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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. The older I become the more disgruntled I get with women. Materialistic, exabishonist and self indulgent.

    Personally I wouldn't trust any of them. If the women is still remotely passable and not too far passed her sell by date she always use this to her advantage over the guy and maybe seek a better provider if the guy for some reason falls on hard times, no matter how long she has been with the man, even if they have children together.

    If the guy works away for long periods at a time, she will eventually seek comfort during those long lonely nights in some other guys bed or worse still invite a guy to take occupation in the marital bed just to fill in while hubbies away working his guts out somewhere. But she won't tell hubby this while he continues sending the money.

    Undoubtedly not all women are like this, but a good percentage are and men certainly stand to lose out big time if they should happen to get hooked up with the wrong sort.

    The stories I could tell you and heartache I have felt for some of my dearest male friends.

    My advice is; stay single, it`s a different world today and I would never lie to you on that one.


  2. Anyone with a small amount of sense knows the girls were paid for sex, however its not what you assume to be true its what you can prove. All that can be proven is he filmed the girls having sex then distributed without their permission.

    All he needed was a one paragraph "release form' as standard in any 'extras' work. One paragraph and all this would have gone away. Smart ass super stud with a camera and gets himself locked up. blink.gif Yup - stupid is as stupid does Forest.

    1. He had signed release forms. That was never an issue.

    2. Estimates are he made around 35 million baht from his productions.

    3. He is not locked up.

    4. All references to his case have been removed from Pattaya newspapers.

    This of course has all been mentioned before in this thread.

    The number 2 quote above is a great mystery to me.

    How do these porn producers actually make money?

    I mean, it only needs one person to buy the DVD, then upload it on-line onto a website so everyone can view it for free and that`s it, nobody need purchase the thing.

    So how does porn actually make money?

  3. This is the internet, representation of fact need not be fact.

    Don't rule out Male TV members who have an inner desire to be Thai Women.

    Oh you bitch, that`s just not true, ducky.

    No really, I believe most of these newbie threads are trolls, probably been on some mind bending drugs the night before.

    Perhaps all written by the same guy?

  4. Maybe if the multitude of 'Middle-men' who buy their rice, paid a greater proportion of their profits to the farmers, things might be different.

    Simple fact is prostitution is so rampant because these women are lazy and would rather use their body to get money then spend all day working on the farm. Why work at Mc Donalds for 6,500 baht a month when you can earn that in one night with a couple of men?

    Right on.

    I know Thai women that come from middle class families, well educated and have good decent well paying jobs.

    The problem is the more they have, the more they want and when they find that working hard for a living doesn’t support they’re high profile, high spending, high flying lifestyle, they turn to prostitution as a side line or some even on a permanent basis.

    It`s just the way these women are, money comes before reputation, family and dignity.

    Just take a peek of what your friends are up to on facebook and other social networking websites and all will be revealed.

    The reason this guy has been arrested and not his participants is because for example if you have 4 persons in a vehicle, the ultimate responsibility for what happens before they reach they’re destination lays with the driver

  5. Very interesting thread and appreciated.

    Just a couple of questions, that is if anyone knows:

    Is it possible to send money over directly from a bank account abroad by TT to SK, just like a regular bank or do they only exchange currancies already brought over to Thailand, travellers checks, cash and so on?

  6. My dentist is based at a well known dental hospital in Chiang Mai.

    Each time I noticed that after my treatment and having rinsed my mouth with the mouthwash, the machine fills the same cup I have used again in readiness for the next patient. This has been the same at most of the dentistry’s I have visited.

    As for the needles all we can do is hope and pray that these are new.

    I agree, it is rather worrying.

  7. Is this good news for the ex-pats.

    Will the baht grow weaker? And fall more inline with other currencies?

    We wait and see what happens in the near future.

    Not really good news.

    If the Baht stays longer so strong and we would see a stronger grow rate in the economy, sooner or later Thailand would become to expensive for the cheap charlies - that would be good news.

    Would you include retirees trying to get by on their pensions in your cheap charlies catagory? Most cheap charlies I know are good decent people.

    This strong Thai baht is unprecedented; if you don't know what this means, it means its never happened before. Most foreigners who live here base their lifestyle on a certain rate of exchange, and this unexpected rate of exchange is making it hard for many of them.

    The other thing to consider is how are Thais being affected. I would say the alarming increase in the cost of living here is affecting alot of Thais. A Birdy was 10 baht for a long time; within a short period of time it has risen to 13 baht. The government rolls out all these statistics but never really talks about the increasing cost of living or how well the general population is getting by.

    Quote "This strong Thai baht is unprecedented".

    Dont know when you first came to Thailand or what currency you use, however pre 1997 I remember the $ was always around 25 baht, today lets call it 30, so still an increase of about 20%, if you go back further the $ was about 20 baht.

    If you are a Brit, I will use 40 baht as an average pre 1997, today what lets say 48 so up about 20%, I have seen the £ lower than 40, 36 and 38 baht spring to mind, if I go back far enough the £ has been even lower.

    Of course for the millionaires arriving after 1997 this may come a shock, others carried out due diligence and others prepared for it.

    I dont hear the "its only mickey mouse money" comments too much these days, oh for the heady days of 45 baht to the $ or 75 to the £, kiss those days goodbye, we all knew what we were getting into didnt we?

    Interesting, but what you are forgetting or have no knowledge of, is that pre 1997 the cost of living in Thailand was about 20% to what it is now and bank interest rates were almost 1300% higher then today`s present rates.

    I knew many ex-pats during those times that lived solely on savings interest. You could purchase a 2 bedroom house with land in a good area of Chiang Mai for 300000 baht and a family could live very comfortably on 10000 a month.

    What is happening today and how it was 12/13 years ago is a completely different state of affairs. There is no comparison.

  8. Would you include retirees trying to get by on their pensions in your cheap charlies catagory? Most cheap charlies I know are good decent people.

    This strong Thai baht is unprecedented; if you don't know what this means, it means its never happened before. Most foreigners who live here base their lifestyle on a certain rate of exchange, and this unexpected rate of exchange is making it hard for many of them.

    The other thing to consider is how are Thais being affected. I would say the alarming increase in the cost of living here is affecting alot of Thais. A Birdy was 10 baht for a long time; within a short period of time it has risen to 13 baht. The government rolls out all these statistics but never really talks about the increasing cost of living or how well the general population is getting by.

    These people just profit from the wealth gap and from the circumstance that Thailand is less developed, poorer than the West. But the world is changing and this gap is shrinking with Thailands further economic development.

    In Thailand some construction worker or some assembly line worker can not afford some holidays abroad meanwhile some Western blue-collar Joe can play in Thailand the "big boss". In the future, with the globalisation, the wealth will be distributed more equally what probably means that you in the west will get significant less because you are totally overpaid and other regions of this planet become more prosper and the living standard for this people will become better. So it goes.

    Globalisation is a beautiful thing, only the unionist and nationalist-(socialist) and xenophobes in the west will tell you otherwise, they want keep the biggest piece of the cake for themselves and are not willing to share with their colleagues world wide.

    Yes its more than selfish and very low to hope that the economy in Thailand will suffer, the grow rate decline so that the blue collar Joe from Sheffield can still play the 'rich man' in a low developed country. That is an ugly attitude back from the days of colonialism.

    To the ongoing political crisis these people can only place their stupid comments a la 'why stays the baht so strong'. That is their only concern.

    And they start to begrudge Thais because more and more Thais can afford fancy new cars and expensive imports from Europe. Their own western 'rich man' status is on the wane. Face it.

    Anyway, i know your retirees and i would not label them all as cheap charlies. You are right, many of them them are decent people. So lets hope for them that their economy and their pound sterling comes back on track, but don't wish that a global crisis will hit Thailand hard and harder.

    Interesting point of view, although you seem to contradict yourself on the last paragraph and have a very narrow one-sided view.

    Do you know that there are many Western workers who cannot afford some holidays abroad and that there are many Thais faring pretty well abroad. You should travel around West London and see for yourself the Thai property, restaurant and business owners. I also personally know of Thais living in the UK that are claiming benefits and benefiting from free schooling for their kids, free National Heath medical treatment and low rent housing association homes. And do you know that the amount of Westerners that decide to live in Thailand are an extremely low percentage compared to other nationalities, the Burmese for example and taking an educated guess, I would say that there are more Thais living abroad then there are Westerners in Thailand.

    My girlfriend has 2 brothers living abroad. One based in the United States and another in England. One is married to an American farang lady, the other to a Thai lady. Both own their own homes, cars, are employed, earn a decent living wage and not hassled by the Governments. Which is more than most of us are permitted to do in Thailand or at least not hassle free.

    May I ask; are you by chance a Socialist?

  9. A Fool Such As I. - Elvis Presley.

    Young Girl. - Gary Puckett & The Union gap.

    Why do fools fall in love. - Frankie Lymon & The Teenagers

    Grandad. - Clive Dunn. laugh.gif

    Money ( That's what I want ) - The Beatles.

    If Only - Rod Stewart.

    Can't buy me love - The Beatles.

    I did it my way - Frank Sinatra.

    Every Rose has it's Thorn - poison

    Your Cheating Heart. - Hank Williams.

    Lyin' eyes - The Eagles.

    Love the One You're With - Stephen Stills

    You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi

    Against All Odds ( Take a look at me now ) - Phil Collins.

    If Loving You is Wrong, I Don't Want to be Right - Millie Jackson.

    Liar Liar - The Castaways.

    Alternative Girlfriend - Bare Naked Ladies


    Sillyman99, this is a classic. You crack me up, I swear.

  10. I'm with you OP. There's some awful <deleted> on this forum and on this whole website. Myself included, as no doubt someone will point out so I thought I'd save them the trouble. A lot of people on here have too much time on their hands because they married a tart who doesn't love them but they think she's gorgeous or they own a moderately successful business or they're just completely socially inept and they can't make friends in real life so they post on here to make themselves feel that bit special and try to have friends. If you take a look at the stats of the folks who post most often on here you might notice that they log on about 6am and never seem to log off for the whole day.

    On the upside, TV is a very valuable source of information and is probably the main reason most of us joined in the first place. Unfortunately, some people feel the need to reply to everything posted on here, usefully or not.

    Have a Happy Loy Krathong. I'm going to have a nice cup of tea and wait for the inevitable. I would suggest to the OP that you log off and go for a nice walk around town and you will meet some really nice real people.


    MF B)

    This is simply untrue.

    I never married but live with a tart who doesn't love me, except when I cough up some cash and like you I'm a born again <deleted>, so what's wrong in that?

    And to top it all, my tart's not even gorgeous, so I'm a double <deleted>. It is true about coming on here because they have no friends. I've always wanted a best friend, but because I suffered from so much abuse, beatings, sent down the mines at 8 years old and having to share a tent with 4 Aunts and 13 cousins when a teen has left it`s toll. People just hate me after a while, so Thai visa is the only place I can make people listen to my crap points of view that has no relevance to anything. I mean, where else can people like me go?

    To be honest, I found that by keeping away from the food threads and those in your face sponsor threads, the Chiang Mai crowd are a pretty OK bunch.

    Yes, that was me that made the remark on the dog lost thread, but I explained my reasons and apologised for that.

    I`m off to a Loy Krathong party and our yearly tie the firework to the cat`s tail ceremony.

    Can`t wait until it ends so I can return and tell everyone all about it. Probably around 6.00am time.

  11. I don`t believe it. With good behavior they`ll be out and about within the next 795 years.

    But really, how bad a crime must someone commit to be given a sentence such as this?

    War criminals, murderers and rapists have received less. This is definately a strong case of human rights abuse in it`s worst form.

    Don`t cross swords with the state or you`re for it.

    No one has the right to do this to anybody. Judge Freisler comes into mind.



  12. People that own dogs should be responsible and not let them off their property.

    If the property is too small, don`t have dogs, get a cat instead.

    Typical doghater reaction.

    And cats make longer walks then dogs !

    Over the years many of my friends and neighbors have lost dogs wholesale because they have let them roam free outside of their properties.

    I am an animal lover and have 3 dogs and 3 cats all confined to the property, although my girlfriend does have 4 rai of land so there is plenty of space for them

    She has, which I paid for, a 2 metre wall around the land and a secure sliding gate. No dogs has ever got out.

    Last Thursday one of my neighbors dogs was hit and killed by a pickup and I witnessed it. All my neighbor did was smile, his wife shed a few tears and then they buried the dog on his land. Afterwards all was forgotten and the dogs still left to run about in the main street. This upset so much that I couldn`t eat for the rest of the day and was unable to sleep that night.

    Reading the OP posts it seemed that she too let her dogs run free out and about and being an animal lover I am so dead against this.

    I apologise for my reaction and happy that the dog was found and back where he belongs.

  13. I have monies banked in Thailand, UK and the United States.

    I`ve had to invest these long term, 3 to 5 years in order to gain the max interest. I think the investment part and amounts of interest is not a problem, because it`s there with good returns if you shop around.

    The trick is how not to lose out when bringing money over to Thailand, especially for those like me who`s incomes come from abroad. I guess this is the main pitful for most of us.

    Personally I wouldn`t even consider investing in Thai real estate. You really have to know what you are doing and in most cases unless you purchase expensive desirable property and land in an area right in the centre of town somewhere, you could be stuck with something that never increases in value or nobody wants.

    How to beat or get the best from the bank exchange rate system is the question. No matter how good we invest abroad what`s the point if we lose it all via the exchanging of currancies?

  14. This is like something from the Hammer House of Horrors.

    The GF told me that this was discovered when Soi dogs were seen taking bodies outside and eating them. Been going on for 6 years.

    Perhaps happening all over the country. Maybe murder victims, corpses of dead women as well from when operations have gone wrong.

    Surprised this news hasn`t spread to the Western media yet.


  15. What a stupid reaction !! Demolish the morgue? Then two low end workers simply doing what is necessary being handled as criminals. Why is it Thailand Authorities take the easiest way out? Any action being better than none ... Idiots!

    "Doing what is necessary"? It's still breaking the law. Yes. The law may be wrong, but rather than ignoring it, people should be doing something to change it.

    Right on.

    People should not break the law because they do not agree with it. Laws or implemented for good reasons.

    What comebacks do these mothers’s have if something goes wrong? Infection and operations performed by those who are unqualified to do the job and so on.

    What happens if a woman dies during the process? Do they discretely hide the body in order to cover up the botched attempt at an abortion?

    Some of these women are well to do and professionals who are willing to take the risks and use this behind the doors system to hide the fact that they have been screwing around from the public eye in order to save face and protect their careers.

    Although I agree abortion is a good thing in most cases, unwanted pregnancies with low IQ women, this process must cease and desist and those involved be prosecuted by the full extent of the law.

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