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Posts posted by chrissables

  1. 3 hours ago, steven100 said:

    yes .... there is an alcohol ban on this week.

    Please be respectful and observe.

    Why do you think i should observe an alcohol ban?


    Yes, is not so helpful, the days would be.

  2. 10 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:


    Thai transcription is an inexhaustible topic ("k" like in "sky").

    I agree the issue is many websites write it differently. Also because the Thai transliteration follows that method people think and argue it is a K sound.


    Ask a well spoken Thai person to say chicken gai, then egg kai, if they pronounce it correctly to my ear ear it is a g sound.



  3. 1 hour ago, xylophone said:

    The UK, as part of the EU,  agreed to pay their share of costs for plans made for the future.


    The UK wants to pull out and the EU is saying, well, pay the costs you agreed as part of plans for the future........much the same as you would with a business partner who wanted to pull out of an agreement you had made, as it was agreed after all, and you would have every right to do so.


    No difference and if the Brexit crew can't see that then it is their lack of understanding with regards to business relationships (and common sense) that is causing the problem.

    So following the law is bad? Who wrote the laws?

  4. 2 hours ago, Grouse said:

    It is not beyond the wit of man to resolve this. Even I know the solution.


    It involves staying in the single market and customs union


    It involves dramatically cutting net migration from EU AND outside EU but not as a flat rate. Limited by country, skill level and other factors


    It involves improving EU democratic priciples


    It involves increasing outer ring national sovereignty.


    It retains EU environmental and human rights laws


    And so on.....


    Give me some peasant supreme on gnocchi and I'll tell all.


    We need to get this out of the way and focus on important issues at home ?



    You are funny, i am sure the EU would never do, that is why we are where we are.

  5. 3 hours ago, sirineou said:

    I absolutely agree in a mutually beneficial agreement, any reasonable person would, IMO that's what  the EU is trying to achieve, they will not, and can not allow the UK to leave leave "easily",  and maintain a "special relation" ,

    I am sure the UK is not the only one who considers themselves "special" .

    If they allow the UK to leave  "easily" and with a "special relationship" , it would be the beginning of the end for the EU, which will soon find itself in a turbulent sea of "special relationships".  

    In your divorce you negotiated  your financial separation within the framework of conventional norms and not demand a "special relationship" different than what available to others divorcing.

    "sure you get half of the house honey, but I want you to blow me  once a week afterwards!" LOL

    No I don't think the UK should pay an "unknown and unquantified "sum of monies, nono one does, and no one would. They should enter and complete negotiations on the subject  and IMO if such negotiations are unsuccessful perhaps seek a third uninterested party (is such party exists) to arbitrate the matter. 

    I don't understand the last paragraph. If I understand this correctly, a decision to leave is not official until Article 50 comes in affect any previous decisions are unofficial and until such time it is business as usual  and agreed.


    Actually at this time the EU are demanding payment without quantifying it.


    They (EU and UK) should have the costs decided by an independent court. I believe the EU would not want this as their demands can't be quantified. 

  6. 4 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    It is not an unknown and unquantified sum of money.  As May says they are going through it line by line as the British people would expect and then that will determine the amount.  A transition period would then cost about another 20 billion and she has already committed to pay that should the EU agree to such a period.


    You may think that this is unfair but this was always going to be the case.  Something Johnson and the boys avoided telling you.  May has said we will pay the correct amount, it is just a case of what that is.


    Instead of keeping on about how unfair the EU are being, why are you not furious with the Brexit boys who lied about the facts of Brexit? 

    If it is known and quantified, please share it. To date i have not seen or heard of a quantified amount. 


    Give details if you are able, which i doubt.

  7. Just now, sirineou said:

    Right or wrong, the UK as did all the other countries got together in what they call the EU and agreed to go some place and jointly share their proportion of the cost.  

     Now they want to leave but don't want to pay their share!! The EU is not stopping them from leaving, is not even forcing them to pay, It is simply saying , if you want to discuss a special  relationship , pay your bill .

    The EU will not make this easy , they don't want  leaving the block to be easy!!!

    Would you act the same way in your personal lives?? if you and  a friend entered in a partnership and together agreed to fund certain projects , if that friend decided to leave the partnership, will you not demand that before you talk about your future friendship he should settle his prorated financial responsibilities? 

    And would you make it easy for him not to pay what he owns? If you did wouldn't all your other friends consider you an easy mark, and also try to do the same to you?

    Come on guys, a litle common sense. 


    So you think Britain should pay an unknown and unquantified sum of money because they were a net contributor and you believe they have a legal obligation to pay?


    What if one of the non net contributing countries decided to leave and for example they had been receiving 50 million a year in benefits.  I presume the EU would continue to pay these benefits until article 50  came into effect? And then of course there would be the transition period also the EU should keep paying through. I think we know the answer to that!



  8. 3 hours ago, taipeir said:

    These guys all bought into the tabloid press about Juncker or Tusk as if the EU was run by the EU apparatus heads. In reality the EU is run by the other 27 countries as well as the UK. 

    Do people think that the heads of state in Germany, France, Ireland, Poland , Spain, Italy, Holland etc won't be making the decisions ultimately ? These govenrnents have a very strong interest in not getting lumped with Britains debts AND major concerns about borders and their citizens rights and they are going to make sure that they will benefit for their economies if possible e.g. financial jobs. There is no way they will let the UK keep euro passporting.


    They are interested in trade, military cooperation and keeping good relations in future but not at their own peoples detriment!


     If people can't see this then they are idiots. The rest of the EU is very united so far which seems to have come as an almighty shock to a lot of Brexit voters.....that and the fact that leaving the EU is an expensive and very cumnersome process fraught with difficulty which will take many years to achieve.


    The no deal stuff is a fantasy...There is a hard core of Brexit politicians and voters (mostly elderly) who want to do it hell or high water but make no mistake that would be a huge disaster for many in the UK.


    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk










    Britain's debt, what is that exactly?

  9. 13 minutes ago, Guy360 said:

    Just pay the damn fee and stop your whining and sniveling.  Your cheap attitude is disgusting.  If you can't afford to pay the few baht extra you shouldn't be living in Thailand.

    So you consider being charged 1,000 % more than a Thai person and not liking it makes him a sniveling and disgusting person?


    What a retarded way of thinking, i suppose you lack of knowledge of the price difference backs that up.


    Try adding 1,000% to a 100 baht bottle of beer (or anything else), once you have managed that please explain if you still would still think of it as fair?

  10. 2 hours ago, oilinki said:

    But that would be wrong. EU wants: Deal of the UK's obligations, deal of EU-UK citizens in each country, deal of the Northern Ireland - Ireland border. All those important negotiations for both sides, before the talk about trade deals can really kick in.


    It's not that EU doesn't want to have the deals. Those three are prerequisites to start talking about trade deals. 

    I'd be happy if the deals could be made as fast as possible and Brexit could happen in 2019.

    The UK government were wrong to sign up to those prerequisites, who in their right mind agrees to a deal until the FULL deal has been discussed?


    They should refuse to debate more until those prerequisites are removed. 


    Ireland, if the EU want a hard border, that's their problem, trying to make it the UK's only is ridiculous.


    Movement of people, only difficult if you want it to be. All EU citizens legally in the UK end March 2019 have full right to remain, the EU reciprocates. Tourism and work permits can't be that hard to sort out, IF they want it sorted out. 


    As of the end of March 2019 we have no legal obligations, unless we sign an agreement beforehand. That is why the prerequisites should be taken away and some real negotiating start.

  11. 13 hours ago, chickenrunCM said:

    It is really very funny that still some UK citizen think, that they not have any oblication to pay, what their goverment signed for. And also they don´t have any clue what are the trading figueres of Great Britan. They trade with Sweden more than with China, they can´t sign any trade contracts until EU will allow this before march 2019. A trade deal needs about 7 to 10 years to be done, and the UK has to do every trade deal new. They dont have any now! 

    The EU is for sure not happy about loosing the UK as a member, but we are not unhappy to loose the UK goverment like a subject we have to deal with. 

    Before you shout agains the EU you should more worry what strange and useless people are in your UK goverment and acting like little kids with no support of the public. It doesnt matter how will be the outcome 50% of UK citizen will be against the outcome, there is no winner in the UK, only chaos! 

    If you really think you just can say no, we not pay, we not talk and we walk away without heavy consequences, you never had a divorce in your family or within your friends. This attitude never works, it only shows the poor quality of your leaders, instead hard working and telling the trues to the UK citizen, what will happened, they telling lies and fairy tales. 

    WAKE UP! It´s a divorce, pay your liabilities and try to find a agreement, both sides can live with, but like in a divorce it will not be as good as before you have been a member of the EU, because otherwise all couples would do a divorce, if you get more advantages ...

    Pay up! ..........................When they have a quantified figure signed off by an international Accountancy firm.

  12. 7 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    Remember what I said Britain being the spoiled kid? For some reason Brexiters think that Britain is the fountain of wealth and importance to the EU and the rest of the world. It's not anymore. 

    The Leave folks seem to have understood that Britain is no longer as powerful by itself, as it was in the start of the last century. 

    That's great, then lets go and the EU can stop with the ridiculous and non quantified monetary demands.


    They neither need or want us, so call it a no deal and leave March 2019 will suit us all.

  13. 37 minutes ago, smedly said:

    This is what many across the board are saying (below quote) and as I stated in my earlier post we are quickly approaching the "walk away stage", it would not be the preferred outcome for all concerned but there is only so much of this BS that you can take, yes in the short term it may cause some challenges but in the long term perhaps not. The main thing now as time runs out, is getting on a course that is certain and getting all hands on deck.


    The EU has assumed that if they play this game long enough the UK will reverse brexit and remain in the EU, sorry but as time passes that is looking more unrealistic than it was 12 months ago, all the people  of the UK (remain or leave) need to waken up to this abuse and see it for what it is, they are not dealing with some micky mouse Nation that they can manipulate as they please, enough is enough.



    A group of pro-Brexit Tory and Labour politicians - including former Chancellor Lord Lawson, former Conservative minister Owen Paterson and Labour MP Kate Hoey - is urging Mrs May to walk away from negotiations this week if the EU does not accommodate the UK's wishes.

    A letter to the PM, organised by the Leave Means Leave campaign and also signed by pro-Brexit business figures, says the government "has been more than patient" and "decisive action" is now needed to end the "highly damaging" levels of uncertainty facing businesses.

    In the event of no progress at Thursday's meeting, the letter says, Mrs May should formally declare the UK is working on the assumption it will be reverting to World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules on 30 March 2019.

    Early notification of such a move would allow the UK to "concentrate our resources on resolving administrative issues" and prepare to "crystallise the economic opportunities" of Brexit, it adds.


    pretty much say it all



    I hope that that actually happens. Make a decision and stick with it, show some strength. 

  14. 53 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    Yup. First thing is to get an agreement of the outstanding balance and the previously agreed responsibilities. EU has been very clear about this marching order, from the very beginning.


    Second part is the deal itself. Whether there will be deal or no-deal, is only secondary issue. UK will have to pay it's bills in any case.


    UK will have to pay it's bills in any case.


    Actually, there is no legal requirement to pay anything. And if the EU are unable or unwilling to to quantify their demands the UK should leave without a deal.

  15. 10 hours ago, AllanB said:

    The 203 rings a bell, does it show a lot of bends, sorry but I can't be exact. But my wife is pretty sure it starts in Wang Suphung.

    The 2140 go to Phu Luang, it does show bends, but on my old map it just show an minor road continuing up tp tp Phu Sawo on the 203. From Phu Sawo to Loei back on the 203 is about 30km

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