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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. I wish the NTBC luck, they are going to need it.

    Facebook is a law unto it`s self. They bypass the privacy and data protection laws. they determine what is acceptable and what isn`t and are virtually answerable to no one.

    Why the NTBC will fail in it`s quest to have facebook ban anti Thai propaganda from it`s social network is because then it would mean facebook would have to implement banning all it`s users pages that have political agendas and that maybe bad for business for facebook, it would lose a substantial amount of it`s subscribers and groups including advertisers and so on.

    Then off course there is Utube, Google groups, various forums, blogs and many more to contend with, the list is endless. In fact for the NTBC and those representing any governments, this is an impossible task.

  2. Beetlejuice, by quoting AOA you're continuing to perpetuate his on-line bullying, but I'll attempt to ignore it and respond to your other points as if they were not made as part of a personal attack. I don't think that was your intention, like it was with AOA.

    What you're forgetting is that ThaiVisa is often used by people looking for information. You can't go onto Facebook and ask "where can I go to get drying cleaning done in Chiang Mai" or "I've just received a diagnosis of cancer and been told I have months to live. What are my options if I want to stay in Chiang Mai?" Facebook doesn't work that way, but Thai Visa does.

    In the case of the former question, unfortunately inquirers are met with answers like "use the seearch function" (with no explanation of how to do that), "why are you wearing clothes that require drycleaning?" "send them back to your home country for drycleaning" between the few helpful responses. They shouldn't be made to feel they were wrong or elitist to ask such a question. That's some of was decried in the OP.

    In the second case, Facebook simply isn't a good tool to obtain answers about your options in new situations. You can't do keyword searches. You can't draw upon the experience of hundreds of others in the same geographic area. It's difficult to locate someone in the same situation via Facebook. That's some of the value of Thai Visa. Fortunately, usually people who start posts like this are treated with respect. They may receive some off-the-wall advice about potential cures for their cancer, but it's well-meaning.

    But yes, there are social networking aspects to Thai Visa. It's a fine line. You're right, Beetlejuice. It's not a good idea to divulge too much information. Nor is it a good idea to stalk someone on line, even if it's just for sport.

    Sorry Madam but I really have no idea what your point is? And again this defines what I meant by some taking everything as being personal to them.

    I have agreed with our AmericanOneAmerica view regarding online privacy, this has nothing to do with you, in fact I never gave you a thought when I responded to his post. You may have some grievances with certain posters, but I am under no obligations to be loyal with either one or the other. Disputes between members have nothing to do with me and to be frank I don`t give a rat`s behind.

    As regarding making inquiries here on these forums, surely these can be made using a Thai visa pseudonym name just a well as using a real identity. As for perpetuating to other posters on-line bullying, that`s an accusation that I find offensive, as no where I have mentioned you in any of my comments on this thread and in fact I have not responded personally to you at all.

    The words; chill out, comes into mind.

    • Like 2
  3. Sleeping with women 20-30 years younger than you on a regular basis.

    I have always wondered why couples going to bed to have sex is described as sleeping together? Because the very last things on their minds would actually be climbing under the sheets to have a nap.

  4. I'm confused. I have just seen images of a near naked person from the crash site. How could that happen unless the person had taken their clothes off? I've got a horrible feeling that the people they are finding made it out. Could this mean that there are some alive? I am finding it hard to say this as the plane has been discovered SO close to the last known point of contact but I am puzzled to find a person nearly naked, an emergency raft/slide and a door.

    In many cases of airplane crashes, the clothes are actually ripped off the victims during a high altitude fall or from heavy impact.

    But it`s no point in speculating at this stage, and await the official investigations to be carried out and the reports are concluded.

  5. Building a place for yourself within the local community.

    Having a working knowledge of the Thai language.

    Having friends, both Thai and western, you could count on in times of trouble and being a friend to others who are in trouble.

    Having adequate financial resources to draw upon in a crisis.

    Taking care of your health.

    Having fun and discovering something unexpected every day.

    Being independent and knowing how to take care of your financial, medical, visa and daily shopping needs without having to rely on another individual.


    I'll undoubtedly think of more.

    And above all being able to do all this while staying within the boundaries of Thai law and fulfilling the imposed requirements of the Immigration departments.

    If able to be financially secure for the present and the future without hassles, no matter what types of lifestyles ex-pats prefer, while strictly abiding by the laws, then that determines to me as being a successful ex-pat.

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  6. Don't offer anything until you get to see the whites of her family's eyes.

    Or I call troll.

    Thank you for your reply. On my next visit we are going to see her parents for a few days. She really does seem genuine. I get regular photographs and already have many photographs of her family.

    I am looking forward to meeting them.

    I just don't want to loose this woman or offend the culture

    I think this is a troll thread, but nevertheless, I`ll still play the game.

    You probably know the score regarding these types of situations otherwise you would not have created a thread with your concerns.

    Considering you are aware of the risks involved but howtever, you don`t want to lose this woman, then no advice that anyone gives will convince you that you`re a gullible fool. So wishing you good luck and please keep us up to date on your progress as a continuous warning to others of why not to become involved with gold digging women of ill repute in Thailand.

    I will keep you up to date. I know most of the bar girls are complete gold diggers. But I also believe there are some genuine nice women who only do it out of love for the family. I believe some would like to find a better and more secure life.

    I only hope I have found that genuine one

    Only time will tell

    I will never judge her, and I will do anything to try and improve the life of both her and her family

  7. Don't offer anything until you get to see the whites of her family's eyes.

    Or I call troll.

    Thank you for your reply. On my next visit we are going to see her parents for a few days. She really does seem genuine. I get regular photographs and already have many photographs of her family.

    I am looking forward to meeting them.

    I just don't want to loose this woman or offend the culture

    I think this is a troll thread, but nevertheless, I`ll still play the game.

    You probably know the score regarding these types of situations otherwise you would not have created a thread with your concerns.

    Considering you are aware of the risks involved but howtever, you don`t want to lose this woman, then no advice that anyone gives will convince you that you`re a gullible fool. So wishing you good luck and please keep us up to date on your progress as a continuous warning to others of why not to become involved with gold digging women of ill repute in Thailand.

  8. if noise bothers you move to a quiet soi - they do exist, or leave thailand

    to be honest there are many countries much noisier than thailand, at least here they dont honk their horns night and day.

    in some countries every time a taxi sees a foreigner they honk at them. now that drives you crazy!

    Don`t you think you are being just a tinsy, winsy bit harsh here?

    Down my way there is a karaoke that takes place once or sometimes twice a week. It`s almost half a mile away yet during the late hours it is still loud enough to make the windows vibrate at the rear of our house. I said to my wife, imagine if that karaoke was only a few homes away or in the next soi, it would be a living nightmare.

    Even in the so-called quite sois it is still possible to be lumbered with neighbors from hell, it can happen to any of us, anywhere at anytime, plus for many it is not so easy to just shut shop and move to somewhere else.

    As far as I know there is noise control laws in Thailand, the trick being is having these laws enforced.

  9. Hey Beetlejuice,

    "Considering that you are away 8 months of the year, I would say that your so-called girlfriend has more reasons to mistrust you rather than vice-versa, otherwise what actually do you expect?"

    before I was married, the longest I was ever away from Thailand in 10 years was 6 months - twice - she's been in Canada since 2009 ( that's another story - it took over a year to get the marriage visa so she could leave Thailand) we stay in Canada 8 months - and go to Thailand for the other 4

    In Thai culture, you must show her family you can support her

    The wedding dowry was returned to me the next day, as they are middle class..it was for show

    quote: Although I live in Canada, we go to Phuket 4 months a year.

    If she is your wife, then I think you had better change the title of this thread to go with the change in your story.

  10. Test 3.... If you are far away overseas 99.9999% of them will fail. No one wants to admit it.

    She likes the taste of sausage and will keep having it when you are not here even though she swears she has gone vegetarian.

    Sent from my c64

    Bingo - hence the post

    I'd say it was less than 99.9999%, as it worked for me - so far

    The failure is with you, not Thai culture. Guys only get the women they deserve that would be well out of the contest with females in their own countries. .

  11. Why are some of you guys having relationships with women you can`t trust?

    My wife and I have joint bank accounts, we both share equal access, know the score and what we can withdraw each month without going over our budgets. We have used this system from since we first became engaged.

    If you cannot trust your girlfriends or wives, than obviously you have chosen the wrong partners or you are the types that pick up with losers out of desperation.

    Western attitudes and ingrained cultural paradigms are tough to shake sometimes..we've had joint bank accounts since 2009.

    She was very supportive when I lost all that $$, so that speaks volumes on a person's inherent character...plus a little CBT got me through..

    I read "Thai Fever" in 2006, and several other books like Stephen Leather's..to be cognizant of Thai culture and Thai women.. I stayed with her relatives on and off from day one, so I had a first hand look at their culture, to observe life through their lens, and learned some of the language.. 8 years later I know Thai culture pretty good.

    Although I live in Canada, we go to Phuket 4 months a year, I have a Toyota Hilux truck at the relatives (under cover)

    Having a trade, I helped the family early on with small jobs..I know they only accept me because of her.. but as long as I take good care of her, all is well..

    Most Thai women are good, but You don't want to pick the wrong Thai woman..like the parasitic passion fruit vine, they will suck the host ( the unwitting farang) dry, and callously spit them out..piece by piece..

    Firstly, if you are only with your girlfriend 4 months out of every year, than she is only a holiday girlfriend, which is probably the reason why you do not trust her 100%, someone it seems that you are paying each month in the hope it will make her feel committed to staying loyal during your long absences and to continue being your female companion each time you visit Thailand. If you disagree and considering that you have known her at least since 2008 and not a stranger to her family, than why don`t you make the full commitment and marry the woman? Because the way I see the situation is that your so-called girlfriend has no obligations to remain loyal to any guy, she is still a free agent while you remain her part time boyfriend, plus she has no obligations to budget herself on whatever amounts of money you decide to send her.

    Before taking in all that stuff you are reading as literal, first you should look at the type of role you are playing in this relationship and then perhaps you may see the whole situation in a different perspective.

    quote: Since I was only 90% sure she was okay, I made sure there was never more than 60,000 baht in the account, therefore that was the most I could lose. Considering that you are away 8 months of the year, I would say that your so-called girlfriend has more reasons to mistrust you rather than vice-versa, otherwise what actually do you expect?

  12. Why are some of you guys having relationships with women you can`t trust?

    My wife and I have joint bank accounts, we both share equal access, know the score and what we can withdraw each month without going over our budgets. We have used this system from since we first became engaged.

    If you cannot trust your girlfriends or wives, than obviously you have chosen the wrong partners or you are the types that pick up with losers out of desperation.

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