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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. I`ll go for wild Jasmine everytime, but without the nuts of course.

    I`m not fussy whether she`s brown or white.

  2. I'm really happy that all of this will end in December 2012 ! 24 months to go !:lol::crazy:

    I have decided to blow all my life savings by having unprotected sex with at least 3 bargirls a day, drinking 24 cans of beer a day and getting through 10 packs of cigarettes a day, plus taking on 7 minor wives and buying a merc so I can travel in comfort.

    My life savings should support this lifestyle until the end of December 2012.

    Now, if whatever it is doesn't end in 24 months time and I become destitute living on handouts, infected with the AIDs virus, suffering from alcoholism and lung cancer, I hereby advise you that under clause 5 of the 1974 criminal liable act, that I'll be suing you.

  3. The facts:

    When someone purchases a property they expect it`s value will rise or fall the same as any new construction, according to current land and building market values. The buildings are actually valued on they`re condition and location not by age different as in the pricing of a second hand car or furniture.

    Many buyers will first purchase the land then have a home built on to their own specifications, but this doesn`t always apply to in town where mostly there is no open land but already a built up area.

    If for example you have a house built in a location well outside of town, say in a village community, I would consider that purely as somewhere to live and not as an investment because the odds are that no one in the future will want to buy it unless put on sale at a giveaway price or extremely lucky, no matter what mods and cons it is fitting out with, as most in those areas where there is an abundance of cheap spare land, they will have a new home built on it.

  4. To be honest, if this is a Thai man of no wealth or has no influential contacts who cannot afford to buy his way out and obtain good legal representation, then he’s owned.

    Meaning the sentence could be anything according to how the Thai justice system sees fit to deal with him.

    Personally I think he will be shut away somewhere behind closed doors in a Thai stinkhole prison and forgotten. So unless his family and friends cough up with a truckload of cash before sentence is passed, the man’s fate is sealed.

    I speak from experience having witnessed a similar outcome with a similar case regarding my girlfriend`s nephew. He was threatened with a jail sentence of 50 years. In the end his father had to sell all his lands and we all contributed monies. Cost almost a million baht to get him out of there.

    Later on the twonk was caught with drugs again, only this time we washed our hands of him. Not sure and lost interested in the outcome for the second time. That was 3 years ago. Last I heard he is presently rotting away from AIDs contracted by sharing needles somewhere in a Chiang Mai stinkhole jailhouse.

  5. There are some ignorant posters here who have made light of the poor woman's plight thinking it`s humorous and funny, but sorry, I cant see the funny side at all.

    My girlfriend and I have some Thai neighbors, a married couple, the guy in his 30s, his wife in her late 20s, they have an 8 year old and 2 year old sons.

    Every day since the moment the man wakes up until the time he is ready to go to bed, the guy puts his wife through shear hell. Screaming at her, smashing up furniture and her cell phone. His family live nearby and I let them deal with it, so I don't get involved. Every time I hear the guy abusing his wife I am holding my breath in the hope that he doesn't hurt her.

    I fear one day this woman is going to reach breaking point and stab that guy, same as the lady in this thread.

    I suffered, as a child having to endure my parents fighting tooth and nail, couldn't wait to leave home. No, it`s not funny at all, it`s just a last resort action perhaps after years of abuse suffered by the woman.

    How can anyone find humor in someone else`s suffering?



  6. I don`t think there is anything you can do about out of control soi dogs in Thailand.

    Best method as someone has already mentioned is to avoid areas where as a cyclist you maybe vulerable to these dog attacks such as keeping the the main roads or open areas.

  7. To end this practice, the whole lot has to be made illegal, brothels closed down and the laws enforce.

    And just how would you do that? When there is a demand for a product, whatever it might be, there will be people who are willing to provide it... at whatever the cost. There are ALREADY laws against prostitution and brothels, but police are not willing to do their job because of the kickback profit. The free lancers who CHOOSE to use their bodies as a source of income are providing a necessary service that is unavailable elsewhere. The option is like the many sexless marriages in North America, where married men in their fifties are forced to give up sex and take up golf instead, or spend time on the porno forums on the internet.

    My simple answer to your question is; I don`t know.

    All I know is that while this practice continues in it`s present format, then sh-t is going to happen.

    Perhaps they should completely legalise the whole setup, under strict government controls where the women and their customers are protected in safe enviroments.

    You tell me?

  8. What about all the whore-mongering scum that used this brothel.

    They should be jailed too.

    It`s all a vicious circle.

    If there are women willing to work as receptacles for men, then there will be mongers wanting to use they’re services.

    With the existence of prostitutes and mongers, there are people such as mafia gangs, bar owners and other undesirables that will devise ways of cashing in on the women and the customers.

    It`s like the chicken and the egg; you cant have one without the other.

    To end this practice, the whole lot has to be made illegal, brothels closed down and the laws enforce.

  9. I have 3 gmail accounts and receive these phishing emails sometimes 4 times a day.

    Let me tell you that gmail never not under any circumstances request a users user name and password via email.

    Trust me; don`t even think about it, DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.

    Now, would I lie to you.


  10. What was the circumstance that brought these girls to Australia?

    Perhaps these girls had full knowledge that they were going to be employed in Australia as prostitutes but in the belief they were going to earn big dollars, much more if they were to do the same in Thailand.

    Maybe the job didn’t work out and they’re conditions of work was not as expected as has happened many times in the past with these type of Thai girls.

    I have no reason to believe that the situation in this case is any different unless the full facts are published.

  11. Your not gonna get much for that kind of money I'm afraid. Hope your a good mechanic cos' it's gonna be a real old beater for that price.

    There's another market that does the bikes down in San Patong, cheaper than the one behind Rimping but the same rules apply as always ...... buyrer beware !!!!!!!!

    If I were you I'd consider holding out a while or increasing your budget, this will increase your chances of finding something suitable and reliable

    Good Luck!

    ditto. You'll only get a junker at that price.

    Right on.

    Personally I wouldn`t entertain any motorbike at that price, it`s going to be a total load of junk, you`re be lucky to get 6 months out of it, that is if you ever manage to get the thing road worthy in the first place.

    My advice is; either buy new or a second hand motorbike from someone you know or trust, otherwise as the wise man says; You`re be soooory.

  12. Could not sing a children's song. A deplorable crime.

    This is exactly how Nazi Germany started.

    Give him the death penalty, that's what I say.

    The H-word wasn't mentioned explicitly, but I still think the above qualifies for an invocation of Godwin's rule.

    The opposite applys to England , An illegal immigrant has just been granted permanent leaver to remain in Britain , after driving a car , unlicensed and no insurance , He killed A 12 year old girl by hitting her as she walked home , dragging her under his car, then he ran off leaving the girl to die, he also has go a police record for burglary's , but because he has two illegitimate children in England , his human Rights would be infringed if we English deport him . makes you proud to be British, Not.

    I read that article too, in the UK press.

    If I was the father of that girl, I would find that guy and believe me after I had dealt with him he would not be in any condition to be deported.

    So what if I went down for it, I`m sure no one would blame me.

    A total disgrace and as you say; proud to be British, they can shove it where the sun don`t shine. I loave and detest extreme racist party`s, but I can understand why some people do vote for the BNP.

  13. I call waitress as "Nong" (sister), call Street-fruit-man as "Pii" (brother), call old lady who is my customer as "Khun Yay" (granny), I also call my BF as "LungLek" (Uncle Lex), he didn't like at first but now he becomes OK :)


    You are very fluent in Thai aren't you..................at least that is what you think

    Now you are just making a fool of yourself. Had you been here a little longer you would have known that MidoriApple is in fact Thai


    Yes, I`m sorry but that was the wrong answer. You are the weakest link.

    Therefore you have lost tonights star prize of a 2 hour session with 3 lolitas at the house of the Rising Sun executive club in Bangkok, but you do qualify for our second prize of a one weeks course of botox injections, plus a hair transplant and 2 months supply of viagra that is guaranteed to enhance your life and make you feel 15 years younger.

  14. Larry King seems a competent TV presenter, rather old and possibly well passed his best.

    It is the retirement of an old man.

    What I've seen of him never impressed, stood out or was at all memorable.

    There is a certain cult status attached, or affection that comes with longevity.

    The problem with the US seems to be that they have so little of true worth. For example, a short history gives rise to an odd reveering of a flag; as they have no royalty and little tradition. A piece of cloth then takes on special meaning.

    Then there's Larry King.

    Never really understood the high regard in which he is held either. He comes across as being a nice enough chap, but in terms of his interviewing skills, he doesn't bring much in the way of wit and nor does he ask challenging questions. The people he interviews mostly come with their own agenda (as with all chat shows) - be it selling a book, or a film, or whatever - and he simply panders to their needs. The likes of Leno and Letterman could pull off shows without any guests because they are talented in their own right, whereas King i think would be nothing without them.

    He was extremely popular and professional in his time but now Larry King similar to the British show host, Michael Parkingson have passed they`re sell by dates and now they`re particular style of showmanship, if that`s the right term, has become out of fashion.

    He is right to retire and call it a day while his ratings are still high and so be remembered in a good light.

    I still think he is great, but don`t take notice of me, I`m only an old fart.

  15. When I hear 'Papa' from my chldren it is the most lovely sound in the world.

    Same here. My 2 year old Daughter calls me Papa and I love it.

    That's completely different and you know it.

    My kids call me Dad, other times they call me the old man, but I would really feel offended if this came from an adult stranger or an acquaintance.

    When we are young we always want people to treat us like grown ups. When we reach middle age and older, we sometimes need a bit of flattery and perhaps some BS in our lives just to boost us up a little.

    I have friends and neighbors who are much older then myself, I wouldn't dream of addressing them as pop or gramps, just for reason of showing a mark of respect and considering peoples feelings.

    A long time ago I had an aunt who was in her 40s at the time, that I used to call, auntie. One day she asked me; please do not call me auntie when we are out it makes me feel old. I respected her wishes, no problem.

  16. The solutions are simple.

    First, whatever you do ensure that everything is above board and completely legal. If you are working, check to see whether or not ex-pats are allowed to do the jobs under Thai law, apply for the appropriate work permits, visas and paperwork, whether it be voluntary, a board or committee member or a paid director or employee. Declare any earnings and pay taxes if eligible. In other words if it did come to the crunch of having to prove your legality to any authority, be in a position where you can show them what they want to see and tell them what they want to hear. A squeaky clean ex-pat.

    Then you can complain to your hearts content without fear of retributions.

    If on the other hand, you are not strictly legal even in the slightest way, then I would shut up and keep out of the limelight, because you are only creating problems for yourself and perhaps other ex-pats on the estate whose actions may lead to severe consequences and leave you in a no win situation, especially when there is money involved.

    Now; would I lie to you?

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