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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. The problem is. in legal terms, acquitted does not exactly mean, not guilty. It covers a multitude of reasons for being released from jail, such as; not enough evidence, lack of proof beyond a reasonable doubt and so on.

    This means that the stigma of whether people believe he is guilty or not will always remain with him, plus not officially being given a not guilty verdict lets the Thai authorities off the hook for paying compensation. This guy has had a raw deal in my opinion.

  2. Sad story. Judging by the OP, it seems the children were in a no hope situation right from the start. Absent mother, father working all hours struggling to make ends meet and two young children more or less left bringing up themselves, then their situation is preyed upon by a monster.

    We all know what would be the fate of the child rapist if his punishment was placed in our hands, but the question is; considering that this family are only poor working class, will these two innocent children receive real justice? Somehow I doubt it.

  3. These so-called ladyboy prostitutes are a menace and should be cleared off the streets permanently and banned from high tourist areas, not only in Pattaya but also Chiang Mai, where starting from the evening the streets are infested with them, many I have witnessed harassing tourist passers by.

    In general most ladyboys are no problem and prefer to do their own thing, many have decent professional occupations, it is only the ones that hang about the streets that are the problem.

    This is just a vicious circle, a game, police pull them in, they pay a small fine, than back on the streets again. What`s the point?

  4. For almost 30 years my family and I have had our drinking water delivered. It comes in the big 20 litre plastic bottles,17 baht a bottle. We have a water cooler machine and the bottle can be directly placed on top of the cooler, so we have a constant supply of chilled drinking water. During this hot spell I have been drinking litres of the stuff every day.

    I have not queried where it comes from, don`t really want to know and never had a problem in 30 years, from the time a 20 litre bottle was 2 baht up to present day.

    I`ve tried various brands of bottled drinking water over the years from different stores and delivered, but they all taste exactly the same to me; I mean, water is water; isn`t it?

  5. The closest thing I have come to regarding a western style Chinese meal in Chiang Mai, is the Chinese chicken curry by Curry Nights, sold in a box for 99 baht at the Rimping supermarkets.

    Just shove it in the micro wave for 5 minutes, add rice and you have a very nice western style Chinese meal.

    Trust me you`ll love it, and if you don`t, you have my personal guarantee that I won`t give you your money back.

  6. To the OP:

    I guess you mean taking your Thai wife and her daughter to the UK on a permanent basis.

    First, need to know some details:

    1. Are you officially married to your Thai wife?

    2. If officially married, did you marry here or in the UK.

    3. Have you officially adopted your Thai wife`s daughter and how old is the child?

    4. Do you have an accommodation address in the UK and if so, is it suitable to accommodate yourself, wife and the child?

    5. Do you have a full time permanent job waiting for you if and when you return to the UK?

  7. We have a whole family of tokays that have made residence between a wooden box and the wall outside our bedroom and we love them, even given them names.

    At certain times of the year the male starts drifting all around the area and makes his mating calls then returning to his home outside our bedroom. I love these critters and all of nature, these geckos are amazing, plus they are good for the environment, they eat insects and vermin.

    Those who have no tolerance of the animals and environment around them, probably have no tolerance of other people either and anti-social. .

    These geckos are natural to Thailand and have been here probably for millions of years and in fact have more rights to be here than we do. My advice is; enjoy the wonders of nature, rather than opposing it.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The best place to look for this sort of thing is on craigslist. Go into the Thailand section; then services, then Therapeutic. Stacks of ads on there and you could even place your own ad, it`s all free.

    Also try the Health and Well Being section in the classifieds here on good old Thai visa.

    Another option is to check out facebook and do a search. But be careful, don`t send your personal details if replying to ads, unless you can confirm that these are legit massage services.

    Thank you very much - this is very useful - kind regards xxx


    Before you send messages to other men like this, it is first advisable to confirm they are also gay.

  9. Yes, you need a business plan first. No one will take you seriously if you can't manage that first step.

    I have the business plan, just need to find out how to raise the money. Banks don't want to know a foreigner !

    You may have a business plan, but without having the backing and support of one or more prominent people or companies that will show interest in your plan, plus the support and co-operation of the right authorities to permit the go ahead, and any banks, persons, financial institutions or companies that find your plan credible enough to lend you money on it, than to be quite frank, your business plan is not worth the paper it`s printed on.

    In Thailand it`s not what you know, but who you know and if you do not have the right contacts to help push your plan forward, than you may as well forget it.

  10. The best place to look for this sort of thing is on craigslist. Go into the Thailand section; then services, then Therapeutic. Stacks of ads on there and you could even place your own ad, it`s all free.

    Also try the Health and Well Being section in the classifieds here on good old Thai visa.

    Another option is to check out facebook and do a search. But be careful, don`t send your personal details if replying to ads, unless you can confirm that these are legit massage services.

  11. The Thai legal system is a tedious process and by no means easy like it is in the States or the UK where a plaintiff can apply and sue for a civil court hearing using DIY methods.

    In Thailand most courts will not entertain a plaintiff unless the case is conducted by a lawyer and then actually getting it into court can take several years, plus a defendant has the right to appeal the courts decision, twice I think.

    If a plaintiff considers a case is worth all the hassle of pursuing, than he has to be certain that the defendant has enough assets or funds to cover the legal fees and pay what is owed if a judgement goes against him in court and of course in the hope that the defendant does not do a disappearing act during the process.

  12. The OP may find areas of Hang Dong to his liking.

    Some parts of it are fairly secluded yet has good road systems including the 108 and public transport directly into the town. It is also very farangy orientated, with the newly revamped, Kad Farang big Rimping supermarket and fast and easy access to shops and supermarkets, including Tesco Lotus, Big C, Makro, Home Pro and so on.

    Worth checking out.

  13. small village in rural england ,had a old gay black jewish man living near me ,mother jewish german ,farther black ,everybody loved him and his little white man

    You are prejudice.

    You deliberately missed out that the gay, black, old Jewish man was also a dwarf, had a glass eye, a wooden leg and was disabled.

    We may as well throw the lot in while you`re at it.

  14. The "Ethiopian Jews" are descendants from the Kingdom of Himyar (now Yemen) while the Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of the East European Khazar Kingdom (see conferences on Youtube given by Prof History Tel Aviv University Shlomo Sand) : they both come from a really different world.


    Being a fellow believer of a faith does not automatically make people blood brothers. Imagine if Thailand decided to admit certain peoples as citizens just on the basis that their grandparents on their mothers side were Buddhists. Somehow I doubt that the Thais would be welcoming them with open arms.

  15. The opinion of most people who consider themselves as being Jews first and foremost, is that the true Jews are central European Ashkenazi or Sephardic originating from Spain and even those two groups live in separate communities. Other Jews that have different ethnic origins and backgrounds hardly count as being members of the faith with them.

    Israel was mean`t to be a land of the free for all those of the Jewish faith with the purpose that they could be practising Jews without restrictions and persecution regardless of race and from where they come from. But just like America, the so-called land of the free, this may sound like the perfect society on paper, but in reality doesn`t work. Both Israel and America are racist societies, it is a sort of unwritten constitutional law where ethnic peoples are placed at a disadvantage.

  16. We used a company called Seven Seas shipping .Sent over to Chiang Mai 34 packing cases, from the UK (tea chest size) door to door, they have an online calculator to work out the cost not outrageously expensive, best thing only paid 200 Baht customs fee. Then sent over another 6 boxes full of tools still only 200Baht. Took six weeks by sea. Great company they tell you the container no and ship its loaded onto you can track it on line for a bit of fun.

    Bj please please read my post , granted we did not have a container but the goods were shipped door to door Goods were sent in my name accompanied by a truthful list and a copy of My O-A visa and passport page.

    Goods shipped in from abroad have to go through customs and excise in Bangkok, no question about it. And placing the boxes in a farang name is a bad idea, I certainly would not recommend it.

    Have no idea how your UK shipping company managed to transport your goods from the UK to Chiang Mai door to door, unless the Seven Seas shipping company have a subsidiary company in Thailand? Do you have any written details from the Seven Seas company quoting that they deliver door to door in Thailand? If correct, than I am sure this will be of great interest to the OP and others in similar situations considering shipping goods to Thailand.

  17. Some advice:

    Firstly UK shipping companies will only take stuff as far as the port in Bangkok. If you want to continue on to any other destination within Thailand, you must arrange for the cases to be picked up by another carrier company in Thailand, preferable one based in the destination where you want the goods delivered.

    Use a Thai name from the very beginning with the UK company. If you declare the goods in a farang name, you will be stung for a huge amount of Import tax, to be paid before you can retrieve your goods from the Bangkok port. They will be held for ransom until you pay.

    If you bring new electrical items over, you will be charged import tax at a huge percent. Try and bring only your used electrical goods and one of each, you will again have to pay import tax on more than one item that the officials consider you don't need. If you do try and bring in new electrical items, take off any wrapping and put on old plugs so they appear used.

    When you hire your carrier in Thailand to collect the goods from port, don't tell them you have a computer, otherwise they will try and con you for more money. The Thai carrier will not open the cases and have no right to because the cases would have already been cleared by customs in Bangkok.

    The UK company charges by cubic space and not weight, but if the cases are considered too heavy, they will refuse to take them. The customs in Bangkok charge import tax by the value of the goods, but mostly waver this tax or charge a minimum for Thai people.

    As for packing, wrap drinking glasses and crockery in newspaper. Put fragile items in with your good blankets or clothes so that they are buffered. This way you are not wasting any space on excess padding as your clothes are excellent buffers and will protect your fragile items when the cases are throw about by the carriers, which they will be.

    And finally, the carrier company in Chiang Mai may not to bring up your cases from a depot in Bangkok until their truck is full, meaning having to wait until other customers are also bringing their goods up here and the truck was full. Ask the Chiang Mai carrier company about this prior to booking them.

    On average it takes the goods about 4 to 6 weeks to arrive in Bangkok from the UK. I recommend this company:

  18. The OP is thinking of returning to Chiang Mai, but seems he cannot even spell it.

    I would like to ask him, how does he intend to financially support himself in Thailand and obtain a visa for long term stay here? Because if it`s going to be a case of living on the breadline and only affording the very basics of food, than my advice is; reconsider returning to Thailand until his financial situation improves.

    Trust me, it`s not so cheap here any-more..

    The OP may or may not know how to spell Chiang Mai. But he does know how to be polite. There are lots of things I might like to ask people. But first I ask myself whether it's any of my business.

    The OP wants to know the costs of renting an apartment and the price of certain foods for himself, which vary enormously.

    To answer, first need to have an idea approximately how much income he is on and for how long.

  19. The OP is thinking of returning to Chiang Mai, but seems he cannot even spell it.

    I would like to ask him, how does he intend to financially support himself in Thailand and obtain a visa for long term stay here? Because if it`s going to be a case of living on the breadline and only affording the very basics of food, than my advice is; reconsider returning to Thailand until his financial situation improves.

    Trust me, it`s not so cheap here any-more..

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  20. If a major quake struck Bangkok, it would be a catastrophic disaster on scale that surpasses any natural disasters that have happened here before, and probably make the Nepalese earthquake appear mild in comparison.

    I very much doubt that tall buildings in the city are designed to counteract the jelly-mould affect, which is basically the exaggerated shaking like a jelly being moved about on a plate base and of course most of the land in Bangkok has been claimed from it`s rivers, that are still lingering beneath the surface.

    The Thai philosophy is and has always been; it hasn`t happened yet, so worry about it if something does occur in the future. My philosophy has always been and still is, to think and plan ahead, which for this reason, there is absolutely no way I would consider living in a Bangkok high rise condo, even for free.

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