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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Have not read through all the comments. That said, I would recommend a Bangkok Bank Office in a mall which usually means dealing with many foreigners.
  2. Yes, the use of nuclear weaponry is a negative but that is not the fault of science but rather how that science is put to use. That same science has resulted in advances for our benefit. As to scientists disagreeing? Science is a process demanding change as new discoveries, based on the tested evidence comes to light … Therein is the disagreement as the different tests and interpretation of the evidence is researched. Quite different that “ordinary people” disagreeing, mostly on the basis of their emotionally influenced opinion.
  3. Reading the responses, I think the advice is collectively correct. In the decade past, stores have always taken care of me. Even took two boxes of wine back to Makro at one point without difficulty, explaining something was bad in the taste (I suspected poor storage in shipment). Anyway, no problem, cost given back immediately. Who knows, perhaps they had already been told of an issue.
  4. My understanding is the house is 50/50 is purchased after legally registered marriage. It is the land the house is on that we cannot own.
  5. Hmmm, Chinese have been there from the 1800s in numbers. They built the western section of the Transcontinental Railroad … the given Chinese name for the USA was “Beautiful Country”
  6. We married this year and the tax year for US citizens is drawing to a close. This year I will be doing the extensive IRS reading concerning a change in reporting status but I am soliciting input from Americans married to Thais (who are not US citizens or having a Green Card). Da is a Thai citizen. We have no intention of living in the US nor her gaining any residency/citizenship in the US. Things in Thailand go to Da on my death. Things in US go to my Sons (separate wills - no co-mingling). So, tax filing status advice? I am sole support, her Daughter is a h.s. student living with us. Tax status advice … Married Filing Jointly, Married Filing Separately, Head of Household? Any thinking on good, fair tax reporting agencies (I am in Chiang Mai)? bill
  7. I am good until 2030 which may be past my expiration date … hope not, I am enjoying my retirement here in Thailand. On a USA related note … end of another tax year. I married my Thai love this year … those who have dealt with tax filing … advice solicited as regards filing status. I am reading but … Filing Married Joint, Married Separately, Head of Household (Stepdaughter with us). I am sole support. Da is Thai, noUS residency or other status for her in USA.
  8. I am thinking you just are running into the simplify, simplify, simplify mode of everything needing to be of one model, one accepted bureaucratic way of doing things . Unfortunately, for us, depends on the office, their boss, etc. Last eve I was once again on the phone with the US IRS … demand for an additional 2018 tax return interest payment … I will not bore you but this had all been done and dusted months ago … or so I thought. Bureaucracies the world over …
  9. The rhyme, that comes to mind is: if you cannot afford the fine do not commit the crime. Here is your out … her car is not insured for you as a driver … would that work? I do not face the same issue as I enjoy driving and find the wife’s driving overly concerned with driving too slowly …
  10. Paul, I understand your thought on the wai protocol. I only say, when my Stepdaughter’s Teacher comes to our home, I immediately offer the wai, without question. The wai, at the same time, from the Teacher has always been offered upon entering our home. Yes, if we wanted to get down to particulars, I am the elder, I am the retired Professor but a mutual wai is preferable to me. Just my take after a decade here, easier to be mutually respectful. Had I offered the wai and it not be returned … yes, that would lower my opinion of the person affronting me.
  11. My O-A application was through the Royal Thai Chicago Consulate in 2011. I submitted a letter from the local city police department and another from the county Sheriff. That said, I would encourage looking at entering Thailand Visa Exempt, then changing to an O Visa. When I can, I will exit Thailand to void my O-A and apply for the O in Thailand. In my case avoiding the need for medical insurance for every year.
  12. I have continued my monthly Wise transfers in excess of 65K baht for retirement visa without incident into Bangkok Bank since this idea was first posted.
  13. Valid question but I would say no, limiting my outlook to the USA. There are different ways of looking at “class”. In the USA a judgement is very heavily influenced by income. There are other measures, such as class mores. Thus we see the “Beverly Hillbillies”, suddenly having money but remaining far removed from the class of people living in Beverly Hills. Fiction? Yes, the idea of the “nouveau riche” remains valid, however. Should I mention the likes of Trump contrasted with the “old money” upbringing and outlook by such families as Rockefeller, Wanamaker, Rothschild, etc? The latter are of quite a different “class”. I can speak only for myself but I was not raised knowing a proper “place setting” if there was more that a plate, glass, knife fork and spoon (the poor might not even have that and the wealthy are aware of the correct red wine, white wine, water, champagne aperitifs, etc. glassware.
  14. I was raised blue collar in the USA. Dad was a welder and Mom went to work as a hospital lab receptionist after my Brother and I went off to college. I always refer to myself as part of the retired working middle class, having joined millions of other American Expats out-priced in the USA. We can enjoy a higher living standard of a working middle class retirement in a lower cost country. In the US, class is oft determined by income. My highest earning year was $55,000.00 USD. Education level - post-graduate degree. Poor financial choice … teaching in Kentucky (OK, and not a “yes man” when my knowledge and experience dictated giving reasons in opposing wrongheaded administrators).
  15. No problem doing my monthly 65K+ transfer via Wise into my Bangkok Bank account.
  16. I cannot address this one bank. I can say there is no issue with my Wise transfers into Bangkok Bank to meet my 65 K+ monthly deposit.
  17. I have long since acknowledged I do not have enough knowledge to distinguish real gemstones. Sad as I would like to buy at a fair price.
  18. Yes, and I want to win the lottery. 52 million tourists over the next two years and all of them, well at least the overwhelming majority high value, high spenders. Good luck … meanwhile the sorry likes of myself retired to a Thailand a decade ago and have steadily spent approximately one million baht a year. Sad excuse for a high value “tourist”.
  19. My alternatives, as I cannot afford to live in retirement in my own country, is to switch to a different Visa.
  20. I have begun watching on Christmas themed movie a night. Will finish up with the classics of "Its a Wonderful Life" and "A Christmas Carol" (my preference, George C. Scott). "Diehard I", "White Christmas", 'Miracle on 34th Street" ... Last night was "Love the Coopers", have "The Santa Clause" series, likewise "The Christmas Chronicles", "The Grinch" is in the mix, as is the "Home Alone" movies. About 16 in all will keep me busy ... a kid at age 74.
  21. I began my professional work in 1970, before that time from being a newspaper delivery boy at age 13, I would would quite a few jobs during attending college and during summer breaks. I began teaching at the Junior HS (Middle School level) I taught a total of 8 years while continuing my education and working part-time jobs to supplement my teaching income. I then switched to teach high school as the system was addicting a new high school for an additional 6 years. The area was adding a new community college and as an experienced, certified educator, I was hired to teach history and would remain there for an additional 27 years. During my college teaching years I additionally founded and directed our city’s Sister City program with a city in the Czech Republic and later another in Japan. Summers were often spent studying history/language/culture in Japan, China, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain (do keep my story in mind if you are ever tempted to think educators are on vacation during the summer break). All in all I was able to experience much that the majority of my compatriots, raised as working middle class have not. By age 64 1/2 I had become aware of my inherited colesterol issues and had five by-passes so … a bit early, I retired as a full Professor Emeritus of History. Rich memories of meeting folks from six continents but retirement was the best option. Thought I might continue to work with a university here but found I was quite happy with my life without work demands. Very pleased to be retired in Thailand and with my Thai wife.
  22. Ironic, I am watching right now! The Santa Clause, Home Alone, The Christmas Chronicles, It’s a Wonderful Life, there are more, including The Grinch but the most dear to my heart … Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol” with George C. Scott. The Spirit of Christmas Present … “Ignorance and Want … upon their brow is written doom”.
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