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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. A few questions for you: if for example you were in a driving license centre, sitting in the waiting area in a queue waiting to called to collect your driving license, then a normal looking English speaking farang guy sat next to you and after a few minutes begins a conversation, nothing extraordinary, perhaps talking about his experiences at the driving license centre during that day or similar. What would be your thoughts and how would you react?

    No problem in the DLC, or a hotel bar/reception, you have something in common.

    Random dudes in the street or supermarkets, no, it's just plain weird.


    I can pick out Chinese and Koreans, no speaking required, you can spot them by their clothing and body shape.

    Burmese amongst Thais also very easy to pick out.

    Not so familiar with Vietnamese.

    Glad that is your answer, you are a gentleman and a scholar.

    I think this is the type of situation the OP is referring to. I have also found myself in similar situations when I have casually begun chatting to another farang and received some kind of rude responses, where the person has acted like a total pig that leaves a sour taste in the mouth, plus it`s demolishing, thinking; why on Earth did I try to talk with that fella? .

    So because of these rude and arrogant attitudes I have over the years blanked most farangs I meet when out unless they approach me first and if they do try to make talk with me I am always hospitable unless the person is trying to sell me something or pushing religion into my face.

    • Like 1
  2. Let's take for example, a Western guy who marries a Thai woman and moves to Thailand. Let's say he speaks little or no Thai, and her English is very basic. Once he moves here, his social network back home typically begins to gradually wither away. Since the guy cannot speak Thai, he may find that his wife is one of the few people in her family or the village he can communicate with. In some cases, the language barrier can be so severe that even conversing with his wife can be a struggle. On top of this, the guy may struggle to adjust to the local culture and the resources available to help with this adjustment may be limited.

    Complete BS,

    Try talking to a stranger in Walmart next time you are back in the US, they will avoid you.

    I just don't want to talk to strangers when I'm shopping.

    In Thai, English, French or Spanish.

    I agree with you to a point. I also would not want to feel obliged to have to acknowledge every other farang who I happen to be sharing the same space with when I`m out and I don`t think this is the issue here.

    A few questions for you: if for example you were in a driving license centre, sitting in the waiting area in a queue waiting to called to collect your driving license, then a normal looking English speaking farang guy sat next to you and after a few minutes begins a conversation, nothing extraordinary, perhaps talking about his experiences at the driving license centre during that day or similar. What would be your thoughts and how would you react?

    Would you think; Oh hell, why did this a/hole have to pick on me? Seems like a decent gentleman and reciprocate the conversation? Reciprocate the conversation thinking I`m glad the guy sat next to me, to pass the time and break the monotony of what would otherwise be a boring day? Reciprocate but in a cold curt manner making it obvious you don`t want to talk with him? Ignore the guy completely? Or get up and go to sit somewhere else?

    Sorry, no prizes for the right answer, just interested in your attitude, the ways of thinking and how you would react if you found yourself in the kind of situation I am mentioned above.

    • Like 1
  3. A most times I have and do receive satisfactory service and hardly any problems with goods purchased, but once in a while I am unlucky enough to buy a dud or a service has been crap.

    After living in Thailand for many years I have formed the attitude that if and when a purchase is not up to standard or a service does not reach expectations, is to make my disappointment known and if the company or store refuses to appease me then I turn my back and never return to a particular store or service provider again, or in other words, once bitten, 100 times shy.

    From long ago I lost the energy and will power to put up a fight in these matters and then just put it down to bad luck and experience. The best revenge is to hit these companies in the pocket, just don`t use their services again and tell others to avoid these places that can make an impact considering that most Thai companies, large and small depend on having good reputations.

    • Like 1
  4. I be honest I do not understand why the OP is asking the question?

    Usually the banks give this information as standard, and will advise of the process for those who are unsure. As our SlyAnimal says; each bank may have a slightly different procedure, but nevertheless I would have thought the bank would have been the first line of inquiry if the OP has been truthful with his UK bank and intends obtaining the said debit card via his bank`s official procedure.

  5. It works like this:

    First the customer if living in Thailand must have an offshore UK savings account. Then the customer makes an application either online or by phone for a debit card pertaining to their savings account.

    The UK bank first sends the debit card with a membership number to an address in Thailand that the customer has registered with their UK bank.

    A few days later the UK bank sends a pin number to the same Thailand address. Once received the customer has to peel off an adhesive cover exposing the membership and pin numbers. Once the card, membership and pin number is received, the customer then has to phone their UK bank, going through their security clearance procedures to activate the card and numbers. The customer than has the choice of going into their online account or phoning their bank change the pin number. Easy peesy.

    If for some reasons the customer is trying to hoodwink their UK bank and the bank believes that the customer has an address in the UK, then it becomes the risk of customers having the card sent over to Thailand, as they are totally uncovered if the card or numbers go astray or it is used by criminals to gain access into a customers account.

  6. Each time I consider buying something or using a service that has a price label with a description in Thai, I always ask how much first before agreeing to any service or purchasing an item.

    Learn at least some basic Thai is the key to these misunderstandings otherwise it`s a case of taking pot luck and hoping for the best. Anyhow, in my book 150 baht is still a bargain price, especially for an old track dirt bike. Thank you for the info on this, think I will take my bikes to be washed there myself.

  7. I listened to several minutes of the said audio and would say that it`s way too fast and furious, the quality is awful lots of static interference in the background and some words I had great difficulty in hearing properly and even as a native English speaker I too was not able to catch all the words and sentences in the audio.

    This is not a good example to use for an educational project for those who`s English is not their first language. In order to decipher the whole audio will take some intense listening and probably many hours of work to do this piece by piece, unless there is a better quality version of this audio to be found somewhere else online?

    Wishing the OP success but think she is working against the odds with this one.

    • Like 1
  8. It just means that those who prefer the western lifestyles and can`t tolerate the average Thai foods must expect to pay more,

    Indeed, my excellent chap, however getting a whacking salary/package is part of the joy of being here for me; I don't have to spend time hunting down 69/99B breakfasts or hanging around for the change either...nor do I have to wax lyrical about the 'joys' of filth filled 30B Noodle soup.....

    Considering you are rich and described me as excellent and that I am worthy of such compliments, I am beginning to like you.

    Yes, I agree, some of these noodle cafes are so filthy that even the flies give them a wide berth. But over the years I have found 2 or 3 decent clean and trusted noodle cafes. As the wise man says; seek and you will find. As I said; for those who don`t mind paying more to have what they enjoy, good luck, but the theme of this thread is about buying western type foods for less money and I am saying; for the price of 99 baht the options are going to be extremely limited.

    • Like 1
  9. It`s a grander life here for those who can adapt to the Thai lifestyles.

    Indeed, but unlike you, in all your self imagined Thainess, Some folks can't all metamorphasise into Thais and prefer to eat what we know to break our fasts of a morning.

    I used to enjoy the Noodles of a morning until it became like planning an invasion of Eastern Europe just to get a bowl of Noodle soup how I like it.

    "Khao Tom Moo" was a better option but seems on the wane in popularity these days....

    That`s not a problem nor am I criticising anyone who prefers western foods. Even I, with all my Thainess at times have to go and indulge in a farangy meal, at least about once a week. I also enjoy some of the farangy meals available at the Rin Ping supermarkets, especially the curries and meat pies, but these are no bargain buys.

    It just means that those who prefer the western lifestyles and can`t tolerate the average Thai foods must expect to pay more, probably even more for their food than in their home countries. For those who can afford it, have the choice, but I have a genuine fondness for Thai food that I would much prefer rather than a Crap Donalds or a KFC that is disgusting food.

  10. ignis, on 06 Jan 2015 - 11:01, said:
    ATF, on 06 Jan 2015 - 10:22, said:

    Nancy any 69 0r 99 Baht breakfasts in CM?

    No idea about CM, but around where I live Thais eat the same more of less every meal, most open around 5 am, 20 - 30 baht gets a good meal..

    So yes you could have all your daily meals for 99 baht, or breakfast 7 days a week for 140 baht.

    [been often but just before they close at midday, red + crispy pork with rice a big meal for 25 baht.]

    We are talking about English breakfasts. Bacon, eggs and sausages. Thais don't try to scam their customers either by selling for 24 baht or 29 baht.

    I doubt whether it is even possible to buy these ingredients for 69 baht or 99 baht, let alone buy for those prices in a cafe.

    It`s a grander life here for those who can adapt to the Thai lifestyles.

  11. Nancy any 69 0r 99 Baht breakfasts in CM?

    Depends on what you like for breakfast.

    Down my way I often visit the several noodle cafes in the area that open from 6.00am and in those it is possible to buy a bowl of yellow noodles with chicken or pork and a bottle of pop all for 40 baht. In the farangy places the prices are probably more up to 89 to 99 baht. Over the years I have become used to eating Thai style foods in the mornings.

    As regarding the pound shop equivalents, usually there are the Daiso stores that accompany the Rin Ping supermarkets. All the goods in those stores, 60 baht and like the pound shops most of it is junk. Then there are the local markets that often sell even more assorted junk for 10 baht to 20 baht. There are similar shops that sell the cheap goods downstairs of the Big C supermarkets.

  12. It called being two faced not peculiar to Thais.

    I assume May is female? She probably wants a good <deleted> or at least told that's she's the most beautiful girl in the office.

    Total crapola.

    Thais are no more 2 faced than anyone else. Just another Thai bashing post. Give people like you half a chance and you can`t resist getting one in.

    Also if and when a member of staff approaches the boss with a problem or regarding disputes, than any boss of worth should be able to sort out the problem without bothering the supervisor. This is why they are paid higher wages than the staff under them to take the load off the management, it`s what they are paid to do. I think the problem actually lies with the boss who it appears is unable to control his staff and the smooth running at the field of business.

  13. Epilogue:

    Ah.. and my Chang singlet is all clean and fresh.. I wonder if chicks will even recognise me this way.

    Also, some pics. Never seen it this empty in the last 15 years. Plenty parking, empty seating outside.

    attachicon.gifDSC00129.jpg attachicon.gifDSC00131.jpg

    And now, off for some beers.


    Thanks for this Winnie, I have been viewing this thread in anticipation hoping you obtain a good result.

    The photos remind me of one of those movies where there has been an alien invasion or a virus epidermic and all the people have disappeared. We can only hope that one day this comes true regarding Immigration, then we could just walk in and stamp our own passports.

    But please be careful, because with quality photos like those you could be doing our Dave2 out of a job.

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  14. Well, I agree with you completely I HATE the LGBT term - I don't think it will last - and I'm against gay marriage.

    I think that a legal partnership formula that truly gives equal rights to homosexual partners is fair to everyone. It really gets on my nerves when some people insist that not supporting gay marriage is bigoted. I feel that traditional marriage should remain the tradition and civil partnerships - or something similar - should apply to non-traditional marriages, but with the exact same rights as heterosexual couples.

    In many cases there is no choice, because to show disapproval of certain political correctnesses and of now that has become apparently acceptable in a lot of countries, even without prejudice is actually going against the law. It is possible to face heavy fines, bans and even incarceration just for our views The subject of gay marriage can be considered as borderline prejudice even if some do not agree with it just for practical reasons.

    The gay communities worldwide, just like many other minorities have fought uphill battles for centuries to obtain the freedoms and rights they have today, although there is still much bias and hated displayed towards them. But in my opinion when political correctnesses and silencing rules and laws are imposed upon people to the extremes then this can increase hatred and prejudice even more, that becomes a discrete form of hatred that they never know when and where these hatreds are going to come to the surface. So it is no wonder that these people are maybe wary of others that are not their peers or in their circles.

    In actually, this is a rather complicated issue as to what should be acceptable and where to draw the line and not to be perceived as being bigots ourselves. Or perhaps it`s a case of, the less said, the better.

  15. Anywhere we walk out in public in Thailand, there are motorbikes and cars coming out of every gate and building entrances and exits. The side walks are hardly what could be described as side-walks at all, hardly room for 2 people to pass each other. I describe walking anywhere in Thailand as running the gauntlet.

    Even on the narrow side-walks there have been times when vehicle mirrors have just missed my head, especially the big trucks and buses. Then there are what I call the booby traps. Big cracks, holes and high kerbs just waiting to claim a victim. Going out and about in Thailand is not for the meek, we have to be just as alert the same as driving a vehicle here.

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