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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. So you met her on the Internet and had a partial relationship with this girl for only a few months, yet you have already made your mind up that you want to marry her.

    My questions are:

    Why can`t you wait until you get to know this girl, her family and friends better before deciding that she is marriage material?

    Is there a big age gap between you both?

    Are the feelings between you and this girl mutual? If so, what is it that she sees in you?

    The questions that you ask cannot be answered. Your own common sense and basic instincts about this person should give you some clues.

    And as you are unsure of this girl`s true intentions and motives for being your part time girlfriend and weekend partner I would wait until nature takes it`s course and you are sure that you are making the right decisions.

    It`s all down to you, it`s your money and feelings that are at stake, not ours.

  2. It appears China is becoming a closed country and increasingly the Government is enforcing it`s dictatorship on similar lines to Burma. Read today that China has also blocked porn sites and arrested many involved within the sex industry there. Not a bad thing but this is only part of the restrictions placed on the media by the Government.

    Extreme censorship of the Internet and the media is a bad sign of things to come.

    My crystal balls tell me there maybe trouble ahead, perhaps China reverting back to the dark ages like some Muslim countries.

    Keep your eyes on this space, it maybe be only the beginning of what`s in store for the population of China.

    Is this going to take us back to the days of the beware the yellow peril?


  3. Too much worldly education is not always a good thing.

    The more people know, the more people want and then the more chances of unrest and discontentment setting in.

    As anyone one heard the saying; Ignorance is bliss? There is a lot of truth in that saying.

    As the wise man says; look into anything too deeply and you are going to be disappointed. Better to pacify the masses in a shroud of ignorance then to open them up to the perils of Western influences.

    All through history, Thailand has had a more stable society than any it`s neighboring countries and the present system works well for Thai people even through to some powers in the West, it may seem backward in it`s approach to democracy.

    I still feel safer and more secure in my home and walking in the streets of most areas of Thailand then I ever did in America and England.

    So why try to change things?

    I believe that the do gooders and interferers should keep they`re noses out of Thailand`s internal affairs and concentrate more on the problems of their own countries.

  4. So, this is for an Indian looking guy right? Objectively speaking, I'd say that's going to be a tough sell.

    The Indian part is no problem, it`s the Canadian half that concerns me.

    Couldn`t the man say he is a Brit, Aussie, American or something? This may increase his chances.

  5. The charges have been dropped.


    On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

    Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

    Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

    Even though you have just posted questions, I think your post is abusive.

    What is abusive about asking questions? And abusive towards whom? These are all valid curiosities that would have been covered in the news if there were any journalistic standards in this country. These aren't reporters, they're stenographers.

    Thank you, yes. I am probably not the first person asking these exact same questions or will be the last, and unless this guy can officially clear himself beyond any reasonable doubt, then his reputation, credibility and good name are in tatters.

    One poster mentioned; guilty to be proved innocent, unfortunately this is going to be the case, or what is defined as trial by media and sentenced by public opinion.

    The guilty verdict was unofficially established soon after the guy's arrest. The prognosis being he is a middle-aged farang, living in Pattaya, he fits the profile, so he must have done it. The obvious being the fact when of course we know there are always exceptions in any circumstance.

    It leaves this man with a huge problem. If the charges are dropped, will he just leave Thailand and have the shadow of incrimination hanging over him for eternity, or will he stay and try to clear his name completely?

    But of course whatever actions the pianoist decides to take next, will determine whether he is innocent or guilty within the public eye.

    Welcome to the real world.

  6. Well, I am not against a bit of frivolity, nor am I immune from being cynical from time to time, but I find it too hard to swallow OP's post and several of the following posts.

    I do not know how many of you have been up in the hills surrounding Chiang Mai in December-January (except a quick day trip to Doi Inthanon, but let me tell you it is cold at night. I have been there, done that, have the tee shirt. Yes,some nights,literally icy.

    I am bewildered by many of the comments here. I am not bothering to look at them all again, so pardon me if I don't get it all right, but who gives a happy dam_n how bureaucrats happen to characterize "disaster" or do some really believe that fortunes in reselling 185 THB blankets are being made ??!! What a crock of ... !!!

    I am not Christian, but I am appalled at the lack of "Christmas spirit" at this time. Anyway, it really hasn't anything to do with Christmas; it has to do with simple concern for others.

    If you still recite Rudyard Kipling's "White Man's Burden" when you say your prayers at night, then I shall have to pray more for you in your afterlife!

    Here it is: http://www.wsu.edu/~..._2/kipling.html

    Think about it!

    In the meantime, there are a lot of folk not reading poetry and not trading in blankets who are very, very cold right now in the hills around Chiang Mai.

    eerrrm, yes.

    Well I think this just about puts the lid on this thread.

  7. Hate for you all to see me as a moving avatar. :D

    There was a member that had a pair of rather nice large bouncing tits, it came that l ignored his posts and moved on. :D

    You mean you kept looking at his avatar instead?

    A pair of bouncing tits can be rather distracting.

  8. The charges have been dropped.


    On what grounds were the charges dropped? Was it from lack of evidence, failure to continue on with the case by the alleged victim, did Pletnev buy his way out, or was he proved innocent?

    Has Pletnev been officially proved not guilty and declared innocent on all accounts?

    Can he now take legal action against the 14 year old boy and his family for pressing false charges against him?

  9. Then there are the farang Thai wannabes, these people really annoy me. You know, the ones that can speak fluent Thai, shout it out at the top of they're voices in public, just to make sure that everyone is aware of their brilliant command of the Thai language

    I am very mindful of this perception. So when I speak Thai when seated near to someone who looks like an old ill-adjusted buffoon who can't even order a plate of rice in the language of the country where he lives, then I make sure I use both Thai and English when speaking to any Thais in attendance, to ensure everyone feels included and understands me. (This is typically in bars).

    I do this especially if I get the impression that the Thai I'm speaking to has some kind of relationship/acqaintance with said buffoon; then it would just be rude to yap only in Thai and thus exclude the guy.

    i think you just got to the crux of the problem. well put.

    funny how learning to speak the language of a country you have lived in for 14 years can so deeply offend some people.

    If I hear any farang speaking fluent Thai, I consider that person as being extremely smart and in my mind I am thinking, well done you’re a better man then me chum.

    It`s when for example I am standing in a queue somewhere or next to a farang that is shouting it in a loud booming voice or over a cell phone that I find really irritating. Especially the Americans, they`re quite good at trying to make an impression to all around them. They remind me of General Custer having a conversation with the native Indians, because the accent sounds different, any moment I expect to see them take out a pipe of peace.

    This just doesn’t impress me at all.

  10. There's also the danger of not being able to clean up your act when visiting your home country, and then of course people will think you are mentally challenged.

    I frequently travel back to Europe, it`s part of my job. Sometimes when abroad I lapse and begin talking back to people in a sort of retarded gibberish.

    This is what happens when we stay in Thailand for too long, especially if our command of the Thai language is limited, so we revert to some form of child like English in order to make ourselves understood.

    Problem is that if we become isolated from other English speakers for any long periods, gibberish becomes the norm and the more difficult it becomes to revert back to normality again. The same goes when we get into the habit of smiling at people all the time. I began carrying this practice with me on my travels. Doesn’t always go down too well, especially when as an older guy I am considered a pervert if I smile at young ladies in the Western countries.

    Then there are the farang Thai wannabes, these people really annoy me. You know, the ones that can speak fluent Thai, shout it out at the top of they’re voices in public, just to make sure that everyone is aware of their brilliant command of the Thai language and even worse, the farangs that only know a few words of Thai, speak to a Thai person or even to other farangs in public loudly in bad Thai, sometimes using the wrong words, trying to convince everyone that they are fluent in the language, but the facts are that these people are only fluent in BS and hardly ever convince anybody.

  11. One of the reasons the Thai ladies like to just do the Monk wedding is ............ no sharing of property

    What you give her is hers and hers alone ...... the children hers alone ......... the house in her name hers alone.

    Don't forget the gifts of gold, the sinsot and the big party for the whole village where you were charged 50kbht, but they only really paid 10kbht.

    Oh, and let's not forget, no checks to she if she was already married to someone else.

    Not properly married, no joint property rights ....... no married person extension of stay.

    I wonder how many Thai girls fed up with a foreign husband worry about the monk wedding they had ........... my guess is none.

    It may very well mean a lot to the foreigner who desperately wants to believe the lady loves him and not his money ..........

    If you want to be properly married in Thailand, you have to go to the Amphur office.

    The monk wedding is one of the easiest scams for some Thai ladies to pull on a foreigner (or a Thai man)

    To the previous poster mentioning photos.

    The importance is bragging .... look at me ... look at the gold .... look at the big party.

    Seen Thais on holiday ..... one night in a resort 1,000 photos ..... look at me ..... look where I went.

    Seen a Thai lady looking at photos you took ........ look at me (no interest in photos without her)

    It's all about

    Thai face .... look at me ..... look how important I am ..... look what I have (and more importantly what you don't have)

    I'm not Thai bashing by the way, I love em .... maybe I'm foreigner bashing .... so many stupid foreigners.

    You are so right SB.

    8 years ago an English friend I had known for 25 years met a Thai girl gold digger while in Bangkok on holiday in Thailand.

    He instantly fell in love and decided she was for him. My friend returned to England and communicated with the girl for a few months after which he announced that he was travelling to North East Thailand to marry her.

    I can remember it well, all our friends and myself warned him and begged not to go through with it, but my friend would not listen. In fact he blanked us all for a while.

    He travelled to the girl’s home village, spent a fortune on some lavish do for the whole village and gave away his entire life savings of £90000 sterling as a sin sot.

    His exact words were; if I can’t find a wife, I’ll buy one. He honestly believed that once he gave all this cash that the girl would be loyal and they would be together for eternity.

    Then we discovered that no official wedding took place, only just one big party and when my daughter read the wedding invitation that was printed in Thai, it read; (I have changed the name of the girl, don`t want to get bother with the mods) We take pleasure in inviting ------ to the wedding of, Lek Tongsu to a farang. These were the exact words printed on the invitations.

    My friend managed to take the girl back to England on a fiancée visa. There they were officially married and she obtained a permanent visa to stay in Britain as married to a British citizen. After 2 years the girl left my friend to stay with her sister in Great Yarmouth and tagged on to another English guy, a 64 year old Professor.

    Not long after my friend committed suicide by driving his car head on at speed into a tree. The girl, his wife inherited my friend’s house, sold it with her sister for £430000 and they bought a Thai restaurant in Great Yarmouth.

    Since that time I have grown very cynical with these women and hope you all listen to our SB, he certainly knows the score.

  12. I find it much much much more offensive that you are associating this story about a PEDOPHILE to gay people.

    Many people think of them both as deviants.

    Here's an article I found.


    Some people believe in the boogie man too. Did you happen to check the source of this supposed findings? Not only the website itself but the anti-gay conservative born again whose supposed study they are quoting?

    Another tip off to to know this article is bogus is they are claiming gays are responsible for most molestations by saying most victims are boys. Being gay and a child molester are two very different things.

    I am neither gay nor a gay advocate or discriminator but to relate being gay and being a child molester just makes no sense. Even if there was a slight increase (not sure there is) in homosexuals also being pedophiles, it still doesn't make the two the same thing.

    Having sex in any way other then the frontal position could be defined as a sexual deviation. It depends on how prudish a person is.

    The facts are that homo sexuality does not involve the rape of innocents. It`s just purely an act of sexual intercourse between persons or partners of the same sex.

    Child rapists or some prefer to call them, pedos is totally at the other end of the spectrum. It`s like comparing someone who receives a parking fine with a murderer.

    Anyone that considers otherwise must be ignorant beyond belief.

    I noticed that the newspaper which published the article appears to be extremely right wing, that doesn`t surprise me.

  13. I couldn't find anything on google about the prediction or the shows being banned. Not even any unfounded rumours on other forums or blogs.

    Do you have any other information, or is it just you that knows about this?

    Jut heard it from a friend of mine who produces cheap tv shows (I hope he won't read that ...) and is furious because it's going to cost him a lot of money.

    Or maybe his show has been cancelled and that the excuse he found..

    On the other hand, I don't expect the government to make an official announcement that all predictions for 2011 are banned because it doesn't like what the soothsayers say.

    People here often brag that they have "connection", I'm just asking if other people have heard about that, that's it.

    Does your friend have crystal balls?

  14. RE: KY

    Use common sense ..

    It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

    As for putting the child victim in the picture and parading them out in front of the press ... would you want this done if your kid was the victim of pedophile?

    No, I would not. But you are stating your feelings relating to your own morality with that of the lowest of the low and the scum of the Earth.

    I once knew Thai parents that were fully aware their daughter was working as a bargirl in Chiang Mai. They reaped the benefits from the girl's nightly activities by accepting a percentage of her income and turned a blind eye to it. They had no shame in mentioning that their daughter worked in a bar.

    Now, if I discovered that any one of my daughters was a prostitute, my girlfriend and I would either suffer a heart attack or in my case would commit suicide, couldn't cope with the stress and worry.

    There are people out there that actively encourage their kids or kids in they're charge to do these sort of things as if it`s an OK thing to do. The children are tragic victims but too young to realise this as yet and play a major role in the game and in many cases with the blessings of their guardians.

    Perhaps the guardians of these kids pictured at the police station do not consider these children as victims but rather as being inconvenienced as part of an occupational hazard. Not forgetting that all these so called victims and the circle of people around them stand to gain financially at the expense of the farang who fell into the trap. I am not trying to twist this around to appear that the pervert is the victim; he has got his just desserts, but in a way all concerned are the victims of each other, a vicious circle. You have to completely eliminate one link to halt the chain of events. Personally, I would begin with clearing these kids off the streets and incarcerating the gangs or parents that neglect their children or that control them.

    There is no way that homo sexuality can be compared with Paedophilia, not in the slightest way, although I do agree both are sexual deviants or not the norm. Then again this depends on whether we consider that all sexual deviation is corrupt and wrong. For example I prefer to have sex with the lights on, but this is another topic for another thread.

    It is not my own feeling. It is a fact that this is not a good thing to do to parade these kids out in front of the media with the man who just molested them. Nor is it a good thing to allow them to be photographed and put in the news regardless if they are wearing a baseball hat. It is just not a good idea to exploit these child victims more and am shocked that any person with common sense can rationalize doing this extremely unnecessary thing.

    You are completely misunderstanding my comments.

    Of course I am not rationalizing the parading of these children with a guy that had raped them, because rape is what it is, and anyone with any sort of functioning brain cells would realise that this is a bad thing, I am saying that some people mainly the lowest of the low, share different views and have different moral standards to which we do, especially when there are financial incentives involved.

    Step into the real world, study the facts for yourself and discover how the other half lives.

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