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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. The questions are:

    Do these girls want to be rescued?

    If so, rescued into what?

    Will these organisations house them? Feed them? Clothe them? Provide medical if required? Put them through further education? Guarantee them some sort of long term decent paid employment when they reach 18?

    If not, these girls will quickly fall back into their old ways once they realise their only other alternative is to drift back into absolute poverty with no way of existing.

    Perhaps the girls can see that there is more chance of making a living by laying on their backs than working on a noodle stall for 50 baht a day.

    After probably suffering from years of abuse, uneducated and uncared for, now mentally impaired, they will require professional help in order to mould them into some sort of normal way of thinking and in preparation for their future ahead.

    I am so dead against the tragic and evil practice of the exploitation of children in any shape or form, but when the do gooders decide to send in the cavalry as a one off good will deed, who at the end of the day is prepared to follow through what they have started and be responsible for the financial, long term care and welfare of these kids?

  2. My god, this must have been done wholesale. Did they have a conveyor belt system?

    In the long term this practice has probably saved 1000s of young women of limited IQ, from the traumatic experience of unwanted births and a life of bringing up unwanted and unloved children in a lifestyle of absolute poverty.

    These abortions should be provided free by the health service, eliminating the need for the back street and unsafe practices

    Or perhaps offer some cash incentive for sterilisation once these women reach child bearing age.

  3. With long term low investor interest rates, control over currency exchange rates, major players in the credit card game, business and home loan industries, banks have become 2 separate entities.

    They are both a safe house to store our money and a loan company. When we deposit our money into a bank account we are in fact lending the banks our money for hardly any return.

    They are of no use at all to us investors; it is us that are being exploited.

    Yes, I would like to see the end of the banks in their present format. They have too much control; there must surely be a better system?

  4. I was out yesterday shopping in one of the supermarkets with the GF and I saw these bread things for the first time. There were pink ones, green ones and plain bread colored versions.

    I said to the GF, these are a bit hard, I`ve seen stale bread before, but this is way beyond the limit. She told me this is special bread that floats for Loy Krathong.

    Suppose they are an improvement on the usual floaters I have seen streaming down the river.


  5. This is a true story, only the details have been changed to protect the brain dead and the stupid.

    An ozzie acquaintance of mine was staying in Pattaya for a few days. While there he pulled a girl from a bar. She agreed to go back with him to his hotel to do the deed for 1000 baht.

    After the sick, wicked and immoral act was over, (amen) the ozzie took out a 1000 baht note and offered it to the girl. The girl stood there and responded by insisting that the ozzie give her 10000 baht. He of course refused and then the girl refused to leave the room until he coughed up. After some ado, the girl said she is phoning the police and proceeded to talk to someone on her cell phone. The ozzie just ignored her, but it took him 3 hours to persuade the hooker to leave him in peace. He only gave the original agreed 1000 baht.

    This was an experience my friend would never forget and vowed never to return to Pattaya again. Good advice I think.

  6. I`m not certain that this crackdown is a good thing or not?

    Perhaps better for the women to abort than permitting brain dead mothers to struggle trying to bring up unwanted and unloved babies in absolute poverty.

    It would probably be more advisable to have these women sterilised. Better for the women, better for the unwanted childen and less burden for the families and all concerned.

  7. I always admire the westerners that can live in jungle surroundings in Thailand. The thought of finding an <deleted> cobra in my house is enough to keep me renting a small condo.

    Good luck with the monkeys but agreed, when they are not scared of humans they are a pain. I have family in Gibralter and the monkeys on the rock are a nightmare.

    ive worked with a baboon, a spider monkey and squirrel monkeys , gibbons, and some other smaller monkeys. i dislike them all. duaghter works with large primates. she loves them. from personal experience, NEVER EVER FEED WILD ANIMALS including cute baby monkeys. they misread your intents, and adult monkeys for instance can be very territorial and very dangerous. they can find their own food or scavenge if they must. by feeding u are causeing a potentially long term problem, if u have a child that is in teh area or a visiter that wont feed, if someoen smiles (some primates see a smile as an aggressive expression -baring teeth) . a monkey, up close to a woman in menstruation can get very bothersome to her (they smell it and the hormones act on them also),

    monkey bites can be very very serious. they go for the face usually, and can cause infection and scarring.

    as far as diseases, some breeds actually get human illnesses from us, like chickenpox, just for them it can be fatal, there are several otehrs as well. some breeds of large primates carry HEP B. they have dirty hands/fingernails so scratches as well as bites are a problem.

    in other words: DO NOT FEED THE WILD ANIMALS. be territorial about your house and yard. do not leave food out. do not leave a possibility for the monkey to go in to your house . do not try to temp the onkey to go somewhere else by using food. it wont work. ignore. do not respond to bids for attention as they learn very quickly. monkeys take personal likes and dislikes to others, including humans, very personally. they differentiate between male/female, young, older, dominant, submissive among people also.

    my personal advice.



    Well, if you`re worked with primates in the past, you should now have plenty of experience dealing with us Thai visa members.

  8. Well, it seems they intend to get our money one way or another. But all that effort and now a future as yet undefined prison sentence all for 270000 baht ($9000) hardly seems worth it. And then the ex GF would have to had shared the proceeds of the crime with her accomplices.

    Perhaps the ex GF believed that the farang had more money in the bank at the time. Most Thais believe we have cash flowing out of our backsides.

    Luckily the guy wasn`t murdered which is quite often the outcome in these cases and at the end of the day he didn't sustain too much loss. There is still the psychological trauma involved and this will probably take him a long time to recover, if at all he does.

    Always keep in mind that at the main reason these women are with you is not for your company, not for the way you give multiple orgasms, not for your penis colada, your love or your cute smile, but for your money.

    Money is critical if you want to get any near attractive women or something even remotely shagable.

    Now don't believe me if you like, but for those who read my posts, Would I lie to you?

  9. There is always someone or groups of people hanging about the Loi Kroh road. Surely someone must have witnessed this going on?

    Have you tried making inquiries with other business owners and customers in the area or perhaps there is CCTV footage of the incident somewhere?

    I actually have CCTV in the bar (for insurance purpose), but not outside, so I can't see what goes on after we close.

    So I guess I have to bite Apple (a girl that used to work in the bar) and order a new one from Denmark

    Thanks for the support


    i had a bite of Apple once. She did have a lovely pear.

    Maybe when you get the new flag, wire it up to the electric mains after closing time. 2000 volts works a treat as a prevention against theft.

    Good luck and probably see you down the bar one evening.

  10. honestly, i would feel guilty if i left him because he loves me...

    but im very sick and tired of this situation...


    being posting this on the website, I just have no one to talk to, well i have friends or even parents to talk to but they're just said nothing to me, tell me making my own decision which i don't know how to do.

    i know somebody would say im an internet whore, bar girl, farang finder or whatever...i cant stop ppl thinking..

    but anyway,,,,,listening to strangers, different opinion help me answer myself question more or less...

    thank you for all suggestions :)

    Farang Finder :clap2: , nice one that's my new posting name when I get banned!

    So that`s settled then, you come back as farang finder and I`ll come back as, internet whore. Rather becoming don`t you think? Has a sort of ring to it.

  11. Wow. That's quite a first post. Welcome to Thai Visa. What a cathartic tale. I note your comment about wishing to cheat on your b/f. Well, you certainly have come to the right place as I am sure there are plenty of boys here willing to help you out. I'm going to make an assumption here, that you are a female, in which case I am willing to offer myself to assist you in your time of need. I feel your pain, oh how I feel it. Now, I wouldn't call it cheating, as I can see that the relationship is over, so basically any of my activity would be an act of compassion in support of your emotional need. I believe that a man should be a good listener and show support to women. Sometimes I listen so intently it looks like I have fallen asleep, so don't think that if it looks that way when we are together. I really am paying attention.

    Now before we take this further, I just need to make sure about a couple of things;

    1. Are you ok with 4 legged critters chaperoning? The dog has a habit of running off with a bra and I've gotten in trouble before trying to pull it away. The cat usually has his special spot and you cannot sleep in it.

    2. Does your mom know that you are on the internet talking about this and is she cool with you hooking up with a grown up, err I mean a new guy?

    3. I don't have any Justin Bieber or Jonas Brother songs, so don't expect there to be any at my pace.

    And so anytime you want to get it on, just toss me a note :partytime2:


    Your new best friend for like forever, or until a mod shuts this thread down :wub:

    To answer the OPs question, have a threesome with me and geriatrickid, two real men for a change, satisfaction guaranteed, get rid of that tronk and forget all about him.

    Believe me you`re feel better in the morning.


  12. I like your suggestion but I don't think it is possible..........

    A forum is for the exchange of ideas, information, experiences and the odd bit of gossip. I think it is difficult, however, for the owners of TV to spot when someone is simply slagging off a competitor so that it will have an impact on their business. For that reason alone, I can't see how it can be done.

    Like you though, I wish there were some way that it could be done closedeyes.gif

    There ways of naming and shaming. Tripadvisor and other similar websites have an excellent review system that would obtain better results than commenting on a general forum.

  13. Perhaps this selling of child porn DVD business is a trap laid on by police.

    The sick pervert buys a child porn DVD and as he leaves the stall is apprehended by the police and charged for being in possession of illegal child porn.

    The same for those who pick up children and then raided by the police. Could be a honey trap or a scam organised by a family member of the child. A means of getting rich quick from a gullible farang.

    So watch out if you`re a child molestor, it`s becoming more difficult for you to function here in Thailand

  14. Maybe it's different in Pattaya but the Big C near me is better than the Carrefour near me

    In my opinion these big conglomerates are all the same, probably all owned by the same groups if you delve in deep enough. The only differences are the labels. Little dissimilarity whoever is running the show.

    The main business is aimed at the Thai public; farang cleintel is hardly significant to them. They do stock foreign foods but for the introduction to their Thai customers not for the benefit or the tastes of farangs. If all their farang customers living in Thailand ceased shopping at the Thailand branches it would have no impact on them, whatsoever.

    Personally I hope these companies never gain a main stronghold in the far east, dictating the prices and eliminating all the competition similar to how they have operated in the west.

  15. Perhaps this will help. What my girlfriend and I usually give on these occasions:

    Not invited:

    Neighbours – 300 baht.

    Acquaintances: 300 baht

    Friends: 500 baht

    Family – 500 baht


    Neighbours – 500 baht.

    Acquaintances: 500 baht

    Friends: 1000 baht

    Family – 1000 baht

    This all depends on what kind of do is being laided on. For example if we are invited and it`s just a normal house affair I would give the above, but if one of those high flung DOs in a posh hotel, I would probably give a lot more, perhaps 2000 or 3000 baht. And if we were to bring more people with us, children, friends and so on, we would give accordingly.

  16. cct footage of the incident somewhere?

    :D you are joking I presume?

    Perhaps you are right. For a moment I forgot which part of the world I am living.

    Thinking about this, businesses are struggling enough in Chiang Mai, I don`t know why some people get pleasure out of doing down to others as in this case, theft.

    Could be jealousy, or just plain maliciousness. It`s a spiteful act and not funny at all.

    Or just plain drunken stupidness ;)

    Could be but something like this has to be within the person in the first place. No matter how drunk I could get, I would never commit such an act against someone else and I have no doubts that stands for you too, anonymouse.

    I am a strong believer in natural justice and that whoever stole the flag will never make any gain from it.

    He/she or those that have the flag would be well advised to return it to the owner and walk away.

  17. Well, back on thread re: Tapae Place Hotel

    Don't really know about the dried toothpaste on bathroom shelf alluded to in an above post.

    The room I had was cleaned and maintained spotlessly. The bathroom was marble, large tub, clean shower curtain, with lots of high pressure hot water 24/7.

    Seems that if someone noticed something untowards in cleanliness, they would have promptly brought it to the attention of Housekeeping, or mentioned it to the management in the lobby?

    My friend who is staying at Tapae Place currently (he bought a condo finally, after years of shopping; waiting for final remodeling before moving in) has the resources to stay at any place/palace in town, including 5 star. He finds the Tapae Place Hotel perfectly satisfactory for his needs.

    I stand by my recommendation- quiet, central, reasonable and spotlessly clean. Nice room decor, as well. Nice big king sized beds with excellent mattresses. Very friendly staff with excellent English.

    Breakfast voucher for guests- Chinese jok or American style for a nominal sum.


    Exactly what you say.

    I have stayed there often, a very nice quite little hotel for the money.

    It`s not the Ritz but certainly no dump either. The equivalent of a 3 star hotel according to US and UK standards.

    There is a light breakfast available for 60 baht, plus Internet service and cheap motorbike and car hire. The rooms have cable TV, phone, aircon, clean, quite and comfortable. Lift going up to all 4 floors.

    The hotel supplies shampoo, soap, free drinking water and towels with lashing of hot water for bath or shower. There is a legit massage service downstairs and a legit massage room service.

    Safety standards are high on the agenda including alarms and fire escape

    It is girl friendly if you`re discrete.

    I know because my employer has done business with the owners in the past.

    Look here and it`s exactly in reality as seen on this website.


    Now for those who read my posts; would I lie to you?

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