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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. On 7/23/2019 at 4:50 PM, MartinKal said:

    Yes there is competition, but let's take a look at it first.

    Bali, Bali the beautiful. But kuta beach has been unfavorably compared to UK's clacton-on-sea. And Ubud is so crowded and the lovely rice terraces built over that people cannot pass on the pavement without stepping into the street. So I wouldn't go there.


    What about Vietnam Is there a more all year round polluted city than Hanoi? Yes, Saigon. And is Agent Orange a Buddhist attraction or is it in fact a deadly poison that remains in the soil together with the cluster bombs from the last war? So that's off my itinerary.


    Malaysia is fine, but Liberties restricted if you know what I mean and the cost of living there is a lot higher than in Thailand. So I wouldn't go that either.


    That leaves Myanmar which to my mind represents the biggest long-term threat, but for the moment is not developed for tourism.


    No, rather than trying to blame the competition for the drop in numbers, the new Tourist Authority Chief could do well to focus on the weaknesses of Thailand itself. And start with taking a look at the infrastructure which has unfortunately being eroded since it was put in place in the 1980s.

    There is a lot more to Vietnam than those two cities, wonderful beaches and mountain ranges stretching along the whole country.

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    เจ้าบ้าน = Housemaster (not House/Homeowner)

    นหัวหน้าครอบครอง = chief possessor (not head owner)

    As mentioned, i am learning, but two site say.......










    host; owner of the house; householder; homeowner



    krôp krong   [to] possess ; own ; belong to


    Ambiguous as i said 

  3. 16 hours ago, wilailuk said:

    How any farang from velfunctioning western countries choose to work in LOS as a teacher, or in other lowpaying jobs, is totally beyond me, I don´t understand it!


    It should be the other way around: Work at good paying jobs offshore, at sea, fishing boat (Alaska crab fishing) etc. etc. - and when you have a s..tload of dough, THEN move here, much, much better..


    To use your best working years like that, is just plain stupid, and I don´t accept any crying and whining, when people have chosen like that, som nam naa..




     "I don´t understand it!"


    Indeed you don't!

    • Like 1
  4. 20 hours ago, pattayahenry said:

    millions of thais have less money than falang. double pricing supports the poor. every thai accepts this. that guy should be more careful. if he continues to make problems they just cancel his visa and deport him. they must not give any reason.

    Based on your analogy prices should be based on what you can afford, an interesting and flawed way of looking at it i suggest. 

    • Like 2
  5. I have ridden up to the Chinese border and the Singapore border on one trip in shorts, sandals etc. Never again, although i had no accidents.

    Off road riding a few weeks ago and had a hard landing, the bike and i somersaulted with me landing 10 metres away and in agony! I was wearing clothing with body armour boots and and a good helmet. I am still in a lot of pain now, if i was not wearing that gear i hate to think how badly i would have been injured.
    Regarding hot weather, Assero jeans, made in Thailand with full protection are cool to wear. I have a similar jacket too, there is gear out there.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, JimHuaHin said:

    I have been going to Hua Hin Hospital for 6 years, and I have no complaints.


    I generally use the 'express' service, and I pay extra for the service, as do ALL the Thai patients.


    At times I have used the after hours OPD specialist service, and pay extra for the service, as do ALL Thai patients, including my Thai partner who is a nurse in another governent hospital.


    After Christmas last year I was admitted as a patient in a private room due to a severe UTI infection requiring IV antiobiotics for 4 days - I paid the same fees as a Thai patient would have.


    Most of the medical staff at Hua Hin Hospital are excellent - many doctors have thier own private after hours clinics, and several also work part-time in one of the two Hua Hin private hospitals.


    Hua Hin Hospital provides a great service to the community; the Hospital is also several million Baht in debt, as are many many other Thai government hospitals.


    Personally, I do not mind paying a few hundred Baht extra per visit to Hua Hin Hospital, as it helps the Hospital continue is great work in our community.


    On the other hand, I do not accept being ripped off by the local motor cycle taxi, taxi and tuk tuk marfia.

    I suspect with your wife being a nurse, she knows how to get treatment for you at the Thai price. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Medway said:

    I had cataract surgery at Bkk hospital Pattaya. On my follow ups with the surgeon I was charged 800 baht immediately I walked in the office....daylight robbery.

    I was blinded by a doctor there, follow up surgeries to try and rectify it came to more than 800,000, now that was painful!


    The guy has a private surgery now, be careful where you go for surgery!


    International hospital in Bangkok 40,000 for a PET scan + 25% because "farang"


    Princess hospital beside Don muang 20,000 total!

  8. 7 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

    It really doesn't cost much to purchase an International Drivers license in your Country of residence, IF you think you may decide to drive in another Country, Thailand Police accept International Drivers Licenses. I frequently drive from Vientiane to Pattaya to obtain spare parts for my outboard motors and to have outboards repaired/serviced etc. ... my Lao Driving Licenses is acceptable by the Police to about Khon Kaen, after that, they get smart and ask for an International Drivers License (as they cannot read the Lao Language I think ... not sure if they can read English either) but no problem. My sons have brought Aussie International Lic's also, and no problem.

    3000 Baht for a ride from P. Airport to a Hotel ???? We rent a 10 seater Mini Bus from Budget at Phuket Airport for 1300 baht per day ... and drive ourselves, admittedly we know our way around. It would still be cheaper to rent the mini bus and then tell a tuk tuk drive to drive to the hotel and follow him .... ha ha ha

    Laos is in ASEAN, their driving licence is by law accepted in Thailand.

    The Thai police will be able to read the Laos licence, both languages are similar.
    They are just playing you. 

  9. Ride up to Pilock, stop off at the dam

    on the way, you can ride onto the top of the dam.


    Road 323 towards Three Pagoda Pass, left at 3272 that turns into 4088 and to the border with Burma.


    Sorry, just saw you mentioned it already!

  10. First, deposit the shit where it came from, right outside their gate.


    Second, clean, i mean really clean and disinfect with bleach the area they shit. Repeat every time the shit.


    Go to a pharmacy and buy ammonia, spray the whole area.


    Also keep some ammonia in a squeezy bottle that you can seal, if not it evaporates. Spay onto the dogs when they try to shit, it won't hurt them, but they will in time shit elsewhere. 

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/11/2019 at 11:16 PM, herwin1234 said:

    How about adapting to your new country? You are not in your home country now. New country new rules. Poisoning the local dogs? Remember, you might think they are streetdogs, but all dogs actually have an owner. if it was my dog you killed, you would be very sorry.  Getting arrested for killing somebodies dog will look good the next time at immigration. 

    Anyway, another quality foreigner in the LOS. I wonder why we are less and less welcome.

    Adapting to your new country? What a ridiculous and uneducted remark. Laughable actually. 


    Most people do, my i can assure you if you were cleaning it up you would soon get angry.


    How would you deal with it?

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