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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 7 hours ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

    The strength of the Thai Baht is not "artificial".

    The reason it is so high is because:-

    Increasing foreign exchange reserves.

    Low inflation rate.

    Low unemployment.

    Resilient economy.

    Concern about European economies (their currencies losing value).


    The Thai Central Bank has the same job as other Central banks; to keep inflation in check. This is why they have very limited options with regard to the exchange rate.


    The foreign exchange market is far bigger than any single countries power to influence their own currency.

    Britain tried to support Sterling in 1993, but, still crashed out of the ERM.

    Thailand tried to do the same in 1997 and spent most of their foreign currency reserves.

    In both cases, it was the foreign exchange market that determined the outcome.

    Didn't Soros have a lot to do with the 97 crash? 

  2. If married in Australia, look into the legal side of things!!!


    I was seeing a gogo girl years ago who was married to an Aussie, separated / divorced and he was sending each month to support her due to a court order in Australia. 


    So he was working in Australia, and sending a huge amount of his income to a lady here. He had no choice!

    • Like 1
  3. 20 hours ago, justaphase said:

    By getting 100% custody would I be able to do anything without her permission?

    Any ideas how long/tricky/expensive getting custody is?

    As you were not married you can't force anything without going to court. 

  4. 17 hours ago, denishuahin said:

    I always wonder how many "farang" have had a motorcycle licence in their own countries, very few I believe. 
    I see farang ride the same way Thai's ride very badly don't take notice of the rules same as the Thai's. 
    I have lived here 15 years driving 450,000 miles in one car. Had one accident whilst stationary on my drive 1 mt off the main straight Rd. Two motorbike with 3 riders hit my car in the side killed two of them and the other a broken leg. They were on the wrong side of the road racing towards the traffic 18 years old, no licence no "tax" no helmets, Police said it was obviously it was my fault. 

    My son ( 52 )came here no UK licence at all, was a teacher 8 years had 7 accidents 3 bad ones and the last one drove out in front of a car killed the passenger lost his left leg, nothing happened with the police, he's now claiming benefits in England along with all the others who don't deserve it. 
    The system will never change here most farangs who ride motorbike never ridden one in there life until come here consequently there drive like the Thai's. 
    Yes I have both car and bike licences in UK and Thailand.            

    You have no idea of the percentage of people riding here had a licence in their home country or not.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/27/2019 at 10:41 AM, Mahseer said:

    tutsiwarrior, I appreciate the reply and will put it on me list for next time, thanks. I enjoy trains here so looks straight forward getting there.


    I'm in country now and just got into the mountain village of Sin Ho which is well worth a look if any interest in the ethnic folk that reside and just need to vacate before the Sapa folks get here for tomorrow's market. Pretty much got the town to myself today so happy days.



    Wonderful area, i have ridden up from Saigon two times to explore the mountains there.

  6. 15 hours ago, geoffbezoz said:

    He is stating the obvious really. Other then to a blind right wing Brexiteer it is obvious that only a second referendum will resolve the issue.  Hopefully this time it will be based on facts rather than fear mongering and free of bribes to the DUP.  This time it needs to ask the question to voters do you agree with the Brexit agreement as currently negotiated Terms or not ? A No vote should automatically trigger the revocation of Article 50 to ensure no further ambiguity.

    What bribes to DUP?

  7. 56 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Very enjoyable report, thanks. 6000km in 30 days on a bike; im knackered after our annual 2000km 10 days CAR trip.


    I went to the thai side of the temple a few years back and the wife heard from the soilders the cambodians were building  a road up. Any photos? What was it like? I ask as i was trying  to  imagine how they'd get a road up that steep escarpment. Cheers.

    At the summit, really steep. But paved until you enter the complex.


    It is hard riding, but if i sit doing nothing, i will find somewhere to go. ???? 

  8. 42 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

    My understanding and experience is that the Thai Land Transport Department stopped issuing them for bikes some time before 2015 and in co-ordination with Immigration and Customs, they were therefore no longer required to exit Thailand. I have taken my bike to Laos on many occasions but never to Malaysia.

    2016 Malaysia required a translation and a number plate sticker of the translation. Now, i don't know if still required.

  9. 8 hours ago, villerupt said:


    getting the bike in Cambodia, you don't need a "international permit transport" (a small book, 9x13 cm, color purple)?

    last year, i have to show it to go in Laos with my car

    btw, thx for this very interesting adventure report, i enjoyed it!






    As you say, that was for your car.


    Just the green registration book is needed.

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