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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. If this is to do with a metal exterior gate entrance, I have some great tips for you.

    Some years ago had a metal sliding gate installed on the entrance to our property. They painted it with the usual crap silver coloured paint and within only six months rust became to show through. We called in someone to repaint the gate for us, big mistake, he just painted over the rust and within only a few months the rust soon appeared again. So as the wise man says; if you want a job done properly, do it yourself.

    I first coated the gate with a rust remover using a paint brush, then sanded off the old paint and rust using a sand paper and a wire brush attachment on my electric drill. After that I drilled 2 small holes into the metal gate, the gate actually being hollow. Then with a squirty oil can began squeezing old engine oil into the holes, at least 5 litres.

    Then I covered the drill holes using washers and screws that fitted in. After that bought some one coat metal gloss paint from Home Pro and some gold coloured lacquer paint to finish off the gate. Lovely job. That was at least 8 years ago and still look as good as new, because by lining the metal interior with oil stops rust, an old trick my Dad taught me back in the Jurassic period.

  2. I assume this is a USB drive.

    Open "My Computer" (Or "This PC").

    Does it get a drive letter when you plug it in?

    Is it making any funny noises?

    Its an external 1TB hard drive WD

    Its been renamed H drive but the real name is Elements and I cannot rename it back to this

    No noises but is taking a fairly long time to boot up.

    Don`t think you understand Chicog`s question, so I will try to explain to you in layman`s terms.

    First, power up the external hard drive. Next, plug in the USB lead directly into your computer USB socket, do not use an extension USB lead.

    Either immediately or within a few seconds the computer should make a donk sound, which means your computer has recognized the device. Sometimes a detected new hardware message will popup on the right hand side of the task bar.

    Next, go into My Computer. Peruse the drives available by the letters on the drive names. Click on each of them to see if one of those is your external hard drive.

    If not successful, try checking the plug in USB connections and power connector on the external drive to ensure there isn`t a loose fitting. If still unsuccessful, try plugging in the USB connection to other USB sockets on your computer.

  3. thailand is the third country visited in the world so they decided (thaksim started this) to look for good $$$$$ customers, they want real tourist with a return ticket since many years allready and only people with money, ..........they are fed up about all these bag packers from before....yesterday a guy call me and say i want a room for the month (could pay only 5000 baths) but for sure he will rent it for more time...then i said to him..sorry not enough and also... it depend more on what kind of visa you have first and after you can see what you want to do.....but here the people put the chariot in front of the bulls.....if i was that guy i would have leaved that ambassy, that nightmare and go to philipines or where ever they do accept my presence and my money.

    sometimes it is not worth it to insist , the world is large and big, there is many places , don't wait for the thais to accept you.

    scheck the country rules and do it the right way....dont try to do it the way you want only because u have lots of chances to loose


    Exactly, spot on.

    The main principle being; that tourists are not going to be the forever tourists and will eventually go home.

    The authorities are only doing their job, by ending the visa hoppers and those of little wealth abusing the system, hustling around and always looking for loopholes as a means of remaining in Thailand.

    Entering and leaving Thailand at will is no longer the pushover it used to be.

  4. I don`t know for sure, but will give an educated guess.

    I would think the only ways foreigners would be permitted to keep elephants in Thailand, if they were a part on an official organization, such as an animal conservation group or zoological society. I also believe that elephants are classified as dangerous animals and therefore ownership could only be approved by special license.

    I very much doubt that anyone could visit an elephant habitation farm and be allowed to take home a cuddly baby elephant as a family pet.


  5. A lot of money on his person. Ha Ha

    I wonder who the Nigerian stole the money, gold chain and locket from in the first place. Hahahahahha. I just LOVE these stories.

    Virtually every post on this thread has racist elements in them. The TV threads are becoming deeply offensive and sinking to an all time low.

  6. I describe the social media as the toxic media. I am sometimes amazed how much information people publish about themselves on facebook and other similar sites. Many often describe in detail their careers on Linked In, then they tell all regarding their private lives on social networks. It is scary just how much information is out there about us. Armed with just a few details, it is possible to discover a huge amount of personal details about people, even tracing their activities back over several years.

    Considering that anything people say and do on social media can be taken and used as evidence against them; then all those under the ages of 21 should be prohibited from participating on these sites and should display warnings with guidelines of what and what is not advisable to publish on social media sites.

    The problem is that for many, social media such as facebook has become an addiction and a mainstream of people`s lives. Similar to mobile phones that users are unable to switch off.

    These people have lost confidence of how to interact in the real world and feel more comfortable faking it on-line. Sad and pathetic individuals.

  7. In Thailand the recommended months to obtain a flu vaccination is October to November time. I have been having the shots for the last 20 odd years here.

    Many of the local clinics and all the major private hospitals will administer the anti flu vaccine, cost varies between 600 and 700 baht.

    Last year the International Health Association announced that the viruses have mutated rendering the vaccines useless. I advise; do some on-line research before deciding to have the vaccination.

  8. Over the years I have seem both many Thais and farangs slashing about in that canal, even children.

    During the late hours, if strolling along the banks of the canal, you can`t fail to see the plagues of rats scurrying around the area. There are no ways that I would ever consider swimming in the moat. It`s a serious health risk, as who knows what kinds of diseases are lurking about in that water.

  9. VISA agents don't seem to need separate tickets.

    I guess different rules for paying customers.

    The agents always seem to be carrying a pile of passports and I have not noticed more than one ticket. You are right. It does not seem to apply to them.

    I have never seen agents requiring tickets. They just walk straight to the counter with their piles of copies and forms and are immediately given priority over the rest of us peasants.

    Perhaps it`s for reasons that Immigration consider processing the reports in bulk saves time rather than having queues of people on an individual basis, the official agents treated with more credibility than the rest of us. I can understand the logic and probably helps the flow of things in an already chaotic situation. It`s just unlucky for those in the queues when agents suddenly turn up creating a bigger time lapse between queue numbers.

  10. This is certainly a happy story, but I can see it being pretty scary for those trying to escape the past. Beware! You can be found!

    According to a person who knows him, he does not sound too happy ????

    I can understand that.

    The guy now lives in Thailand, perhaps has another family here and even other children from previous relationships elsewhere and then suddenly confronted with a past he left behind many years ago.

    I think; providing the daughter does not expect her new found dad to be the groveling apologetic father and hold him to account for a difficult childhood and not bringing her mother into the equation, has patience without having high expectations and works on forming a bond with her dad, than this could be the beginning of a fruitful relationship.

  11. At some time in the perhaps not so distant future there are going to be incidents at Immigration. I`m surprise nothing major have occurred yet.

    If people are imposed to endure over crowded, stifling hot conditions in a cramped environment of limited space with dilapidated facilities for long periods than patience is going to dwindle and tempers are going to flare. But unfortunately the Thai philosophy is, we will worry about that if it happens.

    The staff is always polite and do the best they can under the circumstances, but visiting Immigration is still an unpleasant and stressful experience and I can understand how visitors to Immigration end up on a short fuse.

  12. There are no regular public transport services operating in Chiang Mai at 3.00am as far as I know.

    I can only make two suggestions.

    Stop a red song thaew a day or 2 prior to your trip and ask the driver if he/she would be available and could you book the journey.

    Or try these guys:


    Have no idea how much they would charge you. This is something that has to be negotiated with the driver.

  13. How I read this story between the lines is that it is an assumed American scammer, as not a mention of the alleged American`s real name.

    It always amazes me how often people fool fall for these types of scams and eagerly send huge amounts of money to people on trust they have never met.

    My sympathy level for the victims is 2 out of 10. There is one born every minute that keeps these scammers in business.

  14. About 10 years ago I was on my motorbike when a pickup done a uturn and almost knocked me off my bike.

    Out of anger I peeped my horn and waved my fist at the guy. Then suddenly while in front of me he slowed down and moved in over to the left still traveling slowly in the hope I would over take him. Then I realised the guy had a big advantage over me, him driving a pickup and me on a 100cc pop pop bike. So I slowed down and stayed behind him. Then the guy stopped completely, I went passed him then he started up again and began following me, I could see him gaining speed on me in my mirrors. At the time my heart was pounding wondering if he had intentions on ramming my bike or not, especially because there was hardly anyone else on the road. Out of extreme fear and panic I turned left into someone`s property, stopped, got off my bike, walked outside and waited for 10 minutes until the guy was gone. After that I drove off home but on the alert for the rest of the journey.

    That was one huge lesson for me, after that I decided that if anything happens like that in the future, it is best to grip my teeth, swallow my pride and let it go.

    The lesson here is, never get involved in road rage in Thailand.

    I experienced 3 similar situation on my big bike.

    One a taxi meter on the highway, second a government official in uniform on sukhumvit and the third some idiot in Rayong who effectively 2 times went for my front wheel at high speed.

    You're very helpless on a bike against a car.

    All three came from behind and expected me to make place, because they were the me first type, while I had no option to move.

    The fact here is, and I`m sure you will agree, is to avoid getting into any disputes here in Thailand. I have witnessed some disagreements between the locals down my way and once they start getting into it the situation becomes very scary, they go psycho at each other.

    I can fully understand anger on the roads when some a/holes place our lives in jeopardy without a care just to save a few micro seconds on their journeys. When this has happened to me, I feel I want to turn green, transform into an Incredible Hulk type character and rip them apart limb from limb.

    But these days having direct confrontations is a dangerous game. There is truth in the old saying; better to be a live coward, than a dead hero.

  15. To the OP:

    The situation you have described is not grounds for divorce pertaining to your wife, but obviously if she wanted to leave and divorce you there is nothing to stop her, but I have known several guys over the years in similar situations that I describe as the long and suffering.

    You have three options, either tell your wife you want to go away for a few days and would enjoy her company, or you need some space at times and would prefer to escape for a while on your own and if she doesn`t approve, than tell her to do her worst or subject yourself to her demands and grin and bear it.

    From what I have observed over the years, most domesticated husbands like you usually just submit to their wives demands and continue on as the long and suffering. Perhaps because their wives become substitute mother`s and the husbands become sort of institutionalised into the relationship Some end up as rather weak minded, sad and pathetic individuals.

    These are your choices, that none of us can make for you. Whatever which way you decide to handle this is at your own discretion.

  16. About 10 years ago I was on my motorbike when a pickup done a uturn and almost knocked me off my bike.

    Out of anger I peeped my horn and waved my fist at the guy. Then suddenly while in front of me he slowed down and moved in over to the left still traveling slowly in the hope I would over take him. Then I realised the guy had a big advantage over me, him driving a pickup and me on a 100cc pop pop bike. So I slowed down and stayed behind him. Then the guy stopped completely, I went passed him then he started up again and began following me, I could see him gaining speed on me in my mirrors. At the time my heart was pounding wondering if he had intentions on ramming my bike or not, especially because there was hardly anyone else on the road. Out of extreme fear and panic I turned left into someone`s property, stopped, got off my bike, walked outside and waited for 10 minutes until the guy was gone. After that I drove off home but on the alert for the rest of the journey.

    That was one huge lesson for me, after that I decided that if anything happens like that in the future, it is best to grip my teeth, swallow my pride and let it go.

    The lesson here is, never get involved in road rage in Thailand.

  17. You can argue the rights and wrongs of the accident till the cows come home, having been involved in 2 accidents with motorbikes at U'turns i believe the outcome will depend on 3 things :

    1. How serious they were injured.

    2. How strong your insurance rep is ( i hope you have class 1 )

    3. The attitude of the policeman filing the report.

    Both my accidents were very similar with impact on rear passenger door, first one, I was totally absolved of any fault. The second one where he was seriously injured is still not 100% concluded after 6 months.

    So true. Tenant of mine drives his car, motorbike taxi goes through the red light and goes straight under his car, and is badly injured.

    Everything recorded on CCTV at the traffic lights, so it all on record that the bike taxi is in the wrong. Tenant even goes visit him in the hospital and gives him some money out of compassion.

    The shit starts, I know he's wrong but he's poor and you rich farang, so can't you take rsponsibility.

    Tenant's car is still in custody after 8 months, since case isn't solved yet.

    Find that hard to believe.

    How do you know the incident was recorded on CCTV? The only way your tenant could have known, if the police had informed him, which means the police would had viewed the said footage, therefore proving the motorbike guy was in the wrong according to you.

    The police cannot impound vehicles for an indefinite period without a warrant from the court or the car owner had been officially charged with reckless or dangerous driving.

    Tenant was shown the CCTV footage by the police. Car is still impounded, partly because the tenant spend most of his time in Europe, and the investigation is still ongoing.

    The tenant must have a home in Thailand with space to accommodate a car and again the car would not be impounded by the police unless ordered by the court or your tenant had been charged with a criminal offense. The said vehicle is the responsibility of it`s owner, not a police problem if the vehicle owner goes away.

    If the police are holding the said vehicle while the case is being investigated on suspicion that a serious criminal offense had been committed involving your tenant, than the police would had also confiscated your tenant`s passport and prohibited him leaving the county until their investigations are completed.

    Either there is more to this case than you are saying or someone is trying to discredit the police with exaggerated tales?

  18. You can argue the rights and wrongs of the accident till the cows come home, having been involved in 2 accidents with motorbikes at U'turns i believe the outcome will depend on 3 things :

    1. How serious they were injured.

    2. How strong your insurance rep is ( i hope you have class 1 )

    3. The attitude of the policeman filing the report.

    Both my accidents were very similar with impact on rear passenger door, first one, I was totally absolved of any fault. The second one where he was seriously injured is still not 100% concluded after 6 months.

    So true. Tenant of mine drives his car, motorbike taxi goes through the red light and goes straight under his car, and is badly injured.

    Everything recorded on CCTV at the traffic lights, so it all on record that the bike taxi is in the wrong. Tenant even goes visit him in the hospital and gives him some money out of compassion.

    The shit starts, I know he's wrong but he's poor and you rich farang, so can't you take rsponsibility.

    Tenant's car is still in custody after 8 months, since case isn't solved yet.

    Find that hard to believe.

    How do you know the incident was recorded on CCTV? The only way your tenant could have known, if the police had informed him, which means the police would had viewed the said footage, therefore proving the motorbike guy was in the wrong according to you.

    The police cannot impound vehicles for an indefinite period without a warrant from the court or the car owner had been officially charged with reckless or dangerous driving.

  19. I watched the uncensored video (only for research purposes of course) and those girls are hard seasons prostitutes, definately not underaged. If it does conclude that the girls are underage, than I would say this is a well organised set up.

    Just three bone headed morons with two prostitutes. Who was actually responsible for leaking this out in the public domain?

    So you've watched the uncensored version ?

    Surely, you feel that it is depraved and disgusting that it shows a man with his bottom being licked ? We're not talking about a quick kiss on the cheeks of his bottom. We're talking about a tongue right on his bottom hole, his bum-hole. And he seems to be really enjoying it.

    Also, noticed that no condoms were used. These men should be publicly tested for STDs, this will make the public more aware of the dangers of STDs when having sex with paid for women. A number of men don't use condoms when seeing prostitutes, scary yes, but it does happen.

    For anybody who wants to know how sickening the whole thing is, do a search on the internet. Go to yahoo.co.uk, and type in 'leicester city thai orgy deadspin', and click on the first item you see. You will then be on a page where the uncensored version is there. Warning: it is disguting and sickening.

    For someone who alleges to be very offended and disgusted by all the depravity shown in the video, you certainly seemed to have explicitly savoured every minute detail, even going to such lengths as informing others where to find this material on-line.

    I hold no objections to whatever occurs between consenting adults in private behind closed doors. Quite frankly, is not our business and if anyone wants to invite me to an orgy, please count me in.

    It`s only when these adults behave irresponsibly and their exploits affect others in a negative way that I find disgraceful.

  20. Nothing wrong with sex on an equal base.

    The behaviour of these bastards is simply violence against women, and it is also racistic because they picked women from a "Third World" country. I doubt if this would have been possible with English women.

    This "anything goes" attitude in the West in fact means "anything goes for the rich", poor people might get castrated for a behaviour like this.

    Here's my freedom of speech:

    Castrate these bastards !

    Total and utter rubbish.. It is you who are being racist.

    These sorts of depraved activities could be arranged and available in any country of the world for a price As regarding violence against women, women who prostitute themselves could be described as a form of self-abuse using their bodies as a means of income that the majority do willingly. Freedom of speech also equates to freedom of choice for these women.

    In my opinion prostitution is probably one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, vulnerable to diseases, verbal and physical abuse, even murder. When women go on the game they become no more than a product, service providers for the sexual gratifications of men and in some cases other women and why the sex industry is considered so immoral and sordid. But we must keep in mind that it takes two to tango. If the women were not there to provide the service than the sex industry would collapse.

    Accusing men who use the services of prostitutes as abusers of women is a feminist not wanting to lose face attitude. The fact is we do not live in a prim and proper world and not everyone shares. the same moral virtues and standards I equate this to the fact that most of us eat meat as a matter of routine without a second thought, but when we actually see the animals being slaughtered than suddenly we feel upset and disgusted, but nevertheless all this stuff is still continuing behind the scenes. My guess is that those who point the accusative fingers most are the biggest hypocrites, because in our own ways, we are all sinners.

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