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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. On 8/26/2019 at 6:31 PM, sunnyboy2018 said:

    Travelling by motor bike is a different form independent travel añd which only a tiny minority of people do. I applaud your adventurous spirit. However, to compare a country to a city, as this article tries to do  is silly. Northern Thailand,  Central Thailand and Issan have places of equal beauty to the places in your photographs. Thailand has a much deeper, richer culture with music  theatre and glorious colour all of which is cheap and accessible. Vietnam has nothing to compare.  I travel solo and independently in Thailand but found in Vietnam it was all about organised tour groups which is something I never felt the need to do in Thailand. I enjoyed Vietnam and shall probably return. I cant say the same for Cambodia or the Philippines.

    I was having a friendly dig about Issan. There are nice places all around Thailand, i have ridden maybe 100,000 km, north to south and east to west, there are great views, but Vietnam seems to have them in abundance and not in pay as you go National Parks.
    Vietnam by public transport would not be fun and would be restrictive in what you can see. A motorbike is the best way to see the sights. But that's not everybody.

    Cambodia i liked for the old temples, the countryside is nice in places, but nothing special, with few exceptions. Bokor mountain, now it's been resurfaced and Preah Vihear on the Thai border, again in the mountains. I have not traveled to the Philippines yet. ???? 

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  2. On 8/23/2019 at 3:01 PM, Pilotman said:

    I really don't recognise the Thailand that many speak of on TVF.  I hardly ever see a Policeman and if I do, they are usually in the coffee shop opposite their station, drinking coffee and shooting the breeze. Immigration I only see when I go to the airport, or the IO for my extension and 90 day reports. I saw more Police in my last visit to the UK, maybe not a good thing of course as they, the BiB, seem to do very little.  

    Seen the police in a coffee shop, i don't think that is normal, after work it is beer, i see all the time near my place. Mind you i don't go in coffee shops too ????

  3. 18 hours ago, NightSky said:

    As long as I'm allowed back to live with my Thai wife when I want to I have no issues with it.


    Although I fear that as a British tax payer even now whilst living abroad, never taken anything out and only 'put into the system',  I fear things might get much tougher if I want to take my wife to my home country to stay longer than 6 months thats if she doesn't have a degree and doesn't speak excellent English or have 65k GBP to support herself and if she has a pre existing health condition..


    Whats your view on it?

    For your wife to live in UK she needs a degree or 65k sterling? I find that impossible to believe.

  4. 7 hours ago, meand said:

    I think I would tend to agree with your first statement, but there are a bunch of ifs.


    If there are home people in the home.

    If the home is something like a condo and in close proximity to other units. 


    I do not know why this is such a surprise to people, or why lessening the effects of a known carcinogen is met with scorn. What is next, getting mad over saving the environment? 


    The basic tenet in almost all societies is things are generally ok, IF they are not negatively affecting others.


    Secondhand smoke KILLS others! So, we are not even talking about others being affected in superficial ways here like noise pollution. People are actually dying and being made less healthy, to no fault of their own. 


    Enforcement is the difficulty and what discussion should center around in my opinion. 

    Getting mad about saving the environment? Sure, because the way to do so is to tax the #uc@ out of everything, then fly around the world having conferences on not flying or travelling.


    Then the EU sends it's parliament to Strasbourg and back twice a month in a nice environmental way!

    Greenland was called that because when found it was damn green, that was before burning fossil fuels cooled it down! Or was it warmed up again. 

    Get mad, never! ????

  5. 13 hours ago, Oww said:

    I visited luang prabang twice and loved it. Lovely atmosphere and people. Actually considering moving there. The thing I noticed which holds me back...the "best" supermarket/mall was like an old warehouse with mostly Chinese imported foods that looked like they had been sitting on the shelves for months. If your used to the imported goodies at Rimping supermarket I just don't know how you can survive there. Granted there are fine bakeries and coffee shops but for imported groceries I didn't see anything. I would have to eat out at restaurants most of the time.

    Great town!


    Food, well if restaurants can sell good food, they are buying good products. Find out from where. There are top class restaurants there, in fact 20 years ago there was. 

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  6. On 8/15/2019 at 12:17 PM, simon43 said:

    I just completed (yesterday) my relocation to Luang Prabang, north Laos.


    I had been living in Thailand since 2002, with working breaks in Luang Prabang and in Burma.


    I had an Elite 5-year visa which was soon to expire.  At 60 years old, I didn't want to tie up 800,000 baht on a retirement 'visa', nor put down another 500,000 baht for the Elite visa.  IMHO, Thailand has changed significantly from when I first moved here, and I do not appreciate the xenophobia from the current government and from their officers.


    I teach online, which is really not allowed on an Elite visa.  I also teach for free in the local community, and again that's not strictly legal on that visa.


    I want to feel welcomed in the country where I reside, and there's no welcome for me in Thailand nowadays ????


    I moved back to Luang Prabang because it suits my lifestyle.  I rent a 200 year old, 130 square metre hardwood house in the UNESCO protected old town, just seconds from a wide range of cafes, restaurants and bars.  I was out jogging at 4.30 am this morning along the safe roads in the old town - no vicious dogs, no fast cars, no trucks.


    I went shopping to compare prices.  Imported goods are slightly more expensive than Thailand, but fresh fruit and vegetables are cheaper.  I ate in the night market last night ==> all you can eat veggie food for the equivalent of 50 baht.


    My one year visa with work permit costs me about 14,000 baht, no money needed in the bank, no 90 day report, no TM30 etc.  I will start community teaching this weekend while my paid online teaching is during the week.


    I have no regrets, other than I wish I had left Thailand years ago ????

    It's a great place, i have been many times. Hotel prices have gone up a lot in the old town area. Never rented, may i ask what the rent is?

    Money tied up is a crazy issue here, but the last time i looked "retirement" visa were not available in Laos.

    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, DannyCarlton said:

    No one is saying that only one side is guilty, far from it, Labour employed some very dirty tactics by flooding local constituencies with Momentum supporters. It's the only reason that Corbyn is leader of the Labour party today. It severely hacked off many lifelong Labour Party members, large numbers of whom handed their cards in.


    Who are Momentum? Young, middle class left wing activists who, after doing their "rebel without a cause" thing will become the next generation of bank managers, teachers and property developers (think Derek Hatton and Militant). Ordinary working people don't have a party to support them any more. So much so that as a lifelong Labour supporter and former member, If I vote for anyone at the next election, it'll probably be the Lib Dems (OMG).


    However the poster has everything to do with the subject, no matter how much you dislike it and no matter how much it puts your beloved Boris in true perspective, he was elected by 0.3% of the electorate, all of them blue rinse tory diehards. Democratic? I don't think so.

    Boris is not my beloved 5555555


    I agree with your initial paragraphs. ????


    The party is voted in, that unfortunately how it is, should it be changed? Possibly, but to what?

    • Like 1
  8. On 8/13/2019 at 3:47 PM, taninthai said:

    No but I have to buy a license to watch tv or have a dog or go fishing ,have to fill in a census form every now and the have to pay extortionate council tax every month ....now that’s stuff to moan about.


    you didn’t answer my question so you travel and return 3 times every week?..

    Dog licence? They were stopped over 30 years ago. 55555555

    • Haha 1
  9. 22 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    So, now they are imcompetent. What more can be wrong? If everything is so worthless, why stay and complain?

    They have announced that its going to be made and possible to do online. I guess we just have to give them some time, and comply with the rules until it gets easier.

    Isn't it incompetent to start enforcing the TM30 before the online reporting is working 100%?


    Isn't it incompetent to have different provinces applying the law differently?

  10. Just now, Matzzon said:

    Nah, the places where it would be 1000% is very few, and not even wirth bringing up. Not even the one that offer free for Thai´s and paid for foreigners comes up to your 1000%, out of the reason it can only be considered 100% when it stands against zero. However, mathematic lesson over.

    I am probaly stupid, is you were allowed to use you measurement tools, and that´s ok. I can live with that, because there is not only you and your thoughts in this world. ???? 

    It still doesn´t happen based on skin color, it´s mostly based on beeing a citizen or not. In some cases they have a leinient attitude against fellow asians. Nothing wrong with beeing a little bit patriotic. Just take a look at the wide spread patriotism in USA.

    Not worth bring up?


    Many National parks charge a tenfold increase on the Thai price 40 to 400 baht. 


    Yes tenfold is a tad under 1,000 percent but you understand my meaning I'm sure ????


    Not on skin colour as long as you look Asian 5555555555

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