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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 14 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    On the surface you'd side with the Ukranian, a poor innocent tourist who complained about late departure and chastised the boatman, the boatman should learn to manage criticism and to practise effective customer complaint management you'll perhaps say! My money, however, is on the boatman not being at fault, cultural gap, behaviours and attitudes, when in Rome and all that. I just don't think a tourist should come to Thailand and bark at the people as though he was in downtown Moscow or New York Time Square, this aint Kansas or Kiev.

    Great, piss me off and i will slash you, i like your way of thinking.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Covertjay said:

    That's BS. I have a car and bike in my name in the green rego book. Go to another shop. New cars/bike easy as they put you straight in the green book. Just need a copy of passport and work permit if you have it. Even second hand is not hard to change it over. 

    I have 3 motorbikes registered in my name, one second hand, no problem to have in your own name.

    • Like 2
  3. 17 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    More to the point the people who voted leave did so based on lies, lies that have now been exposed but still they choose to stick with result.


    Anyway we have been here many times before and still there is no progress.  Brexit is slowly being shown to be unworkable, at least unworkable to get a positive deal for Britain.  Davis continues to soften his approach to the point of giving himself a get out clause or two.  Will it be a two year transition period or maybe three?  His speech yesterday had so many holes in it they should call it a colander!


    What lie, stated by who?

  4. On 20/01/2018 at 1:51 PM, Neeranam said:

    I learned to read and write Thai in one month. 1 hour a day with a book for 200 baht from AUA.

    No excuse for anyone living here not to learn it, IMHO. A 3 year old can do it. A friend of mine has lived here for 20 years and doesn't know Thai  numbers, or what month it is! What makes it more bizarre is that her is a language teacher with a qualification in language acquisition!!

    The months are not so easy to learn, even some Thai people don't bother too much and say "month 3" for example.

  5. On 19/01/2018 at 2:00 PM, outsider said:


    Last I checked, VAT is refundable when one leaves Thailand, no? If yes, then the tax that was 'paid' wasn't really 'paid', was it?


    As for whether locals pay income tax or not, I'm afraid that wasn't the point of my post/comment.


    So please explain how do you do that, every restaurant, bar, tourist attraction will give you a VAT invoice? How about the small family shops?


    Of course if you buy large products it's easy to get a VAT refund, how about expats?


    Think before you write.

  6. 4 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    They would ask you to report to the police station whenever it is convenient for you. That can be this week, or if you are busy, somewhere in the coming months. 

    I was meaning would a foreigner more likely to get charged with hitting him in a car than a Thai.  

  7. 1 hour ago, georgy said:

    Amazing name :-)
    I tried to find it on maps, however without success. Would you please share the location?

    If you can get hold of a GT Rider Mae Hong Son loop map, it is marked on it, other maps, even google not so.

    Ride South from MHS about 30km and take a left, it is actually sign posted to Baan Microwave. When you get to the very top you can continue past the microwave dishes on a rough track to see the best views, well worth the visit.imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bccf9db2954ff32imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bccf9db2954ff32imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bccf9db2954ff32imageproxy.php?img=&key=3bccf9db2954ff32Marked on the map Meo Microwave (very steep)

    Picture 300.jpg


  8. 54 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:

    YES. We all idiots until we die.


    After we die we get RIP. Thank you.

    Big bikes are exiting  to ride. But most of them chase other cars and riding very close to them watching from sides, and miss the speed of the car in the front.

    Most? What are you talking about?


    Big bikes mostly out of control when they applied breaks.

    As most big bikes have ABS, this is not correct and i doubt you have any knowledge of riding a push bike, let alone a "big" bike.


    You take risks, until you die. Speed kills!

    I think you will find it's the stopping that kills. Try analysing the reason for that, and maybe you will understand what kills. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    I will also respectfully disagree with you.  There was nothing on his left at the time to worry about, save for the vehicle on the shoulder, and had the truck driver been so inclined, he/she could have swapped places with the pickup, occupying the newly vacated lane that the pickup was leaving--mind you, with a little usage of some brakes first to sync the operation.  If there was "no chance" to avoid a collision, the truck driver is obviously at fault for leaving too little following distance between himself/herself and the traffic ahead.  With most vehicles, a 2-second following distance is recommended.  Commercial vehicles usually follow a 4-second rule-of-thumb.  If, as you claim, only three seconds were available, it appears that the truck was following too closely.  On the other hand, if two seconds should suffice, the truck cannot escape blame either.  No matter how one looks at this one, it's the truck driver's fault.  I would be slightly more inclined toward computing percentage of faults between other individuals involved if there had been any indication that the truck driver had applied the brakes.  The video shows the horn applied instead in a "get out of my way!" fashion.


    As for the tyres,  there is simply nothing in the article or video that can establish the cause of the blowout.  We know only that it did indeed have one (the video shows this).  Tyres can blow out for many reasons, including tread separation which can happen more easily if the rubber has not been rolled for a long time.  Bald tires may be unsafe in wet weather, but there is nothing inherently prone to a blowout from having them--unless we're talking the kind of bald in which the steel belting is showing or the tyre is uneven and vibrating or overheating.  The main danger of a bald tire is loss of traction--something that was not a factor in this case.


    I simply disagree with Richard on this one.  The tyres cannot be blamed for the accident.  As it happens, the pickup itself would have been fine if it were not for the reckless and inattentive driver behind it.  Now, as mercman suggests, it's possible that the tyre was overinflated.  That could have caused a blowout whether or not the tyre had been bald.


    I'm talking about the mode of transportation.

    I'm talking about the mode of transportation.


    This was an accident involving no motorbikes, so why mention them? Obviously you have an issue with motorbikes and or the riders of them, again, why?

  10. 10 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

    You think it just might be the fault, not of those in the pickup, but of that ill-mannered truck driver?  In some countries, you don't get to rule the road just because you're the biggest bozo on it.  In fact, you might lose your commercial license for good over an incident like that.


    Glad the victims all survived.  They probably would not have had they been on a motorcycle instead.

    Glad the victims all survived.  They probably would not have had they been on a motorcycle instead.


    What are you talking about?

  11. 21 minutes ago, everett kendall said:

    There are driving laws on the books but they are enforced. 


    Bless their little hearts Motorcycles are in or cause most accidents, I believe.


    The police only do Road Checks Points and rarely (if at all) cruise and issue tickets for incorrect driving, so people are allowed to mostly drive as fate allows. 


    I would like to imagine what it would be like if there were Motorcycle cops cruising and giving tickets like in other countries.   


    I am now learned in the ways of driving here but sometimes I wish it was safer for all.

    Motorbikes cause most accidents? Have you actually ridden around the country to see how being "a lowly" motorbike rider means get out of my way or else!


    In accidents, sure, mostly caused by other vehicles.

  12. 17 hours ago, zakk9 said:

    If a foreigner dies at home in Thailand, an autopsy is automatic, and the family won't get the body until the report has been made. As far as I know, the autopsy is always performed at the Police Hospital in Bangkok. This guy however seems to have died in a hospital. Then it's the hospital that is responsible for the death certificate. Whatever they get from that hospital, I doubt it's worth much, regardless what the cause of death was. "Heart failure" is the preferred cause of death in Thailand....

    You are wrong.


    A friend of mine died a few weeks ago at his home. His body stayed in the house until he was cremated a few days later.

  13. 6 minutes ago, NamKangMan said:


    In relation to riding without a helmet being a victimless crime, that would be true, providing there was no accident, which no one can guarantee.


    So, in the case of a helmetless rider having a one vehicle accident, and dying, it may be the case it is a victimless crime, although I am sure the deceased's family and friends would disagree.


    In the case of a helmetless rider having a one vehicle accident and surviving, with catastrophic injuries, family and friends will have to provide care, so will the medical profession, at the tax payers expense.  Whilst this may be a victimless crime for other road users, there are indirect victims as a result of the actions of the rider.


    In the case of a helmetless rider having a two vehicle accident, obviously there are innocent parties involved, however, such an accident may still have occurred regardless of whether the rider was wearing a helmet, or not.


    For me, if any rider shows such a blatant disregard for the road rules by not wearing a helmet, what other road rules do they also blatantly disregard????  Eg. speeding, riding whilst intoxicated etc. 


    With that in mind, whilst riding without a helmet may be viewed as victimless crime, when no accident has occurred, where do you draw the line????  Do you then go onto say riding at 150 kmph is also a victimless crime???? 


    The helmet law is there to protect the rider from himself / herself, as well as trying to reduce the impact on the community in the event of an accident, and in my opinion, should be enforced, if for no other reason than to force some responsibility into some of the idiots on the road here. 



    Very well explained. And i agree with some of the points.


    Family would not be victims in my eye, but i get your point.


    The consequences of accidents are another subject, although related.


    Speeding and drunken riding have nothing to do with my comments.


    The helmet law was introduced by insurance companies looking to save money, and persuading governments to make it law. (In Western countries)


    If governments (especially Thailand) are really worried, they should stop the cause of the accidents, or at least prioritize that.


    But helmetless riders are an easy catch, against alcoholics, obesity, diabetes etc which kills as many people. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    Smokers and bike riders!

    Always vehemently defending their freedoms to act as they like, despite commonsense rules and ample evidence of the effect of their actions on others in the community.

    Victimless! Rubbish!  Many head injuries occur, or are exacerbated, because  of people  refusing to wear helmets.  Try reading about the costs to the community of TBI rehabilitation. 


    Maybe you should understand the meaning of victimless before criticising me. Not sure what smoking has to to do with a victimless crime, as it is legal.


    There is zero evidence of any proof of the effect of not wearing a helmet. Effects of accidents, yes of course. 

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