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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. A girlfriend of my girlfriend`s cousin and I`m not trying to be funny here, contracted HIV 2 years ago.

    While working she was paying in to some sort of social security fund, that included limited payments if out of work, plus medical coverage including HIV and aids. The girl was and is still receiving free treatment for HIV.

    Take a look at the links below: a lot of information there.






  2. cct footage of the incident somewhere?

    :D you are joking I presume?

    Perhaps you are right. For a moment I forgot which part of the world I am living.

    Thinking about this, businesses are struggling enough in Chiang Mai, I don`t know why some people get pleasure out of doing down to others as in this case, theft.

    Could be jealousy, or just plain maliciousness. It`s a spiteful act and not funny at all.

  3. There is always someone or groups of people hanging about the Loi Kroh road. Surely someone must have witnessed this going on?

    Have you tried making inquiries with other business owners and customers in the area or perhaps there is cct footage of the incident somewhere?

  4. Maybe they meant there was no charge for a Thai credit card vs. a foreign card.

    Perhaps it`s a bit of both.

    The staff probably meant that there is some sort of fee for purchasing with a non Thai based credit/debit card.

    The staff`s response to the OP was maybe given ths way because many Thais relate to farangs as being associated with everything alien and not Thai, even those farangs that have lived here for years. So technically the way the OP was addressed by the Thai staff is a form of racism through attitudes and ignorance.

  5. I think we bought ours for 12,000 baht at Centran or Robinsol. It didn't shave close at all.

    Siam TV or Niom Panich.

    12000 baht sounds about right. Probably a lot cheaper to buy abroad.

    Yes, that`s true, I have a Phillips electric shaver, never did give a close shave, even when new.

  6. Read the Stickman article and thought it was well written and well described, but, and it`s a big BUT; Do not publish sensitive material that gives suggestions of criminal, immoral, bizarre or irresponsible behaviour of an individual. This can cause hurt and suffering to family members and this should be taken into consideration that obviously Stickman hasn't. Everyone has their opinions of people but we are looking at a one sided view and Stickman has used the advantage of his popular website to get his assumption of someone's charactor across to the general public. This is bad Internet etiquette and non-professional practice in my opinion.

    I hope his daughter will have fond memories of the good side of her father; it appears he was just a normal guy, perhaps a bit of a charactor, who tried to enjoy life to the full and maybe went in a little above his head sometimes. But we have all done on occasions, some we win, some we lose.

  7. Facebook – A Warning. This could happen to you

    Here is the story:

    My Thai girlfriend’s sister in law (call her Lek, not real name) works and lives in Bangkok. Her

    husband, my GFs brother works and lives in, USA.

    Lek`s sister decided to take out a loan and needed Lek to act as a

    guarantor for her sister in which she agreed. Later the sister failed to

    make payments on the loan and did a runner, so the loan company began

    to pursue Lek the guarantor in which she tried to avoid.

    The loan company after unsuccessfully trying to contact Lek entered

    facebook and did a search for her. Walla, a success, they discovered

    Lek on there that included, her phone number, email, MSN contact

    list, home address, work company name and contact details, her

    friends, photos, date of birth, everything.

    OWNED: now Lek either pays up the loan on behalf of her sister, or

    the bailiffs will be sent in.

    For those who have no desire to be traced by certain persons or

    companies, that includes maybe stalkers, especially where minors are

    concerned, old adversaries such as ex spouses or friends, official

    bodies, work colleges who want to know your business etc, whatever

    details you put about yourselves on facebook, YOU DO AT YOUR OWN RISK.

    How easy is it to trace someone on facebook?

    If someone has a name, or phone number or email address, all they need to do is enter it in search on facebook and if any of those details are quoted in the facebook profile, they will acquire a match.

    At most times entering details in Google will yield a result. Wherever you place personal information on the Internet, sooner or later Google and other search engines will pick it up, that includes subscriptions to porn sites, webcam chats, dating and all social networking groups.

    My employer regularly checks employees on line activities. Many a promotion or possible job opportunity has been lost because of the content someone has published on line.

  8. That is a joke, there is no morality here. Only pretensions and scams.


    Anyway they've released TONS of gay themed films, that's not the reason it's not approved for distribution.

    Right on.

    This has nothing to do with a gay theme, this is something different entirely.

    Good, I`m glad this is banned, no wonder society has gone to pot with crap like this around to install into young peoples minds.

    Mary Whitehouse was RIGHT!.


  9. A few years ago someone posted that a member of a venerated family in Thailand considered the Chinese as the Gypsies of Asia.

    No, they're the Jews of Asia... and like Jews everywhere, resented because they work hard and are generally successful. Nothing offends like success.

    True, the difference is, there`s a lot more of them, but both were at the sharp end of nazi aggression during WW2.

    Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world, although soon I believe to be over taken by the Indian languges a race at the other end of the spectrum.

  10. I go along with every word that sillyman99 has quoted, right in the nutshell.

    And as I have quoted here in the past, IT`S EASY TO LIVE IN THAILAND BUT ALSO EASY TO DIE HERE TOO.

    Fall flat on your face in Thailand, no one`s going to pick you up, not your embassies, not your so called fellow ex-pat drinking buddies, not your girlfriend`s/wife`s ever loving caring family and probably not your friends or family in the home country who will let you down when it comes to the crunch.

    Make sure you plan well ahead if deciding to move to Thailand and my deepest, deepest sympathies to those who fell down in despair and could see no light at the end of the tunnel.

  11. Please don`t upload the photo, your description of the incident sounds bad enough as it is.

    Some time ago I was in a Thai noodle cafe at Pattaya. A young scruffy filthy looking guy approached my table. I assumed he was a beggar and told him, sorry I’m not interested and to go away. The guy was persistent and continued to stand there then began saying something in Thai.

    By this time I was really cheesed off and shouted at the guy asking him to piss off. Then the guy walked away to the back of the restaurant and went behind the counter, pointing at me angrily to members of the staff. At this point I suddenly twigged that this wasn’t a beggar but one of the waiters working in the café. There was another farang in there looking at me and in hysterics. I felt so embarrassed that I got up and left.

    Ah well, as the wise man says; this is Thailand.

  12. Farang scum like those mentioned should be deported, might sound harsh but really they can go live on the streets in their own country.

    Well, I`m a farang and no doubt you are too. Now there`s the pot calling the kettle black.

    Another point, how can you assume that these people are scum until you have investigated how they got into that situation in the first place?

    Comeon, logic man, logic.

  13. Yes, please stop by and have a chat with the fellow in question and let us know what's up with this chappy! :whistling:

    Cheers! :thumbsup:

    There is a farang who (sometimes) hangs around with thai (laos, cambodian??) homeless who have set up base under the Thai-Belgium bridge. I have made eye contact with him tew times while crossing the road to Lumpini park. When i once tried to (only approach him to) talk, he turned nasty. Tried to spit on me. I work in a building on the other side of the road on Sathorn. There is a small temple in one corner of this building (the same as all other big buildings everywhere). The Thais pray in these small temples on certain days in the mornings and leave offerings of food as a symbolic gesture which they take back in the afternoon. And this guy has been caught by the building yam(gaurds) several times trying to steal this food. There is a (traffic) police booth within about 15 metres of where these people sleep but they do nont bother them.

    Sounds like the average type of farangs that live down my way. Not so much poor, but they would certainly spit on you given half a chance.

    And if you did approach one of these down and outs and he really was down on his luck, how much effort would anyone here be prepared to put in to helping him?

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