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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. No fines or death penalties involved.

    Without the card he will have problems extending his visa and doing the 90 day reports as the card is required to be attached to his passport with an appropriate photo copy.

    But please don't panic Mr Mainwaring, all is not lost. Chiang Mai Immigration hold blanks of these TM.JB cards. Visit Immigration and ask for a blank card. Fill in the flight number he arrived on, plus his passport number, place of issue and date of issue. Nationality and signature. That`s it he`s done. Easy, peasy.

  2. Uptheos -- it's been my observation that many of the people waiting in the parking lot don't speak English, so any "leaflet" explaining the on-line queue system would have to be produced in multiple languages and with the OK of Immigration, of course.

    Frankly, while I am interested in doing community service, this project is beyond the capabilities of the Board of the CM Expats Club -- which despite what Beetlejuice says about CEC being a "commercial enterprise" -- is no longer run by someone who has an office staff at his beck-and-call.

    Oh, Uptheos -- if you have questions about specific people Lanna Care Net and the community has assisted in the past, please send me a PM.

    Are you legally running a registered commercial outfit? Or you do this on a strictly voluntary basis out of the goodness of your heart? Which one is it or is there a third scenario?

    If the so-called Lanna care outfit was a proper registered run organisation, then it would be able to cooperate with Immigration in representing the old and those with disabilities, especially the folks who are alone for providing some sort of assistance with their Immigration matters. As for the rest of us, in my case and guess this pertains to many of us, do not personally know of any elderly ex-pats that may require help with these matters and neither in a situation where I could obtain a list of names and contact details of those as mentioned above.

    If some sort of body needs to be established to represent ex-pats on certain matters, including the Immigration procedures, than this has to be a bona-fife professionally run organisation with a solid written agenda and rules, registered and answerable to a higher authority, a concern that I have gone over with you countless times, and not you and your so-called team taking on these matters as self appointed do gooders that could leave the vulnerable and the trusting open to abuse from unscrupulous characters.

    I have yet to come across non native English speaking ex-pats in Chiang Mai that do not have a least some basic understanding of the English language and I am sure that if English versions of Immigration appointment procedures where handed out in the form of leaflets to those in the early morning queues or even available to take from the counters or a shelf outside, then the very small minority of totally non English speaking ex-pats could ask others in the queue for help and most I am certain would be only too willing to assist them. The only problem I see for this method is who or what organisation would pay for the provision of the leaflets?

    Again I thank you for holding the said meeting and uploading a video of the events, but to be frank with you I have yet to be convinced of the integrity of all those behind the outfits that you seem to be heavily involved with. Rather than responding back to me with anymore smart answers you must come to terms that the burden of credibility lies with you, that`s if you expect people to give you credibility and not cynicism.

    Not sure if you know this but we live in Thailand and you can run around yelling all you want are you registered or you have to have a work permit and even though it is true you seem to be the only one always trying to stick to the letter of the law. The police and government don't even come as close as you.

    As far as Lanna Care goes get out and have a look instead of whining and crying about it on Thai Visa. I have seen them in action in three different cases. You are completely clueless as to what they do. Also what makes you think they should have to report to you? Wake up and drop it.

    I don`t, no thank you, plus I am not alone in my cynicism, I can assure you of that.

    I am only voicing an opinion, my main points being that is relevant to the theme of this thread, is that I believe we need an official organisation that could represent the welfare of us ex-pats on an official level here in Chiang Mai and not outfits based on face value and trust that have commercial interests trying to give the semblance that they are some sort of helping hands saints of goodness. It`s that simple.

    • Like 1
  3. Had exactly the same problem, and here is how I solved it:

    Firstly, these little pests can get in anywhere, most likely from gaps in-between and underneath external doors, open doors and the minutest gaps in-between window frames, mossie shields and even gaps in ceiling tiles. You will find that they are entering from the outside and not basing themselves inside the home. Search your home you won`t find any hiding away somewhere.

    We had this problem for years, they were driving me crazy. OK, solution: buy one of those small plastic dustbins, the 1ft high by 1ft wide at the top jobs with a lid and keep it in your kitchen. Place a plastic shopping bag inside the bin as a liner. Throw the waste directly into the bag inside the bin and place the lid on immediately. At the end of the day, take out the filled shopping bag, tie it up at the top and dispose of it into your main bin outside. About once a week give the inside of the bin a clean, and that`s it, you`re done, guaranteed no more flies. If you fill several shopping bags with rubbish per day, than you can either keep emptying the bin once full or buy a larger bin to suit your requirements.

    Another point is that these flies love to hang out around damp towels and cleaning cloths. So change to clean tea-towels regularly and keep your washing up cloths in a lidded container if possible.

    This works, trust me on this one.

    • Like 1
  4. Uptheos -- it's been my observation that many of the people waiting in the parking lot don't speak English, so any "leaflet" explaining the on-line queue system would have to be produced in multiple languages and with the OK of Immigration, of course.

    Frankly, while I am interested in doing community service, this project is beyond the capabilities of the Board of the CM Expats Club -- which despite what Beetlejuice says about CEC being a "commercial enterprise" -- is no longer run by someone who has an office staff at his beck-and-call.

    Oh, Uptheos -- if you have questions about specific people Lanna Care Net and the community has assisted in the past, please send me a PM.

    Are you legally running a registered commercial outfit? Or you do this on a strictly voluntary basis out of the goodness of your heart? Which one is it or is there a third scenario?

    If the so-called Lanna care outfit was a proper registered run organisation, then it would be able to cooperate with Immigration in representing the old and those with disabilities, especially the folks who are alone for providing some sort of assistance with their Immigration matters. As for the rest of us, in my case and guess this pertains to many of us, do not personally know of any elderly ex-pats that may require help with these matters and neither in a situation where I could obtain a list of names and contact details of those as mentioned above.

    If some sort of body needs to be established to represent ex-pats on certain matters, including the Immigration procedures, than this has to be a bona-fife professionally run organisation with a solid written agenda and rules, registered and answerable to a higher authority, a concern that I have gone over with you countless times, and not you and your so-called team taking on these matters as self appointed do gooders that could leave the vulnerable and the trusting open to abuse from unscrupulous characters.

    I have yet to come across non native English speaking ex-pats in Chiang Mai that do not have a least some basic understanding of the English language and I am sure that if English versions of Immigration appointment procedures where handed out in the form of leaflets to those in the early morning queues or even available to take from the counters or a shelf outside, then the very small minority of totally non English speaking ex-pats could ask others in the queue for help and most I am certain would be only too willing to assist them. The only problem I see for this method is who or what organisation would pay for the provision of the leaflets?

    Again I thank you for holding the said meeting and uploading a video of the events, but to be frank with you I have yet to be convinced of the integrity of all those behind the outfits that you seem to be heavily involved with. Rather than responding back to me with anymore smart answers you must come to terms that the burden of credibility lies with you, that`s if you expect people to give you credibility and not cynicism.

    • Like 2
  5. My advice is, do not leave any documents with the seller and absolutely under no circumstances commit yourself to any contracts.

    Wait until your girlfriend is ready, take the money and your girlfriend to collect the motorbike, sign the necessary documents not parting with any money until all the paperwork is complete, then drive the motorbike away.

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  6. For many years my philosophy has been to never get involved in other peoples complicated dramas, which in Thailand not getting involved is one of the golden rules.

    If the OP starts sticking his nose in, he will later be regarded as the bad guy that may result in his GFs family saying; all would have worked out if he had minded his own business.

    Let them all get on with it and tell the girlfriend you are not interested and suggest she does the same. Otherwise if the OP feels the need to support his girlfriend by getting involved, then just get on with it as the long and suffering that will result in receiving no thanks or gratitude whatsoever.

    Good luck to all who sail in her.

    • Like 2
  7. ......snip

    There were no questions put to immigration that would put them on the spot to answer and I wonder why not?

    I doubt they would ever have a question and answer session, without the questions being vetted......would they?

    Several reasons that it was decided not to have a format with "on the spot" questions.

    As you saw in the video, none of the Immigration officials are especially fluent in English. The idea of having a British Parliament give-and-take style Question Session would be totally impossible.

    As we saw with some of the questions submitted in the poll of members there are people with "one-off" questions, of interest to just one person in the Universe. Frankly, some of these people are just plain crackpots with an ax to grind. Would you want to pay a couple hundred baht to come to a meeting to listen to them spout off?

    Some of the questions submitted were, shall we say, beyond the portfolio of the Immigration people in that room. For example, it's not within their power to decree that 90 day reports are stupid, serve no purpose and will no longer be collected. They may agree, but they can't make that decision, nor would they ever tell us what they really think.

    Our time with the Immigration officials was limited. If we turned over the microphone to, say 15 random people in the audience, we might not address the 15 most important issues of concern to our members.

    There certainly wouldn't have been any Power Point slides to support answers to open questions. You've got to admit the Power Point slides go a long way in helping to support what the officials are saying.

    Perhaps we could have had open questions, but we wouldn't have had a video that could serve as a good reference.

    An open Q&A would most probably have been time-wasting as well, potentially, a circus.

    The officers' performance and the video will never get Oscars, but the result was constructive and useful "Immigration 101," and that's where most people are, not into post graduate studies!

    There is potential for follow-up, as has been gently alluded to above. Volunteer activities for long-stay expats is a no-no, but coffee klatches or high tea among friends could work.


    This is not like in the UK or the United States where members of the public can discuss and place into question the decisions of those in authority, certainly not without consequences from those who have us under the thumb here. It`s a case of; this is what we have to say; listen and don`t dare question us, otherwise who knows what might happen?

    I think the only plausible ways of obtaining some desirable results to the problem is for some official representation, (have no idea where that would come from) people unlike us who have some clout and can discuss these matters with the Thai authorities on their own level. I am not calling for any revolutions or being disrespectful to those in authority here, my point being that as the ex-pat communities in Thailand are increasing year by year, than we need some kind of official representation to put forward our concerns, complaints and requirements here in Thailand or perhaps the Thai authorities could enlist their own agents to represent the Thailand ex-pats, people that could be our spokespersons on an official level.

    This is what I would like to see, but doubt will happen in my lifetime.

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  8. No idea how accurate the photofits are, but they are definitely a step up from the Australian versions of same - at least the images show above seem to depict someone who could actually be part of the local population. Aussie cops need to take a look at whatever the Thais are using to generate these likenesses - I hope they catch these two, but where's gang member number three in this bulletin ?

    One of those issued photo-fit images has a remarkable resemblance to my neighbor`s son and I saw a few hundred young guys that looked just like them when I was out shopping a couple of days ago.

    I think the only chance of those guys being recognised from the photo-fits is by someone or people that personally know or are somehow associated with them. Hope they find these rapists soon, because they must have put that couple through a living hell, a trauma that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

  9. The first line of inquiry should be, would the girlfriend benefit from this guy`s death? Such as his luxury home, other assets or money? Or in other words, would she have a motive for killing him or arranging someone else to murder the guy?

    But my educated guess is; that this case will be filed under, could be and no more will be heard about this again.

  10. Bumping this up.

    Surprised there aren't any comments yet.

    Thank you, I watched the video and asking for your professional opinion.

    Considering you and the Ex-pats club arranged the said meeting, do you believe that anything beneficial for ex-pats residing in Chiang Mai as regards the procedures when dealing with Chiang Mai Immigration Department, came out of this and meeting? And if so, what in your opinion do you think they are?

    Already asked and answered in posts No. 6 and 11.

    I perused your posts in detail, and you mostly give accounts of how events unfolded during the said meeting, and it all seems to be a lot of ifs, buts and maybes.

    For those who wanted to know more, including myself, should have personally attended the meeting, no excuses, and I can see why yourselves and members would be reluctant to corner the officer with any hard searching questions, the bottom line being we are at their mercy in Immigration.

    But what you and other TV members have mentioned so far and after viewing the video, I am not optimistic that there will be any improvements regarding our dealings with Chiang Mai Immigration in the foreseeable future, in fact the situation may become much more chaotic before it gets better, that`s if it ever does improve, which is the million dollar question?

    Anyway, I appreciate your good self arranging the meeting and sharing the video with everyone. I appreciate and thank you for that.

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  11. If the OP has a bank account in Thailand or knows someone who has a bank account in Thailand, than why not exchange his bahts for a draft cheque in Canadian dollars and later cash the cheque at his bank in Canada?

    Because the Bank exchange rate to buy the draft would be very poor and the time for the check to clear would be long.

    The bank exchange rates for selling in Thailand are the same for TT- DD- and bill, as far as I know.

    A draft cheque in the home country takes up to 6 weeks to clear, it most cases sooner. No big deal, unless the OP is so desperate for money that he can`t wait that long?

    I would advise against conducting private transactions with money exchange for a multitude of reasons, unless recommended or know the person personally. Otherwise doing so is up to own risk and discretion.

  12. If the OP has a bank account in Thailand or knows someone who has a bank account in Thailand, than why not exchange his bahts for a draft cheque in Canadian dollars and later cash the cheque at his bank in Canada?

    But again it depends on what winnie said; if this only involves an irrelevant amount of bahts and the banks won`t entertain him here, than best to take the bahts back to Canada and do the exchange there.

  13. If this does not warrant the death penalty, than what does?

    I cannot imagine the pain and fear that babas must have endured. An 11 year old is still a baby in my eyes. Then to dump this child in a sewer like excrement is beyond belief. What a horrible way to die for anyone, let alone an innocent child..

    This petty excuse for a human being should be executed and disposed off in the same way, considered of no more value than a bag of garbage. I sincerely hope that the child and her family receive real justice in this case.

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  14. Bumping this up.

    Surprised there aren't any comments yet.

    Thank you, I watched the video and asking for your professional opinion.

    Considering you and the Ex-pats club arranged the said meeting, do you believe that anything beneficial for ex-pats residing in Chiang Mai as regards the procedures when dealing with Chiang Mai Immigration Department, came out of this and meeting? And if so, what in your opinion do you think they are?

  15. Like many instances here, it isnt the actual money, the cost as such, its about the principal and tactics applied.

    Totally agree.

    In the past I have proven to myself that the Chiang Mai Ram hospital ups it`s prices for farangs.

    15 years ago my 82 year old Thai father in law went to the Ram hospital, private room, when he caught .pneumonia, this was in the days prior to the 30 baht scheme. He spent 5 days at the Ram, total cost 7000 baht, that I paid for.

    Literally only one month later my 76 year old English friend came down with pneumonia, went to the Ram hospital, by coincidence was placed in the same private room as my father in law. Same length of time, 5 days, total bill, 60000 baht. I did not pay that bill.

    5 years ago I caught a nasty bout of bronchitis. Went to the Ram. Doctor gave me a quick examination, about 10 minutes, went to collect my drugs that consisted of some anti biotics, a small bottle of cough jollop and a nasal spray, received a bill for 9000 baht. I refused the drugs that got the bill down to 700 baht for the doctor, went to a drug store in town, purchased exactly the same drugs for 400 baht. That was the last time I ever used the Ram hospital for medical treatment.

    Since, I now go to the Government hospitals and charged the same medical fees as Thai people.

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  16. I hope that once caught, these thugs will discretely disappear, similar to how the situation was dealt with 15 years ago when teen gangs known as the tigers and samurai started to become out of control.

    They are like packs of wild feral dogs, once they gain numbers then extremely difficult to eradicate.

    Considering these thugs are using deadly weapons, armed and dangerous, than they have to be considered a threat to the national safety, similar to terrorists on the rampage and not just boisterous youths misbehaving.

    This requires the Dirty Harry approach and no pussy footing around.

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  17. Think it depends on how one would determine, what is a tourist?

    I believe that in general those who visit Thailand as holiday makers create little problems and on the whole are usually well behaved, although of course there are always going to be exceptions to the rule. The problems arise with the longer term foreigners here, the forever tourists doing border hops, breaking the rules or ex-pats that have difficulties adapting to the lifestyles, culture and attitudes of the Thai people, such as failing to learn the language, what is considered as being impolite in Thai society and dressing inappropriately and even having bad attitudes towards their fellow ex-pats, therefore coming across as being arrogant, rude and distinctive from the Thais in a bad light, making themselves stand out more as not even partially assimilating into the environment that brings more attentions onto them if one or a few step out of line causing problems that I guess tars us all with the same brush in the eyes of the Thais.

    In answer to the OP`s question, no, I don`t believe there is a clash between Thais and the genuine tourists, but not to say that there isn`t low tolerance levels between Thais and the long term foreigners here.

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  18. London being on the list does not surprise me. Even I never felt safe travelling on public transport in London, especially after dark.

    As for Bangkok, I think it depends in which areas of the city. Some districts are safer than others. Regarding New York, that city was never considered safe back even 50 years ago and I can only imagine that it`s got worse since then.

    But I still feel safer in Thailand more than I ever did in the United States and in Britain.

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  19. this headline must be a joke, Israeli Facists and help are not compatible, the world has seen the televised murders in Gaza. maybe better if the europeans left palastine and go back to their own countries. One only has to see who their leader is to show they dont give a rats for poor dying Humans.

    .I think if you are going to tell people to leave a place, than at least learn how to spell it. Where is palastine?


  20. So, an "overseas employment agent" now equates to Trafficking.... Got it... coffee1.gif

    Exactly the point. What constitutes as a case of human trafficking?

    It appears that agents hiring women who are knowingly and willingly wanting to work as prostitutes abroad are human traffickers

    So what`s the difference between agents or pimps in Thailand hiring Thai women to work as prostitutes in Thailand and those sending them abroad to go on the game?

    In my opinion a human trafficker is someone or a gang that dupes women into being prostitutes abroad by false pretences or forces women into prostitution abroad against their will, but the law does not seem to be able to differentiate between women willingly going on the game abroad and those who are conned or forced into it.

  21. Plowman you have a brain wash. Check out and find that the most human wrights for Arabs moslims are in Israel. Look around for the Arab countries and see how they killed their brothers and then talk about apartheid. I don't think you can understand it with your brain wash of yours.

    The most human rights for Arab Muslims are in Israel!!! Would you like to provide some evidence? The blockade of Paelestine which starves men, women and children and prevents Palestinians from advancing their lives in any way is obviously not a human right!!!??? The illegal war against Pelestine a few months ago where thousands of Palestinians were murdered in return for a few Israeli deaths??? Brainwashing!!! I suggest you take a long hard look in the mirror because the evidence and statistics for that brief, murderous, war are stacked against your claim of human rights!! How about the right to life??? The right to equal opportunites...I could go on...I'm sure there'll be others along to help me out here....

    Gaza has a large border with Muslim Egypt. Egypt blocks that border without being urged by Israel. Israel lets all food and aid shipments through. They just like to check the shipments for weapons first. Why do the wealthy Muslim states keep the Palestinian Territories so poor? Why don't the help develop the economy of the Palestinian Territories? They could easily turn the Territories into a show place but they won't because they want the 'wound' of the Palestinian Territories to fester so they can point the finger at Israel as though Israel is holding them back. Then weak-minded anti-Semites, such as yourself, can write their propaganda. There is nothing the Israelis are doing that would stop Arab investment in the Palestinian Territories. Egypt doesn't want to open their border with Gaza because they don't want Hamas to stir up insurrection in Egypt. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization and they control Gaza. They remind me of American Negroes; they are a permanent 'victim' class. Israel has never started any wars with the Arabs. Maybe you could post a link where they did. I have no special love for Israel but I am offended by anti-Semitic lies and propaganda. Truth is truth and your hate doesn't change it.

    Who cares? If you`re so concerned about the middle east, than why not write a book about the subject or start a revolution?

    I am only interested in this topic at hand and Thailand`s problems with the Muslims in the deep south, which is why I believe a military cooperation with Israel is beneficial for Thailand, which is the issue here, but it seems that no matter how hard some posters try, they find it impossible to stay on track with the theme of this thread..

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