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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 15 hours ago, KeeTua said:

    What was the solid proof you provided to the cops to cause her arrest at the airport years later?

    If you make a police report, they go to court with the evidence, if the evidence is enough the courts issue a warrant. The next time they go anywhere in Thailand that requires them to prove identity they ping on the computer and get arrested.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    You have anything to back up that statement? Seems like a convenient way to legitimize junk research intended only to support alt-right narrative.

    Really, i did not know that, also i don't claim to be one. But going back to the subject peer reviews are meaningless and the worlds greatest scientists of the past did very well with OUT them.


    I missed a word out, i hope my meaning is more clear now.

  3. On 8/12/2021 at 9:05 PM, samtam said:


    The problem is that lockdown in Thailand means congregation of too many people in a small space. The good doctor is recognising that Thailand is a desperately poor country in which "lockdown" enforces close proximity. It has therefore achieved the opposite effect. The likes of myself and others, who can (and have) seriously locked down for 2 months, (viz not been out of my condo into the great metropolis of Bangkok), is not an option available to the majority of the Thai population, in Bangkok, or elsewhere. For the MoPH not to have recognised the reality of life of ordinary Thais speaks volumes. The economy has been substantially destroyed, and, along with a slow, (but improving vaccination rollout?) is the main reason Thailand's recovery will be slow and painful. The case numbers (if they are true) are relatively low, and the encouraging (if true) statistic, is that recoveries from infected persons are higher than new cases. Death numbers are also low. None of this is a cause for celebration, but a reality check, and a more pragmatic approach are certainly needed.  

    How did you eat and exercise for two months without leaving your apartment?

  4. 1 hour ago, pontious said:

    No I mean Brexit. Banks are closing UK account holders in  Europe because of the extra difficulties  Brexit has caused them. It may be coincidence that tsb accounts will be closed in Thailand at the same time  but having an  account in Thailand with them for the last 15 years I doubt it.

    You presume the European banks are closing because of Brexit or know?


    The UK banks can be damn difficult for sure, they were a long time before Brexit.


    Lets hope it does not become the norm for expats here, it would be a headache for sure.

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, papa al said:

    The bike is fine,

    but AFApK the trans-Issan/trans-North Thailand, ... ,

    trail network you imagine

    really doesn't exist.

    Please prove papa wrong.






    I meant riding the distance is possible.


    I usually ride to a city or town with good food and drink, then take days out exploring. There tracks all over the place but connecting them up would be an issue, i am sure some people find them though. ????

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, wadman said:


    You seem very sure of your stance, so go argue it where it really matters.  I.E. put your money where your mouth is, go to the beaches and parks in Thailand where there are restrictions, and start drinking and taking your mask off.


    EDIT: better yet, find a policeman in those places, walk right up to him, and do those things

    I am sure 100% beer does not spread covid more than eating Somtam. Just because a policeman may or may not arrest does not alter the fact.

  7. 20 hours ago, wadman said:


    You really shouldn't be debating this with me.  You should go to the beach/boardwalk in Pattaya, alcoholic drink in hand, and debate this with the cop who will be coming your way.

    Did you write this? "Catching Covid and drinking often go together.  You get rid of one, you get rid of the other to a large degree."

    You did so i was replying to statement.

  8. 15 hours ago, wadman said:


    Catching Covid and drinking often go together.  You get rid of one, you get rid of the other to a large degree.

    No, drink has zero to do with it. People gathered together in a confined area maybe, weather drinking, eating somtam or shopping in Central.

    People walking, jogging or swimming on the beach are not a health issue at all.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    Why close the beaches? The police should just do their jobs, find a group who are drinking alcohol and make them pour their drinks into the sand, 

    all of the drinks, even the unopened ones have to be opened and poured out, then fine the drivers 1000 baht.  Have the media take lots of pictures

    to shame the drinkers, and make it known that there will be no tolerance and no exceptions.    Closing the beaches is just stupid, especially when the country

    is supposed to be planning to re open to tourists.  


    So covid only attacks drinkers, an interesting if flawed analysis.  

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