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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I began my professional work in 1970, before that time from being a newspaper delivery boy at age 13, I would would quite a few jobs during attending college and during summer breaks. I began teaching at the Junior HS (Middle School level) I taught a total of 8 years while continuing my education and working part-time jobs to supplement my teaching income. I then switched to teach high school as the system was addicting a new high school for an additional 6 years. The area was adding a new community college and as an experienced, certified educator, I was hired to teach history and would remain there for an additional 27 years. During my college teaching years I additionally founded and directed our city’s Sister City program with a city in the Czech Republic and later another in Japan. Summers were often spent studying history/language/culture in Japan, China, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain (do keep my story in mind if you are ever tempted to think educators are on vacation during the summer break). All in all I was able to experience much that the majority of my compatriots, raised as working middle class have not. By age 64 1/2 I had become aware of my inherited colesterol issues and had five by-passes so … a bit early, I retired as a full Professor Emeritus of History. Rich memories of meeting folks from six continents but retirement was the best option. Thought I might continue to work with a university here but found I was quite happy with my life without work demands. Very pleased to be retired in Thailand and with my Thai wife.
  2. Ironic, I am watching right now! The Santa Clause, Home Alone, The Christmas Chronicles, It’s a Wonderful Life, there are more, including The Grinch but the most dear to my heart … Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol” with George C. Scott. The Spirit of Christmas Present … “Ignorance and Want … upon their brow is written doom”.
  3. Hmmm, was not aware of this, am I excepted if I show my vaccine status? Upon mention of a national park ... nope, not until the double pricing is dropped for those of us on long stay visa extensions.
  4. Working middle class retiree but the price you cite is within the price range I look for. Want to share location?
  5. Typical massage, coffee or a meal ... 20 or 40 baht. I am a year round retiree (working middle class, so not wealthy).
  6. I started musing on this some time ago. I asked myself what information the Thai government has on me. What do you have access to and already know? Dates on entry and exit for Thailand Surname, first, middle name Passport number Passport nationality Date of birth Passport Issued date Passport Expiration date Passport issued office All countries visited on current Passport Visa status 90 Day Report current ™ 30 address current Immigration photo Immigration rental contract Immigration income to Thailand record Immigration signature Previous Occupation Current employment status Last flight Address in Thailand Mobile number Email address Disembarkation Yearly income bracket Bank has information AIS has information Thai Driver’s License has information Hospitals have information Various businesses = Credit Card information Air travel Lodging Restaurants
  7. Covered Individuals: 1 Trip Dates: 12/15/21 - 12/14/22 EDIT PLAN From company Geoblue(blue Croos/ Blue Shield out of USA. Plan Selection/Cost: Elite Plan 1,000 Plan 2,000 Plan 5,000 Plan 10,000 Plan $5420 $3611 $3131 $2492 $2168 10,000 Plan Deductible U.S. (In Network) $10,000 Deductible U.S. (Out of Network) $10,000 Deductible Outside the U.S. $10,000 Coinsurance Maximum (Inside the U.S. only) $10,000 Quote (per month) $2,168.00 Options: Prescription Drug Upgrade: No + Add Rx Upgrade Dental/Vision Benefits: No + Add Dental/Vision U.S. Benefits: No U.S. Benefits Basic U.S. Benefits Comprehensive/Full U.S. Benefits What is covered under the Basic U.S. Benefits rider? What is covered under the Prescription Drug rider? What is covered under the Dental/Vision rider? 10,000 Plan $2,168.00 total
  8. LM.g, the cheapest for my age at 74 with 200K deductible.
  9. On O-A Visa Extensions, so have the LMG useless 11,400 baht insurance. Am sending out inquiries with a total background information. Got a bid back yesterday at $2100 USD per month. My monthly retirement budget here in Thailand is $2400 uSD … right. I’ll get right on that.
  10. One of the reasons I came to Thailand … I am now a millionaire … in baht!
  11. More power to all, personally I prefer a smaller city and after traveling around Thailand, while I found a few cities where I think I could live comfortably in retirement, Chiang Mai got the nod. Happy here for over a decade now. International level medical care availability was a major consideration.
  12. Open to a PM from you but I am worn out from relating my personal experience as a US Expat in Thailand for over a decade.
  13. Ignorance is bliss in the view of some. Not rocking a bureaucratic boat is wisdom for others.
  14. Not ex military. My understanding is that fully retired military get global healthcare coverage through Tricare. Unlike fully retired civilians under Medicare.
  15. Agree, it is moot. Had the company had any residency question it would have been asked at the time of my heart attack bill payment that they made in 2015. Thanks for the exchange of views.
  16. Hmmm, my policy as part of my retirement package paid RAM Hospital directly the $5000 it states it will pay for foreign medical care. I’m thinking you are incorrect as it depends on the company contract, Mine continues currently as an Expat.
  17. Sorry, I was addressing not using my Thai residence address with SS as being told it was fraud.
  18. And were not enrolled. I continue to pay the monthly Part B premium as a worse case, (for example cancer). My next hoped for trip would be in 2023. Hopefully without Covid issues. If I had the opportunity I might have the annual physical allowance visit but probably not. Fraud, I believe by definition would be, “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain”. At any rate, I will continue to lobby for those retired with Medicare to be treated equally with retired military who can have medical coverage, at least reimbursement through Tricare.
  19. Yes, had an Expat here who did not receive the letter here in Chiang Mai and was cut off. Mail services between the US and Thailand have been interrupted for the past two years. I am still awaiting a credit card mailed from the US over a month ago.
  20. Thanks, I am enrolled only in Parts A (automatic when you turn 65) and Part B (paying the monthly premium out of my SS). I have not enrolled nor use any other Medicare. I do have the additional insurance policy that pays for some covered care outside the USA. Not sure if it is “advantage” or “medigap”.
  21. No, I would not claim to be in compliance. But “fraud” is another matter.
  22. How would one “enroll in and make claims during a trip to the US using any Medicare parts other than A and B including Advantage when you actually are an expat”? I am confused in the meaning here?
  23. I fail to see a “fraud” case here. The one protection each small fish has is that we are not important enough to bother with. In my case, I report and pay my federal income taxes with my Thai address listed and have had conversations with the same noting I am currently in residence in Thailand. As to SS, my monthly payment is directly deposited into my US institution account and I then transfer monthly. In this time of Covid, mail services have been severely compromised. No way would I encourage not getting critical mail from the US here … I had to deal with getting Covid payment checks mailed again due to SS (they make direct deposits) not reporting my bank information to IRS. SS and Medicare send me email announcements.
  24. Hmm, just a thought. As I am a heart patient, retired in Thailand under continuing care of my Cardiologist in Chiang Mai. So? But I see no current advantage of this for me.
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