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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. RE: KY

    Use common sense ..

    It is called circumstantial evidence. This is something that helps build a case. It is also not illegal for a young boy to enter the home of a man but it is suspicious and thankfully the police acted on this circumstantial evidence to catch what is likely a pedophile. Also, a kids testimony doesn't carry a lot of weight and it is never a good thing to force them to testify and be cross examined. In all cases, especially crimes with child victims, every ounce of possible evidence of a crime needs to be collected in the hopes of getting this guy to plead guilty.

    As for putting the child victim in the picture and parading them out in front of the press ... would you want this done if your kid was the victim of pedophile?

    No, I would not. But you are stating your feelings relating to your own morality with that of the lowest of the low and the scum of the Earth.

    I once knew Thai parents that were fully aware their daughter was working as a bargirl in Chiang Mai. They reaped the benefits from the girl’s nightly activities by accepting a percentage of her income and turned a blind eye to it. They had no shame in mentioning that their daughter worked in a bar.

    Now, if I discovered that any one of my daughters was a prostitute, my girlfriend and I would either suffer a heart attack or in my case would commit suicide, couldn’t cope with the stress and worry.

    There are people out there that actively encourage their kids or kids in they’re charge to do these sort of things as if it`s an OK thing to do. The children are tragic victims but too young to realise this as yet and play a major role in the game and in many cases with the blessings of their guardians.

    Perhaps the guardians of these kids pictured at the police station do not consider these children as victims but rather as being inconvenienced as part of an occupational hazard. Not forgetting that all these so called victims and the circle of people around them stand to gain financially at the expense of the farang who fell into the trap. I am not trying to twist this around to appear that the pervert is the victim; he has got his just desserts, but in a way all concerned are the victims of each other, a vicious circle. You have to completely eliminate one link to halt the chain of events. Personally, I would begin with clearing these kids off the streets and incarcerating the gangs or parents that neglect their children or that control them.

    There is no way that homo sexuality can be compared with Paedophilia, not in the slightest way, although I do agree both are sexual deviants or not the norm. Then again this depends on whether we consider that all sexual deviation is corrupt and wrong. For example I prefer to have sex with the lights on, but this is another topic for another thread.

  2. I would guess that many of these kids go with foreigners fully aware of what they are doing, solely for the cash, perhaps with the knowledge of they’re families, if they have any. Not all these kids are as sweet and innocent as they may appear or as the media portrays them. Every which way the foreign pervert looses. If they become owned by the police, they will be required to pay compensation to the kid’s families and the police. If they cannot pay, the pervert is then left in a Thai stinkhole prison to rot or extradited abroad to live a life of hell in prison. These kids will probably still be selling their wares and awaiting the next gullible farang with sick desires.

    They are jailbait, pure and simple.

    Just travel around certain parts of Chiang Mai late at night and you will see lots of underagers standing somewhere in the shadows, in the dark corners of buildings and under trees openly approaching foreigners offering themselves for sex. I have witnessed foreigners taking off with these kids even when there has been a strong police presents in the area.

    If these perverts find the temptations and they’re sick desires too strong to resist and willing to take the risk of spending a long time in jail, credibility gone and labelled a sick pervert forever just for the sake of having a short time perverted cheap thrill, then they deserve everything they get and should be dealt with accordingly the same as any other type of vermin.


  3. If you are not sure whether this is a scam or not, put the technicians on hold and visit the store to check it out yourself.

    If you were sold the wrong water heater in error, then do as some posters have mentioned, either speak with the manager, except the cheaper model, pay the difference or keep the present model and refuse to pay the difference saying hard cheese it`s they're loss.

    It`s up to your discretion, so what's the problem?

    Personally, if it is an error on the part of the store, I would pay the extra, cut out all the agro and keep your good name with the store.

  4. Great work and a huge pat on the back for the BiB.

    Nip this in the bud and get the filth off the streets before it becomes out of hand, like in Mexico for example.

    I think the slum areas of Bangkok are well overdue for another discrete burn down as has happened in the past.

    The guy wearing a white teeshirt seated on the far left appears to be some sort of foreigner.


  5. It all depends on how much you appreciate your maid, how good her services are and whether or not she gives you any special services beyond the call of duty.

    My answer is; how do we know?

    You give accordingly to how much you consider she is worth to you and what you can afford to give.

  6. I think this is impossible to estimate.

    There are the permanent residents. Those on pensions, business owners, employees or living on savings.

    Then there are the part timers. Those that only stay in Thailand for short periods during a year. Offshore workers, live both in they're own countries but visit Thailand for a few months per year and those on short term work contracts.

    And what about the farangs that are not entitled to be Thailand? How many are criminals, illegal workers, overstayers, constantly in and out the country trying to be inconspicuous doing whatever they are into and so on.

    Until the Thai government creates a proper system of tagging and recording who is a tourist and who is an ex-pat, there is no way of differentiating between a tourist and an ex-pat resident.

    As for adding to the economy; I can see the benefits of those who obtain they're incomes legally from abroad and spend their money in Thailand. The Thais gain from foreign income and the foreigner benefits from a better lifestyle at a cheaper rate. It is of mutual benefit to both parties and everyone's happy all round.

    But I do not see how the farangs such as business owners or employees that acquire their incomes from Thailand actually benefit Thailand? They seem to take out more then they put in. Although business owners, if legal, claim that they are good for the Thai economy by creating employment for Thais and paying taxes, those that declare taxes of course, they are still gaining the benefits of much cheaper labor and paying much less tax then they would in the West, getting rich on the proceeds but not citizens, yet, enjoying a more prosperous lifestyle then the average Thai worker and even nationals in their own countries. So it appears they gain more then they put in.

  7. The translation:

    Miracle blossoming flowers

    20 December 2010 to 14 February 2011

    Go and experience the miracle

    Tulips blossoming in Chiang Mai

    Chiang Mai is the second most visited place worldwide

    In honour of the kings 80th anniversary opposite the 700 year stadium

    Got my girlfriend to do it, the translation I mean. I knew she was good for something.


  8. I am speaking to you from the Cabinet Room at Bangkok.

    This morning the Thai Ambassador in Cambodia handed the Cambodian Government a final note stating that, unless we hear from them by 11 o'clock that they were prepared at once to extradite Thaksin Shinawatra to Thailand, a state of war would exist between us.

    I have to tell you that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is now at war with Cambodia.

  9. I wonder how we survived 30 years ago and before with only snail mail, telegrammes, land phones and public telephone boxes for communication?

    Now just because Skype which is only one method out of hundreds as a means of on line communication is down for only a few hours, it`s considered as an International disaster.

    What sort of new generation people have we produced, that they're whole lives revolve around a box with a keyboard and mobile phones?

    SAD, SAD, SAD.

    I can't stop laughing!!! did you bang this message out via smoke signals?

    Well, just think about it.

    A persons computer, mobile phone or site communication is down and they can`t function.

    What a joke.

  10. How do you know pension will exist at 66?

    Carpe Diem

    INDEED. It seems your government has already spent your pension.

    You could invest that 290k pound & get enough income to increase your wealth & live quite well in Thailand - visa issues seem to be your biggest drama on that front. The big HOWEVER & its a big however,

    You happened to mention the GREATEST MONEY REDUCING AGENT, KNOWN TO MAN IN THAILAND, so you future looks very bleek indeed.

    Good advice here. Makes sense to me.

    £290000 sterling is not a lot these days. For example that's about the price of an average 2 bedroom house in a working class area within the UK.

    In Thailand the OP would be fair game for female predators hungry for his cash, plus having to be fully financially responsible for his medical expenses that wont be cheap, plus I doubt if his health will improve with age.

    My advice to the OP is; stay based in the UK where he will be secure. He could purchase a small studio apartment for around £100000 and bank the rest as savings. He would have the back up of the Social Security system if he were unable to work due to health reasons and perhaps a State pension if he makes it to old age.

    The OP could spend a few weeks per year in Thailand. Plenty of short timers here if he wants women.

    Now, would I lie to you?

    Sorry but you obviously have not read the full thread or the Ops answers which cover all this...and he stated he wants awife ..not short times..

    I fully understand the OPs intentions.

    The point I am making is that someone like the OP living in Thailand is going to be a prime target for gold digging females. He could be placing himself in a very vulnerable and dangerous situation. There are hoards of lying unscrupulous women over here queuing up to meet a vulnerable gullible guy like the OP.

    What I said still stands.

    If the OP does not heed the common sense advice from people of experience such as neverdie and myself, then it`s his funeral and the best of British luck.

  11. It appears that the organised illegal drug producers, dealers and gangs have won.

    The people at the top of the heap are the untouchables.

    You see, it`s easy to make crime pay. Just battle and murder your way up to become one of the top operators in that industry, rich from the ill gotten gains and then you are a power in your own right and above the law.

  12. I wonder how we survived 30 years ago and before with only snail mail, telegrammes, land phones and public telephone boxes for communication?

    Now just because Skype which is only one method out of hundreds as a means of on line communication is down for only a few hours, it`s considered as an International disaster.

    What sort of new generation people have we produced, that they're whole lives revolve around a box with a keyboard and mobile phones?

    SAD, SAD, SAD.

  13. How do you know pension will exist at 66?

    Carpe Diem

    INDEED. It seems your government has already spent your pension.

    You could invest that 290k pound & get enough income to increase your wealth & live quite well in Thailand - visa issues seem to be your biggest drama on that front. The big HOWEVER & its a big however,

    You happened to mention the GREATEST MONEY REDUCING AGENT, KNOWN TO MAN IN THAILAND, so you future looks very bleek indeed.

    Good advice here. Makes sense to me.

    £290000 sterling is not a lot these days. For example that’s about the price of an average 2 bedroom house in a working class area within the UK.

    In Thailand the OP would be fair game for female predators hungry for his cash, plus having to be fully financially responsible for his medical expenses that wont be cheap, plus I doubt if his health will improve with age.

    My advice to the OP is; stay based in the UK where he will be secure. He could purchase a small studio apartment for around £100000 and bank the rest as savings. He would have the back up of the Social Security system if he were unable to work due to health reasons and perhaps a State pension if he makes it to old age.

    The OP could spend a few weeks per year in Thailand. Plenty of short timers here if he wants women.

    Now, would I lie to you?

  14. So why is it they are always found in Thailand? and why is it that it is a known place to run to? Feed him to the sharks!

    Because in Thailand it`s no questions asked easy access and easy exit for the puss boils of the world.

    Taylor is wanted in Britain on suspicion of molesting boys and girls aged between 18 months and 12 years old, then selling pictures and video of the attacks online, Thai police said.

    Oh God, how low can a person sink to?

    These people are not animals, because an animal is a higher lifeform, they are vermin pure and simple and must be treated accordingly and dealt with accordingly.

    Breaks my heart, truely it does.

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