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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Almost had the same problem last Friday evening near the Imperial Mae Ping Hotel, we refused to buy bananas/ sugar cane and complained at the mistreatment of the young Elephant, and the thuggy looking guy got really pissed off. We actually commented that he looked like he wanted to hit somebody, presumably later he did!

    Its well known that walking long distances on tarmac roads seriously damages a poor Elephants pads under the feet.

    Its also well known that despite saying they care, the Police do NOTHING to these people. It goes on daily in Chiang Mai, and I ve seen Police chatting in a friendly manner to these Thug Mahouts and doing nothing, other than presumably picking up their share of the profits.

    What can we do? Any ideas welcomed.

    I have been approached many times by these guys with the young elephant either asking for money or food.

    I just smile, say no thank you and the guy walks away, never had any problems or been shown aggression.

    And that`s the simple answer to the problem. If tourists do not give then the mahouts or whatever they are are called will go out of business.

  2. These photographers are just cashing in on the recent violent troubles at Bangkok. It`s when horrific images of suffering and violence become entertainment in the name of art for public pleasure.

    Imagine how you would feel if a photo of someone dear to you showing injuries or death were to be entered into a competition, as if or no more significant then a wildlife shot or scenic view?

    It`s a sick world for sure.

  3. I have suffered from severe lack of sleep problems for years, especially since living in Thailand.

    Some times during the daytime I feel awful. It`s not that I’m not physically tired, but as soon as my head hits the pillow, my mind goes into overdrive and just cannot concentrate on going to sleep.

    The problem is when taking sleeping pills; they become additive and not able to sleep without them. Insomnia runs in my family so it could be an inherited condition?

    A friend recommended meditation as a way of learning how to relax the mind. Perhaps worthwhile researching as it worked for my friend.

  4. I go out every evening about 10 PM on my motorbike. Only the past week have I even considered wearing a light jacket. Most ot the time it's just shorts and sandals. In past years I remember wearing long pants and a thicker jacket. Maybe the cool weather has yet to come. We had a short, light shower about 5 PM today and there were lots of clouds around..

    The same here.

    Last year was similar.

    Something not right for sure. My concern is how hot is it going to get by April of next year?

  5. Not legal in Thailand.

    If you order from somewhere else and start brewing, do it discretely. Best method and this is what I did a few years back, if you have a relative or friend who is visited Thailand, ask them to bring a kit over with them.

    If you succeed, don`t forgot to invite me round for some free samples.

  6. wow! you guys got medieval on his ass! listen to the forum hustle, grow a pair and move on. i know you are kunt struck now, but it will pass.

    Hey! Can't you spell? It doesn't start with a K. I was thinking about the old Frank Sanartra song; Love and marriage, love and married, go together like a horse and carriage. I don`t remember the word sinsot being in there. Maybe the new version should be; Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a Ho and sinsot.

    You know I don`t know why these women don't just put themselves up for auction and done with it? Some while back there was an article in the UK press regarding a young English woman who put up her virginity for auction on some website that I have forgotten the name of. She had medical tests to confirm her virginity and was willing to give it up to anyone for £200000. I think she received 13 offers and the highest bidder was some 62 year old American businessman.

    This quickly caught on and now there are lots of HOs putting themselves up for auction on line, virgins and non virgins. My first wife was a virgin when we married in our early 20s, now they`re even putting a price tag on that.

    Oh boy, the older I get and hopefully wiser, the more my views about women go over to the negative side. You know what guys; take advice from an old reprobate; Love em and leave em.

    Who in they`re right mind would want to give it all up for a rent a wife and who will leave as soon as the lease expires, meaning when the money runs out.

  7. These sorts of threads appear time and time again.

    If you are stupid enough to pay huge sums of money to strangers who frankly would not pee in your mouth if you were dying of thirst in the desert, by all means go ahead.

    Or if you would prefer to test this girl’s undying eternal love for you, then don`t pay it and see whether she stays or goes elsewhere to find another twonk willing to refurnish her parents property and increase status within they’re village.

    My advice is; give whatever they demand, because you people never listen anyway. Not sure why these questions are asked on Thai visa because the guy’s mind is already made up.

    I take comfort in knowing; that I will be a lot richer then you in the not so far off future, because my IQ is obviously higher then a guy who is keen to give all for a temporary bed warmer.

    Now would I lie to you?

  8. It`s not at simple as that.

    These guys work by fear and intimidation with the support of the police.

    For example in the video posted by staintofsilence, there are 3 foreigners that soon become surrounded by 6 scammers. That's out numbered by two to one, including being up against the police who sides with the scammers.

    Most foreigners fear that by using violent reaction they maybe slammed up in the can until they cough up with money, not forgetting that not all jetski users are going to have video evidence. To make what you suggest work, there should be at least 20 plus jetski user pals all supporting each other if these scum try it on. Otherwise the foreigners are going to find themselves outnumbered and caught up in a no win situation.

  9. It depends on what sort of services you seek and is expected of the maid.

    If you are a single guy and wanting a young live in housemaid and bed warmer, you’re looking at between 20000 to 30000 baht a month.

    If you are not fussy and don`t mind a woman who is passed her sell by date, purely housekeeping only but live in, around 8000 to 10000 baht a month not including food and bills.

    The average daytime only housekeeper, a bit of cleaning, cooking and so on, about 200 to 250 baht a day.

    These are easy to obtain, just advertise in the local Chiang Mai Thai newspaper called, Sur klang, based in Chiang Mai land. Ads cost between 400 and 600 baht a month. There are no professional maid agencies in Chiang Mai as far as I know, unless someone knows better?

    Most of the women that respond to the ads are not professional housekeepers, mainly those just looking for work and desperate. So you never know who or what you are getting, hardly any can supply references or have actual housekeeping or maid experience.

    You employ strangers into the home at your own risk.

  10. Is not a Child Molester or a Murderer Ex, Ex , In Any Country not a criminal , Boarders should not matter with Crimes of this stature. Right is right , and Wrong is wrong in any Country or Religion. Half the things that go on in Thailand (Pattaya) by Forieners (Falang), go on because they are out of sight and out of mind , because the people who perpetrate them would not dare to do them, or it ,in there own County. I say Abolish human rights , look at Britain , the first thing that comes out of the Scums , (sorry) Alleged criminals ,Bombers Murderers mouths .Are What about my human rights, I say if you kill, Bomb, or do any other serious crime against man, You do not behave like human so you do not have any Human rights, Just my opinion, Yours may differ.

    I do not disagree and also agree with forethat.

    I am not saying abolish the human rights acts and data protection acts completely, only those in part and other asserted laws proclaimed by the do gooders

    that are protecting the anonymity of wanted fugitives from justice and criminals.

    In fact these laws actually work against the victims of crime and are a hindrance to the police and justice system. All these laws are in need of a shake down where criminal bolts holes such as Pattaya can be blocked forever.

    The only groups as I see it that would not be in favour of dismantling some of the laws that actually work in favour of criminals and undesirables are those that have dubious pasts, potential criminals, wanted felons and people involved with illegal activities.

    So there you have it. This would be one method of sanitising cities like Pattaya.

  11. Beetlejuice, your idea is good, but it's only halfway there. Let's go all the way with RFID chip implants. In these terribly dangerous times, one can't be too safe, after all. Older folks like me will have to be retrofitted, but we can start implanting the chips in babies worldwide beginning in January 2011. Let's do it!

    But then again, it might be a strategic weakness to rely solely on technology. In order to be truly safe, we should also brand everyone with an Earth citizen number. I was thinking the forehead would be a good, highly visible spot, but that won't work for people with lots of hair or women wearing burqas. Perhaps the best bet will be the back of the right hand. Let's do it!


    You lot are so mean.

    You just wait when I become the prime minister of Thailand, you`re be sorry.

  12. When I left school, it was more of what I was capable of doing rather than having to show degrees and paperwork explaining what I was capable of doing. The word, apprentice may as well be deleted from the dictionary, as these days due to new marketing philosophies, firms are trying to implement what they classify as the up market new young image. They prefer 20 odd year olds, earning the wages of school leavers with 40 years work experience.

    The pressures today put on young people are enormous. Debt, high profile extreme pressure working designed by marketing strategists in order to gain more profits, no long term employment guarantees. I wonder how many actually serve in a company long enough to archive their gold watch these days.

    It may appear that the youngsters have a better lifestyle than we had back in the old days, but this is only superficial, under the surface they are under tremendous pressures to ensure a secure future for they’re adulthoods and strive much harder than we ever had to so many years ago.

    The problem is that the rules have been laid and no matter how work talented someone is, their career prospects are determinate by they’re past processes and having to fit in to a certain criteria of any particular company.

  13. I have lived in Thailand many years and although my Thai language skills are crap, I mix in extremely well with Thai people. I actually make an effort to do so without going over the top, just being my normal self and treating the environment and those around me the same as I would in my own country, no big deal.

    I think the OP may have other issues here regarding the relationship with his girlfriend and her family. Perhaps he just doesn’t fit in or is unable to adjust to the Thai scene.

    I know several farangs living here just like the OP, been here for years but unable to integrate into Thai society and in a way trapped in their own worlds. They usually end up living reclusive lives and miserable.

    The only person who can resolve the problem is the OP himself. He has to analyse what is wrong and try to come to some compromise with his girlfriend and her family, otherwise this relationship is going to fail.

    Now; would I lie to you?

  14. Don`t use it. This stuff is poison and can be lethal if used in large quantities.

    Below is an example of one of the worst cases of side affects caused by over use of cold cream and gold mixture products:


  15. Well, at least it keeps them all contained in one place. Much easier to trace them down. Why do OTHER people CHOOSE to live in Pattaya? It's been a great little sin-city since it was first developed. If a tourist just wants fun in the sun then there are far better places than Pattaya. That goes for Phuket Patong beach as well. The Pattaya beaches aren't all that great.

    Better than the beaches in Chiang Mai though.

    We have some wonderful beaches up here in Chiang Mai during the rains and floods and the jetski operators never rip customers off.

  16. It seems that Thai cities such as Pattaya are becoming a haven as the favourite retreat destination of wanted fugitives, undesirables, sex offenders and habitual criminals

    Why do not International law enforcement agencies collaborate and create some sort of international criminal record computer databases?

    Anyone who has a criminal record, details and photos could be listed in an open on line database.

    Subscribers would be able to access the files within seconds. For example checks could be made within minutes as each passenger arrives at any particular destination airport and undesirables if wanted fugitives could be instantly detained or those with past criminal records if for serious offences could be put on a next available flight and returned to whence they came.

    Just think of the time, man power and tax payers money a system like that would save. The incentives for any company to create such a database would be enormous, including the fact that a database such as this could be available to subscribers with no requirement to buy or install special equipment for access, information could be accessed by anyone from a regular laptop or PC just with a user name and password, including the police and other law enforcement agencies.

    It would be a simple process to operate, each police force would release they’re files to any particular contracted company for listing into an International criminal file database.

    Considering the ever increasing risks of worldwide terrorism, easy access into Thailand and other countries for wanted fugitives and habitual criminals, isn’t it time to abolish the human rights acts and data protection laws specifically those that fall under the categories of criminal records? Which only help protect the anonymity of criminals.

    A fully functioning international criminal database system with open access may also serve as a deterrent to any prospective criminals, perhaps having the affect of making them reconsider before committing they’re dastardly deeds.


  17. reason1 asked, 'Anyone know what the motivation is behind kiddy porn? Beats me! Is it a sickness caused by upbringing or abuse?''

    It's a sickness. Kiddy porn lovers are driven to view this filth - even if part of their mind knows it is evil

    Not sure if viewers of kiddy porn are quite the same as child molesters, but the latter often start out as victims of predatory relatives or 'friends'. Perhaps they grow up believing this is 'normal' sexual behaviour, or perhaps they are taking 'revenge' on the next generation for the way they were abused as children

    Whatever, I hope Ryder's kharma catches up with him in a Thai jail.

    Paedophilia is not always a sickness.

    Children are innocents that have not yet been corrupted. What they do, they do in naivety. The predators are those who enjoy having power over someone else. A child is the perfect victim, naive, gullible and vulnerable. These men have lack of confidence in themselves and at forming relationships with adult women, similar to rapists, so they go for the most vulnerable that out of innocence will fall into they’re confidence and control without having actually realising they have fallen into the desires of a beast.

    In fact this is why it`s classified as rape even if the child has consented, it is a crime of stolen innocent, physically and mentally which will cause long term damage to a child right into adulthood.

    Child molestation or rape (same thing) is one of the worst kinds of crimes and should carry a mandatory sentence of a life sentence or death penalty.

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