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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. Is it an addiction or a witch hunt?

    I have seen this in the past when the media choose a suitable victim to be on the receiving end of some vicious reporting techniques, preferably a celebrity who has fallen by the wayside, or a politician that has a love, hate relationship with the public.

    For example if the media choose to portray a well respected public figure in an undesirable manner, such as a monarch, politician or anyone well revered in the public eye, there would be a backlash and they would quickly fall out of favour.

    They are extremely skilful at exaggerating what they would have us believe is the undesirable activities of some public figures. Princess Diana was a classic case of persecution and ridicule by the media. Presently these media thugs are turning they’re attentions to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, regarding his bedroom romps and they will not be satisfied until they draw blood.

    In a way this is an incitement to mob violence and persecution of an individual. Whether you love them or hate them I think the line should be drawn somewhere.

  2. I have some questions to ask the OP;

    Do these videos involve adult activities with consenting adults?

    Do these videos involve adult activities with adults who were not aware that they were being filmed?

    Have the making of these videos involved the sexual abuse of underaged teens or children?

    Once any of these question are answered, then we can take what to do next to the next step.

    So OP, over to you.

  3. Pensioner's expensive affair He fell in love with a Thai girl – and lost all his money

    This is the story of Grandpa Hans-Werner (71), who fell in love with a Thai beauty and lost €20,000. Hans-Werner is from Paderborm North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany and used to worked as an accountant. When he finally retired he wanted to enjoy life.

    But then his partner (65) died and the elderly man found comfort in the dainty Kim*.

    The Thai girl was working in a brothel, and also posed naked online – plus she was considered an expert in erotic massage. One session with her cost €100.

    Grandpa Hans-Werner was happy to cough up the cash, because the paid-for sex turned into love – or so he believed. He said: “She stayed the night at my place, we hatched plans for the future.”

    Then, one day, Kim wanted his savings. “She begged me through tears: ‘My mother and siblings in Thailand desperately need help.’”

    Love-stricken Hans-Werner gave her €8,000, and took out a loan for €12,000. “She wanted to pay it back in instalments.” But she didn’t.

    And it got worse: All of a sudden, the Thai girl didn’t want to see the pensioner anymore. “When I wanted to bring her flowers, she slammed the door.”

    Today Hans-Werner has recognised that his feelings were exploited: “I want my money back. She signed a loan note. If necessary, I’ll sue.”

    *Name changed

    See original article here:


  4. Yeah most of them would give Quasimodo a run for his money in an ugly <deleted> competition.

    If you cant attract a woman at home why will you be able to attract one here?

    A Thai persons idea of attractive is not the same as a western persons.

    The idea of beauty/ugly is very much related to the society you were brought up in.

    In Thailand the over-riding factor in deciding beauty appears to be whiteness of skin.

    Person with white skin = beautiful

    Person with dark skin = ugly

    Guess what, we westerners seem to mostly have white skin = beautiful/handsome

    I don’t agree with that.

    Worldwide the perception is that fair skin equates with wealth.

    For example the West is wealthy and the East is poor, so anyone who originates from France must be wealthier then someone from India in the narrow minded viewpoints of many. It`s all to do with status symbols and stereotyping.

    Even among the Thais the fairer skinned nationals of Chinese ancestry are inclined to be more prominent than the darker skinned country folk that are more likely to be poor farmers or in the peasantry. So those of Chinese appearance maybe more acceptable in middle and upper class circles.

    Of course there are dark skinned people who are just as equal to fair people in status, but over many hundreds of years, the belief that race equals class and fair skin equals higher status is something that has been ingrained into societies, and as the wise man says; old beliefs and bigotries die hard.

  5. i'm quite the contradiction then. i loved women in the west as they seemed to see past my skin colour and generally were of similar means and social standing. i find women here that would fit that spec too hard to find and i'm happy to abstain while here.

    Personally I prefer the dark toned girls, don`t know why, they appear more sexy and appealing to me.

    I believe that humans come in different color tones for the benefit of men.

    It gives us men more variety when choosing our women. Different hair types, cute little nose shapes and so on.

    Race is only superficial. Perhaps some people need educating?

  6. Thank you all, in particular those who gave a straight forward recommendation.

    One very valid observation= he sounds like quite a bright spark.

    He is indeed, he is actually an Ex-Apple Expert,however, now being a forest monk he doesn't touch PC nor mobile.

    What is a forest monk?

    And when you say he is actually an Ex-Apple expert, do you mean he had an orchard in the forest?

    Could he be a direct descendant of Robin Hood. The outlaw and his band of merry monks?

    Maybe I'll go and join him, the taxman has been chasing me up lately.

  7. My advice is; leave well alone unless you really know what you are doing.

    For example, do you know:

    The laws of Thailand as regards land purchase by farangs?

    How to check if the seller is the bonafide owner?

    Are there any loans taken out on the land?

    Are there any legal disputes lurking about in the background over the land?

    Boundry rights and restrictions?

    Who can build and what can be built next to the land and how close?

    Your rights if the wife, girlfriend or whatever up front Thai name is used on the deeds decides to kick you off? Or in the case of divorce?

    The types of land available, agricultrual, red paper, yellow paper and what it all means?

    What you are permitted to build on the land, services available and how much to install services, electric, water and so on?

    Is the land located in a residentual or industrial area?

    Is the land prone to flooding or subsidence?

    Not sure about some or any of these questions? Then I advise that you first carry out some research before jumping into the Thai real estate market, unless you are a gambling man and willing to take a chance if you have the resources to do so.


  8. Another good reason to limit the working practices and impose strict enforcements of the prohibited professions laws on foreigners in Thailand.

    I find anyone seeking employment here have to be desperate people. Am I wrong? They don't pay a decent wage. They pay you in peanuts.

    Yes you are wrong.

    I work for a relatively small Thai company and earn more than anyone I know in the UK, and many multiples of the average UK salary.

    This is however peanuts compared to some of my friends in BKK on expat packages with multinationals, several of those are on up to 1m baht per month.

    Don't assume that because you only know bar owners and real estate agents in some tourist destination, that there is not a real economy going on behind the scenes.

    I work for a foreign based Spanish company and work with Thai and other South East Asian companies on contract. So in fact I am earning EEC scale wages in Thailand and Indochina.

    There is an article in the UK Daily Mail newspaper today about a 22 year old English guy who recently passed his test as a driving instructor in the UK, fell in love with a Thai girl and moved to Thailand. A few days ago he was involved in a motorbike accident in Thailand and now the family are trying to raise £60000 for medical treatment and to bring him back to the UK. There seems to be many of these sorts of cases lately.

    But the article fails to quote what career he had in Thailand and how he was making a living here. So it`s questionable whether these people are above board or not and how they manage to survive in Thailand and keep a family.

    I have no doubts that what you say about yourself, QED, is accurate but with some the reasons why they are in Thailand and what they do here is questionable and makes one wonder?

  9. There are many male dentists in Chiang Mai, including my dentist.

    Just phone any Chiang Mai dental practice and explain the situation. I am sure the monk will have no problems. According to the OPs description of the monk, he sounds like quite a bright spark, so he should be able to find details of dentists on line and be able to make these inquiries himself.

    I mean, I`m sure if I can do it, this monk can?

  10. Please forgive him he's from Lancashire. :D

    Could be, but I just thought it`s because the OP hasn`t been getting his leg over lately?

    If he does that may help him cut down on the eating and then he could change his user name to sexmonster instead.

    That would be a real Lancashire Hot Pot. wink.gif

    Nice one.

    Merry Hanukka, Christmas and a Happy New Year to ya, uptheos

  11. Please forgive him he's from Lancashire. :D

    Could be, but I just thought it`s because the OP hasn`t been getting his leg over lately?

    If he does that may help him cut down on the eating and then he could change his user name to sexmonster instead.

  12. Sorry, but you are not user friendly.

    Your text remains of a letter I once received from my ex-wife`s divorce lawyer.

    Not a good advert for our Sausage King, I think.

  13. The long running Jerusalem Falafal usually puts on specials for the old 4 by 2 festivals.

    What are "4 by 2 festivals"? :unsure:

    OK, I'll bite. It's from an ancient language spoken by a select tribe based in England, called the Cockerneese.

    Yes, old cockney slang; 4 by 2 = Jew.

  14. I donot think they are choosier just greedier. They will take anyone until they drain him dry of money ,then look for another guy.

    I go along with that.

    These women have been well educated over the years and I don`t mean university.

    They have learned that they have something men want and decided why not cash in on it. They know that there are plenty of twonks out there that will merrily hand out the cash like candy just on a cute smile and a promise.

    In the good old days Thai girls were often poor and subjected to taking care of their families, so it was beggars cant be choosers and looked for any opportunity to gain some security and financial support. Today things are completely different, there is many options open to them for making a living without the need for any commitment.

    These days it`s a different world, and suddenly the gullible geek with that large bundle of life assets is all the rage.

    It`s like the song: Times they are a-changin'" sang by Bob Dylan

  15. I met my new girlfriend in a bar last week. I am 78 years old, she is 22.

    My girlfriend is a good girl, never goes off with customers, only serves drinks, performs sex shows and dances nude on stage.

    She has asked me to buy her half a village, 10 kg weight in gold, a fleet of mercs, give her parents a sin sod of 25 million US dollars and promises to give up 4 of her 8 Thai boyfriends and 11 of her 19 farang boyfriends.

    Do you think she really loves me? And should I pay up what she demands?


    Where can I buy a packet of soap powder in Chiang Mai?


    A man I met in a bar told me that ??????????????????????????????????

    He said the information comes from a reputable source, so it must be true.


    In our apartment my wife has been raped 5 times by intruders, dogs poisoned, burglered 21 times, shot in the legs twice by my Thai mafia neighbor, had 2 daughters kidnapped from their bedrooms, plus we have a music club, bar and 4 discos each side of us.

    Should we move?


    Well, we have to love em, don`t we.

    Bless they`re hearts.

  16. Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

    He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

    Hats off to this guy.

    You're right.

    I think most of it is jealousy.

    Who wouldn't want to have a job that involves bonking you're brains out all day with young desirable girls and making money out of it?

    I know I would. I bet most of us would take up the offer if given the opportunity, only unfortunately the majority of men don`t have the looks, the stamina or the charisma to be a part of that industry. And sadly I also fall into that category.

    Good luck to the guy, he is only doing what most of us can only dream of doing.

    Noisy minority I suspect and a little bit schoolboyish. If you had any clue as to what happens during any film production let alone a porno film production, just to get the technicalities and quality sorted out, you would probably not volunteer to have a wide angle lens up your volcanic regions, stamina or otherwise. Charisma rarely comes into it. Have another beer. :-)

    I am surprised to see that for someone in your possession, you seem incredibly naive or you consider that everyone else is an idiot with lack of basic detals regarding the porn industry. That is if you`re, The Andrew Drummond.

    Working in porn is a job like any other job, and like many jobs certain qualifications and knowledge is required, technical know how and stamina included. Because as you say; there is a lot more to it than what we see on the completed production. No one has to be a genius to understand that.

    And as for having a wide angle lens up your volcanic regions and worse, many of the players in the game are willing volunteers and willing participants. Not all are sex slaves, forced into the industry against they're will or have no other options as the good and the righteous would like as to believe.

    Take a look on the Internet, there seems to be no shortage of girls in all shapes, races, ages and sizes taking on the task of nude posing, porn and committing all sorts of bazaar sexual acts for public viewing, including still shots and videos. Even some of the more well to do such as actresses with fading careers and so on. For many appearing in porn puts the final nail in the coffin for their reputations and careers, otherwise known as death by porno.

    Type the name in Google: Naomi Morinaga, as a typical example.

    We don`t need to have an in depth knowledge of the porn industry to see how wide spread this is worldwide and the shear numbers of women that are willing to work in this field.

    And as I said previously, there are many that would work in the porn industry if given the chance. The reality of how many people are involved in porn and how much pornographic material is available portrays just how huge this industry is, the facts speak for themselves.

    Now I'll take your advice and go and have that drink.

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