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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I have used the monthly deposits for a decade but some time ago switched to ordering the Wise transfer closer to the beginning of the month for the following month budget as a precaution. May US SS payment is deposited in my uS bank around the 10th of each month. So I transfer it the first week of the following month.
  2. Retired in Chiang Mai for 11 years now. Five by-passes 2005 (USA), heart attack here 2015. As I was alone at the time, decided it was best to sell the condo and rent as my Sons are in USA and their coming to deal with claims to and sale of the limited assets here would burden them. So, now with a Thai Wife and Sons still in USA ... I executed a Thai Will leaving anything owned in Thailand to her and a separate USA Will which leaves my only assets there (retirement and invested funds one) to my Sons. As for my remains? Up the chimney at a local War with minimum fuss and bother (hopefully). Recommend registering with STEP program through the US website as it allows Emergency contact info if the Embassy learns of your death or accident while abroad.
  3. I have used the 65K method for over a decade. Monthly, I order the $2200.00USD transferred from my U.S. account through Wise (making sure I state on their question form that the reason is for “long term stay”. This makes sure Wise transfers directly into my Bangkok Bank Account as FFT (foreign funds transfer) and not through an intermediary bank. Have not had any issues doing it this way. Checks the requirement boxes while my funds remain invested and earning me dividends.
  4. The idea has come up on occasion with western males commenting that their Thai significant others are not capable of holding conversations, certainly not on subjects the male wants to discuss. My outlook is that I am in touch with folks I have met on 6 continents. I can discuss with any number of western males. At home, in retirement, we are quite compatible and have no need for th3 se types of conversations. Had breakfast today with an American Doctor, discussion ranged from medical directives, to Buddhism to Rousseau and Voltaire. Now my Thai wife and I are enjoying our hour long massage … balance …
  5. Agreed. I love Thai culture as you point out. Leaving a nice group of leader 20s to mid30s females quite open to older western males (keeping in mind that the outlook toward age in Asia is quite different than in many western cultures), who show stability, including the financial stability. Worked for me!
  6. The world over … what was that saying about money shortage and love goes out the window.
  7. Cannot deny, before coming to Thailand in retirement, I had read one would be put in the “pecking order” by: 1. How old are you 2. What was your occupation 3. What are your financial resources 4. How white is your skin. Hmm, what’s not to love?! And so here I am after a decade. Fat boy in the candy store when I first came. Now a traditionally raised Thai girl Wife, 26 years my junior (don’t overthink this, remember how old I am). I have oft observed it is more like the 1950s as I was raised. Man to provide financial security, woman to take care of her man (yes, of course a self interest on my wife’s part but She definitely takes care).
  8. We found a comfortable rental house on a double lot here in Chiang Mai for 15,000 baht a month ($423.00 USD). Our bedroom, Daughter's bedroom. My office with my library of European and Asian History books (already donated 300 American History books to Chiang Mai University Library). My wife, pre-Covid had been working sewing clothing together for the tourist market so one room holds her sewing machines and related materials. Each family's needs/wants are different. The Daughter (17) goes off to university, then would be the time for us to get that smaller house ... and on one floor.
  9. That is the question. Seems like most wish to avoid the hard thinking required to half-way comprehend what are the root causes and address same.
  10. My reality upon coming up to retire in 2011? Can I afford a comfortable working middle class sustainable monthly retirement budget of $2400.00USD a month. It seemed to me that I could afford a rusting trailer in Arizona or Florida but, upon investigation, could be much better off in a lower cost country. So, I joined millions of other working middle class folks from the USA, Germany, Australia, England, Denmark, Japan, etc. retiring in Thailand. No Mercedes and swimming pool but ... 4 bed, 3 bath home, car, motorbike, excellent healthcare (much more reasonable than USA), etc.
  11. Yo! Go easy there ... name sensitive. 555
  12. My "crystal ball" is a bit cloudy but I do fear unless the underlying economic stress on the American working class is addressed, the madness will continue. The wealth gap reflects the unsustainability of the direction over the last 50+- years (actions/policies of both major political parties).
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