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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. I have seen the video they are abusing Thai girls, some thing rotten , one is making a girl lick his arse, and as for the rest well i would call them scum.

    I have also seen the uncensored video and those girls were willing participates, paid professional prostitutes there for a purpose. I can assure you they were not there against their will or social workers giving the lads a bit of team therapy.

    Also noticed that the lads were not wearing protection, which makes them irresponsible in more ways than one.

    Some of you just don`t get it. There would be nothing wrong in what they were doing if in normal circumstances, but these are professional football players that have a huge following in the country and were in Thailand to promote the club. They abused their professional advantages, by filming the event, not taking precautions in preventing this from going viral in the public domain, therefore discrediting the club, their fans, the British and the Thai people. I too believe that the establishment that supplied the girls should also be brought to book over this, but I do dismiss claims that these girls were used and abused, because this is what they do, it`s their chosen occupations.

  2. Best way of protecting assets from a wife.

    Keep it in a bank account in another country, preferably one she doesn't have a VISA to visit, and don't tell her the money or the account exists.

    Yes finally i think it's the best solution i will send back my money to overseas. Thanks smile.png

    The land was puirchased illegally.

    You have no rights or juristition over it whatsoever.

  3. They are like God, they`re everywhere.

    2 shops at the rear of Hang Dong Market, all the main supermarkets, Home Pro, Global House, Makro, some local markets, the cheap fancy goods and hardware stalls and shops and too many more to mention.

  4. Immigration offials and sometimes the regular police, have been known to check on farangs with annual visas in Chiang Mai. Probably not directly, but rather making inquiries with neighbors and the locals.

    Why does this concern you?

  5. Down my way if the locals are not gossiping about each other, than they are gossiping about someone else.

    My wife says the place to be where all the dirt is dug up on people is at the local ladies hairdressers. No one is except from their vicious chitchat. I have no doubts that many of the locals also throw rumours around about me, but who cares? My wife once told me that our immediate neighbors were told I have 400 million baht in the bank. I said; if I had that amount of money, do you think I would be living in a dump like this? But again, who cares?

    Within the community I am well content to be the dumb farang, who sees nothing, hears nothing and knows nothing. This way I manage to stay out of the limelight. I am always polite, speak routinely with my neighbors, attend some of the local functions and festivals, but never, ever become directly involved with anyone and keep out of other people’s dramas.

    This is the key to living at peace with the neighbors and in Thailand as a whole.

  6. Although I have no sources of information or proof, I do have my own theories regarding what happens to the Katoeys.in later life.

    The one`s we most commonly see in the red light districts and soliciting for customers are mostly male prostitutes and are not and will never be post op transgender males. Once they become passed their prime, they then revert back to being males again and settling into normal lives.

    The real aging post op transgender males are mostly from the middle to upper classes of Thai society and have professional occupations. There are many in the hospitality, cosmetic, fashion and film industries.

    Om Napa is one such famous post op transgender male, seem frequently on Thai TV.


  7. My advice the OP is to save himself the expense of hiring a lawyer, because I doubt if even Perry Mason would be able to persude the management company to waive the service change arrears on this one.

    Unfortunately he made a fatal error by purchasing the property without first establishing the ful lterms of contract. It would be wise to hold a meeting with the management company and try to negociate the payments with them, which is now the only option available.

  8. They were here at the behest of their club owner- so maybe the fault lies with allowing unchaperoned football players loose in the LOS.

    They are football players after all, not to be confused with human rights envoys and philosophical genii.

    In fact they seem to be ticking most of the boxes for the typical loutish behavior of professional football players, bit of casual racism and shared sexual deviance is all in a days work. In fact its lucky they didn't rape any ladyboys when you think about it.

    How would you describe casual racism?

    It wasn`t their romp with the prostitutes that caused the main trouble, but rather the so-called casual racism that has discredited the club, considering that these brain dead morons have a huge following of fans in Thailand, which the Thai supporters are yealding them in millions of ££££££s every year.

    They have never heard of the old saying; You never bite the hand that feeds you.

  9. Pls save your time and keep your stupid comments for yourself.. I am not moaning about anything, just trying to sort the matter the best way I can..

    I have already explained to you in detail.

    In the UK regarding debts incurred on properties is 12 years before it expires. My guess is Thailand is the same, as many Thai laws are loosely based on British law.

    If you require more knowledge of Thai civil law, than one option is to visit a book shop where there are many books on Thai law, both in English and Thai. I have several here myself.

    Every law regarding condos in Thailand is all here:


    And explained in simple terms that even you may understand. I suggest you peruse the information very carefully and you will probably find your answers within the ACTs.

  10. Thanks for your answer but it doesn't help..

    I am trying to verify if they are entitled to get what they claim.

    Have a nice afternoon..

    I assume that the said condo is a repossesion and the previous residents were in service charge arrears.

    The norm when someone sells is that exchange of contracts cannot go ahead until the serivice charges are up to date. But in the cases of a repossession, if the ex-residents cannot be traced or do not have the funds to pay off the arrears, than the management company can insist that the full arrears are paid by the new mug who purchases the leasehold, because the new owner automatically takes on any debts owed on the property. The interest accrued on the debt is usually estimated according to the present bank rates. That`s the policy that could be described as fine law.

    Why did you not check on this prior to purchase?

  11. if they take the land what will happen to the house ??

    without bulldoze the house ermm.gifunsure.png

    The non-emotional answer is that the house stays on the land and you walk away, realising that Thailand is not the place to invest money unless you fully understand all the issues.

    Emotional responses are many and varied........ and could end up with you in the monkey house. Walk away. Destroying the house is really just more money gone and an asset destroyed, making the world a poorer place.

    The reality is that Thailand exposes the the rawness of human interaction, which in the west is mediated by legal and moral processes.

    The reality is that in Thailand farangs have very little or no jurisdiction over land or real estate they invest in here. Also to keep in mind that farangs have virtually no statutory rights in Thailand.

    Farangs who ply their money into projects on trust and on informal agreements do so at their own risk and discretion. That’s the reality. This is nothing new and common knowledge.

  12. The Kanchanaburi chief added that he was not allowed to hold a press conference to announce the arrest for fear that the case would affect tourism of Kanchanaburi and would also further hurt the victim.

    The two Thai teenage boys talked to the British girl and took her away on their motorcycle. The girl was later left at a market in Mueang district after she was raped her and robbed of some valuables.

    "Took her away against her will", or "kidnapped her" would be a much better wording.

    What a bunch of crap. This country's hiding too many things. Why would the arrest hurt the victim? Gosshh..

    I disagee.

    It`s obvious that the victim prefers not to be named, wants no publicty and insisted on her right to anonymity.

    We do not know the full curcumstances invovled except which are published in the reports, so we cannot assume anything. End of story.

  13. How would they had known the residents were not at home and when? Possibly the apartments were being watched by a security guard and their movements reported to the couple.

    According to lady's words in most cases they robbed the houses while residents were at home even in a daytime. Their last robbery they did at night time when the house was full of sleeping people.

    Please show where in the OP it says this?

  14. It's Thailand, you can do what you want here. Want to make a depraved sex video and hurl racial slurs.....can. Want to solicit children for sex.....can. Want to buy drugs.....can. Doesn't mean that it's right or legal. But, there is money to be make in sex and drugs, so we know it will be overlooked. I love how he government overlooks all of this crap, then will act surprised when it all comes out on social media.

    Your attitudes and the amount of likes received for your comments, now typifies the majority of opinions running on a daily basis in these forums. Rarely does anyone receive likes for being complimentary and portraying Thailand in a good light. It is no wonder the Thais fear letting us gain any footholds here.

    Have the heard the old saying; money speaks all languages? Most illicit activities are available anywhere in the world for those who have the money; Thailand is not exclusive in that department.

    Unlike as regarded in the western perspective, the sex industry in Thailand is not prevalent, it`s only there for those who seek it out, the same as in many other countries. It is possible to live in Thailand for decades and never see a bar or sex establishments by simply avoiding certain areas. They could have made a similar video anywhere in the world, just happens that in this case, it`s Thailand.

    These so-called premier league stars abused their advantage of having money and fame and in turn have discredited their football club, Britain and Thailand. Totally unprofessional and complete madness considering what these young idiots have at stake here. I sincerely hope this costs them millions and puts an end to what would have been a prosperous career.

  15. cheesy.gif i wont go into detail but no we are not. too many cases and incidents to list here , i just do not have the time. ok i will give you the last one, driving down a main rd and sober 6am in morning, a taxi driver with a farang and drunken thai girl on back, taxi driver comes from behind bangs into me , thai girl has been shouting and swinging a bottle of whiskey about, taxi driver loses balance and comes into me, causing my bike no real damage only a scratch, no damage to his, police are called, girl has a scrape on her ankle, she states farang fault, her english boyfriend even backs metyo cops, this happened at crossroads at soi buakao,lankee,dianna so there are cameras, i point to cameras telling police to look at them, cop shouts at me to ,stop my mouth now, ok i stop. i have to pay 2000 baht , 1ooo to taxi driver and 1000 to the whore who says she needs to go hospital.

    is that enough ? theres more, awhole lot more coffee1.gif

    You allege, taxi with drunken Thai girl and farang on-board, bangs into your motorbike from behind, minimal damage to your motorbike and no damage to the taxi.

    The police are called, Thai girl who was obviously drunk as a skunk in your opinion, shouts, it`s the farang`s fault, the police immediately stop you in your tracks when tried to explain and demanded 2000 baht,

    Total rubbish, your story has more holes in it than a lump of Swiss cheese. Firstly, you alleged it was the taxi driver who rear ended you, the farang passenger or taxi driver must had admitted that the distractions caused by the drunk female passenger made him lose attention and bump your bike, otherwise how would you have known the girl had been shouting and swinging a bottle of whiskey about inside the cab?

    And if according to you it was the taxi driver`s fault and no one incurred serious injuries, than why would the taxi driver had wanted to get involved with the police?

    There is no way that the police would have taken the drunken woman at her word, not given you a chance to state your version of events with no mention whether the police took a statement from the taxi driver or the farang passenger. If this had happened to me, out of principle, I would had insisted on going to the police station, being heard and making an official statement, especially considering it was the driver of the taxi who rear ended you.

    Sorry, don`t believe it. Just another I am the victimised farang story. I wonder if you even live in Thailand?

  16. May I ask some questions. Were the couple officially married? And the land and house was purchased with who`s money?

    Under Thai law unless the farang husband has purchased the said land under the auspices of a Thailand based company or with an approved BOI scheme, than the land has to be solely purchased with his Thai wife`s funds from inception with back up documentation to prove it. What this means is; that when his deceased wife`s, ever loving, ever caring family suddenly turn up to make their claim on what they consider to be their inheritance and the land and property falls under dispute, if the land was not purchased strictly as imposed under Thai law, than this could go against him if it reaches court.

    If all above board and legally purchased, the farang husband inherits 50% of the said land and property in the event of his spouse`s death, shared with her other next of kin, which in this case is her siblings. unless his wife died in testate and stated otherwise.

    Considering that the wife left no will, then be prepared for the in-laws to try and muscle in and take a major chunk of the wife's estate. This could also pertain for the contents of joint bank accounts and vehicles not in the farang husband`s name.

    Whatever part of the real estate the farang husband inherits upon his wife's death, will have to be sold up or transferred to a Thai within 12 months. because foreigners are not allowed to own land in Thailand. But at the end of the day, still alot may depend on the judge`s discretion.

    My advice is this; the guy should seek professional advice and hire the services of a reputable Thai lawyer and not place anything on trust or informal agreements. He should begin the process sooner and not later.

  17. My son as a child had shown similar systems right from an early age. The doctors just gave him a load of cough jollop and some pills that had no affect whatsoever. We tried changing his food, took him off soft drinks and candy, propping his head up in bed, but nothing worked.

    Then we took him to the Klaimor Hospital in Hang Dong for a full medical check up. Their diagnoses was that my son was suffering from a form of asthma. They gave him an inhaler to help his breathing during the night and some anti inflammatory and allergy pills to ease congestion and stop the coughing and vomiting. The doctor told me that the vomiting is caused by the heaving, choking and stomach stress due to the coughing.

    After only one month the systems eased, no more vomiting, then a few years later after he reached adulthood and then big and ugly like his dad, my son grew out of it.

    In my opinion the OP`s son is suffering from a form of asthma, that could be allergy related, which is causing the coughing and vomiting attacks.

  18. If they are as tame as the OP claims, then very easy to evict them from the house.

    Over the years there have been several occasions when the odd long tailed lizard have entered the house. They`re easy to locate once inside and then I just creep up on them with a medium sized pond net, the funnel shaped types as pictured below. Quickly place the net over the lizard and then once inside the net, give it a slight twill at the bottom that entraps the reptile. Then take outside at a distance well away from the house and release them.

    There are never any reasons to kill these creatures and easy to send them on their way to live another day.


  19. A very common consensus is that if a woman is young and attractive and ventures out in public places than she is sending out all the wrong messages and leaving herself vulnerable to rape.

    When I am out and about, I see many attractive and desirable young ladies, some even wearing slutty clothes and thick make-up, but my mind doesn`t say; she`s giving me the come on to rape her. If I were to begin having feelings like that, I would immediately book myself an appointment with a psychiatrist and seek professional treatment.

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