

    That is what everybody would have to do if they leave Thailand with or without re-entry permit and their extension expires while they are abroad. But not sure if that option (travel out to get a new Visa) is suitable for the OP

    Have no idea what you are on about? An annual visa extension based on retirement is a category Non Immigrant O visa as is an annual visa for married to a Thai spouse.

  7. Hospital for a snake bite? Jeez see that's the problem with men today. When I was young if you got bitten by a snake you drank a lucozade and got on with things.

    At one time it was thought that Lucozade was a cure for HIV, because it had, Lucozade aids recovery, printed on the label.

    Anyone unlucky enough to get bitten by a venomous snake in Thailand, may just as well take themselve`s to the morgue before the poison takes affect.

    I once made inquiries at several hospitals regarding what should I do if I get bitten by a snake? They all said; kill the snake, bring it to the hospital and they will try to determine what species of snake it is. And all admitted that none of them hold any anti venom on the premises. They have to first establish what type of venomous snake it is, then phone around to see if anyone has any anti venom somewhere. By the time they have sorted, the victim would be long dead.

  8. Time to look up the visa service.

    Maybe, but you shouldn't have too. There is no excuse that I can think of to treat folks like cattle.

    ditto mesquite,and very nicely summed up conndasmile.png

    i know a number of aussies calling the zoo a outback shearers shed

    E/S has always called the zoo ,a up market refugee camp,and have been riducled for posting that

    check the bog houses out. one word PUTRID, if their working

    disgusting place

    I have to agree.

    Although the staff are always polite providing we tow the line with them, visiting Immigration is a stressful and unpleasant experience. I have actually walked out of there feeling hyped up and ill, even when my business has been completed successfully.

    I have absolutely no idea why they will not upgrade their facilities. I do have my own opinions but those could be considered as allegations and best not to air them on an open forum.

  9. This must be either a troll post, are there are some really out of touch people.

    I always felt the iron rule should be no money to the family of the lovely

    Thai daughter. That seems to be a slippery path that always ends in tears,

    with her family members calling you the farang buffalo behind your bike....

    I guess you are a man of the world and know that winners always deal with the truth and those who live in a make believe cloud cuckoo land are self destructive.

    If this were my son I would not oppose him, but make my opinions clear without making a drama out of it, and refuse to be a participant in such a farce. If the father surrenders to the will of his son, then he is just as much an idiot, worse in fact for supporting this.

    • Like 1
  10. Black Fox.

    You are wrong. Some are. Not many though

    Okay then. You tell me what constitutes Hi-So.

    Again, no foreigner in this country is married to Hi-So.


    We have crossed swords before Beetlejuice, but this is pretty damn funny..... :-)

    I have my good points.

    • Like 1
  11. Another video of "Thainess" at it's finest..

    This sort of crap happens all over the world, nutters everywhere.

    These days wherever you are, get into a road dispute and likely that someone will take out a knife or a gun or end up getting your head kicked in like that tragic victim.

    When I am out and about on the road and some pri-k places me in a life threatening situation by negligent or uncaring driving, I intend to let it go and try to keep them in front of me in my view, rather than confronting them just to prove a point. Unless you are built like a brick sh-thouse or kung &lt;deleted&gt; champion of the world, than better to continue without incident and live life for another day.

  12. I am not asking for a discussion about tracking numbers. International tracking is another issue. Someone can start another discussion on that if they want to.

    I will summarize here the questions that i posted above.

    I wonder if anyone else has experienced such trouble in recent months? (at the Hangdong Post Office)

    Does anyone know where mail is sorted before it is delivered to the Hangdong Post office?

    Is there a central post office in Chiang Mai where all the mail goes before it is distributed to surrounding areas?

    If your post office is in Hang Dong, then the mail first arrives at the main sorting office in the town somewhere, (not sure where) then the main sorting office in Lamphun from where it is distributed to the Hang Dong and San Pa Tong areas.

    Regarding what you describe as gifts being sent, depending on what types of items these gifts are, they could be held at Bangkok by the Customs and Excise department The`re getting very strict on this nowadays. If you do check with the main sorting offices and no luck, perhaps worth contacting the Customs and Excise in Bangkok as a last resort.

    Lamphun Post Office
    Mueang Lamphun District, Lamphun, Thailand
    053 530 330
  13. Again, stick to what you know or do some research before posting. Yes, participants do have to sign a medical declaration form, it's not a trek and yes they do normally need to prove that they have run races of that calibre before.

    These events are not about money my friend, they are about experiences and meeting new people. Negative whiners are generally not suited to such things..

    An event can yield in 6 million baht. ($180000 US) Not exactly a non profit making event, is it?

    Not worth the effort responding to the rest of your post.

    I was really hoping you wouldn't be responding at all... You have no idea about this sport or the people involved in it but thats TVF for ya smile.png

    I have no doubts about that, considering that many consider my issues regarding FACTS are bad for business and also considering that it was you who instigated making an issue out of my comments.

  14. Again, stick to what you know or do some research before posting. Yes, participants do have to sign a medical declaration form, it's not a trek and yes they do normally need to prove that they have run races of that calibre before.

    These events are not about money my friend, they are about experiences and meeting new people. Negative whiners are generally not suited to such things..

    An event can yield in 6 million baht. ($180000 US) Not exactly a non profit making event, is it?

    Not worth the effort responding to the rest of your post.

  15. The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation says it will not allow the holding of the 150 kilometres long ultra trail run from Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai to Doi Luang Chiang Dao because the trail run passes its wildlife sanctuaries where there are many species of protected wildlife, and rare plants.

    What else is up there? Drug trails, human trafficking runs ... maybe the wildlife is not all they want to protect.

    Total and absolute crapola.

    The organiser of this event is not out for fun and adventure, but for profits at the expense of the environment, including as he discretely hinted, it`s every man for himself, each responsible for their own welfare and safety. Many who maybe not fit enough, have medical conditions or never had any experiences in participating in such extreme events could be placing their health or even their lives at risk while the organiser just sits backs and cashes in.

    The authorities and environmentalists should be congratulated for banning this event.

    People who are not fit, have medical conditions or no experience do not take part in a 150km Ultra.. Stick to commenting on subjects you have at least a tiny bit of knowledge about..

    Again I am calling total crapola on this one.

    Are you saying that all participants are required to go for a medical and produce a medical certificate certifying that they are fit enough to take part in the trek and need to prove their experience?

    15000 baht ahead, expected to be 400, thats = 6 million baht. Do you sincerely believe that the organiser will turn away 15000 baht. He has more or less explained that each participant pays their money and then it`s up to them. Unless explained to the contrary somewhere else then I suggest you read the OP again.

    If anyone is interested, I am arranging a walk that covers a 30 kilometre area around my way and for a fee of 1000 baht ahead, I will send you the route. Please prior notify family or friends of your whereabouts, just in case you drop dead on route.

  16. The Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation says it will not allow the holding of the 150 kilometres long ultra trail run from Doi Suthep in Chiang Mai to Doi Luang Chiang Dao because the trail run passes its wildlife sanctuaries where there are many species of protected wildlife, and rare plants.

    What else is up there? Drug trails, human trafficking runs ... maybe the wildlife is not all they want to protect.

    Total and absolute crapola.

    The organiser of this event is not out for fun and adventure, but for profits at the expense of the environment, including as he discretely hinted, it`s every man for himself, each responsible for their own welfare and safety. Many who maybe not fit enough, have medical conditions or never had any experiences in participating in such extreme events could be placing their health or even their lives at risk while the organiser just sits backs and cashes in.

    The authorities and environmentalists should be congratulated for banning this event.

  17. This is obviously caused by a design fault.

    If it is possible for hair to get trapped in the arm rest of an escalator, than the same must apply to clothing. It seems that the space between the armrest and the mechanism beneath it is too wide. So now it seems the Australian family have conveniently returned home and all forgotten until the next incident.

    If an event like this would have happened in Australia and especially the United States, the family would have sued the airport authority and probably had claimed thousands in compensation.

  18. Sorry, have no idea where to buy these, never knew they existed until I saw this thread.

    This device will certainly make the standard big clanking PC redundant. Only problem I foresee, is that these appear to be sealed units and throw away if they develop faults. But considering the price, that`s no big deal.

    Hope someone can answer the OP`s question, I maybe interested in one of these myself.

  19. A total of 34 Ladyboy’s were detained and taken to the Pattaya Tourist Police Station

    What happened to the other 16?

    They`re all hiding behind the big one wearing the yellow outfit.

    But on a serious note, I certainly would not fancy a tangle with any of them. Very dangerous in my opinion and considering the history of the big yellow outfit brute, have the potential and strength to cause serious injury or even kill. Any guys that decide to go short time with one of them, are placing themselves at serious risk.

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