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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Nancy I understand you're here to promote the services of your company but this thread is not about home care for the ederly but to have someone you trust making potentially life changing decision for you when you're unable to do so. It doesn't only concerned old people, the friend I was talking about in an earlier post who almost lost his legs in a car accident in China was in his twenties when it happended. Just read the newspapers similar accidents happen on a regular basis in Thailand too. When you are in an ICU in an hospital, you want the right person to make the right decision and for that the hospital needs to know who is the right person for you. That is the object of this thread.

    You are right.

    25 years ago I had an Australian bar drinking buddy. He was 31 years old and used to teach part time at the Montfort school in Chiang Mai.

    On one lThursday afternoon while at work, Craig suffered a massive stroke that left him totally paralysed and unable to speak. Craig never had insurance or enough funds to remain in hospital and was taken back to his apartment where a few of us volunteered to take turns in being with him over 24 hour periods. We managed to trace his parents in Australia who flew over with their daughter, paid and supervised Craig`s trip back to Oz.

    But I wonder if similar happened to ex-pats that had no insurance coverage, has little wealth or on limited budgets and had no close family or friends back in the home country, who would assist them? My guess is, left to die. From my experiences the embassies have been of little no help in these types of cases.

  2. As a foreigner, a hospital will contact your Embassy who will contact your Next-of-Kin. If you're married that will be your wife. If you'd rather not have your wife making decisions on your behalf, then you should be planning now rather than thinking you're too young or healthy for a problem to develop. You're never too young to have a tragic accident.

    The way to plan for someone else to make medical decisions on your behalf is to have a Advance Health Directive, sometimes called a Living Will. There is one on the Lanna Care Net website that has been utilized in Chiang Mai dozens of times: http://www.lannacarenet.org/lessons-learned-at-the-end-of-life/

    In general, the doctors and hospitals in Thailand are very willing to accept Advance Health Directives.

    Incidentally, most Embassies have a provision where you can register on-line to let them know you're in Thailand and who you'd like to designate as your Emergency Contact. For example, the U.S. calls their program S.T.E.P. http://chiangmai.usconsulate.gov/service/smart-traveler-enrollment-program-step.html

    Thanks a lot Nancy. That's exactly the answer I was looking for.

    Firstly, any vulnerable ex-pat who places their trust in complete strangers under the guise of unregistered outfits would be taking a huge risk, as I have mentioned many times in the past. In my opinion that`s not even an option worth taking into consideration. For me being placed at the tender mercies of strangers or self appointed do gooders would be my worst nightmare.

    As regards a so-called instructional living will, this would not be worth the paper it`s printed on unless officially filed with a reputable Thai lawyer and the lawyer becomes a sort of trustee over the testators affairs or in layman`s terms given power of attorney over the testators affairs. Of course anyone who is believed can be trusted can be given power of attorney over a volatile person`s affairs.

    The contacting of hospitals and embassies pertains on situations, as everyone`s circumstances is different. An embassy would not become involved with those who already have families here. Many ex-pats living in Thailand have either lost close contact with relatives abroad long ago or have no next of kin abroad. Then there are those who have no close family and friends, or perhaps just acquaintances that are the most vulnerable in Thailand.

    I wish to comment on the two paragraphs I highlighted in boldface.

    Beetlejuice -- you've brought up the same concerns about Lanna Care Net in other threads and I've invited you to come to our Steering Team meetings and public seminars like the "Lessons Learned at the End of Life" sessions conducted several times a year in your town of Chiang Mai. The British and U.S. consuls are members of our steering team and I think they'd like to hear your concerns.

    So far, you've not voiced your concerns in person and I always thought you had deep confidence in your own family taking care of your needs when the time came. Thus, my astonishment with you admission in Post No. 6 that your wife and children don't have your fullest confidence to make decisions on your behalf if you were incapacitated nor have you made any provisions via a Living Will or similar document.

    Depending on the circumstances, Beetlejuice, given your lack of preparation and skill sets within your family the day may very well come when your Consulate and/or the hospital is calling upon Lanna Care Net to assist you.

    As to your second point of needing to involve a lawyer in drafting and holding a Living Will or Advance Directive -- that's not necessary, if everyone in the family is on board and in agreement as to your wishes. If everyone is going to permit your Health Care Representative to do their job.

    This is not the same document as a Power of Attorney for financial decisions. If you have bank accounts in Thailand, even those solely in your name, the banks will release funds to pay medical bills, even if you are incapacitated. However, they will not release funds for other purposes if you are incapacitated -- like to give your family money to pay rent, etc. So yes, you may very well need a POA for financial affairs, but this is very difference than a Advance Health Directive, which does not have to be done by a lawyer.

    I am not interested in attending any of your seminars regarding these matters unless you are qualified for the job. What experience and qualifications did you have prior to coming to Thailand in dealing with the infirm and the elderly? Are those who work on your team vetted and checked for criminal records?

    How about registering your company/s, displaying any qualification certificates you and your team may have and becoming a Thai visa sponsor if you really want credibility and publicity. Do that and I`ll attend all your meetings

  3. I haven't cried in a long while but I am now.

    I am greatly saddened by this and in a temple too. I am sorry guys but all monks sicken me.

    My distaste for Thailand and Thai people grows each day. For those of you who say it's the minority, I disagree. It is the majority and it will only get worse. I'm heart broken about the demise of this animal. I see dogs everyday with the mange and skin diseases when all it takes from the owner is some 20 baht powder and a tablet. Buddhist, not by a long way. sad.pngsad.pngsad.pngcrying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkUs49400crying.gif.pagespeed.ce.kh9vLpJQkUs49400

    Just seen the pictures from the paper that published this story. I haven't been this upset in a long time. Please can anyone find out the name of the temple.

    Same for me.

    I just saw the photo in the OP and now wish I never looked. No way do I want to see any more.

    There are exotic animals kept like this all over Thailand. The other day I read about the gorilla that has been kept in a cage alone on a shopping mall roof for over 20 years. I have heard of extreme ignorance but these people abuse the privilege. Sickening, truly sickening, I curse the lot of them.

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  4. As a foreigner, a hospital will contact your Embassy who will contact your Next-of-Kin. If you're married that will be your wife. If you'd rather not have your wife making decisions on your behalf, then you should be planning now rather than thinking you're too young or healthy for a problem to develop. You're never too young to have a tragic accident.

    The way to plan for someone else to make medical decisions on your behalf is to have a Advance Health Directive, sometimes called a Living Will. There is one on the Lanna Care Net website that has been utilized in Chiang Mai dozens of times: http://www.lannacarenet.org/lessons-learned-at-the-end-of-life/

    In general, the doctors and hospitals in Thailand are very willing to accept Advance Health Directives.

    Incidentally, most Embassies have a provision where you can register on-line to let them know you're in Thailand and who you'd like to designate as your Emergency Contact. For example, the U.S. calls their program S.T.E.P. http://chiangmai.usconsulate.gov/service/smart-traveler-enrollment-program-step.html

    Thanks a lot Nancy. That's exactly the answer I was looking for.

    Firstly, any vulnerable ex-pat who places their trust in complete strangers under the guise of unregistered outfits would be taking a huge risk, as I have mentioned many times in the past. In my opinion that`s not even an option worth taking into consideration. For me being placed at the tender mercies of strangers or self appointed do gooders would be my worst nightmare.

    As regards a so-called instructional living will, this would not be worth the paper it`s printed on unless officially filed with a reputable Thai lawyer and the lawyer becomes a sort of trustee over the testators affairs or in layman`s terms given power of attorney over the testators affairs. Of course anyone who is believed can be trusted can be given power of attorney over a volatile person`s affairs.

    The contacting of hospitals and embassies pertains on situations, as everyone`s circumstances is different. An embassy would not become involved with those who already have families here. Many ex-pats living in Thailand have either lost close contact with relatives abroad long ago or have no next of kin abroad. Then there are those who have no close family and friends, or perhaps just acquaintances that are the most vulnerable in Thailand.

  5. In the USA this would be grounds for a Wrongful Death Action both Criminal and Civil against the Government.

    But, Walking the streets of Bangkok it is apparent no body gives a damn about the conditions of the roads and sidewalks.

    Dear General/PM can you send someone down to jerk a knot in somebodies ass, Please !!

    If this had happened in the United States, the parents would have been suing the local authority for millions by now. With this issue it`s another don`t call me, I`ll call you and if we ignore the parents long enough, perhaps they`ll give up and fade away.

    Sadly in Thailand, unless the parents are loaded, can grease the right palms, hire the best lawyers and take the matter to court, a case that could go on for years (that still gives no guarantees of a desirable result) then they have virtually no chance of progressing with this case, these people are really up against the odds.

  6. """"It's easy to form negative impressions of Thais in general. The easiest thing to dislike about them is that they don't live in an authentic experience with others. They are generally deceitful in all aspects of their relationships. To the outsider, this is not understandable. The foreigner or expat also has a negative view of Thais for their lack of responsibility and commitment. They reneg on business deals and personal promises. They manipulate the facts to suit their self absorbed interests. Thais don't read, they are not interested in classical art, music or world history.

    Thais generally have little or no awareness of western culture. They live in a total state of denial about their society and its reality. They have little or no intellectual curiosity or passion about much. They have little work ethic and their sense of value is most limited to material things and money. Just look at the way Thais splay out money at any event. Random acts of truthfulness and honesty are big news in the Thai press. Thais love secrecy, exclusion, and opaqueness in society, business, and life in general. Thais rarely if ever take responsibility and never say I'm sorry, I made a mistake. When expats get together, it's easy to complain about Thais because something has always just happened that has them shaking their heads about Thais. Expats who don't complain about Thais are living in the same false reality and unauthentic life experience. Expats who never complain about Thais or Thailand are being deceitful to themselves or they've become Thai thinking in a land where Thais will never accept them for who they really are.""""

    One of the best analysis of Thai people I ever read and the conclusion is right on. Even my Thai wife and family say wow that is right on!

    I try VERY hard to like the Thais I try but Im continually disappointed mainly for the above reasons I cannot and will not accept the lies/half truths and crap they often spew.

    You are another one of those oppressed and persecuted ex-pats living in Thailand who believes everything in Thailand is against you.

    Cannot understand why you people, the long and suffering stay here? As regards lies and crap, I don`t consider Thailand as being exceptional in that department more than anywhere else. Perhaps you should consider a change of scenery?

  7. its the crumpet that drags them down into despair ,things never pan out as well as they would like due to the money demands that leave them potless

    To a point but there is much more to it than that.

    I agree with most of the article in the OP, but the problem being, where do they find all these positive people?

    Many westerners come to Thailand believing they have found a new Utopia, an affordable paradise where they are going to find new romances, make new and exciting friends, sitting by the pool drinking gin and tonics with a dolly bird on each arm, the phone never stops ringing with invites, a party atmosphere every night of the week. Then after a couple of years the reality begins to smack them in their faces, desirable women come with a price tag, difficult to meet compatible ex-pat friends and the frustrations of the laid back, mai pen rai attitudes of the Thais.

    In Thailand it is possible to be with people but still live in isolation, having no one to really relate to and no one to share the burdens of problems and concerns with if there are troubling things on the mind. Some come to Thailand to live a dream, fail or refuse to see the realities of situations and end up self destructing themselves, emotionally and financially.

    What many fail to realise is that back in our home countries most of us have already established our lives around family, friends, neighbors and work colleges. Moving half way across the world starting from scratch is no easy task, especially for the older generations. All these issues should be taken seriously into consideration prior to plonking themselves here for the long term.

  8. This is just awful.

    The gorilla has been kept over 20 years in solitary confinement.

    The authorities want the gorilla released. Released where? To another hell-hole.

    What should be done is bring in a team of specialists to decide was is best for her welfare, even taken abroad if necessary, plus make the owner pay for the specialists, vets and re-homing for all the suffering and crulty he has inflicted on this gorilla. That would be real justice, but doubt it will happen.

  9. Thank you kindly to all respondents. I was/am looking to purchase property and car/bike in my Daughters name and have. life time rental contract for property to myself.

    Might be off topic can non-thais have a vehicle in their own name?

    I chose to get a mortgage for buying my house.

    If you have the cash to buy a property, why would you rent it from yourself(daughter)?

    In who`s name did you acquire the mortgage?

  10. Thank you kindly to all respondents. I was/am looking to purchase property and car/bike in my Daughters name and have. life time rental contract for property to myself.

    Might be off topic can non-thais have a vehicle in their own name?

    The legal age for driving cars in Thailand is 18 years old.

    The legal age for riding a motorcycle up to 110cc is 15; 18 is the legal age for riding a motorcycle over 110cc

    Every vehicle must have a tax disk displayed if out on a public road. The Thai mother becomes a trustee for any vehicles or anything purchased and registered under a child`s name. Purchasing a vehicle in a child`s name does not exclude the mother from taking or selling the vehicle.

    Land and property can be placed in trust for children with Thai citizenship. First the land or real estate must be purchased in the Thai mother`s name. If the Thai mother is married to a farang, under the law this must be financed solely with her money with documented evidence. Then after 6 weeks the land/real estate can be transferred into a Thai child`s/children’s names and the Thai mother becomes the trustee. The child has no jurisdiction over the land/real estate until reaching the age of 20 years old. Prior to that the Thai mother still has jurisdiction and can sell or take out loans on the land/real estate.

    If in the event the Thai mother dies, the land/real estate is held in trust under the family laws for the child/children until they reach the age of 20 years old.

    REMEMBER – this is not a loophole for getting around the legalities of land and real estate ownership. If in the event of a Thai wife`s death and the land/real estate was not purchased and financed strictly pertaining to Thai law, serious problems may occur if the rights of ownership are later contested, either by the deceased wife`s relatives or the authorities.

  11. That would not be the outcome if if the show was on the other foot. Farang in Thailand doing the same.

    Given star billing in the Thai visa news section, full photo, head down in shame with restaurant owner and proud grinning police pointing their accusing fingers at him.

    Do not pass go, do not collect a get out of jail free card, go directly to jail or pay 1 million baht compensation to the restaurant owner, at least one week before his visa is revoked and deported.

  12. OP informs his mate that a little birdy told him his girlfriend is cheating.

    OP`s mate confronts girlfriend. She either denies it or admits it. If she denies it, the OP will be considered a trouble maker, end of friendship. If she admits it, then a blazing row followed by so sollies, cuddles, make love, all is forgiven, girlfriend says I hate the OP, friend says, so solly cannot see you anymore, end of friendship. Or friend accuses OP of destroying the relationship, end of friendship. Either which way the OP is in a no win situation.

    I made a pact with myself many years ago, which is; never get involved in other people`s dramas and best to let nature take it`s course. As the wise man says; always plead ignorance as ignorance is bliss. Getting involved is a thankless task and it`s always the good Samaritans that end up in the cold.


    • Like 1
  13. is there someone you could call to fix it?

    Working on it but to fix it would apparently screw up the images displaying in the newsletter. If you think you can help, please PM me.

    AS you are new to Thai visa and a sponsor, here are a few words of advice.

    They`ll try to probe for your weak spots and if they find any, they`ll come at you like a pack of hyenas in for the final kill, no mercy shown,. Some can be vicious especially if they are competitors. Also don`t give away too many company secrets in the public domain for obvious reasons, otherwise you may find a similar company calling it`s self the Acme Personal Assistant Service signing up to a be TV sponsor next week..Having everything already organized or giving the semblance that you have it altogether as a display of professionalism rather than asking for advice on an open forum Trying to hold a monopoly is better than being in competition with others., meaning this is your unique baby and want it to stay that they without others muscling in.

    I say this as having worked over 35 years as a public relations manager and have witnessed some of the fatal errors companies have made on inception . Start off in the right direction, don`t trust anyone else in business, operate efficiently without going into too much detail of the ins and outs of it all and then hopefully this will succeed.

    Whatever you do, don`t admit to having uncertainties about any of your projects and and always come across and being confident and reasuring, plus suggest that those who make criticisms. should try this out themselves and then give their reviews later on. The old saying; the proof of the pudding.

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  14. At a glance the majority of 'one off' events listed would be equally solved by any of the Thai language phone apps that are available. How do you expect to compete with services that are free of charge & already in use?

    Because there are old ex-pats living in Thailand, some born within living memory of the big bang, that regard computers and technical gadgets as a whole new concept.. Many have not yet worked out how to boot up and boot down a computer and the installing and using of phone apps goes way over their heads, something like trying to teach a 2 year old child how to use an abacus. My poor old 75 year old dad when he were alive was the same, computers and cell phones where beyond his understanding.

    Also, how can a phone app help when talking to a human at the other end of the line? Unless the device comes updated with Mr Spock`s tricorder that can automatically translate all languages, even Clingonese?

    Considering that year by year more and more elderly ex-pats are plonking themselves in Thailand and also considering that not all Thai wives and GFs are fully equipped with enough grey matter to be able to translate efficiently, than I believe there will be a growing demand in the foreseeable future for the type of service the OP is offering.

  15. I have a few questions for you:

    Are you a bona-fife registered company here in Thailand, complete with audited accounts, tax returns and the prescribed members of Thai directors?

    The reason I ask; say for example I need some translating work done, either written or verbal, involving a financial institution or a business deal, a house building project and so on, and then you screw up the translation that causes me to lose thousands if not millions of bahts, than, do I have any legal come backs with you rather than a; very sorry, we`ll try better next time?

    These are reasonable concerns most being that we are not dealing with an unregistered company answerable to no one should you make a cock up somewhere along the line.

    Wow awesome questions - Thanks,

    Yes we're bona-fide registered. We registered early January to avoid having to submit to the new year audit which now affects startups.

    We're being very careful not to overstep our skillset. I want the buddies to enjoy their work, not be stuck slaving over a complex legal contract and - no matter what our intentions - we'd be at a serious disadvantage trying to complete with the established and experienced professions.

    For complex, medical or legal translation work we'd refer you to a company with the level of expertise you can rely on (and with their own liability insurance).

    We're not offering our services for business use, we're focusing solely on real people who we can help out in the same way your best friend might.

    Thank you very much for your prompt response. I always ask these sorts of questions, (to the irritation of many) not for reasons of trying to be a smarta-se, but to establish whether a company has credibility and as information for possible future customers who may also be wondering the same, but are afraid to ask.

    Considering as you claim to have undertaken this project in all the right ways and have created a novel idea, I personally believe this will become a success and wishing you and all your family prosperity, health, wealth and good fortune in Thailand.

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  16. Wow, what an amazing day. Thanks to those of you who've signed up and tested us out.

    We've been:

    • Working with Big C to make sure our client got his delivery on time
    • Helping a family find a nanny
    • Researching properties for sale within resorts
    • Calling the cinema to ask about special promotions
    • Researching mobile phone insurance
    • Conference-calling with a Thai nanny who failed to show up 2 mornings this week so she could explain to our clients why.
    • Checking a Groupon deal to see if it's genuinely good value or if Thai companies can offer comparable prices without all the razzle-dazzle.

    I don't think I've had more than 5 minutes uninterrupted today which has been quite a wake-up call.

    I'm taking a much needed shower, ordering in some spare-ribs and I'll be back later to make sure I reply to everybody who's been kind enough to post.

    I have a few questions for you:

    Are you a bona-fife registered company here in Thailand, complete with audited accounts, tax returns and the prescribed members of Thai directors?

    The reason I ask; say for example I need some translating work done, either written or verbal, involving a financial institution or a business deal, a house building project and so on, and then you screw up the translation that causes me to lose thousands if not millions of bahts, than, do I have any legal come backs with you rather than a; very sorry, we`ll try better next time?

    These are reasonable concerns most being that we are not dealing with an unregistered company answerable to no one should you make a cock up somewhere along the line.

  17. The said funds will be thrown into the air by the monks. What doesn`t come back down Buddha can keep. What does come down goes into our collection box.

    This is complete BS. The money is stolen and therefore cannot legally be donated or given away to anyone. The said monks are using a law that says; monks cannot be prosecuted for such crimes in order to protect them. In my opinion a perfect money laundering scheme, even if the monks involved are innocent and were unaware the money was stolen.

    These blessed God fearing people should do the right thing and return the funds to the rightful owners. Otherwise this whole so-called holy establishment loses credibility with me.

    • Like 1
  18. You lot make me sick, to openly slate people on this site is beond a joke. what right do you have to personaly attack a persons personality, Not everyone has a happy moment because you have ordered a beer and made some poor joke in some made up english/ thai talk. I have been a customer of the Mad Dog for over 10 years, some times i dont go in for a few months some times i go it 2 or 3 times a week. I know all the old staff verry well and allways wellcomed. I put it to you all if you have not worked in a bar dont judge the staff to hard, Its hard to provide a smile when wave after wave of the same rubbish is spoken to you. Nick is very good at what he runs, yes he can be a bit stand off , but the same applies there is enough times to hear the same story. Their are not many bars that have run this long and made proffit. I know 100% Nick has just spent a load of money on new kitchin equipment and is allways trying to up rate the menu. Dont slate people, if you dont like dont go , if you dont have nothing good to say . say nothing. And as for the person that got upset that he was asked to smoke outside a non somoking bar and thinks a punch up is the best way to solve the problem, Well bless you.

    Total and complete crapola.

    These people are in the hospitality business, they are there to ensure that customers have a happy experience in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, that entices them to keep coming back. It`s mean`t to be run as a business and not to assess each customer on merit of personalities providing they are spending money, that what it`s all about.

    During my lifetime I have worked with many staff and customers that in my mind was thinking, what a total load of prats, but I had to go with the flow because that was my living and part of my career was dealing with these people. it`s described in the trade as professionalism.

    If the owners and staff of these establishments feel unable to tolerate and accommodate certain customers, than they are in the wrong business and should get out of the hospitality industry completely, by either retiring, working for someone else or trying their luck at some other types of professions. It`s that simple.


    But of course it is not, as you say : 'It`s that simple'.

    Everyone is different. You chose to go with the flow working with a load of prats by your judgement. Sold your soul to the job to some extent. These folks presumably want to make a living and are doing that without selling their soul. If they are happier not to 'go with the flow' with ' a load of prats' they have my sympathy-and support.

    I may not want to drink at their place but who are you to judge them by your 'go with the prat flow' standards??

    If they can make a living without having to Kowtow to all and sundry, however they behave, then good luck. It's their life and they are living it as they choose. seems ok to me.

    It is that simple.

    The owners and staff at these establishments have a choice of even giving a semblance that they value all their customers and the customers have a choice of spending their hard earned cash elsewhere.

    Providing the customers are not intentionally rude, abusive and disrespectful, then it is the task of the establishment to be slightly subservient to them and not vice-verso. The more comfortable and happy customers feel when acquiring a service, the more they are likely to spend and the more often they will keep going back. That`s what`s called doing good business, because as I said previous there is no place for arrogance and attitude in business.

    If I were running such establishments, my number one priorities would be courtesy and a friendly reliable service to all customers at all times, whether it be the village idiot or the King of Sweden, which judging by some of the posts on this thread is sadly lacking.

    To a point one does need to put their body and soul into a business in order to make it a success, otherwise what is the point of working somewhere where you hate the job and hate the customers? If that is the case than these businesses are on a long fuse to self destruct.

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  19. You lot make me sick, to openly slate people on this site is beond a joke. what right do you have to personaly attack a persons personality, Not everyone has a happy moment because you have ordered a beer and made some poor joke in some made up english/ thai talk. I have been a customer of the Mad Dog for over 10 years, some times i dont go in for a few months some times i go it 2 or 3 times a week. I know all the old staff verry well and allways wellcomed. I put it to you all if you have not worked in a bar dont judge the staff to hard, Its hard to provide a smile when wave after wave of the same rubbish is spoken to you. Nick is very good at what he runs, yes he can be a bit stand off , but the same applies there is enough times to hear the same story. Their are not many bars that have run this long and made proffit. I know 100% Nick has just spent a load of money on new kitchin equipment and is allways trying to up rate the menu. Dont slate people, if you dont like dont go , if you dont have nothing good to say . say nothing. And as for the person that got upset that he was asked to smoke outside a non somoking bar and thinks a punch up is the best way to solve the problem, Well bless you.

    Total and complete crapola.

    These people are in the hospitality business, they are there to ensure that customers have a happy experience in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, that entices them to keep coming back. It`s mean`t to be run as a business and not to assess each customer on merit of personalities providing they are spending money, that what it`s all about.

    During my lifetime I have worked with many staff and customers that in my mind was thinking, what a total load of prats, but I had to go with the flow because that was my living and part of my career was dealing with these people. it`s described in the trade as professionalism.

    If the owners and staff of these establishments feel unable to tolerate and accommodate certain customers, than they are in the wrong business and should get out of the hospitality industry completely, by either retiring, working for someone else or trying their luck at some other types of professions. It`s that simple.

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