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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Our family reality is we spend (sometimes save a bit) the 65K I use as required retirement monthly income.
  2. At root is the dilemma and we have wrestled with this before. Shut out, isolate a regime to force it failure ... attempts on Cuba or North Korea, for example. OR, try to bring them into the international community, growing the inter-dependence so that it is in their best interest not to rock the boat too much. Both approaches have benefits and draw backs, neither is guaranteed of success.
  3. Before the rise of Adolf, Germans were during German Marks by the wheelbarrow load. It was cheaper than buying wood for heat.
  4. Historically, English and French are the accepted two languages most widely used. English due to the international dominant language of business and French for its more precise diplomatic usage, if I remember correctly.
  5. Excellent way to cause yourself and the IO a conflict. Sheesh! Listen respectfully, maybe nod your head go on your way for another year.
  6. Here in Chiang Mai it appears you can take the mask off outdoors if not in a gathering. Enter the mall, stores, look around and the accepted norm is masks on. Covid is still with us ... so out of mutual respect ...
  7. Sadly, human trafficking is a global reality. Even in countries such as my own home country, the USA, I would advise Thai females to be on guard when the "opportunity" sounds too good for the publicaly documented cases are readily available. Yes, there are "au pair" or 'maid" Jos available BUT ... we have also seen the vulnerable used via the massage/nail shops or working in Thai restaurants and that is after much jumping through hoops to gain entry into the USA.
  8. As I use the monthly income method the money parked in a Thai bank does not currently matter to me. So, 1st step ... change to an "O" for reason of Retirement Visa. if needed, 2nd - change to an "O" Visa for Reason of Marriage. Lower monthly income or money in the bank. I know only about myself, I do not see myself as a prisoner here or in any one country so ... as long as there are alternatives I can be a happy camper.
  9. I do not currently face a problem with my O-A Visa but. The insurance requirement caused heartburn when it was implemented as I have heart (colesterol) issues and, at my age cannot afford any health insurance, esp. excluding pre- existing conditions.
  10. I am aware but it is of no concern to me. I fear the 65K a month is, in large measure spent on farang food and some travel.
  11. Sawatdee, Khun Neeranam. I was raised working blue collar in USA (Dad was a welder, later a warehouse foreman). As a “Baby Boomer”, my generation got to go to college and then more. I retired in 2011 as a Professor Emeritus of History. Nonetheless, my sustainable monthly retirement income is $2400.00 USD (half is from earned US Social Security). To supplement the SS, I draw from my invested retirement funds. Thus, I use the 65,000 baht per month income method. My U.S. funds are invested and earning me income, thus I think withdrawing the amount equivalent to 800K to park in into a Thai bank is not the wisest financial decision. I will add that I have a Thai Wife and Thai Stepdaughter.
  12. Retired over a decade ago to a lower cost country since I could not afford a working middle class retirement in my own country. Bring in over a million Thai baht a year and support my Thai Wife and Stepdaughter. A win - win if those incapable of thinking long term stability don't try to grab at only "high worth" individuals. Millions of westerners in the same boat, plus the "sweet spot" of serving medical services (especially appealing to the Americans as they reject a national healthcare program).
  13. Only thing that I would react to would be changes in immigration policy which would threaten forcing me to leave my Thai family. But that would be Thailand's choice not mine.
  14. Mildly curious as I have already booked and paid for RT flights for family to USA in March - April 2023. We will see what happens.
  15. COVID has screwed things up but … previous trips to Luang Prabang, Penom Penh, Singapore and South Korea none of which caused Visa concerns. Looking forward to Vietnam in the future, possibly the Philippines.
  16. I do not get concerned about the term, “farang”, perhaps I have become less sensitive coming from a country of slur terms assigned to foreigners, racial or religious groups. My approach to “farang” is much the same as my approach to being referred to as “gringo” in Mexico. Took the first three levels of Thai but admit … lazy and easy enough to function in Chiang Mai with a Thai Wife without pressing myself to develop much more Thai language skill.
  17. Chang Bunker and Eng Bunker (May 11, 1811 – January 17, 1874) were Siamese-American conjoined twin brothers whose fame propelled the expression "Siamese twins" - Wikipedia
  18. Let us see 1950s until 2011 I was part of US (and the International) Scout movement. Good thing I retired in 2011 from the USA. Still, it might be rather automatic, if meeting a Thai Scout three finger greeting and handshake (the International Scout sign).
  19. Samui as well, we did find a shop at 250. Usual here in Chiang Mai 200 -250. when dad scan Kaew was still open we went to the 3rd floor were the shops charged 150 per hour.
  20. Dual standards or allowing two stronger powers to argue it out while Thailand tries the traditional role so as to maintain some semblance of independence.
  21. Au contraire ... WW I Thailand fought on side of the Triple Entente. Small contingent but still ... As to WW II, mixed bag Thais fought on both sides. It was enough for the US to decide differently than England in declaring Thailand a defeated power (yes, I am aware, due to the Thai declaration of not being delivered). There are a number of Americans here, many now retired who remember being stationed here during Vietnam ... South Korean and Thai troops developed an earned reputation of fighters in Vietnam.
  22. 2 million? Pull the plug. Painkillers only, too much? OK!
  23. Only addressing my own situation as retired Yank for over a decade. 1. Retirement policy paying up to $5K annually for overseas care. Pre-existing heart history. O-A Visa for retirement so, since the change in rules, required to have health insurance. So, 11,400 baht policy, excluding pre-existing conditions with a 200,000 baht deductible … a tax, I figure. Yes, plan to change to O next extension in the Spring. Heart attack, Chiang Mai 2015, my U.S. insurance paid the $5k and I paid the 6K balance.
  24. Certainly agree about the 90 Day Report. Address should only be required with initial stay and if changing address for those on annual Visas or extensions.
  25. I am planning to traveling to the USA next year allowing my O-A Visa to expire, however, …. A major "glitch" with planning for the March 22-April 25, 2023 trip to USA. While Da and Beer's applications and payment ($320.00) have been accomplished, we are being told the earliest Tourist Visa Interviews cannot be scheduled before April 26 in Chiang Mai and February 6 in Bangkok. I already have secured RT air tickets, car rental, initial lodging ... also told "first come. first served". Bit of an issue with me as I would think an American citizen's Wife and Stepdaughter going on a family visit would have a priority over someone wanting to visit unrelated.
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