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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. The lizard sh.. is quite dark/black.

    Annoying in the house.

    Kill them whenever they creep inside room/house.

    The tend to hide in all kind of holes, housings (socket-outlet etc.) and lay their eggs there bah.gif

    Thanks. It's probably lizard sh!+. I tend to let em live b/c I've seen em eat roaches. Not sure I have the stomach for killing em anyway. Or the skill. They're kinda fast. Do you have a preferred method?

    If you mean, jin Joks, these creatures do nothing but good. They eat many types of insect pests around the home and I am quite fond of them. Those who would commit Violent acts toward animals have indications of a type of psychopathy that does not confine itself to animal abuse. Anyone who regards the life of these living creatures as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the notion that other people are worthless too. These persons are inclined to be extremely territorial, selfish and placing their self interests first. Definitely not the sorts that make loyal friends or would want in their social circles.

    Firstly, gecko droppings have a similar appearance to mouse droppings and not in the form of powder or dust. It could be that there are some types of wood boring insects inside or around the kitchen counter eating away the wood dust inside leaving the debris exposed on the counter or something similar above the counter causing the dust. It could be a multitude of things causing the problem, but absolutely it`s not geckos.

    That's a little extreme, Juice, isn't it? After all, a vegetarian or Muslim could say the same thing about anyone that consumes pork. But thanks for the advice. I won't be killing geckos anytime soon wink.png

    Unless you plan to cook and eat these reptiles, than I guess this makes your comment irrelevant.

    Nature places geckos among us for the purposes of keeping the insect populations down. The extremes are the people that kill them and my post still stands, those who would do them harm have serious psychological and anti-social issues


  2. There appears to be more to this case than meets the eye.

    The old Australian guy was playing a dangerous game and I don`t mean golf. The old guy as well as many others believe, that by plying money into something there will not be any consequences.

    Over my many years of living in Thailand I have learned never to get involved here, to keep my head down and keep a low profile. In the local community where I live, over the years there have been many opportunities to become involved with married women, but I avoid them like the plague, the same as I would in my own country.

    Getting involved in other people`s dramas and crossing the taboo lines is a bad idea, it`s all down to common sense and thinking above the waist, not below it.

  3. Lying on FB page is now a computer crime????????? WOW!!!!!! Unbelievable

    Facebook has caused the downfalls of countless people and even murders since it`s launch in 2004.

    Not realised by many, facebook is a highly toxic and dangerous media. Whatever people publish on there can be saved, copied and used as evidence against them and plus it`s on there forever. The system is deliberately designed so that no one knows who is looking in. I am positive if facebook members could see who is watching them, they would be horrified and instantly delete their accounts. Anyone who publishes their personal details, photos, daily activities and private thoughts on FB are leaving themselves vulnerable.

    Most people would not divulge their daily activities and private lives out in public or even to their neighbors, so why do they believe that the social media is a safe haven to display their private activities?

    For millions of people, Facebook has become not only an addiction but also a large part of their mainstream lives, while those that run the setup just sit back and count the $$$$$$$ coming in, with virtually no responsibilities for the welfare of their members and the content uploaded onto the facilities they provide.

    I only wish I had thought of it first, a company where idiots willingly give all their information for free and I just relax watching my bank account balance grow by the hour.

  4. Perhaps enough time if all runs on schedule, but it only requires your flight from Roi Et to be delayed, even by only a few minutes or a hold up for whatever reasons at Don Muang airport, then that will certainly gum up the works.

    I don`t think there are any reasons to ask, as I am sure the OP realises that he has imposed upon himself an extremely tight schedule based on a hope and a prayer that everything goes to plan.

    Each time I have to catch connecting flights, I always give myself a minimum of 90 minutes up to 2 hours breathing space for peace of mind.

  5. The lizard sh.. is quite dark/black.

    Annoying in the house.

    Kill them whenever they creep inside room/house.

    The tend to hide in all kind of holes, housings (socket-outlet etc.) and lay their eggs there bah.gif

    Thanks. It's probably lizard sh!+. I tend to let em live b/c I've seen em eat roaches. Not sure I have the stomach for killing em anyway. Or the skill. They're kinda fast. Do you have a preferred method?

    If you mean, jin Joks, these creatures do nothing but good. They eat many types of insect pests around the home and I am quite fond of them. Those who would commit Violent acts toward animals have indications of a type of psychopathy that does not confine itself to animal abuse. Anyone who regards the life of these living creatures as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the notion that other people are worthless too. These persons are inclined to be extremely territorial, selfish and placing their self interests first. Definitely not the sorts that make loyal friends or would want in their social circles.

    Firstly, gecko droppings have a similar appearance to mouse droppings and not in the form of powder or dust. It could be that there are some types of wood boring insects inside or around the kitchen counter eating away the wood dust inside leaving the debris exposed on the counter or something similar above the counter causing the dust. It could be a multitude of things causing the problem, but absolutely it`s not geckos.

  6. He did show you the book that he had fined some Thai people also.

    So why are you complaining?

    You did the wrong thing, you were caught and you were fined.

    Don't do it again and then you will not have the opportunity to cry on TVF.

    I should know better than to reply, but here we go:

    I am complaining because, he only started his motorbike to catch the pesky farang, after at least 10 Thai's had committed be same offence right in front of him, without him reacting..........

    The names in his book had no relevance to the situation at hand.................coffee1.gif

    The persecuted and the oppressed in Thailand. Life must be very stressful for you here.

    The fact is it was you who got caught breaking the law. Tough luck and next time avoid any confrontations with the police by not breaking the laws and then you can`t claim to have been victimised.

  7. Thanks for the FB idea. Vaguely remember seeing ADs from sites like that on my FB page in the past.

    As we know, the technology advances very quickly today and within a year it`s already out dated. At my home there is a corner of the room that looks like a camera, mobile phone and computer museum, stuff now that I can`t even give away, let alone sell.

    My advice is; as one poster already mentioned, the FB sites, but also the Thailand craigslist is very good for selling items, it does have an exclusive Chiang Mai section. Another method is to print your own ad and you can advertise on the notice boards outside the Rimping supermarkets. We once sold a table and chairs set using those boards, went within 4 days after pinning up the ad.

  8. To be perfectly honest, I doubt if you will be successful in having your coin authenticated and valued in Thailand. Most of the reputable coin experts and dealers seem to be abroad.

    If you have trusted family and friends in your home country, I suggest sending the coin to them to see if they can get it valued for you?

    One major point of vital importance, that if the coin has been unprofessionally cleaned or you have cleaned it in the past, than the value has probably been wiped off it. Also, if the said coin has been purchased from a stall somewhere or from sellers in the Night Bazaar, than the odds are it`s a fake.

  9. I am on a pension can you lend me the 15,000 to 20,000 bahts to solicit these loan sharks. I used them the first year I arrived here and they do seem to have an inside track which does not seem fair. I agree with all the above and have my paperwork in order all I ask for is a level playing field. I am obviously playing against a loaded deck.

    2 points to make here. Firstly there are many who still do not have a clue as to the Immigration visa extension requirements and procedures, both younger and older who fail to properly do there research before hand.

    And I agree, the Chiang Mai Immigration Department systems are deployable and certainly not ideal. I too have wondered how these agents operate. I am sure that the present Chiang Mai Immigration chaos has deterred many farangs from settling here or made them decide to move on somewhere else.. But for the meantime, I am sorry to say; we are stuck with it, all of us in the same boat.

    I don't think the system has stopped people from moving to Chiang Mai. The people are the problem. There are so many more here than just 5 years ago. The system is better now. It just has to many people using it.

    As for registering on line that is a matter of luck. Plan all you want but if 1 minute past midnight 15 people apply for it only 10 of them are going to get it. Check other days. 2 years ago I got lucky. I registered 97 days a head of time and there was still 2 more spots. None available 100 days.

    This is all going to prove interesting when and if they do move to Promenada. At least there will be lots of room and Air Con. Also parking.

    The system is better now, should be quoted in the past tense, such as the system did improve but has failed to adapt to the extra payload.

    I believe it is exactly the opposite; It is not the people who are the problem, but rather the the system that can no longer accommodate them and it`s going to become a lot worse before it gets better, or in the hope that it gets better.

    For those of us who are here legitimately, paying our way and fulfil all the imposed terms to remain in Thailand for the long term, deserve better and not treated like refugees seeking sanitary and Government assistance. Although the staff at Immigration are always polite and doing their level best to provide a service, visiting Immigration is still a stressful and unpleasant experience, when it should be only a matter of routine.

    For ex-pats like our elgordo38, I fully sympathise and understand their grievances.

  10. I am on a pension can you lend me the 15,000 to 20,000 bahts to solicit these loan sharks. I used them the first year I arrived here and they do seem to have an inside track which does not seem fair. I agree with all the above and have my paperwork in order all I ask for is a level playing field. I am obviously playing against a loaded deck.

    2 points to make here. Firstly there are many who still do not have a clue as to the Immigration visa extension requirements and procedures, both younger and older who fail to properly do there research before hand.

    And I agree, the Chiang Mai Immigration Department systems are deployable and certainly not ideal. I too have wondered how these agents operate. I am sure that the present Chiang Mai Immigration chaos has deterred many farangs from settling here or made them decide to move on somewhere else.. But for the meantime, I am sorry to say; we are stuck with it, all of us in the same boat.

  11. PS to the above

    Are there visa agents or someone that are somehow tying up all the new openings for online booking right after midnight when they become available. Something smells here. Is there someone out there that has booked a spot between the August 20th or so and September 16th that is not going to use it? I sure could

    As far as I know, once booked on-line the slots are not transferable. I am not sure whether a slot can be cancelled either?

    If a slot can be cancelled, than the person would have to let you know the exact time of cancellation so as you could book the slot immediately before someone else jumps in.

    Extending our visas has become a lottery, a total disgrace.

    Extending are one year permission to stay is not a lottery. It is a sure thing. Just fill in your papers correctly and it is no problem. If you are unable to do so there are several business in town that would be glad to do it for you. I am quite sure the immigration would appreciate it as there is no wasted time in fill this in here go get a copy of this and on the list goes.

    I give credit to most of what you say.

    You are absolutely correct, especially regarding the older people who often turn up with inadequate or uncompleted paperwork looking confused, who expect the officers to assist them, that holds up the process substantially, although the burden should lie with the applicants to ensure their paperwork and documents are in order and correct, I have also witnessed many elderly farangs jumping the queue where the 90 day reports are concerned. Another problem is the elderly are not often computer savvy and have no idea how to apply on-line, which will place more strain on the system if and when the on-line 90 day report service ever gets working.

    In my opinion those who do not have the appropriate paperwork and documents with them on application, should be sent away and have to either make another on-line appointment or join the queues again.and repeat this process until their paperwork is in order. As you quite rightly point out, for those who are unsure, can hire the services of companies to assist them with these matters.

  12. PS to the above

    Are there visa agents or someone that are somehow tying up all the new openings for online booking right after midnight when they become available. Something smells here. Is there someone out there that has booked a spot between the August 20th or so and September 16th that is not going to use it? I sure could

    Why not take a logical look at this?

    If the agents or others were deliberately booking up all the slots, than they would need to use a separate name and email address for each slot, because on-line bookings cannot be booked using company names (as far as I know?) or more than one person. And if the agents were using pseudonym names to take up the slots on a mass scale, which would mean scores of fictional applicants not turning up for their appointments over periods of 100 days, would rather arouse suspicion I would think.

    The simple facts are, the present system cannot accommodate the extra work loads, it is at least 15 years behind to that effect and especially now that Thailand is a part of the Asien community, have failed to update the Immigration Department facilities accordingly.

    Obviously, if the process continues on it`s present course, than sooner or later the system will come to a grinding halt, plus I can foresee either a bad accident happening in the building, considering the disrepair of the seating arrangements that are in danger of collapsing at any time or tempers flaring in there one day.

    As the wise man says; like a boiler with no release valve and the pressure keeps building up and up; than something`s got to give.

  13. PS to the above

    Are there visa agents or someone that are somehow tying up all the new openings for online booking right after midnight when they become available. Something smells here. Is there someone out there that has booked a spot between the August 20th or so and September 16th that is not going to use it? I sure could

    As far as I know, once booked on-line the slots are not transferable. I am not sure whether a slot can be cancelled either?

    If a slot can be cancelled, than the person would have to let you know the exact time of cancellation so as you could book the slot immediately before someone else jumps in.

    Extending our visas has become a lottery, a total disgrace.

  14. I think Mrs Jones should move on. Nothing will bring back her Kirsty, and there's zero chance (in today's Thai society) any Thai man will be arrested and convicted. Easy to say, not so easy to do - and I despise the FCO for not making waves with their Thai counterparts.

    Same will happen with the Koh Tao murders (if not already) - it makes me sick to think the FCO is from the same homeland as me. Spineless jerk-offs.

    That`s a ludicrous statement.

    If this were my daughter I would be fighting for answers and justice until the day I die. Obviously the tragic Kristy can never be resurrected and brought back, but there can be no absolute closure and inner peace for this lady until the perpetrator/s have been brought to justice. Somewhere out there is someone or people that have taken a life and ruined the lives of others for all eternity,

    If I were to come into information that brought justice and closure for the family I would be in there without hesitation and not take the £10000 reward offered. My assistance would come from within, not for financial gain. As a father of 3 children myself, my heart aches for this lady and hope she will continue to find the inner strength to archive justice for the precious Kirsty Jones.

  15. Yes and no doubt the same is happening in respect to the Koh Tao murders. The British Government has no excuse however. I wonder what the Austrailan Government would do if it were their citizens , apparently they don't pussy foot and khaowtaow to diplomatic courtesies if Oz citizens are affectd by lawlessness and or corruption over here. As said previously, UK Diplomatic corps , NO BALLS

    I had exactly the same thoughts. Have the British team of police that visited the island made any positive statements regarding the murders yet?

    If British citizens die abroad, the families should be informed not to expect any support from Britain, because business has priority over justice.

    In Thailand there are too many mysterious deaths and murders of foreigners going unsolved. I have heard of cold cases, but these murders have reached absolute point zero degrees.

    It is good that the mother of Kirsty refuses to lay down in defeat and let the case fade away into oblivion.

    If anyone does have any information regarding the said murder, I urge them to do the right thing, and come forward

  16. Sappy nonsense. I lived that life for 10 years , and what this documentary fails to address

    is how hard some of these girls are. The ones being exploited are the farangs. If this guy

    really wanted to do a documentary on exploited girls, he should have done one on the

    Laos girls who are basically enslaved in karaoke bars all over Thailand. Funny part

    in the video when he say he is worried when she is gone for two days..... I deduced in

    1 second she was off with a customer.

    I totally agree.

    Most of these girls are institutionalised within the Thai sex industry and can become so mentally damaged that there are no ways to coax them away from it.

    Sex workers in Thailand are mostly in it voluntary and their living and working conditions are fairly good in comparison to their counterparts in other third world countries, although it`s probably the one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, exposed to diseases, possible violence and abuse.

    I often wonder what happens to these women once they get passed their prime, 40s, 50s, 60s and older? they become quite desperate I would think.

    They marry foreigners in their 60's 70's 80's etc

    Or open a noodle stand...

    For what I have witnessed, most end up as bar hags in the Loi Kroh Road or massage parlours of Chiang Mai.

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  17. I watched a news programme on Thai TV channel 5 yesterday that mentioned the blame lies with the British who introduced the Rohingyas into Burma during the days of the empire. Ever since these people have remained stateless, not officially being accepted in Burma as citizens and not wanted anywhere else.

    And as we know, admitting Muslims into a country on mass poses the risks of these refugees being infiltrated by extremists and terrorists, so this is a very complicated situation and not many countries are keen to take on the responsibility and welfare for these people and prefer to turn them back to become someone else`s problem. I am not unsympathetic towards these people, but for many countries they have become a dilemma and can understand the reasons why.

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