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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. The main thing is this piece of s..t is off the streets..Surely aren't stupid enough to give him bail in 'Old Blighty' .... Or are they?

    Wanna bet?

    They could well give him bail and then he will probably be right back in Pattaya again within a few days. Hence starting the whole process again.

    It all makes work for the working man to do, cha, cha, cha.

  2. "If you want to see dirty go down some of

    the backstreets of most major cities in supposed first world countries.


    you won't see a persom chained to jail bars and neglected and you don't have the same police attitude you get here. Action has now taken place because Drummond has done a "wikileaks" and for no other reason

    Well said.

    If not for the exposure of this case by Andrew and the publishing of those horrific heart breaking photos, I am sure this poor man would have been left to die. We should all be thankful to this journalist and other persons that have cared.

    I accuse the FCO and the Thai prison service of trying to sweep this matter under the carpet hoping that the problem would discretely disappear and no one would notice.

    I wonder how many more unfortunates have been in this dilemma or are in the same situation now whose cases have not been brought to light? Extremely worrying that there maybe our nationals forgotten and rotting away behind lock doors in stinking Thai hellholes.

    I mean, surely being on overstay is not a crime against humanity, it is? Does running into trouble, ill planning or running out of funds warrant the death penalty? Disgraceful, is this whole episode of bureaucracy at it`s worse.


  3. The solution is very simple.

    When the breakage was included on the bill, the OP should have insisted on speaking with someone in charge and stated exactly how he felt about having to pay for the bowl. If the restaurant declined to take the item off the bill, then the OP pays it and just never visits that place again. Same if the owner was not available and had to pay for the bowl.

    As the OP said; he and his family are regular customers at that restaurant and that business would lose 1000s of bahts in profit and tips from the OP and his family by non-custom over a period of a year.

    This is Thailand; there is always plenty of other restaurants eager for our custom.

  4. Most likely too much 'proudness' is pushed onto the kids regarding them belonging to their school...they grow up feeling superior for being a part of the school and then other kids come and say that Their school is better? Or they played too rough during the last inter-school football game, and so on...

    Who puts this "proudness" (or "pride"?) into them?

    And why does this kind of violence only and repeatedly happen between technical vocational schools?

    This is what happens when the police and the law become lax and then the thugs take over. Same has happened in Britain. There is no reason except thuggery. They commit these atrocities simply because they can, the law of the jungle.

    Lets be honest, if these thugs disappeared and ended up on rubbish tip someone, who would care? That’s the way they deal with these situations in some South American countries.

  5. This is something totally unacceptable; he looks like someone from the Auschwitz. Death camp. And appears he has been beaten and starved.

    It`s obvious the guy has extreme physical and mental problems and that no one wants to take any responsibility so why not simply let him die and sweep the matter under the carpet. If this were a dog people would be up in arms about in.

    When I was a young child an Aunt told me that a human life is the most precious thing on Earth. Later I came to realise that this is all <deleted>. Looking at the photos has ruined the start of my day, heartbreaking for sure.

    I in no way blame the Thai police, because there is no infrastructure in Thailand for dealing with situations like this. But there is no excuse for the lack of concern by the British foreign office. He should be taken back to the UK and put into care. I am sure that if this guy were some wanted drug dealer or high profile criminal the British authorities would be bending over backwards to have him brought back to blighty.

    This is an absolutely disgusting affair and as for holding a British passport, they can shove it where the sun don't shine, it`s worthless and means nothing.

    This proves that the cesspit Pattaya requires sanitizing. Restore it back to the resort it used to be 15 years ago instead of being a magnet for the world's undesirables.

  6. Our home is full of the little blighters. On the walls, on the windows, on the floor and some get in our beds, curtains and clothes.

    Insect sprays don`t seem to work, normally have to use a vacuum cleaner to clear them off the walls. But within 24 hours they are all back again. And even using that method the things don`t go without a fight, they really do cling tightly on to the walls

    I have noticed that these things do get caught up in curtains and seem to eat through the material. I have my doubts that these creatures are moth larvae, more like some sort of worm. They are flat and not easy to squash with the fly whacker.

    200 house points for anyone who can tell us what these things are.

  7. I have heard it said that a Thai man can always have as many wives as he can afford

    This is exactly the reason why this survey is a load of hogwash.

    Morals or no morals it`s all down to how much you can afford that determines what sort of lifestyle we lead.

    I mean, men lust for the women and the women crave for money. I am sure that if men had more available cash the percentages of outside marital affairs and those with regular mistresses would be jumping off the scale. Men enjoying the lustful pastimes and women married or single looking forward to raking in huge amounts of cash.

    I bet most married men would welcome regular bits on the side if they could afford it and I guarantee they would not have any problems obtaining willing female co partners if the price was right and I`m not only talking about women of ill repute here.

    It`s all down to money and not boredom or availability that determines the concluding results of a survey.

  8. i am quite aware of what goes on in pattaya - it's a brothel.

    You have just insulted in the most disgusting fashion the vast majority of the inhabitants of Pattaya.

    That you have done so in print says a lot about your ethics.

    That you have done so under the cowardly cloak of anonymity speaks volumes of your moral fiber.

    Visited Pattaya only a couple of months ago.

    I would agree that the place is one big low class brothel and crime ridden cess pit. And I say this under a cowardly cloak of anonymity, wouldn`t wish to become a target for any of those Pattaya mobs.

    The only types of people this statement would offend is those who have vested interests in that city, but a fact is a fact no matter who says it. The headlines speak for themselves.

    Personally i would not want to live there for free

    This is but no means anything personal against you, PhilHarries, and I respect you and your opinion, just my personal opinion regarding Pattaya.

  9. Seems like since the downturn of the Thai tourist industry, the farang entertainment establishments are really becoming more and more desperate for those western dollars and thinking of all ways to claw more in. One option being is to give those Pattaya farang reprobate night action seekers longer hours to spend their money.

    As for Chiang Mai I am not sure whether the government will relax it`s clampdowns on our Mr Thaksin`s old constituency and lose face.

    Personally, I’ve never had it so good. Chiang Mai restaurants, massage parlours and bars are bending over backwards to give me good service and trying their best to insure satisfaction is guaranteed. Most of the Chiang Mai massage parlours have become happy ending parlours and the girls freely available for a take a way. Lots of good deals on for the eaters out and at most times have the pick of the crop for bargirls due to lack of other customers.

    But please don’t spread the word round; otherwise everyone will want to visit Chiang Mai taking away that desperately needed income for those Pattaya farang owned businesses and depriviing the mafia and corrupt police of their tea money.

  10. Why do some people take all this chinwagging so seriously?

    Many people are just like that in general. No one knows for sure what those who know us are really thinking.

    I always say; if they`re not talking about me than they`ll be talking about someone else.

    Our SB could say that his electric iron was broken and decided to run over his wife`s clothes with the motorbike to press them. Just wind them up, give them the traditional 2 finger salute and show you don`t care, that`s what I have always done.

  11. Gossip is all part of the fun of local community life.

    I usually turn a deaf ear to it all, as most of the rumors about me are true anyway.

    Some woman recently spread a rumor that my girlfriend is a slut and would do anything with one of more farangs for money. I thought if only these rumors were true, I could do with some more spice in my life. Maybe I could sue the woman for raising my hopes?

    Sticks and stones may *************************

  12. Thailand 100,000 : UK 1 :lol:

    Forgive me for not feeling one iota of sympathy for her, she may be a nice lady, but in all probability is a gold-digging *****. Two million quid indeed!

    Kanokrat blamed her inability to get a job in Britain due to her weak English for the failure of her marriage

    Learn the language, duck!

    My belief exactly. That`s the bottom line.

    This woman want`s his money and she will never give up the claim until every possible option has been tried. There is £ sterling in her heart not love.

    More fool the guys who let themselves get carried away on the charms of these woman. Next time the guys should consider the true long term affects of what these whirlwind romances may cost them.

    The web has been spun, now all the Scot has to do is avoid becoming trapped in it.

    I wish him luck, he is going to need it.

  13. There are always 2 sides to a story and for some reason the Scots fella decided that this Thai woman was not for him.

    Although I am not assuming anything here, Thai women do have a reputation for taking they’re farang partners to the cleaners especially when the guy is much more advanced in years as in this case.

    The British authorities know of these scams and treat these cases with caution.

    The couple were not exactly living together, mostly seeing each other on holiday romance trips, so I doubt whether this was a close loving relationship.

    Obviously the only reason this woman wants to be granted admittance into Britain is so she can claim part of or all of her husband’s assets under the UK divorce laws. Probably she has been well advised.

    Because of the huge age difference between the women and the guy, she is going to have to prove that her intentions for marriage are sincere and not for financial gain or for a means as a way to stay long term in Britain.

  14. Do not know for sure LaoPo, I'm no expert or claim to be. I can only use my resource of experience from being in the world for so long and what I have witnessed and learned in the past

    There are many addictions and people suffering from obsessive behaviour problems.

    What about those such as guys who become obsessed with a women, willing to give all for a gold digger, extremists, fanatics, those addicted to porn, drugs, alcohol and so on?

    I mean, everyone have some sort of addiction or obsession in their lives, I smoke cigarettes and take the occasional drink, that's just normal human behaviour. I'm talking about when these habits become extreme and excessive.

    Could it be that these people are just lacking something, perhaps confidence, or confused with themselves in the real world. Possibly non entities with a need to find themselves and become noticed?

    This is a very interesting thread and enjoy reading posters views especially those using logic and not simply prejudice.

    I was obsessed with a woman once myself, not in Thailand but my own home country and it has been a horrible experience, a horrible few years of my life. Lost years in fact.

    She almost destroyed me.

    Later, specialists found out that she actually was a multiple person, she had a multiple personality disorder to be exact.

    She was able to change within a split second from the loveliest sweetest woman you've ever met into a real shouting monster....unbelievable and very frightening to experience.

    But, I was obsessed with her......sadly enough :(...but, I managed to step out of the on-and-off relationship and came out better, much better!

    There's a lot of info around:

    Addictive behavior



    What are addictive behaviors ?



    Well, as for your experience with women, I can say that we have all probably been there at some stage in our lives. I can relate to you in every way.

    I think most women have multiple personalities that can be switched on at a moments notice.

    From a lover, to a whore, to a soul mate and to a someone so distant that we hardly know them all within the period of a relationship.

    No one really knows what they are thinking, how they view us or how they feel about us.

    I never trust women, not even the best of them. My ex wife was so cold that at times you could get frost bitten by just touching her.

    But we learn by experience and as the wise man says; once bitten twice shy.

  15. Is it an addiction or a witch hunt?

    I have seen this in the past when the media choose a suitable victim to be on the receiving end of some vicious reporting techniques, preferably a celebrity who has fallen by the wayside, or a politician that has a love, hate relationship with the public.

    For example if the media choose to portray a well respected public figure in an undesirable manner, such as a monarch, politician or anyone well revered in the public eye, there would be a backlash and they would quickly fall out of favour.

    They are extremely skilful at exaggerating what they would have us believe is the undesirable activities of some public figures. Princess Diana was a classic case of persecution and ridicule by the media. Presently these media thugs are turning they're attentions to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, regarding his bedroom romps and they will not be satisfied until they draw blood.

    In a way this is an incitement to mob violence and persecution of an individual. Whether you love them or hate them I think the line should be drawn somewhere.

    Interesting; but I wasn't speaking of the media, hunting for a suitable victim, in the OP's case, Thaksin Shinawatra and his red movement.

    I was speaking about individuals, obsessed and addicted with a compulsive behavior to spend so much time of their precious lifes, hating, hunting for and expressing their disgust to a case and/or certain individual, over and over again over a period of many years.

    The fascinating thing about this is that there is nothing to gain; they have no real power and are not part of the establishment in Thailand nor do they have an important voice in the local Thai media outlets, whether they're printed, spoken or aired on radio and television.

    So, in fact, there's no money or power involved other than their own satisfaction about the words they're writing to/for a very limited audience.

    Would it be possible to draw a line in such circumstances when people have such a compulsive behavior ?

    I suppose only the individuals could answer that question when he/she discovers: "enough is enough .....I'm ruining my own life...."

    But, that's easier written than accomplished since people with compulsive behavior, combined with obsessiveness and addiction will never admit they're sick and need help.

    Sad really.

    I've been addicted myself, as I wrote in my OP, and I'm very happy I was able to walk out free of any addictions; I've been there, seen it.

    It's horrible to experience.

    But, it's even more horrible knowing you're too much of a coward to admit you're sick.


    Do not know for sure LaoPo, I’m no expert or claim to be. I can only use my resource of experience from being in the world for so long and what I have witnessed and learned in the past

    There are many addictions and people suffering from obsessive behaviour problems.

    What about those such as guys who become obsessed with a women, willing to give all for a gold digger, extremists, fanatics, those addicted to porn, drugs, alcohol and so on?

    I mean, everyone have some sort of addiction or obsession in their lives, I smoke cigarettes and take the occasional drink, that’s just normal human behaviour. I’m talking about when these habits become extreme and excessive.

    Could it be that these people are just lacking something, perhaps confidence, or confused with themselves in the real world. Possibly non entities with a need to find themselves and become noticed?

    This is a very interesting thread and enjoy reading posters views especially those using logic and not simply prejudice.

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