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Posts posted by Beetlejuice

  1. You're no longer in the western world. You have to leave western thinking behind. Just try to have fun and you will meet many like minded people along the way. My advise is to wing it and let it happen.

    My guess is the girls were probably unimpressed with Chiang Mai and have moved on to pastures anew by now. No point in given them any further advice until if or when they return with a report on their activities.

  2. Thais just fold the boards up and throw them away, but the rats will starve to death slowly, stuck in the glue. They make pitiful noises and struggle to get away.

    I take a long, fairly wide pvc pipe and cover their head and put all my weight on it. It will break their spine quickly and then I use the same pipe to crush their skull completely with the edge. It is the fastest and most humane way that I have found to put them out of their misery after they are stuck.

    Hang them on the wall and use them for targets--air guns, slingshots, darts, knives, or even rocks. Makes for great fun.

    Better still, try this on the wife. Makes an easier bigger target and gives hours of pleasure. Great fun for the whole family, the kids will love it.

    • Like 1
  3. Winnie, please tell me what, Igbt means? I tried looking it up but all I found was, insulated-gate bipolar transistor.

    To start with it begins with an L not an i. smile.pnghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT

    Thanks for that Tywais. I`m not up to all this newfangled cyber abbreviation stuff out there. Most of the time I am struggling to understand what most of these descriptions mean. I now except I`m passed my sell by date.

  4. ^ Yes, that was also where I was going with the question on why she'd even mention/consider (male) gay bars. I was wondering if the answer would be along the lines of acceptance of lgbt people, or not being hit on.

    So with male gay bars also ruled out and no further description of the ideal place / expectations, I think the answer just remains that just about any place that is otherwise fun (music, ambiance, people) should work just fine. On the other hand it may also be a bit presumptuous of me to declare that being lesbian completely isn't an issue anywhere in Chiang Mai; while that is certainly my perception and (limited) experience, I'd have to be lesbian (or at least female) to say for sure.

    So visit a couple pubs along Nimmanhaemin Rd (some are down the sois), and also visit Zoe Yellow and nearby bars. For a short visit that's pretty much all you need anyway. And note that many of the bars with bargirls along Loy Kroh are also very welcoming to women in general. Those are actually a fair option a bit earlier before Zoe gets going.

    Winnie, please tell me what, Igbt means? I tried looking it up but all I found was, insulated-gate bipolar transistor.

  5. glue boards are just revolting and should be abolished its so in humane sow death half the body stuck while the other half tries to break free, birds frogs etc all getting stuck and dying the same horrible death ad people leave the boards outside

    Totally agree, glue boards are a cruel and barbaric method of eliminating mice and rats.

    There are several kinds of traps that can be used that causes less pain and suffering to these rodents. I use cage traps if mice get into the house. Very easy, just place a piece of chocolate or cake in the cage and set the spring mechanism to close the cage door once a mouse or rat enters. Then in the morning if a mouse is inside the cage, I take it outside of the property and release the mouse. They never return to the house, there is no such thing as homing mice.

    If in the attic then I lay down poison pellets . These pellets don`t kill instantly, they allow the mice or rats to return to their nests and feed the poison to their offspring, therefore as they say; killing more than one bird with one stone. The poison is slow acting, it does not cause them pain, the mice or rats just keel over and die.The cage traps can be bought virtually everywhere and the pellets are on sale at all the big supermarkets.



  6. A Frenchman called, Dmitri?

    It appears that in Thailand deaths of farangs is a suicide until proven otherwise.

    Sadly I very much doubt that how and why this person died will be established and this is the last we will hear of this case. Just another mystery death to add to the lists. But it does seem that the proportion of farang deaths here in Thailand is exceptionally high and rather scary. The question being, WHY?

  7. Winnie,

    That's the point, we don't. Like I said, mixed spaces are great, but in general, we'd be in the way in most gay male spaces, so we were hoping to avoid making ourselves or a venue uncomfortable by avoiding those spaces. In general, it appears we'll probably end up unsuccessful, as we're not going to be here long enough to suss out where we might go.

    The truth about most LGBT people a great deal of cisgender/heterosexual folks seem to fail to grasp is, while there are certainly stereotypes, mostly we look like you. You'd never know unless we told you. Maybe I'd be hit on less by guys if it was more obvious, but alas, probably not. Because then I'd probably just get more "can I watch" comments and the like. >____>

    Firstly, I must apologise for the disgusting comments of one particular poster. Totally embarrassing for all of us. Unfortunately there are certain themes that attract the morons like magnets, a sad loser that had probably forgotten to take his medication.

    I think by now you already know what is and what is not available in Chiang Mai. As I said the nightlife and entertainments here are extremely limited. My advice is; just be yourselves, don`t give a rat`s behind about what anyone else thinks, go out and have fun.

    Something you may enjoy: hire a taxi after dark if you don`t have your own transport, travel up to the Doi Suthep mountains. It is possible to see the whole city from up there, and at night it is amazing, a truly romantic setting looking down at all the lights. An opportunity to take some great photos that is unique and cannot be done anywhere else and perhaps leaving you with some fond memories of Chiang Mai.

  8. What a bizarre statement to make about someone you know nothing about....sad.png

    Are you ok ?? Sounds like the Cool guy is pulling his weight in the house.

    But anyway, back to intelligent discourse, I suspect the gamut of relationships

    here run the same gamut as they do back in farangland. Meaning you may have

    a wife who loves you to pieces, or she may planning on how to to kill you. But this

    depends on who you marry , so indirectly it really is your choice on how your

    married life turn out. Regarding being swamped by family members, I do not know

    much about that, as my in laws are far far away.

    Beetlejuice can be excluded from this discussion about family and marriage,

    as apparently he ascended to the final absolute level of Thainess, and is so

    deeply integrated into the culture, that he can now heap scorn upon any fellow

    expats who do not exist in the same rarified plane as himself. Always amusing

    to read his posts......

    Nothing to do with Thailness or any other kinds of nesses, men only end up with the women they deserve. I have low tolerance levels for moaners, wringers, the forever complainers and the long and suffering and those that seem to have a chip on their shoulders. For some reasons these farangs believe that the Thais should step over into their modes of thinking and because they are Thai should be more subservient towards them then people in their home countries. In fact these attitudes is a display of an old type of colonialism, a discrete form of racism that these people should know their place within the domain of the big white man who expects total obedience for his money and also assuming that all Thais have the same traits, they`re all out to rip them off. You are the person that practices Thainess, Thainess has become a racist description meaning everything that is bad about the Thai people, it is certainly not an expression of term of endearment but rather a compact racist way of describing everything Thai. You portray foreigners that like to integrate into the Thai way of life and families happy with their lot here as something that is shameful and should be frowned upon. This in my book makes you a hypocrite because you are here. It`s that simple.

    • Like 1
  9. It is up to you to establish ground rules. They then follow that which you have set forth. The wife should understand you have rules to be followed in your home. For me, I love her family, and they are always welcome in our home. But, only a few at a time and they know that and respect that. So does my wife. If you do not create boundaries, you will be walked upon in life.

    You sound pompous.

    Your wife has the same rights as you in her own home without having to abide by the masters ground rules. I am finding it extremely difficult to comprehend that you people are for real. I also fail to understand what any woman would see in the likes of you? Certainly not your charm and bubbling personality. These women must be desperate, there is no ways that guys like you would be tolerated by women in the west and it soon becomes apparently obvious why.

    This thread for me has been an education and now suddenly realising why I have a disdain for so many other ex-pats here. My wife is right, they are weird, it`s the yuk factor.

    • Like 2
  10. Bangmai:

    Hardeeharhar, like I've never heard jokes about lesbian hairstyles or women's prisons before. Ever. You're so original, give yourself a round of applause at your uniqueness and creativity.


    I think we were more looking for some place we'd actually be wanted as opposed to merely allowed. We did check out a one of the major gay male bars, but didn't stay very long. We were the only women present, and as soon as I asked about anything remotely related to a lesbian scene I was pretty much told, "doesn't exist." So, whatevs.


    We had some salad and pizza at Duke's. Good stuff.

    What do you mean by actually wanted?

    If you are looking for an exclusive lesbian establishment or somewhere that has a fair number of lesbian clientele, I don`t think you are going to find such places in Chiang Mai. When it comes to nightly entertainments in the city, Chiang Mai is very male orientated, gay or otherwise and the same applies here on most of the Thai visa forums,

    You may get some better results in the Ladies Forum here:


  11. the Plant post # 18.

    Nay laddie, she popped orf to sit with some other sap who didn't ''think or talk too mut''

    There I sat broken hearted .

    I'd spent a grand

    But then she farted and departedcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Those immoral immortal lines above are from the well known Yiddish poet, '' Rabbi Berns." wai2.gif

    I thought you were quoting a poem from the famous 18th century Scottish poet and lyricist, but suddenly realised that he was Robbie Burns and I don`t think he was Jewish, although we never know?

    As regarding the speaking of foreign languages, I can speak three, English, Thai and Rubbish.

  12. I just checked what LGBT means, so now able to respond to the OP`s inquiry.

    Whether gay or not, you will be welcome. Never heard of any Chiang Mai establishments that have a discriminate anti gay and lesbian policy.

    As I have mentioned many times here in the Chiang Mai forum, the Chiang Mai nightly entertainments scene is abysmal. Besides a MacDonalds and perhaps a few Thai noodle stalls I doubt that you will find much else open after 10.00pm The Red Lion pub and restaurant used to open into the late hours, but have no idea if that is still the case?

    As for the lesbian scene, I don`t think there is one in Chiang Mai. Lots of highly commercialised expensive gay male venues spread around the city that doubt you would enjoy and a few skanky beerbars and that`s about all there is.

    You may find something to your liking on here:


    Whatever, welcome to Chiang Mai, ladies.

  13. Some Thai women have a habit of getting involved with deadbeat men, both Thai and farangs. Many Thai bar girls make claims that they are only in their situations because of the predicaments their Thai boyfriends or husbands left them in.

    To many farang men, especially the younger guys, taking on a Thai girlfriend and sowing their seed is only an adventure, once their deed is done, they then decide it`s time to move on and seek pastures anew.

    It`s a similar situation to those who continuously fall foul of scammers, there is one born every minute.

    • Like 1
  14. I noticed some time ago that I can no longer access google.com unless I use my vpn. It defaults to .co.th and I have a feeling this is just scratching the surface of what Thailand is planning regarding control of the web. I've switched to a Tor browser and, though it's a bit slower, it's completely open. No more of those "green screens" of Thainess.

    Find that difficult to believe.

    I have been using Google UK and Google US as my home pages for years on all my browsers, never had a problem. Have you tried setting up Google in your browsers?

    By using the Tor browser, you are treading on dodgy ground. It is a fallacy that the Tor browser is completely anonymous and hides users IP addresses. Because once into a chosen website, the users IP address will exit on the standard system, also the activities via Tor are now on 24 hour surveillance by the police and authorities. The policy in Thailand regarding Tor is that it is OK to use, but go into anything illegal, such as criminal sites, anti Thai, Thailand banned sites and child porn then the user will be nabbed. I would not recommend anyone to download the Tor browser.

  15. One of my sons is a lawyer in Bangkok and Thai lawyers are as good, bad and ugly as lawyers anywhere else in the world.

    Firstly, is the OP`s alleged friend Thai or farang?

    If a farang then does he intend to own and run the said business strictly as imposed under Thai law? Because if not, for example he is using a Thai name to front the business or trading in a profession or goods that are prohibited to foreigners without a work permit, then the situation could go against him in civil court. And perhaps this is the reason why the lawyer had decided not to take the contract dispute any further?

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