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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. In the Trump world a plan is just a scheme by the leftist's to achieve world domination.
  2. If you ever have some complication in your SS claim you'll soon discover how the inept 'autopilot' system performs... it isn't pretty. My problems started about 15 years ago when I questioned why one year my self-employment earnings weren't credited to my work record. I called SSA's toll free assistance and was given what amounted to a guess instead of a real answer. At the time I didn't know much about SS and how it is supposed to work, so I let their response slide. About 7 years later the same error was repeated and I decided I just can't let their errors continue..... fast forward to today.... one of their errors has still not been corrected despite several filings complete with proof provided by the IRS records. In the course of 4 applications filed by the wife and I.... they have yet to complete one without serious errors or unbearable delays.
  3. Not likely... the left is more diligent than you but much less verbose.
  4. All set up for the next time Chinese or Russian spies visit Trump in the Oval Office. Wouldn't be the first time
  5. Sorry to hear that you're having another bout of the Russian flu. I can tell it's going to be a tough one. The symptoms are already severe.
  6. Yup….. over your head Elon is acting like he’s president which is what his money, statements, tweets and actions ‘bought’ for him. This chess not marbles
  7. you really have a substantial problem with reading comprehension. Good thing that you don't do it very often.
  8. keep your friends close.... keep your enemies even closer. It seems you're forgetting that Murdoch himself said viewers should consider Fox as entertainment ... not news.
  9. right wingers are experts at non sequiturs..... proven again! You could make your claim even if the ratio of lies to truth was a million to one. So..., I ask you .... at what ratio of lies to truth would you abandon FOX?
  10. yeah... they're great places to find alternative .....errrrrrr.... 'facts'.... from an alternative universe
  11. would that be Fox.... the one that paid dearly for their lies????
  12. sure.. for an upside down brain in a right side up world
  13. he needs to go there ASAP and do the ground work
  14. The login.gov login is for my wife. My memory is no longer consistent enough to say for sure, but I think she signed up after we moved to Thailand and before we set up an UltraMobile PayGo number. We may have only had Google Voice.
  15. Of those two options I find login.gov is faster. Often ID.me ignores my mouse clicks, requiring me to click several times.
  16. Before the gov't forced SSA.GOV users to switch to login.gov or ID.me, I used an email/password combo and 2FA was done via an email or SMS. I chose ID.me and set it up more than a year ago. A few days ago, I tried my original SSA sign on method and it still works. Have you tried the old login method for SSA? I never use a VPN for access unless I can't get access without it. So far only a Canadian bank forces me to use it.
  17. Not being an American, I've had no previous exposure to the details of the Marshall Pan. Wikipedia consistently portrays the Marshall Plan funds as grants... not loans. However, only Germany was required to repay 1Bn which was deeply discounted from what they actually received. That Wiki article does say that US spent/loaned 14Bn to support Europe before the start of the Marshall Plan. Do you have a link to support your view that the Marshall Plan funds were loans?
  18. I think that unlicensed gambling is illegal. Only the state run lottery has a license.
  19. as usual you make the worst possible assumption about a post from someone who doesn't share your idealogical bent. The post you quoted does NOT say or even imply the meaning you assigned to it.
  20. I guess you need to stand while reading.
  21. My posts support having contributions that have actual content than just finger pointing
  22. Your posts are all bun and no beef!
  23. I just completed this quiz. My Score 16/100 My Time 150 seconds  
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