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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Beetlejuice post # 13

    Being a farang is no excuse for stinking of BO.

    If farangs showered regularly then they would not require to wear loads of stinky stuff to overpower their toxic body stench. No excuses except for laziness and bad hygiene habits.

    You seem to be under the impression that all non Thai's ( farangs) are somewhat lax regarding personal hygiene.

    Now is that judgement based upon your own personal habits or the comments from your partner or an unfounded blanket statement.

    I very rarely come across a resident here Thai or non Thai who suffers from B,O.

    Certainly I have met a number of tourist who had a problem, however that in the main was and is due to not being acclimatized to the climate here as opposed to a lack of personal hygiene coupled with the fact that after a day of sightseeing there has been no chance to take a shower.

    Certainly in my view there is nothing wrong with anyone using deodorants or male cosmetics so that there is a pleasant aroma that and soothes the olfactory senses.

    I can remember many years ago, when I was young hansum man, traveling or returning home from work on a packed to the hilt New York subway train or the London Underground being jammed in those carriages like sardines. The stench in there was overwhelming, peoples stinking breaths, the smell of alcohol or the garlic meal they had the night before, strong BO emanating from their armpits and the worse of it all was the putrid stink of all their cheap deodorants, soaps, aftershaves, scents and perfumes all blending together in a concoction of foul mixes and if unlucky enough to only get onto a smokers carriage, it was like a journey into hell.

    Sometimes when I`m out and about and come into close proximity with other farangs it takes me back to my commuting days, same smell of strong BO, body and clothes reeking of stale tobacco smoke, stench of cheap deodorant, aftershave. If too close their breaths smell bad too. At one time while sitting in Immigration waiting to sign in for my 90 day report an old farang with a disgusting filthy stained vest wearing flip flops sat next to me. His feet stank from there to high heaven. I got up to move places within seconds of being on the brink of throwing up over him.

    In Thailand my family and I shower and clean our teeth 3 times a day and change our clothes twice a day and if going to be out for long periods during a day, than I ensure that my body and clothes are clean and fresh prior to starting out,

    Farangs must adapt to living in a hot country and amend their hygiene routines accordingly. Those who do not means this is how they were brought up and are basically slobs. It`s that simple.

  2. wel put beetlejuice. might you have any recommendations in the mae rim area?

    Sorry I don`t live in the Mae Rim area.

    Local builders usually only work in and around their local areas, unless they are contracted out to work elsewhere, which is not often. Also it would not be viable to hire outside builders as this would increase your costs for their traveling expenses and perhaps pitching up camp on the site Another point is that local builders can usually receive substantial discounts on building materials because they are buying wholesale in the area and know the merchants, whereas an outside builder may not have this advantage.

    Referring back to the architect question; it is extremely easy to design a house yourself in Thailand..Keeping in mind that most cement block and brick built Thai homes are basic in structure. Mostly a sand and solid cement base with steel inner cement posts that are piled into the ground upright to support the roof and the walls. The walls are actually built in-between the posts, which means the design can be of any shape and size separated into rooms Once the builder gives as estimate of the amount of materials required, it is easy to visit some builders merchants to gain knowledge of prices. The roof is just a simple iron or steel structure with the roof tiles fitted on top. You can choose your own type and style of windows and how many you desire. In my opinion for a cooler more comfortable home, the larger and more windows the better, plus a good height between the ceiling and the roof top is always very important for better circulation of air and heat in the attic. About 3 metres high is average. My ceiling to roof space is 5 metres.

    Although this may appear as a considerable effort on inception to building a property, this method will save home buyers literally <deleted> loads of cash for a product that once completed will not have any more or less market value than if built but so-called professional home building companies and the end result will be the same.

    • Like 1
  3. Beware, that if you use builders recommended by farangs or builders associated with farangs, than you`ll be changed top whack, way over priced farang rip off prices. Possibly thousands if not millions of bahts more.

    my advice is this; wherever you are deciding to build your home, talk to the local people in your area and ask who or what building company does most of the work in that area. Plus ask the locals roughly how much their homes cost to build to give you a rough price estimate. This is for reasons that being a farang they will always try to charge you more anyway, so being in the knowledge of costs is an advantage.

    Take a look online at Thai house photos and tour your local area for ideas as to what style of home you desire, plus decide on the types of materials for building, cheap cement blocks, or middle range to high quality brick work. Doing as I mentioned above and getting some quotes.should be your first line of inquiry.

    Some will tell you horror stories regarding Thai builders, especially those who may recommend builders to you in the hope of gaining commisions. Down my way our local area builder has always done a fine job, as most local builders rely on good reputations to keep them in business. Another point, always pay on a day to day basis, never pay too far in advance upfront.

    In Thailand nothing comes with any rock solid gaurantees, no matter which builder you use, no matter how many promises of goodwill they make, so ensure that you are fregently on the scene looking over their shoulders to check what`s going on.

    Wishing you all success with your new home and once completed, you can invite me to your house warming party.

    PS: forgot that you mentioned English speaking. This will be a big problem when dealing with Thai builders. You will probably require your Thai wife or GF to help translate for you.

    • Like 1
  4. Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

    Year by year the ex-pat so called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

    In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

    I don't know of any places that are arrogant and have a bad attitude, whereas you seem to think they're all that way. I don't see why western businesses shouldn't target Asians as well as Westerners and Thais. If they're doing that they should do okay. If they're not doing that, they're daft.

    If you think that many ex-pats often complain about prices even when they're clearly displayed, will often believe they are being ripped off even when getting a bargain, are constantly moody because of domestic problems with the wife/girlfriend or kids or the builder didn't turn up, who complain about The Thais and the pollution; well, you wait until you start dealing with those hi so, upper social class honourable Chinese customers that are going to uplift your business into boomtown. Oh boy, you anit seen nothing yet, you`re in for a rude awakening. After so many months you`ll be worshipping the ground that ex-pats walk on, with a sign outside displaying; please come back all is forgiven.

    But of course if you are frequently receiving moans and groans from dissatisfied customers, than surely does that not suggest that you`re doing something wrong, or is this a case of; it`s not me, it`s all the others? I worked as a Public relations manager for 35 years and I am giving you my professional advice that your approach is wrong.

    Perhaps change the names from the Mad Dog to the Mad Shaolin and the Red Lion to the Red Dragon, which may help the Chinese feel more at home. I wish you luck.

    As regards the pollution, any complaints are well justified. Over the last two days those that burn have been trying to choke us to death. Woke us this morning felt like my lungs were on fire and coughing my heart out. This is really no joke, it`s the worst I have ever known it.

    I didn't say that many expats often complain, are constantly moody etc., I said that the complainers and the moody customers are more than likely expats, and the happy, grateful customers are more than likely tourists, and I justified that statement by saying expats have everyday problems that tourists don't. Tourists have enough money to spend for three weeks, the wife or kids are happy and relaxed and they're on holiday having a great time. I also said "most expats, generally, are nice guys". You're too busy looking to find fault and to pre-judge, to take notice of what is actually written. I generally choose my words carefully and purposely so look at them and think about them before you jump to the wrong conclusions.

    Whilst you are busy thinking that the world revolves around expats my business is thriving due to the big influx of Malaysians, Singaporeans, Japanese, Koreans and Chinese. I suppose having the menu in Chinese, Japanesa and Korean helps, as does realising that with most expats now living in the suburbs, new markets need to be tapped. Of course, other than Asians, we also have customers from Australia, America and most of Europe. The menus in French , Spanish, Dutch and German may have something to do with that. Expats, like everyone else, are more than welcome, but times change and we've moved on.

    In case you were wondering, my business has a pen and comments sheet on every table , has a clearly stated no-quibble policy of replacing or not charging for food that the customer doesn't like and values all customers equally , even the chinese that you seem to dismiss. Most of the comment sheets that are filled out are positive and consistently praise the friendly staff. I personally, am only really interested in the complaints as that is how I get to know what we are doing wrong and how we can improve.

    As regards to the "Please come back , all is forgiven" sign, that's just you hoping that we'll fail, just so you can be smug and say you were right, what with you being an expert with 35 years experience and all. Which isn't very nice. Or likely.

    I certainly do not want any businesses to fail On the contrary I want them to success. and suggest that you read my posts again. My point being that unless .you, the Mad Dog and some other businesses cease and desist by criticising and not valuing the custom of the regular customers, than you will eventually go out of business. All I am saying is; learn to adapt .

    If of course you consider you know better and I have know idea what 1m talking about than fail to heed my advice, that`s your prerogative and wishing good luck to all who sail in her.

    t will be interesting to see how the Mad Dog and the Red Lion have progressed within the next 5 years.

  5. Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

    Year by year the ex-pat so called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

    In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

    I don't know of any places that are arrogant and have a bad attitude, whereas you seem to think they're all that way. I don't see why western businesses shouldn't target Asians as well as Westerners and Thais. If they're doing that they should do okay. If they're not doing that, they're daft.

    If you think that many ex-pats often complain about prices even when they're clearly displayed, will often believe they are being ripped off even when getting a bargain, are constantly moody because of domestic problems with the wife/girlfriend or kids or the builder didn't turn up, who complain about The Thais and the pollution; well, you wait until you start dealing with those hi so, upper social class honourable Chinese customers that are going to uplift your business into boomtown. Oh boy, you anit seen nothing yet, you`re in for a rude awakening. After so many months you`ll be worshipping the ground that ex-pats walk on, with a sign outside displaying; please come back all is forgiven.

    But of course if you are frequently receiving moans and groans from dissatisfied customers, than surely does that not suggest that you`re doing something wrong, or is this a case of; it`s not me, it`s all the others? I worked as a Public relations manager for 35 years and I am giving you my professional advice that your approach is wrong.

    Perhaps change the names from the Mad Dog to the Mad Shaolin and the Red Lion to the Red Dragon, which may help the Chinese feel more at home. I wish you luck.

    As regards the pollution, any complaints are well justified. Over the last two days those that burn have been trying to choke us to death. Woke us this morning felt like my lungs were on fire and coughing my heart out. This is really no joke, it`s the worst I have ever known it.

  6. Many of these western style restaurant establishments are seriously underrating the value of their ex-pat clientele.

    Year by year the ex-pat so –called communities are increasing in Chiang Mai, whereas on the other end of the spectrum western tourists to the city are decreasing gradually being outnumbered by south east Asian visitors. This means that in the foreseeable future western style restaurants in the city will come to rely more on regular ex-pat customers in addition to farang tourist short time visitors to make up the short fall in trade. There will no longer be a place for arrogance and bad attitudes within these businesses that will need to become more efficient and adopt a friendlier approach towards their regulars.

    In the future these businesses will have to work harder at providing a professional, friendly and reasonable service for all their customers or at least a compromise, rather than the take it or leave it stance towards a proportion of their clientele. The old saying still applies; the customer is always right. Those unable or unwilling to adapt will go under. The writing is already on the wall for those who have the intelligence and foresight to see it?

  7. It's good to know authorities are paying attention to young men or women trying to leave their home countries to join in this unholy, deplorable war.

    These people do not regard their birth nations as their home countries. In their minds they are returning back to their homelands and according to them are going to fight for a just cause. Why not just let them go? Because what is the point of them remaining as the enemy within. Then once gone revoke their citizenships, make it clear that it`s a one way decision.

    The problem is that there are no Governments with the guts to take such hard line actions against these potential murdering fanatics.

  8. Tried to take my family there one night....dinner time and all the tables taken by 1 - 2 people drinking - no food to be seen - watching TV....waited about 20 minutes - nothing changed and no food arrived... took my dissappointed family and left....won't be back soon if ever....especially with the bar types smoking up the sidewalk....

    What do you expect considering that the Mad Dog is located in a bar type touristy area.

    My guess is that these establishments, including the Red Lion and the Beer Stube, have a steady flow of first timer tourist clientele and couldn`t give a rat`s behind about a few semi regular ex-pat customers and have a take it or leave it attitude.

    These days I never venture into these places, I find them totally unappealing, expensive and prefer to visit the various shopping malls if I fancy a farangy type meal. Cleaner, friendlier and better value for money.

    A customer walks into a restaurant....... If he has a long face, and complains about everything the odds are overwhemlingly in the favour of him being an expat. A customer that is happy and polite and goes over to the owner and says "I really enjoyed your place, thank you very much", the odds are he is a tourist. That's the reality.

    Who will complain about prices even when they're clearly displayed? An expat. Who will have an attitude of being ripped off? An expat? Who will be in a bad mood because of problems with the wife/girlfriend or kids or the builder didn't turn up? An expat. Who will complain about The Thais, they're so stupid? An expat? Who will complain about the pollution?.........

    Not all expats are like that of course, but when you compare them to tourists that are on holiday, having a great time ,loving everything about Thailand and are quick to let everyone know, is it such a surprise that over the course of twenty or more years the owner might find himself not so interested in certain expats, and the same with the long-time staff?

    Whether that is true of all long-established bar/restaurants I don't know but I'm sure they all, nonetheless, have a small core of regulars, which of course begs the question, why do they keep going? My guess is that they are the ones that are happier here because they have tried to understand the locals, learnt a bit of the language, become a lot more relaxed and tolerant, accepted the cultural differences and are probably a bit more financially secure (ie not Cheap Charlies).

    You have confirmed what I mentioned as absolutely correct and have no doubts that the Mad Dog have the same arrogant attitudes.

    Ex-pats that plonk themselves in Thailand the same as all the rest of us, go into business and then believe they are a cut above all the rest of us peasants. These inner city so-called hospitality establishments, although I have yet to see some hospitality, reek of arrogance and one good reason why none of my honest hard earned cash will ever be coming your way, although I have no doubts with your attitudes you don`t give a toss and in fact neither do I.

    I am sure your comments answers the OP regarding the Mad Dog and the reasons for their take it or leave it truculent behaviours towards regular ex-pat clientele. As I said previous, there are plenty of more user friendly alternatives for ex-pats in Chiang Mai, which I am sure is no skin off your nose as it seems you don`t value us as customers.

  9. Ang Thong police superintendent Colonel Chutrakool Yosmadee said he would review the report from social workers before drawing a conclusion on charging and prosecuting the boy.

    What the hell does a social worker have to do with charging someone who rapes an eight year old child? The charges or lack thereof will probably rely on the usual money factor.

    Because the fact is that both parties involved are children.

    I believe that many kids are picking up this type of behaviour from online influences considering that hard core pornography and porn sites can be easily accessed by children. It is the parents responsibility to control and take interest in what their children are viewing online.

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  10. Koh Tao remains very popular with young people who go there to party, they seem to be blissfully unaware of recent incidents well known among readers here.

    It`s not that they`re all unaware, in most cases they don`t care because trouble is always going to happen to someone else and never them, plus the general public have short memories, once events have subsided and not mentioned in the media for a while than it`s soon back to business as usual.

  11. When you had the air con repaired the mechanic probably would have removed one of the battery leads then when he replaced it forgot to tighten it.

    That could explain the problems you have experienced.

    I wish it would be just that. I checked but they are tight. Monday my wife will call Honda Road Assistance and ask them to send a mechanic early Tuesday morning to see if he can fix the problem, if not we ask him to have it brought to Honda AV Cars in Surin. Wify is busy at the local temple for 10 days until Monday night. She just told me there are now almost 200 monks and lay women there, all need to be fed, that's the reason for the delay. I don't mind, if we need a lift, we can use the temple's car and driver.

    I think this is God`s way of telling you that your mechanical pride and joy is knackered and ready for the breakers yard.

    Considering that the car is 12 years old anyway, my advice is to think seriously about trading this one in and buying a new vehicle.while your present car is still at least drivable or gives the semblance of being road worthy. As spending big amounts of money for repairs on a 12 year old car is not practical or viable.

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  12. No matter how many health warnings are placed on cigarette packets, most will ignore them. The reason being is because the majority of smokers believe that the odds of contracting a smoker related disease are slim, as it`s always going to happen to the other fella before them.

    As one poster rightly commented, price the things up so it becomes financially unviable to smoke. I also believe that if the Government really cared, they would subsidise the cost of anti smoking products, such as, nicotine patches and gum and other products to help wean the addicts off the weed. Presently these products are ultra expensive and perhaps many may say that it`s probably cheaper to smoke, therefore there has to be some financial incentive to use substitutes rather than tobacco.

  13. The problem is, as pertains to the United States and the UK, in Thailand now days, these are not just boisterous young people or teens getting into a bit of mischief and misbehaviour, but all out nasty thugs who carry deadly weapons that create disorder, with the potential to cause extreme damage, serious harm and even murder as we often see on the news.

    These criminal acts require punishments that have well surpassed the cane or the birch. This probably requires some lessons from the Russians that place their serious and serial young offenders into special boot camps, where extreme discipline is applied and the inmates are required to be totally subservient and obedient to authority.

    I can remember in Spain during the General Franco days, if young offenders committed acts of crime and were caught by the police, they were rarely given a trial, but rather thrown into a police jail for a week left to the mercies of the police, than released. After that they never offended again.

    As for the more minor crimes, I believe the humiliation of the cane is an excellent deterrent and should be implemented here in Thailand.

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  14. Firstly, the laws are already in place. The difficult part is trying to get the authorities to seriously take note and enforce these issues you have mentioned.

    Actual enforcements have to begin with the local authorities, the district councils that hold the jurisdictions in collaboration with the heads of villages and communities. There is much more involved and required than just filing an online petition.

    Good luck to all who sail in her.

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  15. Then there was the cool black dude, LOS and probably many more given time to think about it. Perhaps what`s left and the newer members that have come on the scene have scared all the good one``s off over the last few years.

  16. Have you considered an inflatable jacuzzi?

    Not at silly as it sounds. No special fittings required and completely mobile.

    Type in, inflatable jacuzzi, in Google Imagines and check them out.

    Who knows, if the company boss is feeling in a good mood, he may throw in the girls with the deal.



  17. These themes usually have someone coming on or on their behalf giving certain organisations a plug and a mention. Let`s see how long they can hold back.

    My all time favourite on Chiang Mai forums was IanForbes, haven`t seen him for years. Where are you Ian?

    There were many others.


  18. The thing is, dog owners never see their own dogs as a problem, as they are always the nicest dogs etc. The same goes for parents and their kids etc.

    I agree, but the breed of the dog is at least an indication of its temperament, though. (Please don't cite the one lab out of 1,000,000 that you know that's aggressive.) If the dog was aggressive, I wouldn't have kept him as we have young children. I grew up around aggressive dogs, have some in the neighborhood, and I despise them. And I can remember as a kid, people holding back their doberman's or german shepherds that were foaming at the bit while they said 'oh, don't worry, he doesn't bite. The thing is, the neighbor was never threatened, nor did he feel threatened, he just didn't like the dog running in his yard, which is why he went after him with a flimsy broom. Had he been scared or something like that, I could understand. While he is an average size dog, he's fairly strong looking.

    We have lived in the neighborhood for close to 9 years, and the dog escapes once or twice a year. Although, he has been making more of an effort recently. I am not sure what the point of me coming on here and misrepresenting the facts would be. It's hard to imagine someone owning dogs and the dogs not escaping from a leash, running out of the yard, at least occasionally.

    This is very unusual.

    Our dogs are always kept within the boundaries of our property. There are good strong brick walls and a metal gate, plus all our three dogs are medium size non aggressive. We keep them in because are afraid of them being set upon by some of our neighbors dogs that are bigger and more powerful.

    My family and I take short cuts to the main road over neighbors lands, our neighbors often come on to our property to chat with my wife, often just turn up, we only ask them to be careful not to let our dogs run out, My dogs bark, my neighbors dogs bark, their cats often come into our garden, our cats often go into their gardens ans so on. I never complain, my neighbors never complain, we are always on good terms and I especially go out of my way to be on friendly turns with the community.

    It appears to be that the said neighbor in the OP`s case for reasons unknown actually does not like the OP and the dog incident was the neighbors way of displaying that.

    Perhaps the OP is not friendly, non-sociable, has attitude, tries to lay down his own rules or has been in disputes with the locals before? This is more likely the case and the reason for the neighbor`s hostility over the dog.

  19. What a load of cock and bull.

    The study was conducted on men over 17 with a minimum sample of at least 50 participants per nation.

    They mean this survey is based on only 50 individuals out of millions or perhaps out of billions in India from each country. For example, if they discovered 50 18 year old girls from America who were left handed, then is a fair to assume that the average 18 year old American female must be left handed?

    This is a survey carried out by racists that assume all races have the same traits and characteristics based on an absolute tiny fraction of a population. Rubbish.

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