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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. My son is a police officer in Chiang Mai and I can categorically tell the OP the police do not operate in this way, this is not following the correct procedures and I am calling BS on this one, unless there is a lot more involved than that the OP is letting on.

    What is the name of the police officer concerned and at which police station?

    Lol.... Yeah.... Cause Thai police are known for following procedure. Like making foreigners piss in a cup in public on the side of the road, take/demand bribes, work in gambling dens..... I mean... I can't even continue the list.... I will be here all day.

    There are two possibilities here. The story is a lie, or it is a rogue cop. I don't know which and don't care.

    But for you to actually state "procedure" in regards to Thai law enforcement is honestly the funniest thing I have heard all day.

    OP: excuse me officer, I have come to report the naughty youth who knocked me off my motorbike.

    Nice policeman: that`s fine, I will make a report, but if you and your friend who is only accompanying you here do not give us your fingerprints, then I`m sending both of you straight to jail.

    Get out of here pal, this is far fetched even for Thailand.

    Anyhow, this is all irrelevant now, because it seems the OP has taken a schtum powder and conveniently disappeared. .

  2. Clearly he was joking or trolling. Give him a break. It's likely the only entertainment around. wink.png

    I did not realise this thread is 9 months old and I had already published a post on here months ago.

    Just a to appease you I will again respond to the OP`s question regarding bad experiences with Spicy or Spice whatever it`s called now on a more serious note.

    I had the unfortunate experience of once venturing into that place, can`t remember exactly when, but it was not long after the event the two bar girls fought in there or just outside and one ended up stabbed to death. I sat there drinking a beer just observing the people and it has a distinct feel like being at a British pub in some of the roughest areas with the roughest crowds. I was too scared to try and chat up any girls in case they was already taken or with someone or was a ladyboy and I offended anyone that could have had dire consequences. One guy actually threw up his last meal and beer on the floor in front of me. It was a disgusting, seedy hovel.

    Spice has a reputation as being the most notorious late night establishment in the whole of Chiang Mai, also known for stabbings and fights.

    People that hang about in there during the late hours must either be extremely lonely or desperate for company or have sad home lives if they need to hang about in dives like that. I may make jokes from time to time, but there is truth in between the lines.

    I sincerely would not recommend Spice to anyone unless they like to live dangerously or for desperate people that have no where else to go.

    • Like 2
  3. Hmm. I'm an older guy, have good bank account but no good gf. So, where can i find Spicy's in CM?

    Can't help you with directions to Spicys,,,never been there but based on reputation I would suggest its the last place you would go to find "a good girlfriend" and don't mention

    "a good bank account " to anyonelaugh.png

    As an alternative you could try Airport Plaza , Maya, or any other shopping centre, places where good Thais ladies go, they certainly don't hang out in night clubs.

    Or are you just throwing a line in ?

    might be more likely to meet a gold-digger at Maya....the term "purple persuasion" was coined at Sbicy.

    I once met a beautiful girl who work in a gold shop at the Maya. I really don`t recommend chatting up any of these girls. I tried it and all she wanted me to do was buy rings and gold jewellery. And to make matters worse, she was completely open about it.

  4. In 2011, I applied for PR status in Thailand. As part of the application, you must submit a police clearnce report from your home country. I'm an American, so I had to get mine via an FBI Criminal Records Check. To do this, I had to download a fingerprint card off the Intenet, then get fingerprinted, and then send the card to an FBI center in West Virginia, USA.

    So - I downloaded the card, and went to the Prakhanong Police Station, not far from the Onnut BTS Station. Although there is now a brand new station at that spot, in 2011 it was pretty decrepit. I went at about 11:20 am. I had never been there before, and it seeemed rather deserted. After walking down a hallway, and peeking into several rooms, I finally found a young lady officer in uniform. I speak Thai, but not well enough to discuss fingerprinting. But - when I showed her the card, she understood, took the card, and asked me to follow her - which I did - down a long hallway to a room at the end which turned out to be a dining area - with maybe six people leaning over bowls of noodle soup. She went over to one man in a green T-shirt, very dark complexion, muscular, short hair - looked like a Thai boxer, maybe late 30's - and held the fingerprint card to him, and gestured toward me.

    This guy took the card, stood up, and made for the door, motioning for me to follow him - completely abandoning his lunch. I follwed him up two flights of stairs, and then way down to the far end of the building. He slowed down, and there was a chair next to a sort of countertop projecting from the wall - a fingerprinting station! The wall was shared with a washroom - and he pointed to me, and to the washeroom, and made handwashing gestures - so I went in - there was a squeeze bottle of soap - and I washed my hands, and dried them on paper towels that were there. He nodded for me to sit - he was sitting across from me, with a little cart - with a sort of equipment toolcase opened up on top of it. It was a top-quality fingerprinting kit, with all sorts of marble plattens, rollers, tubes of ink, and a big magnifying glass. I had already filled out the form at the top of the fingerprint card, in English, and he now folded the card twice, so that just one row of boxes was exposed. He used spring clips to clip this along one edge of the countertop. He next squirted some ink onto one marble plate, maybe 20 x 15 cm, and used a roller to squeeze the ink into a very thin layer. He then took one of my hands, isolated my thumb, and then rolled it from left to right - one time - and then directly to the correct box on the fingerprint card. He did all five fingers on that hand in about 75 seconds. He then had to adjust the fingerprint card to expose the second set of boxes - without smudging the ink from the first set.. I couldn't figure out his movements - but he knew exactly what he was doing. He then rerolled the ink, to make sure it was evenly distributed He then took the second "hand" of prints in about another 75 seconds. He then unclipped the fingerprint card, unfolded it, and took the magnifying glass, and examined each print. He was nodding to himself as he did this, and when finished, he motioned for me to go wash my hands again - which I did. It took some scrubbing - there was a small brush there - to get most of the ink off.

    When I came back out, the fingerprint card was under a bright desk lamp, witt a fan blowing on it - to dry it. He was busy cleaning the marble plate and the roller - using some acetone, or similar. After a few minutes, he pulled out the fingerprint card, and sniffed at it (I guess the ink smells if it is still wet?). He put it back under the fan/light while he boxed everything back up in the carrying case, and put the case upon a wall shelf. He turned off the desk lamp, the fan, and the room light - grabbed the fingerprint card, and nodded for me to follow him. I followed back down two flights of stairs, and then down a hallway to a room with several uniformed officers in it. He had me stop at the open doorway - he went in and had one of them add the police station seal, and he then signed the card, and they used a blue ink stamp to stamp his signature block under his signature - all in Thai. The he came back to me and handed me the card, and then brushed past me - he was done.

    At no point had he spoken a word to me. He never smiled. No one even asked me WHY I needed the fingerprints. He never wasted one motion. He was 100% efficient and professional. He was the Michaelangelo of fingerprining.

    So - as he walked away, I said "khortoht khrap" - he turned around - and I had out a 500 baht note, and tried to hand it to him. He just crossed his hands "no, no" - and turned away and went off down the hallway - still in his green T-shirt. A lady in full unform was coming the other way as he passed her, and she saw that I was trying to do something, but the guy had not helped me - so she stopped to ask me what was wrong, and could she help me. I was a bit perplexed as to what to say or do - I told her that the guy had just helped me - very well - and had left his lunch to help me - and I wanted to buy him and his friends lunch - and I stuck the 500 baht note in her hand, and walked away, and out of the station. I think she stood there as I walked away, unsure what she was supposed to do.

    The point being - if EVER there was an occasion for a policeman to take some money for helpful service rendred, above and beyond the call of duty - this was it - and yet I could not get him to take a "tip". He was solid professional - doing a superb job at what he was trained to do - he paid attention to detail and took pride in his work - and was totally disinterested in being paid money by a farang who walked into his station, and interrupted his lunch.

    They aren't all bad.


    I was reading through all this with anticipation and with bated breath, thinking; I wonder who dunit, was it the butler.

    In all seriousness and as a genuine compliment; have you ever considered writing spy or crime novels?

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  5. It`s a very dangerous place.

    Last time I went there, I slipped over the pools of blood, urine, vomit and empty burger wrappers lying on the side-walk outside. If not for the burnt out police car breaking my fall, I could have suffered a serious injury.

  6. pathetic thats all i can say. not you OP.



    Thanks. You would think that when I said it was my first day in the city the other posts / directions would have been clearer.

    Is there a song tao from Thapae Gate to there?

    Hi wondercul.

    Here are the directions in layman terms.

    If you are on the Taepae Road side of the Tapae Gate, then cross over the road to the other side. Try to avoid tuk tuks, they often try to rip tourists off. Take a red song tao. Negotiate the price with the driver first. Most Thais will be charged 20 baht but for farangs expect to pay no more than 40 baht which is still reasonable. If the driver tries to push for more, smile, say no thank you and try another taxi. The whole journey is no more than 3 kilometres. .

  7. In my opinion, these so-called surrogate mothers are in the same league as women of ill repute, as these too are using their bodies for business purposes, profit and gain.

    This disgusting practice of rent a womb babies that is no different from a customer reserving a puppy from a breeder, must be stopped. These children are at huge risk, being bypassed by the system and the official adopting procedures, perhaps going to unsuitable guardians or even for medical parts or experiments, could be for any purposes.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Oh my god the human body is such a horrible, disgusting, pornographic thing that the very sight of one shocks people, even one of their own sex.

    Oh I don't know.

    The human body can indeed be horrible and disgusting.

    I think I might be a little upset if some 250 kg Chinese guy were to end up b o l l o c k naked in the Gents if I was washing my hands.

    Call me fussy if you like.......................wink.png


    Not only that, not all Chinese women are going to look as appealing as in the OP photo.

    Imagine seeing some 60 or 70 something, fat gross old granny doing a striptease in front of your eyes. The same applies to the men`s rooms. No, I agree, this sort f thing should be done in private , not in full public view.

  9. Do you mean the Traffic Department, Hang Dong?

    Directions To Traffic Department:

    Hang Dong Road (about 3 KM south of Airport Plaza – Left side of the road (East) past Tesco Lotus
    Located just before Big C, before the intersection of the first ring-road. Look for a long white fence
    with purple iron. The building is a large white 2 story building with orchard coloured trim.
    Hours are Monday to Friday (8:30AM to 4:30 PM). Phone number 253-270410

  10. Issue with small flies escalates. I still can't see them, sprayed daily with Chaindrite and another insecticide for flying insects.

    As soon as I start to make food, even while I prepare a sandwich, 4- 5 of them crawl over the plate.

    How do I get rid of them?

    Cannot see why you still have a problem. I have already explained how to remedy the situation.

    If you continue to spray Chaindrite, not only will this chemical contaminate the kitchen area, but also damage your lungs and chest as this stuff is strong enough to bring down an elephant.


  11. Then so are the prices for toilet use the same for every nation?

    Or will it then exist there also a price differentiation?

    Toilets are free at the White Temple.

    But may be, he will charge the Chinese to teach them how to wipe their asses properly and don't throw the paper everywhere.

    And I wouldn't blame him.

    Sounds like you're angling for some part-time employment, but before you apply for this teaching position, make sure you have the proper work permit & credentials.., and you should prepare an instructional video on a loop as well as the requisite "paper."


    Sounds like a wonderful idea.

    This could be an opportunity for a new career move as a professional a-se wiper, the work permit could actually be printed on a bog roll making the position official. It could bring a new meaning to the description of having a crap job.

  12. Yes, racism is in fact quite natural here. There is racism even among the same races in Asia.

    After 13 years of marriage, my sister in law still refers to me as "farang" and does not consider me a part of the family. I don't think she even knows my name. I live within a few feet of her, and we have not spoken a single word to each other in well over a year. This sort of thing is normal in Asia. So much for Buddhism and the enlightened state here in Thailand. Just because it's a Buddhist country doesn't mean that everybody in the country has reaching the enlightened state, of course. Very few ever do. Like most religion, Buddhism isn't practiced as it should be, as spiritual awakening and enlightenment, but is instead reduced to Dogma, useless prayer and worshipping idols, and sheer nonsense.

    This rest room fiasco at the White Temple does not surprise me in the least.

    I'm Thai. I think most educated people in Thai are not racism. You might misunderstood for the word "farang". It is not racism. "farang" is the same to the word "foreigner" but specific to white people. As you can say Asian is mean Asia people(yellow skin) or European is mean people who living in Europe, etc. Nothing to rude in the word "farang". Why don't you ask your wife?

    My older sister married to Aussie. So, I'm brother in law of my sister husband. I'm not living with my sister or her husband, but I know his name, his parent name, his brother name, their job, their origin, and lot of things. It is common, isn't it? I'm so wonder why you've got that experience.

    I'm atheist. So, generally I don't mind what Temple do, but in this case(news). I agree with them. We are(Thai) not anti Chinese people(and also all people around the world). We can talk, walk, sit or having meal witht Chinese, but some Chinese hygiene are terrible, especially using toilet. So, instead of reject Chinese prople, just build toilet for them. why it so bad?

    Imagine if you were company owner and your partner(who've never listened to you) always mess up office toilet everyday. what would you do? You can't retire them. You can't just tell them. Build new toilet just for them is alternate way to solve the problem, isn't it?

    Total crapola.

    Do not stereotype people of a certain race as all having the same traits. Segregating people on the basis that it is believed a nationality and race of people all have some inferior cultural habits based on the unrefined behaviours of a few Chinese tourists in Chiang Rai is morally and ethically wrong.

    I have known and still know of many Thais who have extreme anti social habits, such as burning waste in residential areas without a thought or concern for anyone else, letting their dogs roam about so it is not safe to walk about at certain times and playing loud music on a regular basis, believing their choice of music is so good that everyone in the area should hear it. But this does not mean I consider that all Thais are the same and should be treated as such.

    Another point, how do they know it is all Chinese people that are making the mess in the said toilets? Are their turds blue or have a different smell or something?

    • Like 2
  13. This has all the tones of the Southern American state and South African apartheid days.

    Not acceptable in this day and age and hope tourists boycott this place.

    no, its not. nice try though.

    this is about hygiene, nothing else, get off your high horse

    No. I'd say this is about bigotry rather than hygiene

    Make it about race if you want, i still say its about shit-smeared toilets.

    you make a mess at my house and you are not coming back, period,

    I dont care what colour your skin is

    A totally irrelevant issue from the OP.

    For example, if a Malaysian guy visits your house, gets diarrhoea and accidentally peddle dashes your toilet room walls, than you would further ban all Malaysians from your home or provide a separate toilet for them? As this is what the issue is all about.

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