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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. Hanoi is great, south from there is the "limestone loop". In the north super in the mountains, but could be very cold, snow etc.


    I rode three months last year and i will go again next year in the spring for 3 months, south to north and back.


    My last trip is here in thaivisa if interested. 



    Best site without fail to check this is  http://vietnamcoracle.com/


    Limestone loop.... http://vietnamcoracle.com/province-of-paddies-and-pinnacles-the-thanh-hoa-loop/






  2. Just now, simoh1490 said:

    I have a past association with Fleet Street, I don't need to rely on Wiki for my opinion, I know what the people who work for those papers think and I know what the newspaper owners thinking is.

    But you quoted wiki. 


    You know what people who work for those newspapers think? A tad ambiguous don't you think?


    Also what a person who works for a newspaper thinks does not make necessarily make them a wise old sage. 

  3. 55 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    Utter rubbish and nonsense, no thinking person who goes in search of fact and educated opinion reads tabloids, period, except for entertainment!


    Desmond is the owner of The Express and he's an ex-porn baron and a budding rock drummer; The Sun is famous for page three tits; the Mail and I quote:  "The Daily Mail has been widely criticized for its unreliability, as well as printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research[11][12][13][14][15]and of copyright violations". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Mail


    Gawd help us if those are the sources of your information on Brexit, no wonder you hold the views that you do.

    Have you searched the reliability of  wikipedia? 

  4. 16 hours ago, rickudon said:

    Reality, the British government is still totally unprepared for Brexit. The policy documents prepared for government have been blocked from publication because 'they are not complete'. More likely they all show a disastrous outcome. And so far we have seen only the vaguest of plans for Brexit, with just confident comments of 'that it will be all right on the night' without any explanation why.


    As the Irish premier said, "You haven't really thought Brexit through, have you?". And let's face it, nearly any Brexit deal will screw Ireland. Who in their right minds thinks Ireland will vote for a deal with the UK? And it needs UNANIMOUS agreement from all 27 other countries. Even if an acceptable deal could be cobbled together, it would need to be done by the end of next summer to give it time to go before the other 27 countries. So far we haven't managed to answer most of the pre-conditions yet. (How much money do we owe? Seems the Uk government still doesn't know, or isn't telling).


    All the big companies need to start implementing Brexit plans NOW, but government will not tell them anything. Expect a mass Exodus starting in the spring. I would really like to see what the capital outflows from the UK are, because only the insane would keep cash on deposit there.


    I'm sorry, but Brexiteers live in a Dream world, and everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault. Name one POSITIVE  achievement since the referendum .......

    (How much money do we owe? Seems the Uk government still doesn't know, or isn't telling).


    How strange you are, the EU is demanding money, they have to quantify the amount, not the UK.

  5. 9 hours ago, muan said:


    Agreed! That is what I've said too !!! But an suggestion to the original question was, don't ride around, until you not living at Don Muan or Nakhorn and drive every day

    to Silom for work, best thing is this 125-150cc, I call it my 7/11 Bike. Perfectly for few kilometers. for more you're fucxxd.  


    Back to the original question, is this 125cc or 150cc good for  Weekend Trips as example he asked for Hua Hin.


    Assuming you already had a great riding experience in Thailand with all kind of Bikes, I would asked how many times you were

    properly with your 125cc Scooter in HuaHin (not loaded by the train;) I would bet never. No one would ever come to this Idea :) 

    Therefore you need more performance. As example the 300cc runs around 170, the normal travelspeed for cars on Highway 35 is around 90-110,

    on Highway 4 its a bit faster 110-135, if you have a buddy full packed, you're already its limit. Technically its possible, but it doesn't make sense.

    It isn't really fun, better go with a 500cc or more.         


    You're shaking head post disqualify you directly and put you into a corner with them without clue, I would love a discussion about Thai Racecircuits

    how a ZX10r, S1000rr, Fireblade, S Ducati act if you out of a corner, you give full gas, whats going on with different bikes the ZX10, too slow.

    If someone interested too feel free to PM me, I'll not anymore answer such daydreamers which 'drive' every day from Silom to Lumpini and call

    them-self as Bikeradvisors. 


    A idea here is, if it is a must be a 125cc (maybe has also no Bigbike licence) the Bangkok - HuaHin Train pick it up and unload it on your Destination.  



    You obviously prefer big big bikes and the power they have. Nothing wrong with that of course. But small bike are just as much fun  in different ways.


    Leaving bkk on a PCX for example and riding the small roads around Kanchanaburi slowly and taking in the views would be as much fun for some people, as you (for example) racing around the Mae Hong Son loop and your big bike.


    In fact i have ridden the MHS loop on both a PCX and Versys, both were fun in different ways.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

    Are you for real?  I thought the thread was about a long haul ride not a run about the local town.  

    I have rode long distance on both a big bike and my PCX, down to the Singapore border was a big bike ride because of the good roads.


    PCX most of Thailand from Kanchanaburi north including north Laos, the PCX was more fun.


    Last year in Vietnam 10k + km south to the most northern point and back on a Honda Winner, 150cc.


    So depending on what your goal is, both sizes of bike are ok.

  7. 52 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

    No indeed it was not, it was Dominic Cummings who incidentally now thinks that Brexit is a stupid idea: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-latest-news-vote-leave-director-dominic-cummings-leave-eu-error-nhs-350-million-lie-bus-a7822386.html


    And since Boris was the one who first aired the idea in a radio broadcast, Faarage can almost be forgiven in thinking it was policy, almost.



    Farage always said they should not use the figures on the bus and has never stood behind that view.

  8. 4 hours ago, simoh1490 said:

    All of the detailed information that has come out on a daily basis since the vote, much of it is what was previously known as data contained in Project Fear, the things that are now becoming a reality, much to the surprise of many. For example, that the Pound would fall in value significantly, that the UK economy would shrink further for longer, that Brexit wouldn't mean an extra £350 million per week for the NHS, that immigration into the UK would not fall substantially,  that hard Brexit may be a reality with all that entails, etc etc. Whilst elements of the UK voting population MAY have understood the realities of the above, much of it did not.


    EDIT TO ADD: links below plus the addition of "baked in views about the EU".







    The pound was in decline a long time before the referendum was agreed.


    The economy has not changed dramatically, actually up 2% 


    The bank of England's governor has been shown to be wrong about his forecasts.


    The bus quote has no meaning until we have exited and the government decides to follow what was said. Jacob Rees Mogg was on TV the other day saying they should honour it. Time will tell.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    Yes - we get your point after you've said it twice ...... but people who've actually ridden from Bangkok to Hua Hin on a scooter will know it's not an easy ride.  What the OP is planning is unwise - limited experience and no valid insurance means there are better options in my view, and it will be his friends and relatives who will need to help him when things go wrong.

    I on my 150 cc have ridden far greater distances, in fact Pattaya to Phongsaly up near the Chinese border in North Laos, as an example.


    It's a boring ride bkk to Hua Hin, but easy. I honestly don't understand why you think it would take a day to recover.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    This is all completely off topic


    The point is that this Brexit foolishness can easily be halted.


    Only extreme Brexiteers are still in favour. Certainly a case of the tail wagging the dog (the head knows the better option is to remain)


    Let's check the current position with an online or postal referendum? What's to lose? It would cost peanuts.

    Besides it would be undemocratic to hold another vote, the issue with postal fraud is also an issue.



  11. 3 minutes ago, taipeir said:

    Still trying to figure out what are these mysterious accounts that have a problem?

    Could you enlighten us with your insight ?

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    What's the mystery.


    Send me a link to independent audited accounts. The EU must have them, not the self audited accounts.


    The issue, not necessarily a problem is they demanding money from the UK, to do so we (UK) have a right to see audited accounts quantifying the amounts demanded.



  12. 28 minutes ago, taipeir said:

    The EU is not a corner shop.
    Its a complicated economic and political union of 28 countries.

    As Brexit Britain is rapidly finding out .

    What accounts are you talking about ?
    The commission?
    Individual countries?
    Which department or ministry ?

    What exactly are you on about :)

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

    As you know, i was replying to another quote.


    The size and difficulty for them (EU) is not my concern. 


    The fact is no international accountancy firm will sign off the EU accounts, due to errors.


    If the errors are corruption or just basic stupidness i don't know.


    But as the EU are demanding money for the cost of ongoing commitments from the UK, their accounts should be in order. If for no other reason, to enable them to quantify the amounts.



  13. 4 hours ago, Kinnock said:

    The road distance from Bangkok to Hua Hin would be a simple, short trip on UK or US roads - but it's a more serious trip in Thailand.  Others have mentioned the safety risks from other road users, and there's also the poor condition of the road, dust and sand from road works and then there's the heat - especially if you are wearing a bike jacket and full face helmet.  If you arrive in Hua Hin unscathed, you'll need a day to recover.


    To do this sort of trip uninsured, with limited riding experience and using a poorly maintained (they all are) rental bike is seriously unwise.  If want to travel like a local, and with a bit of adventure, take the train.  It takes time, but so will a scooter with the need for regular 7-11 stops and the odd trip (uninsured) to a hospital to treat your gravel rash, and they sell food on the train and the views are better.  The roadside views on the way to Hua Hin are not good, and on a bike you can't afford to take in the scenery anyway, the views are much better from the train, you mix with the locals, try local food and you're more likely to arrive alive (barring the odd derailment):smile:.


    I've done Hua Hin and Rayong trips by bike, and they are not fun, I've also done Kanchanaburi and Ayuthaya by train, and thought is was great fun.

    If you arrive in Hua Hin unscathed, you'll need a day to recover.


    Bkk to Hua Hin is a few hours, why on earth would you say it would take a day to recover?


    He is asking for real advice about riding bikes, not train rides. If you have issues with small trips it's ok, but to give this advice is just plain wrong.

  14. 1 minute ago, Grouse said:

    I will have a Danish passport. Summers in Copenhagen; probably the best capital in the world!


    So you think having a porous border across Ireland is a workable solution? Immigrants?


    I don't think you have really thought this through. Do you?

    Yes Copenhagen is a great city, unless you enter the migrant areas. In the city center many years ago i had the pleasure of them celebrating New Year by launching fireworks at everybody.


    Try moving to Christiania, you will be able to buy some good stuff to smoke and contemplate life.  


    I am not stating it should be porous. I am stating if the EU want a hard border, let them deal with it. They are as i understand it trying to make the issue the UK's, it is a joint issue. How the UK decides to operate the border into the UK is no business of the EU or that unelected idiot Barnier

  15. On 13/11/2017 at 6:51 PM, rockingrobin said:

    The UK had the opportunity to set out the terms of the negotitions when the withdrawal notification was sent, and was advised to do so by Sir Ivan Rogers

    This failure allowed the EU to seize the initiative.

    It was known pre ref that there would be financial commitments to pay.  Saying the EU are not providing details as to be incorrect   otherwise how could DD go through them line by line .

    With regards NI , T.May insistamce that the UK will leave the SM and CU as onewill result in the UK and NI becoming a third country and thus a border between NI and ROI. Any agreement reached either by s FTA or WTO is problematic, nor only in the timing, but also with non discrimination rules

    As there is no legal contract to pay anything, how can you say they knew there would be.


    What details, please give me a link, or a breakdown.

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