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Posts posted by briley

  1. I looked into allowing a Condo to accept pay-pal.

    Firstly you would need about 10% extra to cover the charges made for this that and the other.

    Secondly it seemed impossible for a Condo to get a pay-pal account linked to a bank account.

  2. Tend to agree with 12drinkmore that any changes made by the government benefits them - not me.

    But with this pension change those who have paid in the minimum or near that will lose out, getting around £100pw instead of £144pw (today's figures before inflation). This will apply to a lot of us who retired early to Thailand having only paid the minimum, or who made voluntary payments.

    Obviously those rich bankers who had to pay lots and lots in NI contributions might (and should????) lose out.

    And does anyone expect the UK government to ever give us pension increases?

    PS - believe the Dutch government is going ever worse than the UK government - pensioners outside Holland will get their pensions reduced in line with the local cost of living.

  3. Beano - the retirement age is not 60 and 65. Women have already been increased and men get an increase soon. By 2020 it will be 66 or 67 for everyone.

    Back paying for the pension was well worth it - but in the last couple of years the amount need to pay has doubled. And the number of years needed has reduced so the calculations need to be done carefully.

    My complaint is I made voluntary contributions in the past getting up to 35 years and planned to make the last 5 years on retirement. Then they changed the rules to 30 years so I made 5 years of payments that I did not need to do.

    PS - I also felt the poll tax was a good idea, maybe poorly implemented and used as an excuse to increase local taxes but much fairer than the old rates or even the current whatever it is called system.

  4. The UK state pension scheme is due another major shake up as from 2015 or 2016.

    The idea is to bring in a simpler system giving all OAPs the same, either a single tier system giving £140pw for everyone or a two tier system giving every one £97pw plus about £1.60pw for each year you have worked.

    I think the changes are a good idea BUT whichever system they bring in will only apply to those who retire after the implementation date (probably 5th April 2016)

    If your retirement age is before 5th April 2016 you will get less pension for the rest of your life. I estimate you could lose out by up to £60,000 - that is (don't laugh) 5,555 cases of Chang beer.

    It is possible for you to make your views known now either using the interactive web based system at:


    or, more easily, by sending your views by e-mail to:

    [email protected]

    Don't forget -

    This will impact on all UK nationals in Thailand over the age of 60.

    It is much easier to get the government to change it's plans now before white papers etc than waiting until you lose out in 2016.

    Very few people respond to these things, the poll tax had 117 people make comments, so your voice will be heard - if you want.

  5. I autopay my TOT and PEA bills from Bangkok band and have done for 6 years.

    Absolutely no problems.

    And it saves a few satang since I pay exactly, even if xx satang. No rounding up. Must have almost save the cost of a small beer by now?

  6. The 100 baht is for the 'convenience' of being able to pay Air Asia for the flight.

    It is just another annoying add-on that some companies (especially budget airlines) think makes them friends.

  7. That website's prices are out of date. The Wave 125i electric is now more like 51,000 Baht

    It is hard to get more than 500 Baht off the list price. Most of the profit is in the credit deal that very few foreign buyers need (or can get). So foreigners are not good customers.

  8. The Condo keeps the list of the percentage of the building that is foreign owned.

    When a unit is bought they provide a list of all foreign owners and the percentage they own to the land registry. If the new purchase takes it over 49% foreign ownership then land registry will stop the sale.

    As Jingthing says, once it is at 49% then Thai's can only sell to Thai's but foreigners can sell to anyone. So the Thai's do suffer from lower prices.

  9. Someone else on another thread said you can go back and do it again every day for up to 90 days.

    Normally they only point out red or green, so you know it is not any of the other colours and they are different shading for most colour blind people. Also go closer to the dots to see what colours there are and see if she uses the same dots for each person?

    I've seen people able to go closer as they had forgotten their glasses, also suspect that many times you can ask a friend to stand next to you and help you. I did that to help my wife with the perception test when she failed it 3 times ............... I stood to the side, much easier.

    Personally I like to have a legal driving license and do not offer envelopes.

  10. Thanks for the suggestions.

    I was looking for replica, not the copy rubbish on night market. Last ones I bought were not 100 Baht, but not the £40 as on the Liverpool site.

    I'd forgotten about Sports World in Kad Suan Keaw - trouble is I don't like that place.

    So will try Robinson's tonight and up to Chan Puak tomorrow. Any clue as to where in Chan Puak?


  11. I used to be able to purchase very good, genuine football shirts at the sports shop on Huay Kaew (near NAT motors). But yesterday they only had one Liverpool shirt.

    Anyone know of a source of football shirts?

    I'm looking for the black Liverpool strip for my grandson.

  12. You get any increase temporarily if you go to the UK, pension reverts to the original rate on leaving.

    If you stay over 6 months you are then locked onto the new rate when you leave, but go back to getting no increases.

    I suspect, but do not know, that the same applies if you go to the Philippines.

    Some people with a UK address and bank account lie about their residence. Some people get caught out lying.

  13. WhyBother is correct, when a new posting comes along they do slide up a place, but in the 5 minutes or so I take to go through 10+ pages this only moves things up 3 or 5 places.

    What I see is - say there are 20 pages of new content, from page 10 onwards many of the entries are repeats of the topics in the first 10 pages. But not in any particular order.

    This is the same as Daffy D says.

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