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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 3 hours ago, manchega said:

    Indeed they can be happening anywhere.  When you experience someone driving into you out of frustration, or because they feel the vehicle they drive has higher status than yours then you will understand.

    I will always want that protection of the collapsible chassie with crumple zones designed to give me protection at the 0 - 30 kph zone. and above that, well nothing fun about ditching a bike to avoid collision when someone pulls an illegal u turn on you.


    You will find those are some of the most painful ones.  But at least in a car you can brace against the steering wheel


    you would not catch me in a van, or bus in this country.  unless I am driving it of course.



    Have been riding here for nearly 14 years i have experienced many crazy things. You are right cars and larger vehicles than motorbikes think they have rights over smaller vehicles.


    Of course there is no fun in an accident. But at 100,000 + km, i can say there is a lot of fun riding. 

  2. 1 hour ago, manchega said:

    obviously not that experienced.  for that you need to experience the oh where did that come from experience as you get taken out at the red light by a fellow biker that don't want to stop.

    it is the voice of experience after all that I am providing.

    yes you can deal with what you can see in front of you, and obeying common sense.

    but what about the other driver? the one you expect to use the breaks if you are stopped and waiting to make your turn? or the one you expect to use the breaks at the red light ? or the one that you expect to not make the turn when they see you coming on the dominant road ( the one that by thai law would see you win the civil or criminal case in court)?

    when you have experienced these things, then you can be the voice of experience talking about stupid comments 



    Are you saying these things happened to you?


    It can of course be dangerous, but so can riding in a minibus and in fact most if not all forms of transport in this country.


    For me the possibility of these things happening won't take away the fun i have traveling by motorbike. I have a fair amount of experience riding here.

  3. 36 minutes ago, manchega said:

    Take a look at safest travelling options, flying is the safest.


    until you have experienced it you will not understand how worthless your life is to a thai trying to complete their journey.  Your life and the life of any children are nothing to the man who wants to take an illegal u turn to get that parking spot for 7 11, I could go on.


    and most importantly remember a polite wai before driving off will not pay the medical required for that broken leg, foot, rib automobile.


    the other posters here know. and are posting good advice.


    why would any one use anything without the minimal amount of protection provided by a car chassi.

    Why would anyone sit in car if they had the option to explore the country by motorbike?

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    BS. Your relatives and friends become victims when you become a paraplegic or vegetable through your own decisions. I am assuming you have friends, although if your attitude to other posters is any guide, unlikely.

    I am educated enough to know when someone is sailing close to the wind.

    You know nothing at all. Educated enough? You don't even understand the meaning of victimless!


    Close to the wind? In what regard? It's very easy to make yourself look a fool if you have no idea of the facts when discussing a person. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    If my memory serves me correctly, you posted quite some time ago passionately defending your "right" to ride a motorbike without a helmet. So between that and losing your shirt on a dubious "ownership",  my guess does not look too far off the mark.

    I believe it is nobody's business except mine if i wear a helmet or not, yes. It is a victimless crime.


    Again, as you know nothing about my business set up, you are not qualified to to leave an educated remark.


    Crowd funding, i doubt it very much, again making stupid statements based on no facts. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, jackdd said:

    This doesn't help you if your company is illegal in the first place, because this would just mean the buying / selling contract could be declared void at any time, and you could theoretically even face jail for this, and so could the nominees. But it seems that if it's a "real" company (running a real business, and not just for the purpose of owning land) it's tolerated.



    Now back to the topic: Anybody who did request to be allowed to own land to build a church and a residence?

    As you have no idea of how the structure of the company is set up, what it does or does not do, you are in no position to say it is illegal or not.



    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, jackdd said:

    Yes, but that's illegal, as i said before already. Here have been multiple threads about this in the past, even some reports that people did really lose the land that they acquired this way.

    This was the first thing that popped up on Google: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/expat-money/9413075/Expats-warned-of-illegal-home-crackdown-in-Thailand.html

    My company did it, all papers signed at the land office for buying and selling. No bribes were paid,  a normal business transaction. 


    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, thaiguzzi said:


    Yep Chris, as we know, these type of topics always get the haters out.

    Haters gotta hate.

    None of them actually know any proper bikers/bikies, they just believe all of the guff the mainstream media and Feds endlessly put out.

    And they love commenting on stuff that they actually know nothing about.

    Indeed it is amazing how little some people know and understand.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    OP,  presuming you already got the sellers proxy so you can do it all, otherwise the seller need to accompany you. You will need Cert of res or work permit. As others have said the agents do make it easier and its quicker at the main Chonburi office. Other offices need to wait for plates and documents from main office.

    What happen with me was i bought a motorbike second hand in Khon Kaen. My name was in the Green Book. I then went to Chonburi transport office where they change the name and number plate. Can't remember all the details but was pretty straight forward. Two visits required though.

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