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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. You can submit a settlement application below the age of 21 with a covering letter asking the SSHD to consider your application outside of the immigration rules in light of the judgments against the 21 rule. Scores of people have been successful this way but there is no guarantee on time frames. Remember the Government has not yet decided to appeal meaning the judgment is legally binding, hence get an application in if you're affected.

    One does not have to wait until the UKBA updates their website regarding the matter.

  2. Odd as it may seem, the 14 inch and 1.5 inch measurements are

    irrelevant to the location of the focus.

    The focal point of a parabola has several properties and definitions

    but the one most useful here is the property that ....

    All lines of energy [acoustic or electromagnetic] coming in parallel

    to the axis of symmetry [line connecting the focus to the vertex, the bottom

    most point when laid on its curved side] will reflect to the focus.

    This is where the receiver needs to be to capture the incoming energy.

    So drop a ping pong ball on one side of the dish and see along what

    line it bounces. The do it again on the other side. The intersection of

    these two lines will be the focus.

    A crude and not very accurate method I agree, but it will work.

    Then again you can just set up the system and move the receiver

    around to see at what point you get maximum signal denoted by

    clarity of picture or sound.

    In fact the two measurements provided are all that's needed.

    F = diameter squared divided by 16 times the depth.

  3. Apparently the Ministry responsible for tap water has told people to hoard their water now as they can no longer produce it.

    Also, an announcement has come out saying they will use Vibhavadi-Rangsit road to channel all the flood water. I find this staggering and hard to believe. TV announcement expected at 2000hrs I think.

    There was an announcement that the PM has refused this plan.

    However, that's the main way the water is coming into town (todays flood warnings in Bangkok are all along that road except for Sai Mai). I would not be surprised if the 'plan' may have been suggested on the basis that this is what's actually going to happen, and they can't stop it.

    Planned or not, if water comes along Vibhavadi, I believe that will bring it right into the heart of Bangkok. Any information on timing?

    It does tie in with the massive hole and huge pipe they have been working on for past couple days. Was Rama IX I think?

    Timings wise, they say the rest of Lak Si in 12 hours. DM toll is closed now I think. But predicting these things is near impossible probably.

  4. Apparently the Ministry responsible for tap water has told people to hoard their water now as they can no longer produce it.

    Also, an announcement has come out saying they will use Vibhavadi-Rangsit road to channel all the flood water. I find this staggering and hard to believe. TV announcement expected at 2000hrs I think.

  5. 1hr 30min from south Jomtien to Ram Inthra KM.8. Sitting on a comfortable cruising speed :whistling:

    The traffic was very light and the toll booth were open, as in free.

    edit: Strange how flood warnings have been dropped for Khannayao. :unsure:

    It's about time they're free, the roads here were flooding and they were still charging people on the Cheang Wattana toll road only days ago before they opened the flood gates. I posted about it then, maybe someone is reading? If so good to see they're paying attention..

    Great post about the area BigBikeBKK thanks for doing that.

    Re supplies, Max Valu Lak Si is still open and has some stock. Food land Lak Si still open and they're baking fresh bread every morning. If you can get there early enough there's plenty.

    I don't think there's water in either. None in Max yesterday. I've just had 60l brought up from Samut Sakhon. The desalination plants are still going strong.

  6. We naturally aren't going for a marriage visa first so this would be a tourist visa with her staying with me and attending language school in the UK (at my expense).

    Not possible. No study with visit visas unless the applicant is a child (which your GF is). She could not apply as a child as any accommodation or sponsorship from you would be deemed inappropriate.

    If you want her to study in the UK she will need to apply as an adult when she reaches 18.

  7. Remember though that at 16 she will be classed as a child and must apply for the appropriate visa.

    Also, if she comes via Tier 4 (child) for a long course of study (more than 6 months) no 3rd party financial support is allowed. Maintenance and fees must be met by the applicant, parents or legal guardians only.

    If coming for a course of less than 6 months, the child will simply apply for a child visitor visa.

    Last, 16 can be a hard age to place in the private education sector.

  8. I just came back from Lumlukka Market, which is at the intersection of Phahoyothin and Lumluka roads, across from the Tupatamee golf course and the Veterans monument. Paholyothin is flooded as far South as I could see, which is about KM 27, and North to Zeer. Cars can still pass, but they are diverting traffic through the monument road. Heard from a MC driver that water in front of Zeer is now deep for motorcycles. Our Soi is still dry, but the water in the drains is high. Curiously it seems lower now than it was an hour ago.

    I'm about 1km down Pahonyothin Rd, from the monument. Soi 71, same side as the monument. No flooding as yet, but waiting for it to happen.

    Rising steadily here in Don Muang,Klong Pharapa is rising and is probably out of control despite what the gov say.

    Worrying. But still nothing has come down to Lak Si, neither around IT Square, the train station nor DM Toll entrance. Have also heard the water levels are dropping around The Avenue Chaeng Wattana but I have not been down to look.

  9. U can leave with yr foreign passport but when you come back with your thai passport, they will find that you do not have an exit stamp fm Thai and they wont let u use yr thai passport, I have try that and it didnt work. I am also looking for a solution for the kids.

    Not sure though as my son entered Thailand on a completely clean Thai passport.

    Having said that his passport was issued outside of Thailand which might have made the difference.

    Most likely explanation I think is that you need to escalate it at immigration - to someone more senior - to be dealt with properly (no exit stamp in Thailand issued Thai passport).

    The situation that VisasPlus outlines is an interesting example.

    The way to get around it is to escalate it to a more senior officer at the airport. Occasionally a junior officer will not know how to handle the situation and tell you that you need to be stamped in on your non-Thai passport.

    Simply refuse, as of course, a Thai national can not be refused entry. Hold your ground and ask to speak to a senior officer who can over ride the system.

    Indeed, thanks for confirming what I said. I've always thought it sounds rather silly refusing entry to a Thai citizen!

  10. U can leave with yr foreign passport but when you come back with your thai passport, they will find that you do not have an exit stamp fm Thai and they wont let u use yr thai passport, I have try that and it didnt work. I am also looking for a solution for the kids.

    Not sure though as my son entered Thailand on a completely clean Thai passport.

    Having said that his passport was issued outside of Thailand which might have made the difference.

    Most likely explanation I think is that you need to escalate it at immigration - to someone more senior - to be dealt with properly (no exit stamp in Thailand issued Thai passport).

    The situation that VisasPlus outlines is an interesting example.

  11. but u cant get some one to help you get a visa and say they will cover ur cost and take care of u when u are in england then not even stay with that person, hows that going to work??

    I'd give you slightly more credit if the two sponsors had no connection whatsoever. But we're talking about the applicant's husband and brother-in-law! ! !

    of corse they have conection, its a family visa. But I'm sure other people have done many dif ways to get this, I was just telling what I have been told to do,

    Just because a family visit visa is applied for, it doesn't mean there has to be a connection between sponsors.

    Who has told you to lie on your application and why would you act on such advice?

  12. but u cant get some one to help you get a visa and say they will cover ur cost and take care of u when u are in england then not even stay with that person, hows that going to work??

    I'd give you slightly more credit if the two sponsors had no connection whatsoever. But we're talking about the applicant's husband and brother-in-law! ! !

  13. I would have thought that if you have Thai nationality you cannot be an overstayer. Logically, you don't need a visa to enter, or stay in, Thailand.

    The OP apparently entered Thailand using his Swedish passport, immigration will therefore consider him Swedish and he needs to clear that entry stamp.

    Indeed, it can be a problem.

    My wife and I have a friend, dual UK/Thai national, who has lived in the UK for 30 years and in recent times just travelled on her UK passport. Up to 18 months ago she hadn't been to Thailand for many years. Having now bought a property near us in Thailand, and likely to spend a little more time here, she got a new Thai passport from the RTE in London. When she arrived a couple of weeks ago she presented her new Thai passport but the IO refused to endorse it because it had no UK endorsement, and insisted on giving her a 30-day visit stamp in her British passport. She wants to stay this time until the end of November.

    The IO was totally incorrect - there is no UK endorsement which could be put in her passport. She couldn't have ILR, because as a British citizen she doesn't need 'Leave to Remain', indefinite or otherwise, and as she already holds a UK passport she couldn't have a Certificate of Right of Abode in her Thai passport. Also there since the mid-1990s there is no embarkation stamp given on departure from the UK.

    I advised that probably the only way to resolve the matter is to go back to Bangkok airport and cast herself on the mercy of the Chief Immigration Officer there, to get the original endorsement annulled and an entry stamp put in her Thai passport. She could of course extend her stay with border runs, but that's not really the point. If she tries to leave on the Thai passport the place of issue may well be spotted and again she would get no stamp, and probably an overstay fine - and of course next time she comes back there's no guarantee she wouldn't have the same problem.

    I took her along to our local immigration office today to see if they could pull a string or two, but unfortunately ran into a numpty as ignorant as her colleague at Suvarnaboom. The wretched woman's opening gambit was that if our friend wanted to sort it she'd have to relinquish one or other of her nationalities. Having backed down from that she became a little more helpful, and the final suggestion was that if she could present her Tabien Baan (which she hadn't brought with her), she could get a 1-year extension for 1900Baht.

    So there you go - a Thai citizen is tonight preparing to apply and pay for an extension of stay in her own country. I believe she's just storing up trouble, but what do I know about it....

    John, I'm tempted to say " Only in Thailand", but I'm sure this anomaly is found elsewhere. Since dual nationality is, I believe, against the Thai consitution ( after a citizen reaches a certain age (?), I can see the arguments for both sides. That's why I said I was playing Devil's Advocate. I was hoping to stimulate some interesting points of view, and your post is exactly that. Hope all is well with you ?

    The Thai Nationality Act gives dual nationals the option to choose a nationality at 20 or 21. It does not state a punishment for not doing so and therefore retaining both.

    Dual nationality is no problem in Thailand.

  14. One further question - will the son be entitled to have a Thai passport and a Dutch passport ?

    Children are allowed to have dual nationality with two passports from birth until they reach 18 years.

    After this they have to make a decision of which nationality they keep.

    Thailand does not recognize dual nationality and Thai people have to hand in their passport officially in case they keep the foreign nationality.

    Those are the rules in very basic terms but maybe other people can give more precise information.


    In the words of samran, a knowledgable poster here with dual Thai-Australian nationality:

    The child born to a foreign father has the choice of renouncing their citizenship between the ages of 20 and 21. Note though, it is an option only. If they do not make a choice, there is no penalty and they can continue on with their dual nationaity, as I have.

    In 2001 Dutch law was changed to widen the scope of recognition for dual nationality.

    There will be no problems.

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