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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. US Embassy in Bangkok, US Consulate in Chiang Mai. Botha do occasional outreach visits but Passports and Consular Services, from my understanding and experience are handled through these two diplomatic posts.
  2. My reality at retirement was that I could live a comfortable, sustainable retirement if I located in a lower cost country. My outlook is that my retirement in Thailand is mutually beneficial. If Thailand turns to take a different view … we’ll there were other alternatives. Thailand obviously was my first choice for several criteria.
  3. Widely distributed in Thailand but I wonder where they were printed?
  4. I thought there might be a chance Putin would visit Phuket to declare annexing to protect the Russian speakers there? (Tongue in cheek).
  5. Agree. I knew I could not afford retirement in the USA on my $2400. USD a month. Last time I visited it was with my Thai GF, 28 yeats younger, I got the same reaction you state. … for those tempted to focus on the age difference, I am 75 so that tones down the age thingy. Still …
  6. True. A major consideration of retiring to Thailand was not being able to have a working middle class retirement in the USA on my income. Here I am quite comfortable.
  7. Don’t wish to bore you but bear with me for a story to hopefully bring a smile. Dad and Uncles had served in or at the end of WW II. Dad had said he would understand if I headed for Canada. Draft numbering system was put in place. My number 210 and they were up to 190. Next round and a good chance I would be called. Already had the physical. Hmm, OK I applied for Navy OCS. All tests passed but there were too many of us with the same idea. Unlimited line officer closed, only Supply and Nuclear sub available. With my lack of math ability … well, subs were not the best choice. Supply? Hey, everybody loves the supply officer! Right 1-9 accountants, bookkeepers, … number 9 Social Sciences (for me history, 10. = other. Richard Mulhouse Nixon (bless his potted head) froze the draft at 190! The end of my Naval career. Yet another path not taken …
  8. Cannot give self defense advice to a 62 year old. Last time I thought about this, I was 32 and planning for a year of travel so … A year of intense Takwando. 130 pounds and no fat, best shape I have eer been in. Still, I knew my limitations … I could deliver a solid hit … and run like hell! Now, 75 and twice the man I was (OK, not quite but quite heftier), I might get in one lucky strike (pun intended) and stride/stroll quickly way … Post only meant to bring a smile to those of a certain age.
  9. I do not take issue but counsel restraint as we do not have the facts and figures yet. As for a dramatic and large wave of draft dodgers, I feel guilty as I would have to research this. My suspicion is that: 1. current media coverage may be influencing our thinking and 2. I do seriously suspect we would find previous wars around the globe where we would find substantial numbers of me fleeing military service ( yes, just an educated guess based on my reading of history).
  10. I have not seen the documented numbers so I would be hesitant to make this determination.
  11. Hmm, Jimmy Carter pardoned, I think in 1977.
  12. Maybe they can apply for political asylum in some countries. I seem to remember Canada as a destination in earlier wrongful political decisions.
  13. Not a criticism, just an observation from my perspective, that the sex industry, existing since time immortal might well be considered legit, as it is in various cultures.
  14. Having been happily retired here for over a decade, it is sad for me to see Thailand having so much potential not focusing on the large working middle class as the main body of tourists which could be attracted to coming to Thailand for vacation breaks. Compared with how many in the rich and famous class? Thailand does not have to go down to the begpacker level, focus on the western working middle class.
  15. Yes, out priced from retiring in the USA (unless a rusting trailer in Florida or Arizona). Here … a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house on a double lot, my own furniture, 2 cars, motorbike. For a family of three we are comfortable. In my retirement years, I don’t think this is, “living like a native” as the 82,000+ baht just arriving (I transfer $2200) is above the average Thai monthly income.
  16. I am just another full-time foreign resident put off by this illogic. Really I am quite saddened as one of Thailand's attributes is the natural beauty. I suppose I am reflecting my US experience in visiting the US National Parks. It is a natural aid to developing increased Thai tourism ... instead someone's thinking (OK, lack thereof) just leaves a bad taste in the mouth. Do those studying tourism not learn about the potential tourist cultures?
  17. Who knows what it is exactly that attracts one person to another. From long experience it seems to be a combination of many things, not just one thing. Some are attracted by a smile, an easy going nature, my wife upon meeting, said the first thing was my photo, as we met online (we were lucky, as "there be dragons! For both foreign men and Thai girls). Are you are thinking money? Sure that plays in the world round ... in "developing countries" without social safety net for females ... economic security is certainly a consideration. I did background reading before coming. Part of Thai culture is wanting to establish where you fit in within the "social pecking order". How old are you? (Asia - age gains respect). What is/was your occupation? (Professions get more respect). How much do you make? (Wealth holdings gain respect). Do you have a steady source of income? (Economic security in a lower cost country is judged important).
  18. My vote as an American would be no for this reason. Sorry, but carrying on the traditional Thai fence straddling does not play well in this case.
  19. Now read with comprehension. No brothels, no orgies but I was with Thai girls. I was a fat boy in a candy shop … but then, no, that was not the main reason for coming as I was retiring and could not afford living in my own country). And yes, I have an education so the culture, including the temples, etc., was part of my retiring in Thailand (main consideration, lower cost of living). Ha! Yes, I am living the dream … Retired in Thailand for over a decade, with a traditionally raised Thai Wife and Stepdaughter (it is like stepping back to the 1950 USA). I am on a Visa for reason of retirement as it is less paperwork. I encourage you to expand your knowledge concerning Thailand.
  20. Sorry to disappoint but my first introduction to Thailand, I did not seek either brothels, brides nor orgies. I was introduced to Thai girls who treated me as a BF, new to Thailand who was to be loved and cared for during the time together. As a result I have been here over a decade and now with a Thai wife and Stepdaughter. I have only good memories of the earlier days and Thai females. I am sorry about your apparent view.
  21. I cannot see foreign nations' embassies becoming involved in another nation's business dealings short of the foreign nation owning the companies involved or if there is a threat to the foreign nation interests.
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