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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. It is all very simple, wild elephants and dumb tourists don`t mix. The area is the elephants territory, it is the tourists who are encroaching on their space.

    The elephants habitat should be regarded as a protected zone, a sanitary for these animals and tourists imposed to keep at a distance to cease causing stress to the elephants. But obviously this will not happen because that would be considered as being bad for business, where profits are given a higher priority than the welfare of the animals.

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  2. I would not advise riding a bicycle on the roads of Thailand unless you have a death wish.

    Utter nonsense. I cycle between 500 & 700km a week and I find the roads safer than the UK where drivers are allowed to do 100km an hour on the tiniest of country lanes. Off course, like everywhere you have to be smart and look at what is going on around you. I note that motorcycle drivers bear the brunt of the New year casualties but when you look at how they drive and the amount of alcohol that some may consume then it is not surprising. Yes, Thai drivers are not the best in the word, but they are predictable. Beetlejuice if you want to come and try cycling with us in Chiang Mai I'd be delighted to show you the joys and pleasures of life awheel. But please don't post such nonsense.

    I can remember once trying to cycle around the moat down by where the Computer Plaza is today. I wanted to continue going straight on and the bulk of the traffic decided to make a right turn. My little legs were peddling like crazy but could not make enough steam to get ahead of the right turning traffic, so it was either go with the flow or end up splattered all over the road. That`s was the end of my cycling days in Thailand. Still having nightmares about that 20 years on.

  3. Remarks made against Thais are posted strictly to provoke other TV members. It's the Greeks, Germans and Dutch I prefer to mock.


    Probably because there are no Thai (only) posters using Thai Visa, now Miss Farm Girl has stopped posting.

    A few guys (4-5) with Thai nationality due to their moms, but raised in another country.

    A few foreign guys pretending to be Thai girls.

    One why is as explained above - spot on.

    The other why is because what Greek poster comes to mind, Germans because they seem to be on the freaky side and the older Dutch are tight with the baht - frugal. Makes perfect sense.

    I suppose this is what Thai women refer to as going Dutch, meaning, if they date a Dutchman they have to pay for themselves.

  4. Thanks again for sharing. I've expressed my opinion and you've expressed yours. I suggest you focus more on the topic (or your perception of it) rather than others posting here. Cheers.

    you did not only expressed your opinion you attempted to characterize, and dismiss mine as,

    and I quote "gay bait" what ever that might mean


    Best to not take Jingthing`s, comments to heart. He considers anyone who disagrees with his opinions is a personal affront to him and various minority groups that he believes he represents, so therefore he is always on the side of the righteous and can never be wrong.

  5. There are 3 Nationalities that take the bulk of the criticism on TV and they are the English,American,and Australians,and it's quite obvious that many of the posters are only posting to Bash the Nationality that they have a problem with! IMO by far, most of the Posters are pro Thai!,which can be seen in Redshirt support.

    Over the years of reading thousands of posts submitted by the members who participate most here on Thai visa, I would dispute that and say the majority have an acute disdain for Thailand and the Thai people. They have even invented their own anti Thai derogatory term; Thainess, a description that has come to mean, blundering, stupid and ignorant.

    Once a thread is published about any criminal acts committed by Thais, anything regarding the police, authorities, political and for literally any excuse, the Thai bashers come out in droves here on Thai visa.

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  6. Man up and manage the situaton.

    The english spelling is 'situation'
    Would this require me going into the kitchen?

    Give us some background on your Thai girlfriend? What does she do in the UK?

    Have you left your girlfriend anything in your wiil? Or it maybe worth investigation if she has opened a discrete life insurance policy for you where she is the beneficiary, the ploy being you die of natural causes brought on by bad food hygiene.

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

  7. I would like to see what will be your reaction and feelings when they start bashing your country, wherever it is:whistling:

    Costas, My country is The United States and it is bashed more than Thailand on this site.

    In fact, I bash it a bit myself , often.

    But, I never go to anti American sites looking for trouble...

    Quote: Why would any Thai come to this site in the first place if not to find confrontation?

    Are you for real? Do you truly believe that the Thai visa forums are all about confrontations? In principle I was always under the impression that these forums are about sharing ideas and information for the benefits of ex-pats living here or considering moving to Thailand and that also gives Thai people an opportunity to become involved in ex-pat affairs and experiences, not for the purposes to get criticised and offended.

    I can assure you that the police and especially Immigration take an active interest in these threads and comments that contravene Thailand`s strict defamatory laws are noted. If was not the case than Thai visa would not require the services of it`s moderators.

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  8. The ideas of those who make the decisions was to transform Chiang Mai into some sort of cultural capital of Thailand, a sort of yuppies paradise, with nature trekking, expensive tours, golf and tennis courts for the well to do, the abundance of expensive high rise hotels, it`s temples being major tourist attractions, posh shopping facilities and expectations of enticing rich Thais and foreigners to invest in the high end property markets, transforming traditional massage parlours into spas and rip off VIP body to body massage clubs.

    Really? I always thought the plan of he who made the decisions was to make Chiang Mai a gambling Mecca: Thaksin Revives Gamble On Casinos rolleyes.gif

    I am not seeing "the abundance of expensive high rise hotels", the only two that fit that description are the Las Vegas style concrete monoliths of the Shangri La and Le Meridien. There was much un-confirmed suspicion at the time that these were built with an "informed expectation" that the Casino would be coming soon. The other down-town high rise hotels are not in the same league, being much older and pre-dating any such comprehensive plans for Chiang Mai. Many are three star at best and catering to budget tourists.

    In stark contrast, most other five star properties that really do cater for affluent visitors wanting the Chiang Mai experience are all low rise resort or boutique style hotels, much more in keeping with the original ambiance of Chiang Mai. e.g. Four Seasons, Dara Dhevi, 137 Pillars, Rachamankha, Anantara(ex-chedi) plus may, many more.

    After Thaksin's departure and the subsequent political crisis I'm not sure there are any decision makers with a clear vision of how Chiang Mai should develop. Quite the contrary, the last few years developments has been everyone doing what they want without any control or planning. Just take the disaster that is Rinkham intersection as an example; the problem is not the developments themselves, but the fact they were allowed to proceed without first having a city plan and putting adequate infrastructure in place.

    At least Promenada does not suffer from those problems, the infrastructure and access are good, the only question is the location being out of town. It is also much more in keeping with the boutique resort style concept than Central Festival or Airport.

    Just like all the other amazing projects that were planned for Chiang Mai, such as the rumoured Disneyland style theme park, the northern Thailand to China extended route 3 freeway via Laos to China that was going to bring tourism, business and prosperity to the region and the ski slopes theme park that never transpired.

    Chiang Mai is the 2nd largest city in Thailand, yet it has no proper organised public transport system of any kind. There are only taxis, limited city buses and no trains. A few years ago a decision was made to purchase a fleet of up to date state of the art air-conditioned buses and run them on several routes. The fares were going to cost 10 baht and run to a frequency of 15 minutes. but for some reasons those too did not transpire. Instead the authorities seem to push ahead and throw billions of bahts into schemes that are not wanted or needed and play no major roles in the infrastructural system of the city.

    As regards the Shinawatra dynasty, my wife`s family believe that the non progress of Chiang Mai is political, because this region is the Shinawatra constituency and those that make most of the decisions in Bangkok are bias and therefore the stagnant nature of Chiang Mai is deliberate policy.

  9. I have been robbed of all possesions , ive been chased and bitten by wild dogs , im slept in the streets , ive met wild thai men waving there smith and wessons in the air. Ive Seen brawls , ive seen a farang punch a thai police in the face ,ive been taken in by korean mafia In pattaya and ive lived with phuket police .

    And this guy really believes he is qualified to give advice to other farangs living in Thailand?

    My advice to the OP is; don`t give up his day job.

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  10. I know it was "Wan Dek aka Children's day" today but the Prom was packed to the rafters and not a car park to be found (I made one though).

    Very lively atmosphere today.

    Don't go righting her off just yet. Think you may be surprised that these "investors" actually knew what they were doing. Long term.

    I for one welcome it in amongst the other soulless malls in town.

    The reason I like it is it is as you say a mall with a soul.

    When it was first brought to the attention of the people a few years back it was hyped up to be a mall with high end stores. I believe they ran into some money problems and had to put it on hold. The result as we see it now is not much in the way of high end stores. Toys or Us I will call high end also Rimping. I do think that the original planners did how ever have an eye to the future rather than today and it will not close it's doors. For sure things have to change but in the mean time they will stay open. It will defiantly take some innovative thinking but I am sure they will be up to the challenge.

    For instance it has been jokingly or seriously mentioned here that Immigration be moved into it. That would defiantly be a possibility and bring in more customers. Probably draw a lot of dissatisfaction because it is in an inconvenient location. But it would sure allow room for more staff.

    I agree that these shopping malls will probably survive but over a period of time will probably become dilapidated like the Kad Suan Kaew An indication that these malls are not doing so well is when they begin renting out their grounds to market vendors in order to attract more customers as like the Kad Farang.

    As for the Immigration department site, I cannot see any improvements there in the foreseeable future and the battle for a slot will continue for the present.

    As regards Chiang Mai tourism, this has to be placed into the right perspective. Dwindling away what may be considered as the low end type tourists and establishments is not a wise move. I am not by any means suggesting that Chiang Mai should be transformed into another Pattaya, but there has to be a compromise, quality themes and venues that suit all tastes and taking into consideration those on lesser budgets so that more tourists will consider Chiang Mai as a desirable travel destination, not just those on one end of the scale, which does not appear to be a success. In my opinion re-vamping and restoration is the answer, not clamp downs and decline of one sector and then creating more shopping malls that are in competition with each other in a city that is already over facilitated with more supermarkets and shopping malls than is required and are hence never used to their full capacity.

    Another great disaster is the Pantip Plaza. It was meant to be the great central hub of Chiang Mai`s retail IT and technical outlet, but was more or less a non starter, many of the stores in their have come and gone never to reopen.

  11. @Beetlejuice, go crawl back inside your hole. You have no idea what is happening in Chiang Mai whatsoever. You always talk the same BS every time this comes up. You don't understand Asian tourism or Asian expats at all. You don't understand the money that is made. Western tourists showing up in Thailand, unshaven, wearing flip flops and buying Chang beer, fried rice, and bar-fining cheap hookers while they stay in 200 THB per night huts is a thing of the past. Thailand has grown up economically. And as far as your suggestion that young people only show up at high-end establishments to use the free WiFi is ludicrous. They are some of the big spenders. Ever notice how much money young Thais drop at the trendy bars up at MAYA rooftop or at Nimman nightclubs? Or at restaurants like the Dukes? No, of course not. Even CM students have huge allowances these days and drop lots of money when they go out.

    "...Chiang Mai tourist wise has become a disaster and has now become a desirable destination for the elderly ex-pat retirees, who are on limited incomes many living on shoestring budgets and are not the beneficial high spending farang elite as those who had great expectations for Chiang Mai had hoped..."

    That clearly shows that you have no idea what is going on. Yes I agree about the "elderly ex-pat retirees, who are on limited incomes" but to say what you have in the 2nd part of that sentence clearly shows you don't understand what is going on. The Thai and other Asian tourists have exceeded the expectations and are the real "high spenders".

    Getting personal with insults is an indication of low intellect, I suggest that you try other means of getting your point across.

    I can assure you that I know more about what goes on in Chiang Mai than you do, plus you have copied and pasted only part of my post that does not give a full description of what I have explained.

    Firstly the Chesapeake farang tourists as you describe them do yield in a lot of profits in numbers, the southern resorts such as Phutket, Pattaya and many parts of Bangkok are full of them and as far as I know, the establishments that cater for these people are doing very well, but Chiang Mai has chosen a path to cut down on the numbers of these types of tourists, going for what is considered quality rather than quantity that is not working. Many of the Chinese and other south east Asian tourists are not cut out for what they are alleged to be, they are not the hi so cultural big spending visitors as many are lead to believe.

    3 years ago the Airport Plaza finding they had a problem with young people not spending and using their facilities as a hang out tried to install a policy of not letting students in as groups and certain groups of young people into the mall. They put security personal on the entrances that tried to vet these people trying to get in and turned away those they considered were of no benefit to the businesses there. Then after a couple of weeks the numbers of visitors to the mall dwindled to such low levels that the Airport Plaza done a U turn and ceased vetting visitors into the mall.

    What I said previous still stands, the Chiang Mai experiment in trying to attract what is considered as a better higher spending class of clientele is not working.

  12. I know that many may think this incident as being funny and humorous, but the fact is that this creep probably has the potential to stalk his victims and rape, which is the real scary part. I guarantee that none of you would want this perv living or working in the same vicinity as your children, wives or female relatives.

    This sort of behaviour should be classified as a sexual offence and the guy placed on a sexual offenders list and his activates monitored, perhaps imposing him to report to the police of his whereabouts every month, because I doubt this is his first sexual offence and doubt this will be his last.


  13. I'm still a fan of relocating all of the Loi Kroh bars to Promenda!....and perhaps a chunk of the karoke bars as well

    Aircon, lighting, good food available, parking (undercover for bikes no less when it rains), no wandering LBs, reduction in criticism of the Loi Kroh street, bigger bars, better furniture and seating, large flat screen TVs, tuk tuk, tour buses and taxi ranks, perhaps a medical practice, neon neon neon, fully utilize the alfresco areas, decent toilets, could cater for Malaysian/Koreans/Japanese/Chinese visitors, ATMs, .plenty of places to launch lanterns/fireworks at festivals/parties, clean, no hawkers, easy obstacle free walking from one venue to another ....a veritable tourist Mecca smile.png

    Done properly would sh*t on Soi Cowboy, Patpong etc but alas with current regime do not see this as a happening....maybe my dream complex name of Thaksinland is simply going to far.

    I have a dream.......

    Many a true word said in jest.

    The ideas of those who make the decisions was to transform Chiang Mai into some sort of cultural capital of Thailand, a sort of yuppies paradise, with nature trekking, expensive tours, golf and tennis courts for the well to do, the abundance of expensive high rise hotels, it`s temples being major tourist attractions, posh shopping facilities and expectations of enticing rich Thais and foreigners to invest in the high end property markets, transforming traditional massage parlours into spas and rip off VIP body to body massage clubs.

    Now what we have is numerous huge shopping malls that the younger crowds use as hang outs and others for their wi-fi facilities rather than spending money, these malls are rarely full to capacity, high end hotels that remain virtually empty for most of the year, expensive spas, scamming karaoke bars and over priced posh happy ending parlours spread around the city, the Night Safari that has gained a reputation for it`s diabolical lack of care to it`s animals, the same applying to the Tiger temple kingdoms and zoo, the almost total annihilation of the late night Chiang Mai nightlife and adult entertainments scene, all that is left is the handful of skanky beerbars and happy ending parlours in the filthy run down area of Loi Kroh Road that seems to be an appeasement or to give Chiang Mai the semblance that it still has a flourishing adult entertainments section left in the city, limited decent western style restaurants, plus the so-called high seasons seem to have dwindled over the years.

    Chiang Mai tourist wise has become a disaster and has now become a desirable destination for the elderly ex-pat retirees, who are on limited incomes many living on shoestring budgets and are not the beneficial high spending farang elite as those who had great expectations for Chiang Mai had hoped.

    Many of my family and friends from abroad that holiday in Thailand once a year are now giving Chiang Mai a miss, saying that the city is expensive, boring and any incentives for the enticement of tourist to the area have become practically non existent.

  14. Update:

    3 hostage takers known to have been killed, 4 hostages killed and 2 policeman injured at the supermarket.

    3 "terrorist heroes" dead, 210 young virgin girls to find up there for them smile.png

    It`s too late now, the western world has managed to breed it`s own home grown terrorists that are spreading like a cancer around the world. This has been a dormant volcano now starting to erupt. At least during WW2 the allies knew the enemy that were on the outside trying to get in. Now they have a much more difficult dilemma, the enemy within, psychopathic suicidal fanatics that want to take as many people as possible to hell with them that can crawl out of the woodwork at any time at any place.

    I believe this is a dawning of a new era of the ultra extremist terrorist, possibly the worse threats of danger towards the west since WW2. The world could be heading for a war between East vs West.

    The situation has become dire, for which I blame the policies of consecutive western governments, not only as regards Immigration policies but also for intervening into the affairs of middle eastern politics believing these countries would be a pushover mostly for the purposes of domination over oil supplies.

    How the west is going to get it`s self out of this mess, I have no idea?

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