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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Being realistic and guessing that most Thai visa members cannot speak or read and write even one word of Thai, and many are like fish out of water without their Thai wives or girlfriends to do all their bidding and daily business for them here, than the chances of being able to work in Thailand, even if the laws permitted it, are non-existent.

    For those who fall into the category I have mentioned above, what type of work do you think it is possible for you to do in Thailand? It would be the same as it has been for decades, having to use Thais to do all the translating and as upfront people for you.

  2. When I was a kid, growing up in the states, we were always shown the image of the British as being the most sophisticated, well spoken people around - a cartoon of that, really - tea time and perhaps a monicle, ha How deceiving this stereotype was smile.png

    The first photo, example one, is what used to be every foreigners perception of what Englishmen were like during my younger days. The second photo, example two, is the world’s perception of Englishmen today.

    So what happened? Not only are they at complete opposite ends of the evolutionary scale, but also could be regarded as a totally different species. At least the Thais over the generations have not gone into a social decline that much, as a matter of fact, regarding standards of living, education and culture, I would say Thailand has improved over the decades, whereas Britain has gone into sociological decline.

    Glad I`m out of there, and the best of British luck.



  3. Some Chinese believe whistling attracts ghosts; don't know if this also applies to Thais.

    Strange you should mentioned this. My mum used to say; don`t whistle in the house because it`s unlucky, but she never said why. (No Chinese in my family as far as I know).

    Must admit, in all my years in Thailand, I have rarely heard Thai people whistle. Perhaps there is some superstitious reasons behind it?

  4. What is the point of displaying photos of dead snakes?

    Can anyone really enjoy seeing photos of dead animals? Sad.

    I didnt ask anyone to enjoy it.

    I also didnt ask a cat to chew it and drop it outside my door.

    For future reference for myself i would like to know how safe i am with wildlife in my garden and no doubt others do too.

    If you cant say something useful then button it.

    If the cat ain`t dead, than my guess is the snake was harmless.

  5. People have been seeking a perfect cat repellent for centuries and as yet not been successful.

    Once cats come on to a piece of land and mark their territory, than as far as Tibbles is concerned it belongs to him.

    Only sure way of keeping cats away is to get a dog.that hates cats.

  6. I'm no more wiser about how to use this on-line reporting now than before I went to the Immigration office as instructed when I couldn't get past the first page.

    Believe I remember you getting a new passport recently. If you look at the last 90 day printed out receipt there is a bar code. Under it is the nationality and passport number. Do they match up with your current number? I will be trying the online on the 27th, 15 days before expiration, and see what happens.

    Looked over the new receipt VERY carefully. Everything is exactly the way I entered on the first page of the on-line form. Passport number, name, gender, nationality. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the arrival card info. I wonder if that's the problem? We made a little trip and have new arrival cards from October. (but today's 90 day report was the 2nd since that trip)

    It appears to me that this new system is very hit and miss. I read on one thread that make one error, however small, even a spelling mistake, and the form cancels out, won`t permit any retries until the next 90 day report is due.

    Another part I don`t like about this, is the few days wait before being notified that the report has been accepted. At least when personally visiting Immigration it`s over and done with in one go. I am having second thoughts regarding using the 90 day online reporting system and perhaps less hassle to just go in person. Whatever, it`s all a pain in you know where.

  7. Col Sanchai said that anyone leaving information out or including incorrect information (including typing mistakes) will have to apply in person, but will be allowed to apply online on the next occasion.

    It seems we only have one crack at this. Any errors, even unintentionally, means the form will self destruct and it`s a trip to Immigration.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You certainly make many assumptions in your OP. Is it selfish for a 46 year old first time father and 32 year old first time mother, with adequate income to start a family ?

    Is it selfish? What do you think bangkokhatter?

    Here are my thoughts:

    Under 40: Ideal age to have children

    Age 40-45: It is okay, but plan it and be sure

    Age 45-50: Borderline. I think it is too old, but it can be done. Just

    Age 50+: No.Too old. It is a selfish act beyond this age

    I am 65 this year and my Thai wife is 40 we have 2 girls one of 5 the other 8. Both bright happy and doing well in there school here in the UK. Although I am 64 I am fit healthy and have no plans on dropping dead any day soon. I have seen guys 10years younger who look like they are on borrowed time. A man could marry at 30 father 6 kids and get killed by a truck, or get cancer by the time the oldest child is 6 would that be selfish?

    No selfish would have been to tell the wife I didn't want kids even if that was what she wanted. I love my girls and could not imagine being with out them and if we are lucky we will all be together for many happy years to come. Anyway I have to go and finish helping the girls make cup cakes.

    In my opinion, a husband being 20 up to 25 years older than his wife is no big deal. For example, a 20 year old marrying a 40 or 45 year old, or a 35 year old woman marrying a 60 year old is all still in the realms where they wouldn`t stand out much.

    But age gaps over and above those figures is cradle snatching, or woman involved in those relationships are only going to be in it for the money and the old guys in it for wanting desirable sex, there are hardly any exceptions to that rule. But I still rule out men over the age of 55 having kids.

  9. I'm 62, have a 3 year old. Very happy with lots of money. Been married 5 years and my wife is now 26. Much support in our family. My child will be taken care of very well. You don't need to be concerned.

    You can never know about the feeling, reasons, or love of life until you can walk in the shoes that carry this joy. Hopefully you can learn something by reading these comments and better understand how important it is to open your mind a little bit more.

    Firstly, there is no way you could get away with this in your country unless you were mega rich or a celebrity and in our countries, once the wealth goes, the wife goes with it. It`s the same here, and if you don`t believe, than you`re living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

    28 years ago I knew a Thai girl, (Nat). Beautiful girl 24 years old. Got herself into debt, became desperate, married a 65 year old American guy and went back to the States with him .The guy`s family couldn`t believe their luck that their sibling had got himself such a prize from a third world country.

    4 years later Nat returned to Chiang Mai on her own, for a trip to visit her family she told old hubby. I met up with her. She was desperately unhappy, told me that she had been groomed and felt used and abused by the guy and his family. He manipulated the marriage where as Nat became a glorified carer for him and his 90 something mother.

    Natalie did not want to return back to the States, she stayed in Chiang Mai for at least another 7 months, becoming my brother in law`s girlfriend into the bargain. After that she went to Bangkok and never heard from her again.

    What can a 20 something girl have in common with a 60 something man? A 20 something woman is just starting out in life, whereas a 60 something man is winding down. So therefore as the guy gets even older, his little trophy wife takes on the role as his carer, more or less trapped into a situation as her young years pass by.

    It`s no more than a form of abuse, old guy with a few shekels taking advantage of a poor woman from an undeveloped country, which is exactly how this would be viewed if you took her back to your homeland and quite rightly so.

  10. Most middle to upper class Thai women would never consider hooking up with some old has been farangs trying to rekindle their younger days in a third world country. In fact this practice is frowned upon in Thailand and considered several steps down the social ladder for Thais, as it is in the West.

    The majority of these ageing ex-pats aim for the Thai women from the lower classes of Thai society believing that their life savings and what would be considered as meagre incomes in western terms will attract women hoping to archive themselves some financial status for themselves and their families within their communities. In many cases it works.

    Seeing some old gross fat bald or greyed haired farang walking along holding a young child with some young Thai girl wearing layers of loud make up and short shorts, either in tow or hand in hand, I find obscene and it`s an embarrassment watching the Thais turn their heads glaring at them as they walk passed. I have witnessed this countless times.

  11. Either Troll post or a total moron who thinks his own values are unchallengeable

    I completely and totally agree with the OP.

    I fathered my children in my early 30s, Thai wife of similar age, had the pleasure of watching them become adults, soon to be a granddaddy in fact, and my children had the benefit of an active father.

    Becoming a father in your 60s is not fair on the children, plus daddy will probably be gone by the time the kids are in their late teens.

    Some old ex-pats believe that money overrides everything, including being there in person to support the children later on in life. In fact seeing old granddaddies with babies and toddlers usually with Thai wives or girlfriends young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters in tow, is an embarrassment.

  12. I agree, once a website and domain name is left to expire and not renewed again, is not a good sign.

    Over the years I have seen many restaurants and shops come and go in that area, so if anyone bites the dust, it would not surprise me.

  13. If the public could see what actually goes on in restaurant kitchens and food preparation areas in stores, no one would ever eat out or buy unpacked food again.

    The hygiene standards, or should say lack of hygiene standards here are appalling. So far been lucky, and a miracle none of us have suffered from extreme food poisoning in the past.

    Perhaps after living in Thailand for a long time we become immune to all the bacteria that would knock us down in the west.

    I never buy unpacked cold meats in Thailand and have always stuck with wrapped foods from the cold cabinets.

  14. I have a MacBook Air, and I just utilized this approach to submit a 90 Day Report online.

    1. Download and install Firefox. Use a plain vanilla install. No need to make it your primary browser.

    2. Go to https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/ (Paste this link into Firefox, go there and download/install this user agent switcher add-on/extension into Firefox.) it's a painless step.

    "The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser." In other words, it can make Firefox appear to be IE.

    3. After add-on installation and BEFORE going to the Immigration site, simply click "Tools" in the Firefox header, select "Default User Agent", then select "Internet Explorer", and finally click on "Internet Explorer 8". I know this one works because I used it. Now when you attempt to submit a 90 Day Report using this modified version of Firefox you should not get a message about IE, because you will appear to the Immigration site as a compliant IE user.

    I believe every time you open Firefox you will have to reset the Default User Agent.

    Everything is free. Carry on, and good luck.

    Why bother with all that palaver?

    I have all the main browsers installed on my computer and have made my browser of choice as default. Then if I am required to use a browser other than my default, I just click on the appropriate browser icon on my taskbar and I`m in within a second. I can even have more than one browser open at the same time.

    It is possible to export all your bookmarks to other browsers. Easy peesy.

    • Like 1
  15. Very strange. Dog ticks don`t usually stray far away from dogs, because they actually feed on the blood and breed on dogs.

    These pests lie dormant in long grass and then attach themselves to animals as they walk passed. Ticks will not infest a home unless there has been a dog in the premises and brought the ticks in with it or someone is keeping a dog in another condo, perhaps a neighbor, that is infested with ticks.

    Are you sure these critters are ticks?

    110% sure. i've killed so many of them. i also had bed bugs years ago when i lived in NYC, so i am familiar with similar bugs. i don't know if they've bitten me, but they are a concern.

    so the question is: what do i do? take care of the problem now or in 9 days at the new place?

    and who should i contact to treat the problem?

    Ticks are not bed bugs, not even similar and I am still not convinced that your problem is caused by dog ticks.

    But nevertheless, firstly if you have an infestation in your clothes, than by doing nothing you maybe transferring the problem to your new residence. So my advice is; wash out all your dirty clothes and any bed sheets and blankets and once dry, seal them up in black plastic rubbish sacks. Also do the same if you find any of the bugs on your clean clothes and bed linen.

    Otherwise, whatever you decide, is up to your own discretion.

  16. Very strange. Dog ticks don`t usually stray far away from dogs, because they actually feed on the blood and breed on dogs.

    These pests lie dormant in long grass and then attach themselves to animals as they walk passed. Ticks will not infest a home unless there has been a dog in the premises and brought the ticks in with it or someone is keeping a dog in another condo, perhaps a neighbor, that is infested with ticks.

    Are you sure these critters are ticks?


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  17. The quest is over. Amorn has been found!

    Amorn is now located inside the old run-down computer plaza building facing the moat west of Icon Square/Computer Plaza places,

    Do you mean the place that is called, Computer City?

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