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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Yes, I saw the advertisement also. Fall back position, get a marriage Visa.
  2. O-A Visa holders must have required insurance. Currently, the same people having an O Visa are not required to have this health coverage. So, my plan is to exit Thailand and re-enter Visa Exempt, then seek an O Visa for reason of retirement. The 11,400 baht is the lowest cost (200,000 baht deductible) Thai insurance meeting the minimums of 40K out patient, 400K in patient coverage.
  3. I entered with an O-A Visa for Retirement a decade ago. Awaiting a change to an O Visa ASAP so I do not have the useless insurance requirement (due to age 74 and pre-existing conditions that insurance will decline to pay for, I suspect). 11,400 baht annually ... on top of any associated Extension cost.
  4. Yes, after not hearing anything more from Expatvac (after the initial affirmation that I was successfully registered), I sought further clarification here in Chiang Mai. I learned that the Honorary British Consul was working with a group of volunteers with the Chiang Mai Provincial Health Office. Through this contact, I was walked through registration on "the Chiang Mai Wall" and issued an immediate registration number (later required to present when the public notices went out giving information of when and where to report for the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine donation from the US. I was in the first group called as a matter of age and pre-existing conditions. Currently, they have announced 18 years and up for Pfizer first shots. Both the Honorary British Consul and the American Consulate has sent out the info. Over 18s Pfizer Vaccination for Foreign Residents in Chiang Mai: Ticket Holders Only Tuesday 19th October 2021 Vaccination Centre Promenada Mall 08:30-12:30 – Foreign Residents Over 25 Yrs Age (YOB 1996 or earlier) Ticket Holders Only 13:30 -14:30- Foreign Residents 18 - 24 Yrs Age (YOB 1997 - 2003) Ticket Holders Only Please obtain free tickets via Eventbrite App at these links: Foreign Residents Over 25 Yrs Age https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../over-25s-promenada... Tickets available for following times: 08:30-09:30 09:30-10:30 10:30-11:30 11:30-12:30 Foreign Residents 18 - 24 Yrs Age https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../18-24-yrs-promenada... Tickets available for following times: 13:30-14:30 Do not forget to bring to the vaccination your: - Passport - Eventbrite E-ticket - Consent Form, filled in prior to arrival (see below). Terms and Conditions Apply This Pfizer vaccination is only for foreign residents in Chiang Mai who have never been vaccinated with any vaccine before Only one ticket is allowed per person. This vaccination is for expat foreign residents NOT migrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos. Migrant workers will be vaccinated under a separate program. You are advised to arrive 15 minutes before your ticket time. There is no need to arrive earlier than that. In order to reduce delays for yourself and others, please could you: 1) Pre-register with Wall of Chiang Mai, if you have not already done so at: https://reboot.chiangmaihealth.go.th/CMCVR/ and note your 13 digit ID number. 2) Print out and fill in the Consent Form prior to arrival. Full address is not required only District and Sub-District. Form can be found at this link: https://www.chiangmaihealth.go.th/.../Consent_Form_Eng.pdf Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office would like to emphasize that this vaccination is only for individuals who have not previously been vaccinated. Registrations will be checked and fraud will lead to ineligibility for all future vaccinations from the Royal Thai Government. All guidelines at the vaccinations will be strictly enforced, and customers eligible for vaccination must comply with the above criteria. Individuals who do not comply will be turned away and asked to wait for a later date.
  5. I have had both doses here in Chiang Mai. Agree, did not hear back from Expatvac except message that I was successfully registered. Then told by US Consulate and Honorary Brit Consul here to register with the provincial health department. After that, all smooth. Over 18s Pfizer Vaccination for Foreign Residents in Chiang Mai: Ticket Holders Only Tuesday 19th October 2021 Vaccination Centre Promenada Mall 08:30-12:30 – Foreign Residents Over 25 Yrs Age (YOB 1996 or earlier) Ticket Holders Only 13:30 -14:30- Foreign Residents 18 - 24 Yrs Age (YOB 1997 - 2003) Ticket Holders Only Please obtain free tickets via Eventbrite App at these links: Foreign Residents Over 25 Yrs Age https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/over-25s-promenada-pfizer-vaccination-expats-chiang-mai-8-tickets-189396168037 Tickets available for following times: 08:30-09:30 09:30-10:30 10:30-11:30 11:30-12:30 Foreign Residents 18 - 24 Yrs Age https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/18-24-yrs-promenada-pfizer-vaccination-expats-chiang-mai-9-tickets-190269831187 Tickets available for following times: 13:30-14:30 Do not forget to bring to the vaccination your: - Passport - Eventbrite E-ticket - Consent Form, filled in prior to arrival (see below). Terms and Conditions Apply This Pfizer vaccination is only for foreign residents in Chiang Mai who have never been vaccinated with any vaccine before Only one ticket is allowed per person. This vaccination is for expat foreign residents NOT migrant workers from Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos. Migrant workers will be vaccinated under a separate program. You are advised to arrive 15 minutes before your ticket time. There is no need to arrive earlier than that. In order to reduce delays for yourself and others, please could you: 1) Pre-register with Wall of Chiang Mai, if you have not already done so at: https://reboot.chiangmaihealth.go.th/CMCVR/ and note your 13 digit ID number. 2) Print out and fill in the Consent Form prior to arrival. Full address is not required only District and Sub-District. Form can be found at this link: https://www.chiangmaihealth.go.th/cmpho_web/coronavirus/Consent_Form_Eng.pdf Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office would like to emphasize that this vaccination is only for individuals who have not previously been vaccinated. Registrations will be checked and fraud will lead to ineligibility for all future vaccinations from the Royal Thai Government. All guidelines at the vaccinations will be strictly enforced, and customers eligible for vaccination must comply with the above criteria. Individuals who do not comply will be turned away and asked to wait for a later date.
  6. We are still having Pfizer distribute to foreigners here in Chiang Mai. Hav to be registered online.
  7. I listened to a member of the group issuing this warning on the basis of the long study. Of course everyone is in different circumstances. Nothing new regarding me. 5 by-passes in 2005, heart attack resulting in stent and 2 additional angioplasties in 2015. Feeling fine BUT, hmmm, colesterol meds, hypothyroid meds, blood pressure meds, Concur and baby aspirin. So, I listen to my Cardiologist. Interesting, I have found I cannot use any additional aspirin, for a headache, for example. If I had done so, I woke up looking through blood spots in my eyes … yikes!
  8. Prophylaxis … action taken to prevent disease, especially by specified means or against a specific disease. As in taking vaccines ….
  9. Or not need the money and wish to continue to work with students? I had considered doing so when I first retired to Chiang Mai. In the end, I found I was quite happy just being retired after 41 years in the classroom.
  10. I have had an unsubstantiated theory since first visiting Thailand that the laws dealing with toys or porn was an effort to restrict this so as to encourage employment … if you get my drift.
  11. Had my two shots out of the USA donated allotment. Thai wife scheduled for the paid Moderna at a hospital here in Chiang Mai (hopefully next month). Thai Stepdaughter scheduled for Pfizer at her school this month.
  12. Did I state this somewhere? Thought the discussion was allowing for a free discourse of our understanding of the right of self defense in the use of deadly force. As to the case at hand, not enough is known in order to make an informed opinion.
  13. Having lived in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and held a Concealed Deadly Weapon License, it was my understanding that the use of deadly force was only warranted in defense of life (your’s or another’s life), not in order to protect property. Of course, every case must be judged on its own presented evidence. My understanding was, if someone forcefully broke into my home that would present evidence that I was in fear of my life and thus had a right to use deadly force. If I had invited someone in or no forced entry was involved and a fight ensued, that would be a different matter. The burden of arguing defense of life would be harder to demonstrate to a jury. Currently, I would cite my 5’5” height, age, and heart condition as why I had the needed fear … I also keep a deadly weapon in the house and would have no psychological/moral issue with a defense resulting in a death. As to the current Swiss defendant … the jury is, by right, still out as not enough evidence has been sorted through … IMHO.
  14. I do agree that a major consideration for my retiring to Thailand in 2011 was a lower cost of living and thus being able to maintain a working middle class comfortable retirement. Still, with maintaining a 1 million baht brought into the country each year, I do not that I am a poor retiree. Yes, I note you said most not all. I really am curious to know, if fact, what the average western retiree in Thailand spends per year and an estimated net worth.
  15. I certainly is Thailand well but … same mindset of have seen in housing prices. Nice if you can get it and there certainly are people out there with the big bucks as we have recently seen in the report of who is buying up condos. Just how many are there … how many can Thailand attract in completion with other luxury destinations? My vote would be to aim at, no not the beg packers, rather the vast majority wishing the working middle class who are looking for a unique, exotic vacation … or in my case, retirement destination. Or, of course you can keep building and leaving constructed places all but empty … I believe China is also seeing some of this.
  16. Señal decade ago, I remember we had access to programs which would overwrite your storage two or three times. Whatever happened to that idea or is it no longer necessary?
  17. I have not had problems using the 65K a month for a decade through October 6, 2021. As for Immigration? Thai wife, I think they might want to help straighten out any one month “glitch”. Just my guess …
  18. Hmmm, I would be tempted to smart off but in light of both the Panama Papers and the recent Pandora investigative reporting ...
  19. can't speak to today but when I was looking to retire from the US a decade ago, other countries on the list were Mexico, Panama Canal Zone and Ecuador. never mind the reality deniers, the USA has been a bi-lingual country since taking half of Mexico, then add in Puerto Rico and Cuba pre Castro.
  20. Nouveau-riche. China has been able to position itself as the number one world producer of low cost goods through a centrally controlled economy and, in a bit of irony, earning capitalist profits from the capitalist west.
  21. Ready to do our part once the Thai wife and Stepdaughter are vaccinated (projected Pfizer/Moderna). Recommend the government reinstitute subsidizing hotel/resort/home stay costs from 25 - 50% (subsidy going directly to lodging business based on the documented booked stays. My income is limited, I am a retired resident but not one of the wealthy that some want to focus on attracting to come into the country. Still, my comfortable monthly budget of 65,000 baht does allow for occasional stays during school holidays or long weekends.
  22. Part of my learning experience when retiring to Thailand in 2011 was the difference in dealing with abandoned or repossessed housing. In the US, those houses would, upon repossession by the bank, be put on the market and reduced in price until sold. Here, for the first two years, I lived in a rented L&H house. I noted there were a few houses being left to “go to seed”. Hmm, thought I, an opportunity to buy a deeply discounted property and reconstruct! Yea … no! Here those properties cannot be bought outright by foreigners and the properties had been financed by a bank for an amount on the banks books. If they were to reduce the price and sell the property, well it would be a financial loss for the bank. Someone would be at fault for financing the property bad loan in the first place and bringing a financial loss to the bank. No way anyone wants to accept that loss of face … And so, the decision that properties remain at full value on the bank books. I think the same reasoning why used cars are not reduced in price to move the “product”, or lack of discounts given on the original price at new car dealerships. Just a big difference in selling approach …
  23. Have enjoyed the movie numerous times. Wish all the happiness I have found in retirement in Thailand.
  24. Marriage certificate on file. Will made out leaving anything I have in Thailand to her. Hoping to build up the savings account to 500 k baht. Reality is I am retired here, in good part, due to not being able to retire on my $2400 a month from US. Sold all in US when I retired. US retirement goes to my two Sons, separate US Will. She has a house deeded to her on her parents farm. She and a Brother will inherit the land there.
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