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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. After having a near miss on my motorbike a few days ago when a pick up truck conducted a u turn at speed missing me by inches, I decided it would be a wise move to purchase a motorbike helmet camera.

    Does anyone know where in Chiang Mai these can be purchased? Or if already owning one, could you give reviews please and how these actually work?

    My appreciation in advance.


  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    And people are saying we did not need a coup..... Seems the military is the only one who can keep the police in check.

    Yes but this is really only the tip of the corrupt iceberg. Too many othere are escaping the spotlight

    The army themselves are knee deep in illegal casinos & prostitution in the deep south .,betcha these places are never raided etc

    I`ll give you 10 to 1 odds that they are.

  3. Still can't believe they let her get away. There is only 2 points of entry / exit. Surely that's lesson one in policing. If your looking for someone, cover the exits.

    Do you own this condo or do you rent?

    If you own own the condo, then there must be a juristic management company that you pay a yearly maintenance fee. You say that you made the condo manager aware of the situation but no further action has been taken. If that is the case, than firstly, this woman must be contravening some terms of the lease by spoiling the enjoyment of your home. This time put your complaint in writing or send an email to your estate management company, give them 7 days to respond. If they ignore your correspondence or refuse to take any action against the offending party, than explain that you will not pay any further maintenance fees until the problem is resolved.

    If you are are renting, contact your landlord in writing. Explain the situation, ask the landlord to contact the estate management company directly and again give 7 days for a response. If no joy, explain in writing that you will refuse to pay anymore rent until the problem is resolved. If all becomes too complicated and stressful, then you have the option of either remaining in the condo as the long and suffering or moving out.

    • Like 1
  4. If these Thai women have expectations of being the receivers of money and gifts for whatever reasons on a no return basis other than for just being there, than these guys should seriously ask themselves some questions; why am I in this relationship? And what am I getting out of it?

    Great sex with a much younger woman out of my class?


    I admired you for your honesty.

    If this is the case for the majority of guys, than it`s probably more beneficial and cheaper to go short time. No need to buy presents to impress them, just a pay as go, NSA, plus having the choice of different females each time.

    But I guess the guys who desire much younger attractive women of class as long term trophy partners, could not afford the lifestyle, way out of their league and that includes me..

  5. Possibly because shaking hands is not a Thai custom. Nor is the current craze for fist-bumping. You never know where those sweaty hands have been! Some Thais view a handshake as merely the symbolic touching of hands.

    The 'wai' is both hygienic and respectful.

    Shaking hands?.......Disgusting habit............

    That's why I always give a soft kiss on the cheek of whoever I meet......Thai or farang...........

    Looking forward meeting you people.....................

    How long have you been suffering from this affliction? If any strange man tried to kiss me softly on my cheek, I`d punch his lights out.

    As for firm hand shakes, I prefer Thai girls who`s grip is firm and gentle. But that`s a topic not befitting for the forums of Thai visa.

    Firstly, most Thais do not use hand shakes as greetings or for farewells, therefore become preplexed when they are met by westerners extending their right arms out to them. They probably consider that squeezing someone`s hand too hard is impolite or even could be mistaken as an act of aggression.

    In most western cultures it is believed the strength of handshakes determines strength of character. The firmer the handshake, the stronger the character. This from my lifetime experiences has always proven to be true, I have known in the past job applicants to have failed interviews because of having limp handshakes. In Thailand, the tests are, how polite and subservient they can be towards those of higher rank and authority.

    The reasons many Thai people have weak handshakes cannot be equated for the same reasons as is believed in western societies. As the wise man says; different strokes for different folks, it`s mostly a case of understanding the different attitudes and other means of doing things according to lifestyles and culture.

  6. Tell the girlfriend with crushed pelvis and the parents who had to endure him trying to worm his way out of trouble how admirable the driver is. It may only look 'admirable' to seasoned expats because 99 times out of a 100 a Thai would not NEVER admit responsibility.

    And I am not in the least bit surprised that the Pai police have mishandled this case, because they are utterly incompetent in anything other than collecting tea money. Unfortunately when things go wrong here, you're on your own and totally at the whim of the puerile, fickle system. The police would have viewed his parents coming over and questioning them as interfering and a nuisance.

    Sadly you are right.

    Thailand is a wonderful country to live unless or until serious problems occur and then at the mercy of a haphazard system and the laid back attitudes of the authorities. Unless victims of injustices and crime are people of high profile or know people in high places, then the odds of acquiring satisfactory conclusions to events like the OP are extremely slim.

  7. I thought Valentines day and anniversaries were mean`t to be a loving and giving mutual exchange thing.

    You guys comment about what you give or don`t give your Thai wives or girlfriends on Valentines day as if this it`s all one sided, a sort of expected practice of farang boyfriends and spouses to appease your partners in the hope that the Thai females will not try to seek greener pastures elsewhere, you are paying for their long term company one way or another and that`s rather sad.

    If these Thai women have expectations of being the receivers of money and gifts for whatever reasons on a no return basis other than for just being there, than these guys should seriously ask themselves some questions; why am I in this relationship? And what am I getting out of it?

    • Like 1
  8. This is like the gunfight at the ok corral, where arguments are settled by shoot outs.

    All these illegally run foreign businesses staffed by undesirables and thugs that have muscled their way into the area should be shut down. These sorts of establishments located on many of the so-called paradise Islands are best avoided because visitors and tourists who are unfortunate enough to become involved in any disputes are likely to end up the same way as this Turkish chappie.

  9. This is like the gunfight at the ok corral, where arguments are settled by shoot outs.

    All these illegally run foreign businesses staffed by undesirables and thugs that have muscled there way into the area should be shut down. These sorts of establishments located on many of the so-called paradise Islands are best avoided because visitors and tourists who are unfortunate enough to become involved in any disputes are likely to end up the same way as this Turkish chappie.

    • Like 1
  10. I wonder how they will organize the thing with identifying yourself.... otherwise anybody can report 90 days for anybody, which can lead to bad habits amongst the usual crowd of internet idiots, that are so common..


    I thought exactly the same thing! It would be better if everyone had their own unique username and password - registered at an immigration office. This form is FAR too simple!

    Totally agree.

    This is an amatrue, haphazard set up, plus at the moment is appears to be very hit and miss. It`s as if a member of Immigration staff has asked his 13 year old son who he considers to be a bit of a computer whiz kid to set this up.

    My advice for the present is; try the online option from 15 days prior to a 90 day report becoming due for the first 7 days and if no success, it`s back to the old routines of either post or a personal visit to the Immigration Department.

    • Like 1
  11. This is really good news from the immigration.

    Somebody in there is thinking of us and try to make our lives easier.

    Or is it part of peoples happiness campaign, initiated by the Government?

    i HIGHLY DOUBT that anyone at immigration is 'thinking of us' !!

    more likely, they are just trying to make THEIR job easier and save time (and money) for THEMSELVES.

    Trust me,, there is NOTHING selfless about this.

    its purely business for them.

    Totally irrelevant and who cares? I am just grateful for small mercies, the implementation of a system that will make my life easier, especially if there is no expense involved.

    What is relevant, whether the system is up and running and fully functional yet? That is all that should be of concern to us.

  12. This moment tested the site and all is operational, but painfully slow. Probably experiencing heavy traffic, considering that every farang in Thailand is using and experimenting with the link, that should simmer down within the next few days.

    It did not work for me on firefox and Google chrome, but no problem with Internet Explorer.

    Hit this link:


    Once into the website, click on English at the top right hand corner. Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit:

    notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days via Internet

    Then follow the instructions on the screen. But do have patients why everything loads.

    I too do not have a flight number on my TM arrival card, so probably have to make one up.

  13. First, was she at the market where all the gold shops are because if she was she should have been able to find a shop that had 5 baht gold bars on hand. The smaller gold shops won't be carrying 5 baht bars but some will order the 5 baht bar for you and yes, then they will ask for a deposit.

    The bigger question is what price did you pay versus that day's sell price? Even with gold bars there is usually a markup involved.

    yeah it was in the market with lots of other shops. We paid 19,150 when gold price today is 18862

    Do you mean WE or YOU?

    As I see the situation, your girlfriend is in a no lose situation. Sorry my friend but I think you are being had as a chump. It seems your so-called girlfriend has struck while the iron is hot, she has committed you into buying her some gold.

    My advice is; treat with caution and be suspicious, otherwise this so-called relationship may end up costing you dear in a very short amount of time.

    However you decide to play this, you do so at your own risk and discretion.

  14. Back in the Jurassic period on many a dark rainy London night, bus shelters were useful places for having a snog with a girlfriend, a lot cheaper than having a snog on the rear seats at the movies. So even if there are no actual bus routes that serve these shelters, they still have their uses.

  15. Usually when I have attended house warming parties, Thai and farangs, I buy a decent wall clock, a good name such as Seiko always goes down well and are popular, something a house holder would be proud to display in the home.

    They start from about 600 baht up to many prices.

    • Like 2
  16. There is a lot of good info here, thank you to the many who have contributed their 1st person experience. may we continue to get more feedback please?

    The ebb and flow of early closing is in the ebb stage at the moment.

    I would not describe the majority of replies as good info.

    Good info would be hearing from the actual business owners themselves.

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