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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. My Thai sister in law and her husband's joint monthly income is 25k, they have a house, car and 1 child as an example.

    An awful lot depends WHERE she is living, if she is running with a Hi-So wannabe pack in Bangkok, then 100k wouldnt cut it,

    If she is running with other hookers and partying in Phuket or Pattaya, then no 50k wouldnt cut it, but may make her cut down on clients a little.

    If she is a normal girl from a typical Thai town or village, she is taking the piss !

    My opinion, no matter what the circumstances, you shouldnt be paying her ANYTHING, she wouldnt have it if you werent there, unless she's on her back, so why should she get it for sod all from you ? Wake up man !

    Sounds about right for comfortable living for an average family.

    We live on about 30000 baht per month, sometimes less. That`s for me and the wife, upkeep of the home, our pets, vehicles and including my kids always on the ear-hole for money. We are not eating champaign dinners on that amount but we are what I describe as comfortable, we eat well and are not squimping and scraping.

    My wife reckons that on her own she could easily manage on 10000 baht a month. But as you say; it depends on the types of lifestyles people like to lead.

  2. Women who drop their pants right away in the relationship, IMHO, are more prone to ending it.

    But that may be the furthest thing from the truth in your experience. I get that. Everyone goes by their own experiences, and their bias are thus formed - one way or the other

    My experience says easy come easy go..

    It's strange how so few farang seem to have been told to go see a short timer in lieu of boinking her right away...

    I mean the Thai female sex organ is certainly pliable enough to have a go the first night..don't get me wrong..

    It's all about assessing the pros and cons of anything

    If she's special enough, some guys wait, others F off quickly if they don't get laid..fearing she'll be frigid..

    every situation is unique

    A wise man once told me that women who will drop their panties for a guy on the first date, will do it with any guy on their first date, which has always been proven to be true.

    I think its a matter of placing everything into perspective and making evaluations as the relationship progresses. There is the too soons, the should have do it by nows and the what`s wrong with this girl? Does she love me or nots. I know that if I were going steady with a girl over a period of several weeks and after that period she refused to get intimate with me, I would start questioning the strength of our relationship and wondering where is this all going? if nothing transpired or could not see anything transpiring in the near future, I would then call time on the whole deal.

    • Like 2
  3. Quote "Farang have to have sex, cannot wait.. go see bar girl have sex her, you no love her..I not care.."

    She doesn't sound very educated.

    Also this could be a sign of things is to come if the OP decides to marry this woman. Sounds like she is frigid.

    If a girlfriend ever said that to me, Thai or otherwise, I would have serious doubts about committing myself any further into such a relationship, unless a guy feels that sex is unimportant between partners.

    • Like 1
  4. Yes, I do agree with you.

    Ukrainians and Belarussians share the same mentality and the same way of life. Even their languages are very similar... smile.png

    You mean all Ukrainians and Russians share the same traits without exception. It`s a coincidence that your comments are exactly the same as the Nazi attitudes towards certain races during WW2.

    It is all very simple, even in ways that you may understand. Thailand is cheap, it has lax law enforcements and easy to get in here, therefore the country is becoming a haven for low lives, the undesirables of Europe and the western countries.

    Expect to see many of these types of farangs of all nationalities in the future, there maybe some coming your way soon, keep tuned in to the Thai visa news forums.

  5. I have grown melons and water melons here. Can't be done without massive applications of chemicals. So I don't eat them any more.

    That's a pity, as there have been reports that consuming a lot of watermelon can help those with a certain drooping problem. smile.png I am, in fact, testing this theory right now. Next post will be from soi 6.

    I ate a few of those chemically tampered melons. They helped me two fold, it cured my drooping problem and now my penis glows in the dark. Saved a fortune in torch batteries over the years.

  6. This is not a case of computer hacking.

    On the occasions when I have taken my computer into a repair shop, I first make it clear to them, not to install or delete anything from my computer, otherwise they will do it believing they are doing the customer a favour, but I still have everything backed up on external hard drives and memory sticks just in case, back ups that I religiously keep up to date.

    I never store online banking details on my computer and once the computer is repaired my first priority once I arrive home is to start up the computer and change all my passwords. If you have access to a second computer, the wise thing to do is change your passwords using the second computer prior to visiting a repair shop and then you are safeguarded from having any relevant passwords copied from the computer in for repair.

    It`s just a case a using common sense and taking precautions, no point in complaining afterwards.

  7. "Personally, Im less likely to roll my eyes or think "bargirl" when I see this type of couple."

    so it is ok to be a judgemental prick if others don't belong to your predescribed concept of a good relationship.

    Do you have the same judgemental attitude when the older man is Thai?

    Do you have the same judgemental attitude to an older white woman and a younger white man, or an older white man and a younger white woman?

    If not then you are even more racist than the Thais you proclaim are racist.

    Seems that the so called experts here on Thai culture are only viewing it with their own prejudices.

    How can you expect Thai people to be any less judgmental than all of the above posters?

    I also love the generalizations about middle and upper class Thais. Do any of you actually read Thai newspapers and magazines. Do you know how many famous Thais are married to foreigners?

    Farang man with Thai wife or Thai girlfriend young enough to be his daughter or granddaughter, then it`s a relationship based on a trophy wife for the guy and about financial gain for the girl, no question about it, the same probably applies in most countries. Older woman with toy boy, I would say amounts to the same thing.

    Low class farang man with low class Thai lady, or low class farang lady with low class Thai man, frowned upon by the Thais and probably other farangs.

    Regarding the judgemental, the reality is that people are judgemental, it`s just human nature and how we look and behave determines how others perceive us or in other words; can be described as keeping up appearances in order to make a good impression and appear more credible.

    Have you ever heard the old saying? If you are going to act like and animal then dress like a gentleman.

  8. The answer to the OP`s question is depends.

    Most middle to upper class Thai women would not consider having relationships with farang males, unless the farang was approximately of similar age and the farang is a well to do business person or someone of high status that the Thai lady would be proud to show off within her family, circle of friends and her local community.

    The kind of relationships involving gross old trailer park trash type farangs walking along with slutty looking girls young enough to be their daughters or granddaughters, or the younger backpacker farangs walking hand in hand with Thai women or those with cheap looking old hag types that have the appearance of passed their sell by dates bar girls is definitely frowned upon by the Thais.

    Some examples:


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  9. You know, I really should save the previous post as a Word document so I can just paste it next time I have to respond to another attack from Beetlejuice and his friends . ilk. Edit: by his own admission Beetlejuice doesn't have friends. I doubt Beetlejuice and and AFT know each other.

    I am not attacking you and have never made any attacks on you personally. I am making legitimate criticisms having legitimate concerns on the way your outfits are run.

    I really have a disdain for the ways that you make vicious unwarranted insults on people, their families and friends. Perhaps this is the true NancyL character and how you really feel about those who go against the grain with you?

    Fair enough the Alan Hall saga is in the past, but I have not seen that you have done anything or placed any safeguards to protect the vulnerable from such events happening again in the future, by you and groups that expect respect and credibility solely on face value and trust, are unregulated and answerable to no one but yourselves.

    • Like 1
  10. Of course the services of www.LannaCareNet.org are at no charge. We don't have funds available to give to clients, however. Take some time and look at the website. The problem is that Beetlejuice can't cite one instance of malfeasance. I've tried to send him a PM to discuss this issue in the past, but he has his PM function turned off. I didn't even know it was possible for someone to turn off their PM function!

    Yes, clients have been referred to LCN thru Thai Visa. There have been situations where people turn to this forum asking for help; they don't know where to turn to help a neighbor or a friend. I've contacted them and been able to get them in touch with the appropriate resources. In some cases, we've saved lives. Not me, mind you. But the resources of the organization have allowed a friend to save another friend's life. That's the power of Thai Visa.

    As for AFT, he's got a burr under his saddle about the CM Rotary clubs. I challenged him for details in another thread and said I'd check it out and if it proved to be true, I'd be "man enough" to come on TV and admit there is (or was) a problem. Then he backed down. Something about it was long ago and the people involved are dead and he doesn't wish to stir up trouble or whatever. Instead, I guess, it's just easier to sit back and throw stones from behind his keyboard. Yes, I encourage you to do exactly what he says and get down to CM Int'l Rotary Club and see what's going on. They're helping a whole lot of Thai, Burmese and hill tribe people.

    If you or anyone else becomes involved with peoples personal and private affairs, that you do according to your own admissions, and there are discrepancies, even if with good intentions, and someone makes accusations, whether true or false, you could find yourself having to defend yourself to the law and not just to a few posters here on Thai visa. The same applies if any one of your team conducts criminal activities or scams people.

    It is not if but when this will happen that not only leaves those you supposedly help but also yourselves vulnerable while your outfits are in their present formats.

    • Like 2
  11. Here is a question:

    Does anyone of you have a farang best friend, meaning of any nationality and actually met here in Thailand that you could honestly say would trust without any doubts? Other than just bar buddies or those you meet up with at times for a chat and a bit of conversation.

    Yes, i have a few BJ. I guess though a lot depends on who you associate with, and of course where you really come from.

    You seem to have a bitter view of foreigners, maybe a reflection of yourself.

    I have detailed my views in my previous posts on the thread, I suggest you read them.

    Not bitter, but I am particular with whom I associate with in Thailand and again have given my reasons in my previous posts. As for where anyone comes from, I fail to see the meaning?

  12. The OP says that he asks with the kindest manner, greeting in Thai, smiling, whatever. But can he speak Thai proficiently enough to ask for directions in a clear and precise manner?

    In many instances some Thais may appear to speak reasonable English but in actuality only know the most basics of English language and often try to guess what is being mentioned but in fact can become confused once it starts going into detail.

    My Thai language skills are appalling but I have learned enough of the basics to get by and usually don`t have any problems. I found that most Thais can be knowledgable providing everything is explained to them in ways they understand.

  13. This is very sad for the children involved.

    Who paid for the presents and why could not benalibina give the presents to his children himself or even post them to his children?

    True there are some wonderful, sincere and genuinely good hearted people out there, but in situations such as this my heart goes out to the children. No matter which parent is at fault, one or both of them, they should love their children more than they hate each other and make compromises for the benefits of the kids.

    mr beetlejuice,

    its a long story that some of us older members know about,

    but benalibina, isnt alowd to contact his children and they are being turned against him,

    so he has gone out of his way by contacting this kind thai person to get some presents to them,

    and im sure they he will pay for the presents,,,

    merry christmas,

    jake who allways tries to look for the best in people

    Sadly, and here is my point, that what the children really want for Christmas is their parents. Back in the UK many years ago my first wife after we divorced used our child as a weapon against me and back then I found myself up against the UK completely uncompassionate legal system where 99.99% of the time the mother holds all the trump cards. The ploy is that the longer the mother can keep the father away from the children the better chance she has of poisoning the children's minds against their Dad. It is like someone who has died and accused of something but unable to defend his/herself because they cannot be on the scene. Later on as our child reached adulthood sadly the bond between father and child was lost, I was considered more as an Uncle Daddy rather than a parent, so I do speak from experience. This is what happens in the cases of absent fathers, no matter what gifts they send to their children, because in these situations, absence does not make the heart grow fonder.

    Harsh and unfair, but that`s the way it is.

  14. Here is a question:

    Does anyone of you have a farang best friend, meaning of any nationality and actually met here in Thailand that you could honestly say would trust without any doubts? Other than just bar buddies or those you meet up with at times for a chat and a bit of conversation.

  15. I was up here in Chiang Mai on the day.

    It was the morning and then there was a short, sharp earth tremor. Suddenly a feeling of dread came over me, never felt like this before, I said to my wife; something terrible has happened, don`t ask me how I know, I just know. Later the reports of the tsunami began to emerge. So this mean`t the quake was felt up here in the north.

    All those people, just happened to be at the wrong place on the wrong time. I have seen the videos, the most heart wrenching was the guy holding his arm out to the old couple and the couple being swept away by the serge of water.

    What this did bring home to me is that we never know where and when our time is up.

    • Like 1
  16. Guys my status isn't at question

    I have a work permit

    I work for a bangkok based

    Advertising agency

    But also sub contract

    To several other agency's

    World wide

    I never visit the office

    Work from home

    Have a income equivalent to 135.000 a month

    For about 25 hours a week

    Some not all come to thsiland


    Less than 10.000 disposable income

    So it's likely

    They going to work

    Australia has the right idea

    Vet a percentage of visitors

    The reason I started the thread

    Was to see what kind do feed back

    I would get

    But some replies quite frankly beggars belief

    I'm not suggesting all tourists are scammers etc etc

    But a active monitoring system

    Would make life in thailand

    Easier for us all

    If u work here great

    If retirement brought you here great

    If a teacher here brilliant

    Try reading the post

    And understand what it means

    Instead of adding 2+2 and coming up with 7

    I am sure a large percentage of visitors

    Would not come if they didn't have the funds

    To play here

    I'm talking about the ones

    That come with little money

    And spend time here

    Scamming as many people as they can

    Falang and thai

    To continue to live here

    Yes they do and that`s already been established.

    I have given my solution to the problem, so how would you deal with these people?

    Anyhow, it`s Christmas day, the wife`s nephew has brought round a traditional Christmas fayre, spicy pork, spicy chicken, spicy noodles, spicy something that`s green and smells like <deleted> floating in some kind of brown slush and some cheap Thai gut rot whiskey. Presently the wife is checking her calculator to add up how much all this food that I could never eat is going to cost me. I am a born again gullible.

    Merry Christmas to you all, let our troubles be slight, may we be happy, successful and in good health for the soon coming new year and the future, that are the real important things and if you`re religious, God bless each and every one of you.

  17. I only live in Asia so I can wear shorts, a vest top, and flip flops every day.cheesy.gif

    I don't know why people care about iffy characters anyway. If you're stupid enough to get scammed it's your own fault, but if not just let them get on with their lives.

    I've met some shady characters who were obviously dealers in their own country, but when you meet them in a gym setting them come across as nice guys.

    I've also met a few people who totally creeped me out and I wanted to get away from them as fast as possible.

    I disagree.

    When I first set foot on Thai soil I met many farangs of various nationalities giving the semblance of being my potential future best friends. I was the new kid on the block considered ripe for extortion, offered deals on purchasing dodgy land and homes at over inflated prices, asked to lend money, farangs trying to sell me beerbars, trying to get me involved if shady business schemes and loads of other crap. At the time I was naïve and extremely gullible, if not for my wife’s family watching out for me I would have probably been bankrupt by now and begging on the streets somewhere destitute. These days, as mentioned, there have been several outfits established that portray themselves as do gooders, working for the welfare and benefit of ex-pats living here, they try to gain the reputations of being credible and trustworthy, some have been involved in scandals over the last few years that in my opinion are the worst offenders of them all and it should be, once bitten 100 times shy.

    It is easy for the old hands here who like me have probably learned from experience to blame the victims that fall foul of scammers, but there are many westerners arriving here that perhaps are not lucky like me to have had people watching over them and set them on the right path. Many come here seeking romance and friendships but instead fall prey to the devious and the unscrupulous.

    This is why I try to be the Thai visa’s unofficial guide to survival in Thailand, advice and to make aware of situations that won’t be published in the guidebooks

    As I have stated many times, do not trust anyone here on face value, Thais, farangs or whoever and treat your money as if it is your lifeblood because in Thailand without money you`re kaput.

    Our money is the only thing we have that everybody wants and will go to any measures, lie, steal, cheat and deceive in order to detach us from it, especially here in LOS, the land of scams.

    as he said: " If you're stupid enough to get scammed it's your own fault".

    naive and gullible certainly qualifies!

    Yes, I do agree there are those that are beyond all help and hopeless cases or in other words the losers who never learn by their mistakes or from the experiences of others. But there are also those that will take advantage of the inexperienced and let us admit, we were all naive sometime in our lives, no one is born streetwise and savvy, most of us have to live and learn, sometimes the hard way.

  18. I only live in Asia so I can wear shorts, a vest top, and flip flops every day.cheesy.gif

    I don't know why people care about iffy characters anyway. If you're stupid enough to get scammed it's your own fault, but if not just let them get on with their lives.

    I've met some shady characters who were obviously dealers in their own country, but when you meet them in a gym setting them come across as nice guys.

    I've also met a few people who totally creeped me out and I wanted to get away from them as fast as possible.

    I disagree.

    When I first set foot on Thai soil I met many farangs of various nationalities giving the semblance of being my potential future best friends. I was the new kid on the block considered ripe for extortion, offered deals on purchasing dodgy land and homes at over inflated prices, asked to lend money, farangs trying to sell me beerbars, trying to get me involved if shady business schemes and loads of other crap. At the time I was naïve and extremely gullible, if not for my wife’s family watching out for me I would have probably been bankrupt by now and begging on the streets somewhere destitute. These days, as mentioned, there have been several outfits established that portray themselves as do gooders, working for the welfare and benefit of ex-pats living here, they try to gain the reputations of being credible and trustworthy, some have been involved in scandals over the last few years that in my opinion are the worst offenders of them all and it should be, once bitten 100 times shy.

    It is easy for the old hands here who like me have probably learned from experience to blame the victims that fall foul of scammers, but there are many westerners arriving here that perhaps are not lucky like me to have had people watching over them and set them on the right path. Many come here seeking romance and friendships but instead fall prey to the devious and the unscrupulous.

    This is why I try to be the Thai visa’s unofficial guide to survival in Thailand, advice and to make aware of situations that won’t be published in the guidebooks

    As I have stated many times, do not trust anyone here on face value, Thais, farangs or whoever and treat your money as if it is your lifeblood because in Thailand without money you`re kaput.

    Our money is the only thing we have that everybody wants and will go to any measures, lie, steal, cheat and deceive in order to detach us from it, especially here in LOS, the land of scams.

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