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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. "Another member posted useful information, a while back, about being refused an early application although he was working offshore." - I'm under 50 years of age, so have not researched the ever changing retirement visa regulations, but I was under the belief you could not receive a retirement visa if you are still working, either in Thailand, or abroad.

    In my experience Immigration won't consider processing an annual expension more than 30 days before the expiry date. Even within the 30 day window they are reluctant (read lazy) to deal with the application.

    A retirement visa and subsequent extensions only preclude work in Thailand. Thai Immigration don't care about work outside Thailand. The criteria is at least 50 and woth the financial resources.

    I have done my retirement extension 6 weeks before expire date the last two years and one of the volunteers informed me about the possibility to do so!

    Same here but for the last 5 yrs!

    Same here. As mine is due in mid Dec. I always get it done early Nov. when things are quieter.

  2. Our position is married with 2 young kids, both dual citizens with both passports. Have decided to head back to Oz for kids schooling. Wife of 5 years is Thai and mother to both, our oldest kid is due to start primary school in Feb 2017.

    Anyway if we apply for migration visa now with the 12 month waiting period we will be too late to be in Oz for the start of the school year.

    The way I see it is we have 3 options.

    1) Apply for migration visa here in Thailand now, wait on approval and head over in early 2018. This will leave oldest kid doing first year of primary here which is not a real problem.

    2) Apply for migration visa here and if not received before end of year head off on a tourist visa having to return to get the migration visa once approved. This could have issues with our youngest who requires full time care from Mum.

    3) Apply for a tourist visa and then apply for migration once in Oz.

    Can anyone correct me in these assumptions and/or add any other possibilities.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

  3. Ehm, the one by Central is Darasamooth (ht). Dowroong is not even close.

    Right, dowroong is 'the other one'.

    I would recommend darasamuth BTW, even if you're not poor.


    I have a friend who took his son out of Kajon and put him onto Darasamuth and has only good things to say about the move. He is by no means poor and the move was not financially motivated especially considering he lives close to Kajon.

  4. I have just received an offer for my house. The price is fine but the purchaser wants to put a deposit down and pay the remaining off over the next 12 months.

    Has anyone had any experience of this in Thailand and any possible exposures for myself?

    Not concerned about any interest etc just how to actually go about setting such a deal up protecting myself.

    Any advice, experience, possible pitfalls etc welcome.

  5. Does anyone know if there is anywhere in the Chalong/Rawai area where there will be Childrens Day festivities/games etc tomorrow?

    I know of places in Phuket town and Patong so just looking for something a bit closer to home.

  6. There is no "retirement visa" but you might obtain a non immigrant "O" visa based on being 50+ years of age if you can meet the financial requirements.

    As already said Savannakhet is not the best of places to apply.

    An "O" visa is a pre requisite for applying for an " extension of stay based on retirement" (It is not a visa )

    Not true!!!

    I, and many like me, have extensions of stay based on retirement without "O" visas.

    If you want to nit pick then at least try to be correct yourself.

    Please explain how an extension of stay is obtained without a non imm visa .

    Why should I have to explain something I never said?

  7. There is no "retirement visa" but you might obtain a non immigrant "O" visa based on being 50+ years of age if you can meet the financial requirements.

    As already said Savannakhet is not the best of places to apply.

    An "O" visa is a pre requisite for applying for an " extension of stay based on retirement" (It is not a visa )

    Not true!!!

    I, and many like me, have extensions of stay based on retirement without "O" visas.

    If you want to nit pick then at least try to be correct yourself.

  8. My expierence over the last two Days at Phuket Town sucessfully obtaining a Retirement visa extention.....

    original documents provided

    Bank book,Passport,Stamped Bank Letter in Thai confirming 800 k in bank for 3 months,Stamped Bank statement 3 months of transactions NOTE: The officer made me go get this statement stamped bank not stamp first time, Made me go too bank messed up my whole day,

    1 Pasport pic,sigined copies of all above 1900 thb payment

    Picked up Passport today

    This whole process could have been done in 1 hour but slow thumb twidling Immigration staff slow up this whole process

    But all completed now

    Ha Haa I think I was sitting next to you on Tuesday when I did my application and also picked up passport yesterday.

    That is that until next year when the Gods will no doubt demand different sacrifices from this year.

    Thanks to those who sent me copies of their letters - made the process in my bank a whole lot easier. Have kept a copy of my own for next years efforts.

  9. You want samples so you can doctor your own? I find this request quite strange.

    Jeez - I went to my bank and after about half an hour of trying to explain and getting nowhere I thought I would ask for assistance from TV and this is the sort of cr$p I get back.

    Hopefully some kind soul will restore my faith in the basic goodness of humankind!

  10. Can anyone please post samples of the letters required from my bank for retirement extension. Looking for samples I can print out and take to show my bank as am having problems explaining to them. Believe I require:

    A current bank statement with official stamp.

    A letter stating my monies have not dropped below 800,000 baht for previous 3 months.

    Would be much appreciated.

  11. You don't know what a 7/11 is .... what planet do you live on. 7/11 is a convenience minimarket and world wide.

    Never heard of them obviously all we have is asda ,tesco ,Morrisons and sainsbury ha ha

    As LIK said they are everywhere in the developed world.

    edit// after checking 7/11 in the Uk then I see it's not that well know. I guess I have been away from the UK for a long long time - 30 years now.

    It doesn't exist !! Never personally seen a 7/11 in uk although maybe there are some somewhere ??[/quote

    As LIK stated they are everywhere in the developed world.]

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