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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Many Thai visa members had better hope that this is an April fools day leg puller, because considering all the digs and insults you have thrown at Thaksin Shinawatra on here in the past, if he does take over TV the consequences for the Mr Thaksin bashers will be dire.


  2. In Chiang Mai the ladyboys or otherwise known as katoeys are mostly nocturnal.

    Best places to find them are around the Loi Kroh Road area and Tapae Gate from about 8.00pm onwards that becomes what I describe as the katoey rush hour. You`re be spoilt for choice.

    They`ll probably do anything and go anywhere with you If the price is right.

  3. It`s a common rat snake, completely harmless. Frequent visitors here in our garden. They like to get into small dark places, we presently have a nest of them under our garden shed.

    Judging that the rat snake in the OP appears to have quite vivid markings, means it`s a young one. They lose most of their patterns as they reach adulthood.

    Here is what to do: rat snakes don`t like water. Have a bowl of cold water at the ready. When the snake returns to the electric box again, make it go back onto the ground and then throw the water at it. Guaranteed it will get the hint it`s not wanted and won`t return.


  4. Come on you guys!

    This is a step in the right direction, please give them a chance.

    Anything is better than the grief I get when I go to Korat Immigration.

    This is a step in the right direction, but the big question is, will it work?

    As one poster has rightly mentioned, they are about 20 years behind with the system they are using and once in full swing, will it be able to cope? Plus I am having doubts that this facility will be available nationwide on April 1st.

    It`s a case of wait and see what happens on the day,

  5. Firstly, having jewellery accurately valued in Thailand is almost impossible, unlike in the west where jewellers have special departments for valuations mostly for insurance purposes.

    Try to sell at jewellers in Thailand and they will 99.99% times tell you the item is of poor quality and almost worthless and offer knock down prices.

    My advice is, if possible, send the ring to family or trusted friends in your home country and have it properly valued. Once acquired then try to sell on Ebay. Otherwise (unless anyone knows better?) I cannot think of any jewellery stores in Thailand I would trust to give you an honest valuation or a reasonable price for your ring.

    • Like 2
  6. As usual I have to go against the grain.

    I totally agree with the minister. These days they can't get away with just putting pretty girls up on the stand, there has to be more to it, the game has changed.

    The car shows are put on to sell cars and promote business. They have to give the products the semblance of having class, i.e. including the models, also they are not taking into consideration that probably women are are taking an equal interest in these shows as the men, perhaps more.

    Oh look...grandpa just got out of bed!coffee1.gif

    Yes, looks like Gramps will spend another evening trying to mend his broken tea spout. poor boy, I remember when he had a pulse (and knew what to do with it)

    DM07 ... i actually laughed out loud, thanks ... I needed that.

    Not true. I bought a new tea pot last week.

  7. As usual I have to go against the grain.

    I totally agree with the minister. These days they can't get away with just putting pretty girls up on the stand, there has to be more to it, the game has changed.

    The car shows are put on to sell cars and promote business. They have to give the products the semblance of having class, i.e. including the models, also they are not taking into consideration that probably women are are taking an equal interest in these shows as the men, perhaps more.

  8. it is with great sadness i have to report our member wayned has lost his wife.

    he posted in the pet section she died this morning.

    our deepest sympathy to you wayned and the wife's family.

    mr.& mrs.meat and sam.


    I did not know the couple but sorry to hear this.

    My heartfelt sympathies go out to Wayned and all those nearest and dearest to his wife.

  9. 250 baht soapie???



    Promotion: buy one of those $1.5 million luxury homes before the end of the month and the company will throw in a soapy massage for free.

    As regards the pollution, for what I have read, London and Paris have been hit even worse than Chiang Mai. Soon there won`t be any place to go and able to breathe. Life on Earth may become like living on Mars, where we all have to live in artificial environments because the atmosphere is poisonous outside. Perhaps a grim future ahead.

    Although well out of my budget, 47 million baht is not a fortune these days, considering that that`s now about the price of an average flat in the centre of London.

  10. You’re not being ripped off, but nevertheless I would advise against it.

    These schemes are designed for poor Thai people. Hopefully you have many good healthy years ahead of you, but if in the event of your death, the scheme would just about cover you for a rubbish tip location incineration job funeral. Meaning, your coffin and body is taken to a site that bears many similarities to a rubbish tip, coffin laid out on a cemented area, people come along and throw old rubber tyres, bits of wood and paper onto the coffin, which is then splashed with petrol and set alight. If you’re happy with that, than fine, go ahead and join the scheme. Personally for me, although I would be dead, I still prefer to go out in a more dignified fashion than that.

    • Like 1
  11. ...it seems that by blocking all members from my personal messenger also blocks Mods and Admin, plus there is a disable personal messenger button in my profile that to me means I have the option to disable my PM...

    I am trying to recreate your problem, but I cannot find a button to block receipt of PMs from all members. Could you post a screenshot of the page with this button, please?

    Screen shot below:


    • Like 1
  12. Perhaps the OP is like the Blues Brothers, on a mission from God.

    Just this moment typed into facebook search, Chiang Mai bands, and scores of groups appeared. If the OP has a facebook account, I think it`s well worth checking these out, plus making some inquiries on there that will probably yield in better results than on Thai visa where most of members are so old that most of them think heavy rock is a large boulder and Bill Haley and the Comets are still number one in the charts.

    • Like 2
  13. Yes BJ. I will help.

    You are not allowed to use that feature. Why they even provide the feature is beyond me.

    If you want to stop people from PM ing you, you need to put them on your blocked list.

    It's pointless, you can add 247000 people to your blocked list, nor can you disable that PM system without also blocking the mods.

    Clear as mud?

    neverdie, thank you for this, I owe you a drink.

    I used to click the disable PMs feature then later receive a warning for doing so and not being clear why it`s wrong because the system allows me to. For some reasons I thought Admin and the Mods could bypass the disabled PM feature. I was also not able to find any info on this in the help section. The whole thing is very confusing.

    The problems I have experienced in the past with my personal messenger is that some of those who don`t always agree with me for whatever reasons and like to make threats or get abusive will often try to sneak in an offensive comment via my PM.

    So it appears in the future will have to block members individually from my PM as clicking on the disable personal messenger button is against the rules or could result in being suspended for using it.

  14. re

    Cinderella becomes the subject of conversation at one point.

    shes been working on loi kroh ?

    just joshin .. dave2

    The 400 baht displayed on the yellow sign. Is that the cost of a traffic or a bar fine?

    The play may deviate from the original story of Goldilocks, but for young children I reckon they will love it.

  15. Please could someone help me? I am totally confused.

    I have blocked members from contacting me via my personal messenger, because I prefer only to be involved with other members on the open forums.

    I have recently been given a warning because mods are unable to contact me via my PM. This has happened to me before because it seems that by blocking all members from my personal messenger also blocks Mods and Admin, plus there is a disable personal messenger button in my profile that to me means I have the option to disable my PM, so do not understand why I am getting warnings and how I am blocking Admin and the Mods from personally messaging me?

    If I disable my personal messenger am I breaking Thai visa rules? As I do not want to get suspended over this. Also does this mean that I am unable to block all members as a whole from messaging me without also blocking Mods and Admin?

    I did contact support by email, but was told I should be OK now as I have again enabled my pm but I am still confused over this issue.

    Sorry, I am getting old, finding this confusing and would be most grateful for advice on how to use the disabling pm function without breaking Thai visa rules and getting into trouble?

    Thanks in advance.

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